HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0273 ~.. , .: I' I I, ~~, '''.. ~- .. J.~. w . ~~....;;~: . 262'. , I ,,' - '~-"'''''':;T""::.\*"' r . f ~ " 'I,' ~ I ~ .,', ' 1 ;' '7 -~;"-_7_:~-: ~- ''''I--~-' ,oJ ' /, . I , , ' I, , ~,.' .-J _\.~~~.. _~_ , \, .' ' .' 'I I , , .I ,J ' I' '. 't- ~;"'Oo<- r' ~).., '~.~f ",:-t--.~-., -' I' , ' --;-k....,-__ ._.~ . - ~... . --. - ',' -., .I' ,I! 'I ., '"I I ,~~~~~~::::~~,~~'~;.,.i_"",.~ .......':~.~'.~:.:'.,~=-:.,<= l ~:~'I~~?""~' '": ::>.;",,~...;:.;a.:: \1 ,'. I . " ,,' \ ,.~_b....... " : ,J . .. .., ......._~~~""l,'__. ':1 t i . '.'! ,j I I " .'.1 ". " . I _~.-:W"~"~~n ,........ ~_I>', :t..~.~~...J'!'f.._.i I , I" Ii' "t: .,',' ". \; - " - <' .' -. '1', ok. "\ '.\ ,_ . -., f S'TA:rK .oP:"IDRL~AI,)\ ".,:\ . \,' \ \' ,'.' I, \',.\', "":\\' . ". .' ) 85., i"\, ~ . l L. 1 .' .. -\ . - , . f ~." '." COUITYOS' fS~.LUC~)' I ,,' ",',,;,," ' ' 'I' \" \, ' . \ ,'..". ,\ \ ,'. '. \ . I .' .,. '." " ',: .Be~ore' the '\und~.1gne4 au tb9~~.': pereo~111.'\ appea~d B.' D~' B~attl\ght' and C. R', ~~ae.h),:,', . \ _ ~ _' a " . , ' Pre,"1~.n~and 'llreaeu,r.r,r..peot\vely OfB.e.ol\lantl.De.elo~iDenf OOID~~. who~ ' dngJlret dul) . ; ". . \ '. '. ." .";'" . . \-.\ \, < .," " . -"" \ , ". ' , . i ; ."Orn. .a7 t~~', the, !xeoute~ the .bov'. an~ ~o'regO'1J1g ,1U8trumuit 'and, etvlilrall,. a ,;, ~led8ed~' the, ," . .' -.. " '. , ' . '. . . t._ .', .. '-:, :exe'oution ther,~~f to,~ the1r' tr~, aot"and t\ee~'a8.uoli 'otfloe~.. fo'r,the'us8e"an~ pUrP~8ea,'tMr~iJ;11 ,j '. . .- " :', _.' ," .", ;.\'. 4' '... "_ . . ,.' ';'.' '... ~~..-.'. . '. ~', ,. ..... ......; "_<.' ;"__.. -~... 2..ll menUone4; andt,ha1i, thel ,aff1xed 'the,teto ,the 'Offio,ial: seal' of' S8.14 oorpor.U'on,ancJ the 8a14.' , , " '" ,'I ". '''''' ' ' , ,,', ' ,,", " \" ". ",'" " 1n8tru...,ntle. the aot 'and' cieed ~f-~ldo~~IlOratiOn.' '". ," ',' , , \" , , , ,,' Y'. ".,': '.' ' "': :' , . ' .: .V;lTHE~S IIlf 8lgn.ture '~d offl01a'l; 8~i ,at verp.1nth~:'c~untl of ,St.L1,l~iean4 ,th6,S~t.e . '. "'. '..' .. . ~". . ~ .. ': . .' . .~ ..' of '10r14a.,tday o~, A])~11,~!'p_.._!.~2~~ , ' . -.. '-'. . - , " ;, - . .~: ;, '-. \ .'-"~1' ' .,.' \ ." , .... , : \ . '" : ,"', .. " , \ '\ , . ..' t (- ,~ . ';H.len'p. ,Rowe ,.; ," " , ,~ Hota17 Publ1o. " , .~" ." , '" '_oo_ellon, exP1res' 2/11/2.9 ,,'1;1 . ,'" " " . ....- ...., .' ,,~,. h' da;, '~f AP;U..19~~~t:U:O. ..M~ '. , " , ' ,'..,. ~," ".. " . .. , ,', ", ,: , , : , .,' ;,' #,' ;',d ,r..~.,~ld~~. C10'k 'b1~oUl tO~,u~,'.'",:~ ~;" ",' '~~~.;~~'~~C.. 'II, . " ., ' " " . 'lo_. '., ....... . " <<.. ..' . o;..~ '. '., ~ '11,.4 and >\' '" ',. _;. .flo "r' i " ~ ' . ..' -.. "'.. , -. . ,:' .,'. ..' . . --- " ; '''~''_. - ",_".,.., ~'; ._._..eo:. ...~ :._. .,."..:-'....._ .._'.~:..., _.,... _. _.... ~'._. _!~._ ~~. _....... _.~. ~ .~.. ,-.._ ,< ;'.'_ ._.'_'._o. _. ~.", .::-.. _~ _.- , ",BEACHLAllD ,Dl$VEL01>WEN,T C~.HY'<TO . ,W,.'O~GILLBAJi(."" .