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'~,.:, ' CommlBsloJiejtplres ..roh'30tht19~6~ " ' .,', '" . ',\ . __~__.'\ ., ", ~;\. ",.". 4,':"'\ ....\~; '\ t .",'~'\.' ',., 1,- .1 . ".." ,"'.- ,,"'."; \ ~ \ l .'~' ....\..\,.,"'1''' . ,"_ ,.',r, -t,' o . .,.,.. ~ .> ; _ ... . . r . ~ , '...~ '\, '. i. .. . ~ '. . ,11U.'4' aM : \. ...,;..-i:~' . _' .': ," _ ..' ~~..' " w '\'. ' . '>.. _. . ,.' ".- Qn "h" 6th, da~ ot .,,1926, ,at;' 2:46 ,l'~)l." , .' . '.,"' -, "', .__: ;-.~;. '1- .'~, ',~' \_ ,-.'. -', ' . .:l ; ~._: ~I"'-,..t \. . ".- ..,. '" :;i..,:/' ~' ..' , It: O.BldJ'''d~ C18rk"Clrouit 'c~urt. '!' l'O'" "..' ", '." ..,$'/ . B'I~.%~4i~~/.~.',.." ~ ,,; - 0 ._ . . f /" ~\ . '. \ " ,tl, '.'" '.. "';.,/"~ . -...;... ~-. (-. '. ;~. :, " '. -'," ~ ~ .' o "'. . :~. -, , '. t..,,'. . . > . ~ , '., " .' '., . " , " " .,.... . . . . , .. .. '- ~ -.'-.-'.- .... -.-.-.-.-;- .'-.;~.- ~- .-.-. -..- .--.- .-.~-:.... .-.-",~.... -.... ".-.--.-..-.- ,-!. -"-"-'-~"-1',/..,.- .-..~..-:-. -.- . ~.,"."" .- ,. ,'. '-." -" . . ~. <"" ~.' ..: .. ;.' . ,"') /~' ,,'to > 0 :~ ,/"' ,_,' ,'.... .~ tyiwf. ,LOOB &t'tlFE .~. TO :,. . . ';~~:~ GEOBGE.. O,...:tlJ.,cri. '; ...' ,.. '1f~1UJl~'DBE~".. ,,' ..j..../",. :>, : .. , 4', _ " ' , . < , .... '-.. 4', .,,0,' .... ',. . '. ~..$ ','" _ _ . . _' " -:;.. _ . ':' .- ,,~-, _ ',' . . 'l'lIIS INDENTURE." Kad"t~1"10,d" .QfAp~.,'."'l>\ 1926 BlftDJJ L,.n,':I.Uo.,.and.~1t'/~la'," Luct '~ot thr~~)tmt7:';f 8t~, l.uciIe in iI~e S~t~. of, ~iorl~pa~ti~8:'Of.' :the 'flf8t ~;:.t. and .~eo~~' "/'" '., C"'1.uo~ot,the~Qo~n.tll)t,.~t. Luc.1, 1n)he,Stat,.; of,Jlor14a par~lof'the8eoo.nd ~tt' . . :,- :.. . , ." ._,'" '" '_,,';,' '.,' '_' ~' . __ ,<: _:.:" ',"'C ,....-~. _,". '" " /. -,' "', '...'" '-. '. 0 ,:;,: .,.' , ,. Wl'mESSETS..1'ha.' t~e'laU }l8rtiu of'1ihe ,tlre',t .part..:for.a~<L1n ooneld'eJ'atlonot tb,$ 81111' ,l;' " ,of 'o~~~~~;he,r:~~tia_A' oon~tde~t1o'n~i>o'h$1'8" t,~t~~~,,~'~ ,~i~'b1\be~,,~,pa'~y,:"oi th~ -I" ."., . ie,oon~ part: .thQ .1'~()e1PtYi~e'l'eOf 18be~b1 /aokno-;,1~,i1~e4,:,'ba;e' ~ntedt"~rgaliitld.and, eO~d. to,. ,- - ,- "tp,'..1~'pa.rt1 oft,~e .~.~~u'd:~lirt, hl.hei.r~an{a'eJB1~~ tor.ver...'"th~fOllO.1Iig ~e.B,~rlb~d~. '.."d'~> ....... .'- .,. t~'-w~t: ' - ,#( . -' . .. ". . Ito"' s~nentl-:-six' ('1.6) ,S~c .TW~ntl-81ght (28)'1'p ~ Tblit,wone' Y~l) .S'~ Rang~' -" , ..., ',/ ,., " Th1rtYf"Qlght (38)'!aQ~. . l'lt~lng, G.rant..' . '-.' . <,. . . ,..', : ' '. ~- "", . Reservdng fOT l'ubl1o r\>ad the N.W..20 'feet. ~. , 1 .'~ "", .:;j.- , , 'Co~1;alning '6 Aoree :,rr,ore"'or le'88. ' . : , ",. ,,' , . ' ' ' ,. . ..,. ' . ~ , , " .,./ ,.',.. " And. the~a1d' part1es' oftbe.t1r's t part d'oUh&reb1, fully 'warrant the' ,title, to ~ . J. /. ../ ;0 ':.' 3:811d. a'nd dll defenl, the8ame again8t the la,ful Ola1me ot ~ilper80nB'.ho~~ever." ' " ".., ' . '".;/, ,,' , , " ",', ',' nttITllESS '7IHER~l',.'Th.8 B&.14 partl,ee"of,theflT8t'}lart have' hel'-8linto -set t~elrh8ii~'8lJd / >j" :t'( >, : ; " ' . , "8.18 the day and year ~:1.rst above ,wr1t~en. # ' ~ -.' . . '. '..:. .'- ' - ~ . , .. .Stgned ,'.esled, an\i 4el1v.eredln, presenoe ,of UB: B. Ie'. l.!111e r. , . Jl.Il.J.l1'11er ~ .J /~ .... , " I /.' Lyman Luoe " Vl~1&' tll08 (Seal) C~e(l r -;.-\ ',"1;. ." " . ..: . ~ . . . STATE Ol' FiORIDA COUNTY ~p 5T. LUCIE , L- X REUBY CERTIFY!rha ton t hiB '4aypenonapy appeared ~for. ,lte, an' 'o.tt10ttr tbll.y. lithori zed .. ~', ......, o' , ' ,- ~ " , . ~ k.'I;' t c',. '," . " .,..':~,' L- '.~~ ; ~,-" . !', . t' l !: ' I t !' . .to adniinister oa.th.- aildtake aoknowledgment8, L~l Luoe,and w1fe V:lo1a Luoe 1;0 me well known \ ' . deed, and :// . " ' . - ' I , and kno1!nto me to 'be the1nUvldual~ de~or~bed In andwhOt. exeouted the 1'o,reg.o~~ $OknOwled.g~d 'betore DOe tha~ ,they e~Eouted...,the .ar-A freely and. vOlun'tar11f f'or ~e purposes there... 1n expre.sed.. ....-' -,,;.--- ------=-; - , , > WITlESS., ban4 and offlolal .eal at Sebast1an County of ~t. Luc1. and atate otl'lOrlda, thll A.' D. 1926. . " .< .....-". f ' \. \ , M.' K. ~lln ' Ju~tl{;l.Ct~f, the- .rea.. !--I oom. ;'.-s. 'Jan. let.19~. , I . ' / /. ,:.. !-"':"':"':'-;~'~":i"" ~ ~ --...- - ...~ ...