HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0276 rl,::,,~'l'- ',I "', '1\, ""1:,' 'I~"'r" I ',,",, 1~' I ',.t"....." ,.~'~. ","--"":," I,.. .26' ~ i 'I 'Ii r '. ' ' ,11'..", 'I,., "', i ; , " ~ ',' , ,'" '.' '"I. "I \ ' , ' , ' r ~,~' , ',' ':, ' 'r I', _..',.; .. !,'" ", ,.;". I " ,,: . ":,,,',. ,I '," , 1, "C · " , ':;"1::" I I' ", ,I " ',' ,.., ' , ' ", " ' " '", ;, ' II t \,' j " , , ", I . "~II ' " , A~~,~.~,~~,\~~;:d:F~~~:-';;-";;}~:~:"(~':~~'-'7:;'f-)~.:dJ;::::l~':1::;::,\.t" ~:' ~-~.... ,~~'I,:c~,~~:",~~"i:,.:i:~~ ~:~:~:.',~.:;::r.' ;::~:::t::;t~~::;~ C.:p-~?.":~-:;':~;;~:~~~':;:" :: '~.~, ~,; , , I' .:1 . ~, r ' ," ',', "',".1 , . " ,I" 11\ , ' I ' ',\ ,'ii,\ \ ,');Th~e,allenat1pn 1;)'11;ht,he' J~~n~ O~l1BOn~ 'Of,,'huiband and w~fe,I"where'that"relat1~n,,~~~8t8,. , I ,\ ,;. ~, '.., ,'" ' " ': . ,\ \ \ ' \,' '" "', I \ ' 'i '. ~ ' '. ' , ' ~ ' . \ ,", tIN "I~NRSS t.'HEREOJ'. 'be \~~fd partie.a of une first par~,have t1er~ul1tQ\eet the,!'r hands an4 i, " s'eal~' ~ao~' 1h ,the' pre8e~oe 'of 'two. 8ubSO'1'1'b'in'g' whn~81e~.i )"~ \ ,', ",'.\," -:: .'" ' , , , " \' I" \ . ". \" \ ,,' ,,' , \ S1gned ,.8eal'04' 8114 delivered 1n'. pr.e8eno~ . ' ," \.'~ \ ' " 1'., ~~ Jaoll\U.n~.,.\::. ..:i ~Bal:) '\ ~ \ \ \, of 1.\8:', " '" .' " , ~,', ", , ", ' . 'J. L~.1'rloe \" ,\' . to \,L~,d1vlIi& \ Jaoquin.. ..-~ (Soal) " J.\ B. Dut-cSen ," ,\ " \' \ ' " ..' \,,',, "', " \ \,\",' ':; ,\' I, " "\' \ , ' .\ " ' , \ 1 "I' , " \" ; " ~. ~ \ \; . " ~~ , .' '. t i 1 }": t- I ; ,1< i .. ~ ":. . " " ',' ,.- ; ." , '[' ~. >, . " ~ - "'" ' " . r i\ l' t '~ f' ~ ?: L }. , # ~ . ! i-. (~ ~ \, , , ,\ , "~ ,'...; , \ ! .. ~ \.' \ , ': ,.S!~T3,o~\nolU~\ , " , ,',: \ ,SS OOUNTY OJ'- ST. l.UCIE \, ,. \', \. '. , ' \- t. ,\ ',' , .. , \ \' , .' ...., ", " \ ' '...... . ~ '... " , , .:\ i_ , ' ,,_~_C'--'---"U'" ", " '. " , ' .. I,J{EREBYGERTln,'TUat ,o,ntl1~8 24t.h day,ot Apr,1l ~:,D. 1925,'\btforelne 'pereona1l7,a;ppeared ", " " \ , ' " , .,..' , "','..', ,,',,',,', "P.f,L.' Ja~qu1n '8na.'~udiv,l~e, Jaoquin hi-8 wi.te"to' me""e11 kllownand- kno,wn to I!l8 to b'e'"tbe 'In- , :'; , '..",:" ~.,. ..'