# . ",' ~ '. ';. ,.' , ') . , 't'; , WARRAlfTY, DEED f" . .' . - ,'THII;)IlfDU!l1D, Jiad..'th18~th dal of AprU A~ ',n.,' ~9.26':"be'tw..n nE~C,a~D,~VEt6PIlE~T OOy'pABY,',: ,/"a 00 rporat lon 'ex18 Una uhd,er"tl1e~l.w'I'Of ,the 'Sta~e of glor~4~:. part; of the fir8tP8r~ and ,w.' ,0'.<': , : . , .:". . .. . a' . . ;' ...:. ~ . _ ~ ~. '_ ..." ....,. - .' .' . '.,' . . ~ ;' GULH.tJI'of, t~e' Oouittl QfC8:mpbe~:l"1nth,S~ate of '101:'148 part.' of, the..eoona 'Part:; . .... _ '. . .' ...... ~ _ ',' . ' '. , ~' , '. . .... "'~' . '. .~""'. WITIESSEf1I,~~t the"aa.14partl ot,.tbe #re.t, pari for' and1noonsUe:ra-tion of, tbe, 8U1D, ," .. . ~,'..' . ....;. '. . , ...... .' .' " .. . '. . ' :. . '.'. . . . .' < of .Ten'Do~1.l!-r,s aild ~ther valua8le (lOn81deray1one", to ft, 1~'- handpa14.bl the port, of the' 8eoond ~ .'. .. '.z , .' part, tQ4t ~eoe1pt .hereOf :18, heub,aokno"ledged, h8e granted',barga1nedand sOla' to the 8a1dpar~ , .,' , . "*, ' ~ ' , ',' ", ~ - '.',. '-'. '. ' .' .... . '.' . ,"' ., " . . .'. .6 ,of the, S~OQnd' tert~ li1,S. helreand a881gn~for8Tez:; the, fOl1ow~ng'dtllO.~1bed 'l~,d~~ si,tua.t-e. ~,l'n8', ,"_, . . - '. . . .. , f.... and be111g 1n'th~ 'CoUnt?,OfSt,. i~,~~8 and ,S~ate ~tFlor1cia' to--r1t: -' " ' ~Lot8 T.h1r ty-eeTen( 3'1) ~ TbIrty:~i'1gh'-t' '(38')' ,an~:-Tlill!teeilCI3):. i.n ~ - Blo~Jt~ Two. and~o t ~~n t1':'tliree' ;( 23) 1.n Blo ok Ori~ (1 )o~'-tb.6 ,Ve!'?' ,~ , ' " , " ,">'-, '''''.. :'" ' " ' ' Beaob .Esta t;'~~ aoo~~lng. to a 1>'lat of ,saldVero ..aeao,h Eat'atee .' " ~ ..' ...'. ", '. . . ~ li,. '. , . ]. .' . r~oorde4 ~n'1>lat .Book 6'.pag~ 8, ~f St~ Luo1eCountl, 'Pi.or1eta, ' ~ ,:' "~~',"'.>, ~. ~ .' ,ft " ~:: ..: '~ ." .~ . ': ..; ,I. -ie>, , ' ReoQrd8 ',f'4.60" LR.S,~IDPS oa~elld) " ' " , ;, " , ,I' . 'ofVERO BEACH ~ESTATE~, ae, per plat, on, flle,'1'n the, oft10l:, of the ql..rk'of th~ CJ.,X'QUltCourtof ' St/ tuo1e Countl. Fl~;lda. ' " . ~ l' IbU.:.4ted 1s given eubjeU to' taxes, e,nd' ae8.She'ntesubeequeat to"19'2.'7:.. ~ ~ ~ /,', AID the "l,d part ,ot, the eeoCind par~, for' hlmseit 'and ;.u ,he1rs Or aea1sns doeebe.reblJ ~ oovenant and agree tQ and 'wlth,8&id party ot the fir8t part:. lts liluco"8u-ors,legal repres$ututthe8 . lor a881gns alt ,follOMl: ' , ' , , ~ )ta'l That he will never eell. or oonvey any. port1on 'I,. 'i and will/not permit anl1n4h1dw,.1 ;port~n of, 8a14 , prem1,liles exoeP:t1118 of the-, premisee.>,.or a~ 1nterestthe~eln, b)" deed, leaae, or otherw1ee, to ,...ny person o,the r than a petson belonging to, the CaUO&81ari' ra'08, , 1 -~. . I oth~rthan one belonglng tr;U; Cauoa81an race 'O.OOCUPY any onll sIo t48,S tlo eervants dOIt!~ iled upO~~h,~ :pre mlees where t.; '-, I l' I 1. ~aotualllemployed. ~ .. 1 , (~)- 'rl1.18 lot lhal), b,e u8ed fp,r ReSidenoe purpo,.s onll and the .blain b~ld1.118 ereoted' thereon ,I ',' :~- '- , - - ... ~ - - -- . t . , '.