HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0274 I, , 'I ".. , , If,' ,.", " :'~. t. - j ~ ..:0 ~., 'F 1 ~ ; ~ .. '. -;' - . ~ --. ~. #' , I, '1' I. . i_ . . I " ' . ' '. . , t'. .1.,t I . _ l. I' 'I' )1 ~;t26:r , "I I' j' , , L, . f ' , . " t~..;;..' 1 I \ . ' -. -.'1., ~ ., __'I r . " - , I .... ,-, ',I , ' F~;:;~~~T~:;;;'~7~'~(-~;:f~;;;:h~t:~~+:~;,~~~~~:~~~;c7:;; .'. ~,:.::..~.~~;j;;,,' .'*;~~-~";::~%:;;~~"~'~~;-~:C' ).. i 8~U QOat'~ot'le8~,th!i'B,'$.~OOO..00;,f10~,8hall,lt be,$'reotficS oi08erthiLJ~,25,:feet,t.o '~e ,:tron~,'" . t : \ ' , ., ' " \" " '.' ",1 ' , '\ ,,\., ' ( " . . !, r 1 i, lot',ilh.:,'.'Jlo .eb&oics\'or lm8i&~tl18truothreEfo~'~DY,.~in.ehap:b. ~r~itt~cS,oh:ani ~o.rtlQ\n o.f " ' i 'II \ ,', ,;",:tM~',10t. "U~I f~~o,~~.e~Q~p.t.: h.dg.\.'f.~O.iWU~"b$"per~ltt.~,.:~or'ha':~','~ ~'1~pia:v,;~8'))f \.~-- -: \ ,; l ,I~'''' ~~n~~ e~,~e~t ".~, oo~eent'.,of 't~~', 8.l~8ti." 'h'1~~e~ign. ~4\leg.1: ~epr.,e~n~~1.v~ ~ 'be, petm1t~ed ,\,: . I, \, . 1.)0 .th~s"lot,." , ,.." \,', \ :1 '\, ,I \, ",' 1. :',\ ,.:, _.- " , . \ :. .\ . '.' '.' ..'. .,.' \",1' , \,,\ (0) ',He may,~ \ 'however , ereot 0'1'\ 'oontruot 'bn ~' p1o,t '1n QOn~lUlot1on :w,1th 'an~ pr1vat~ ,r\t8i~ ' I.. ~ .' '." . :. ,. 6' . . . , . ,'" . . \ .' . '. ... . . -..', ., \ . .' '. ',' ." . . " denoe elieottdf.beriton." a g'a,rage. 8uOh' aS1Vll,lbeap~~p,ru;te,1y~appurt.8nant to,~he'bU1)~~~ '-'" .;'.' \ "'. ,", . .' '", \ ;': .' " .. \. , .. . '.' ; -' '.' .~ \," '. ...', " '. ; ,~' tlreotedo~8,a~cip1ot~\: provided" '~14 S81'age 18" ~re~te'l~~ J.~a8t:8~i~ent~,-f1,,:e,~ :eet from the ti-09t' . .' .,' ':.',' ..'. '",. -.' ..." .---' . ',- \ -,.- , .,' .', " ". . ',. .-.',".... '. \. . . 11ne' ofpropilrty. ~nd at l~aBt i1t~e~nhetfrom any, e~de~tree1;. " ,:'" T'. ~ f . . -. . , _'. . . -. . ~. ~. '. . .'. '. . _' .',.:,"'.. .. '. f4l'~ tne1*.her 8a1~ l'ul-Oh8serhor h1'. helr8'~ .x~~'utor8.a~JJiiri~atratorsor' assigns shall ' , '~ ' ' ' , " " , '," , " "'. " " , ,'. .' ..,. ",", ' '~ . " ,',' , 'or"w1l1'manufaoture or- ..il..'o~ oau'se' or permit' tab. ,mawiaottir'd O~$Old'ori.alY po'rtlon of tJ1e '. :..:l. ' _ . ' , .... " _'.' ,_ .', .... j . '.' .. . _, '. ;" ::~pre,m1ee~ hereby'o'onveyed,,: any goo'cie.or.me~ohandl'!Seof:an7 k1nd eX,?,ept wlier,e, e.xpre~81Y pe:rDlltte4'~: ~ '-,' ~ '. ,', ..~ ~'. -',.' . . ~'.' ~ '. . -,' -' - . . .'-, ", ,"':' . .' -,' ~ , ' !" 'a~d~.:~ll~~t,o~~f,.o~'~or p~~,m1.t'~,',Diatte~""o,~thl,ns' Wh'1<,h~~'i(~'a 'u~~88no~;' ~1v,~~l~'$om<<! ,~~~ '. ~ . '-". ":.' . -" . . . .' '. . . oifen.,~Ye ' to 'then. 19hborbood,;;~c- 'C' c-;-"'~ , "," , ,", ..,..,',,',; .- " ", " ", ~ ...' '<, :'.. ,The,.tor:egOlpg tj~,w~t8ellall'btt: o()netrued a"rUnn~~,',~~tl:lt~e:.~8n4~ ,~oef~,",h~we.~er\1t'. , I'. '1-..~iDut"li".-\I:Ilder8.to9d $nd:.,&greed' t~.t: t"he- "ab9ve-' ~.o'veri.ant8' -aDci 'r..fjtr10 t.lons . a48. to' ali~.. 'or.en7" ' . . .' .' - . . .,..... ~ . - . '.' . ': ",-, . :','~o,;tioneOf 8a1&18ndP':~;b~ 'alter.dO~: ~od~'i1e~' at;'an, 'U~: af'ter,Jan~,.).et", 1~3~,', by , ,lIr1tteD.gree~rtt b1' ~d'b~;~we~ilth~ ,.s~ii,~,r-or;lt~ '8~oo.,esor~" 'leBal" ~e~~ue'~t~t 1\'~'s or 'asB1gns" .; . .' . , .... ", ".'. an~ 'theown~r for, the' Um(t ,'bdn8'Of", the 'pr8~181J8uponwb'10h'1t ': i8agreed. :to,"aher 0;' mod1fy' ,'" . . . .',' " - , . ";' ~. .~' :',,'~ ",'. '" _:... - ' '. . . '. - : >. "..' . '- . '- - ':, . ':. ,- '-.' " '. - , . ~. '~a1cl ooyeliante an4~' ~eetriot1oD8, and'~uob,agre'elU8nt8hai),be:e,ffeo~y.alto' 8lter--cOl'-:~d-!~"-uoh-,-c,-----'- . .', .', .:.-~'..._ . .' " ", . '.' ::. ,'. ,~. ." '.. , '. I . ~ oovenants :.n~ re~~r,l.~t.~onB 8S, to '8ltOi!. '~:re_m1ie8 lWlt~out the O~~8t~~ ~f<prne~: or' owners, '6~: ~t, , '.~dJagen~ pr'emhEis; ; ll.iod1f1oat~on' of:re~t'rlotlon~'as ~ 'p,or~ion8:'of the l,~d ehallnGtafleot' Or ~ lmp~1r' t'J1e~uir'lot10ne ae" t6 '~he'b~lenOe 'thereof~': ' ". . :. . . ". . ". . . . ' .-' . ". .', _. "" ',' . ". . '. - . :- '-' - . '. . .. -': . ~, - .~'. ~:the8a1d,I4r~y-:of,the,flr~~ 'part IOe8bere~,fui.:g,wai'r~mt 'the~itl~ ~ aa1dJand and, .... ".' .'....._~_.', . ...... . .'. ._,;"_:,.' ....'~.,'..,.,:-.'.. . ",t.. '. ~ ...._:. ',". "1+1 det~bd:the 'same Q8a1uet,t):1eclawtul ola1ms of e;il'pneone whomsoner."' . ...... . :~' ,'. ~. :;. . - '.' . ''-; .... . .. '::.' '-;. :. '. . -- .' . IN wiTnSS'''iHEREOl'~ ,the 'eaid"P8rt~ of ,'the 't1*8t~'rthaa'ca~8e4 thue present., to be, . ' ,\ , '. ,\ ' ',' , . ~.. : . . I, 'I'. , ~' I, i' . I, \, ~ ' " ,\ , f =. i .' , >1 . {:, i , ' .' t i "":, ~ . .. " , t: ~ t I J' ( , , IU~ed 1n its"narpeb~r1t'fPre8.ident ,and lts' ",'~. f1,Treaeure ,the 8Y' and year abov~ Wi'itten. , (CO ORATE SEAL) , ".' . " CO,RP SEAL. , ' , ' ,81$ZJ.ed,eef:lled,and 4el1ver.ed- , 1D,the presenoe.of: , .; ',B~.G.. Il.p,u urrlleenn .:' ' , '. He~eo P.~ " ~ .? ~ t ~ $ oorporate' eealto' be .ft1:xeci.att~e1ied by' ltS.,.,.. , '.' "~ BEAOHLAND-~-tPJ,(ENT 90MPANY J31 .~. . ., -. '. - ' ,~~,.D~ Boa~r1ght "Prn. " " A.tteetl,C'.,C.Br~ewell 'Tree.: " ,> ..... '-' ,'ad..'lE' or 'jt.ORIDA. , ' 55,. ,eOUlTY OP, S'l'~LUCIE :.... , , ,t) , , ': .' ~' v at'for'ethe undereigned,author1ty,per$Ona111 appe.~)oedB.,n.B()atr1ght a~4 c. c. 'B~a_swetl. .- . - . - . .... . . . - .~ , . . .', . .' . P:ree1dent 8Qd Treasurer. respeotl~ely of Beaohland Development' ComPanJ. who. be1~'iLrPt'duly - . , 1. . ........ " .' ", - ' . .... . -'. ~ '. -' -' - ". ..... - .. . '.'. - -,' . - , -' . . '.:' , ,,:,' ,eworn,. 8a1that they: exeout~cl the a'OpT8- aD4 foregoll~ 1netrument' and eevertil1y aoknoit'ledged ih~e ' ,,' txe~ut1()4'~hereof to ~et~e1r'~ree aot and-deel! au suoh 'oft1'oere, for the'u~ee'a~:d purpo'~8 <; - -. . ..,'. ".- . .~. '-' .'-"': ;'., .:" ; .' . '-. . - - ." -. _ theTlS1n m,entioned; and ~hat' they af11xedthereto the offioial se'ai of "aid oprpora t~(),n,and the' Ba1d 1netrumellt1ethe aot' ~nd dee.d of sa1d,oor,porat1on. ' .' ~'. t,..... L ~' :ft I, V, ~ '. . , ViI~lIE88' ~ '81gnature' and off1oial 8eal at Vero.1~ theCount~of St. Luo'l~ and' the Sta te-- , 01(nor1da. 24th day ot-,pr11 4. ,D.' 1926. '" Hal.n,P. Ro.. notaZ1' PUbl1o., ~~, oommls810n,explres 2/11/29 f , '{ '.. "\ .. F11ed and !) \"} I :$J- . ,~ 29th day of -'811.1926, , .,~ ' ""~"" 0, 'II!' , ,. , fa t 11: 04 A.If. P. o. E14red', Clerk Clrouit Court. B1 />tR.~41.8~;' D.~. ' , . . ----=-~,_;_.~ ..---:...:.:...~~-~~--!-t.....~.7- -,.~-:=-:---:; ..-....:.j:,.;;''-