..... .':~..._..,........ ,'.' , ','". ....-'.:.-... . .. .:,........,.' ""-"""'.. .... d1v~d~J.IJ' de'eol-lbd in and, ,.h~<.%eo'ut&d the, ~ore8ojng OOnve~ano,e . to Allton 1'.. 'Hoetfnel" and . .>:.. ," . ~ .' '''... ~ .~. .' . .. ~ . ..' :, ""...;0 ... ,,', ," ~ . ~ _' .. :. '~~ ,,' .." '_. ..' 1/.ag4$lena, Hodfner 81'l4 8everally '.aoknpwledgecs.,the ex'e~out 10n ,the reot ' to' be't he'1-1' tree aot' and' .' -~. '~., -:'-,....... 'It,-'H''!''~~''c---~--_:--'-< ." ....::..t_-.. _: .;'. -.'. '_' " ._:,'_":':; _'., ....',~.._>. . '. _.,~ ~~_~~;,~t~~" !!l!~~~Q~_ aAd'~po~.e,1J. ,,!ih,e!'.~l,I1.ID~n~ l()!!od ;..:~~~~~~~bEllJtI.l4-,':.~~~.l Y:i.J;lfJc,J.o q\i1n'the,'wlfe ";of. ~ the ,'.~ ".: , , ' .' .. . '.. -' , . , - , ' . ~. ", . aaid '1'.1.. Ji"~qU1n on a' $'el?arat.:'an~ ~pr~~ate ~xam11Ult10~ takep.:aIld,lll8de' by' and, before,Dl8,'a~:- . :_ , ";!- '- - '. .:" '. I'. . -. ~: 1;.,7., ".~" ", "'. :"' '. ';' "". ~ . _ .' ",' . '". '. ."> .i , separatell and 'apart, from 11er< 881dhUBband;.', d14aolmowldgeth6.t 8,he Ill$de'~er-eelf:a partt ~t'O . .' "'. '-." " ~. . '. 0 . . ... . ~ '~"" . " ".' " ..' " "the eat'ddeed, o'f:oonveY~Il~e for, t,he' purpose 'of r,.~ounc111g..',\ r'l~nq u18h1n~ ,and ,o'~nvltyuig all 'her :r1ght, 1;1~~e and, ~ntere8t,: "whethe~~f do"~r,O~,()f eoparaUl:~~op~rt;~":" 8tatu.tol:'~' o'~~qu1t~bie" ~ti, . , . ,:. " :. . ., ..... ,,-' " . ~ '. - . " - . --"~ ." .' '. - - -' , " -' ~, " ' - ,-' . ',' and, ~o th" lan48theJ,"e1n dOBor~b,e'd~ anti .Jh~t'8he' eX~Qu.t.ci said' deed,' t-reO,lyanclvOl.y.n,tarl1)' "and, , " ." . . . '- ...., - . ~ .~.. ~1rl~hO:ut any conatr~1n.t, 'tear,' apprehension or OODlpU181o'n ot or tr'om,'~er Ba,ld hUB~and,. : ' '. , '. . ,wtTlili'~S' 11I1 81gnaiue' andotfigial"sea'a,t19i't 1'1el'oe, in, theOoun~7,of , St. LU,o:1e'a'n6State ,of B'10r14''''.he,4aYfuid';vea'r"laist a-fo;t'uald..,. ,'" '- -,' '- .' ,-' . ~' ", , ". " ... " - -' " . , " .J.:' If.' Durd~n.,. ~ .,;;; h. .. .~~. ~ (Seal) Notary hlb,l,lo. Stah, of n.o~14a " 1)', .oomml,i.slon: expll'e8,Apr.' 6;1927. ,',,' ? 'f-...;,' ,"',' '.' , ~ '.. , '-,' ',,'" '_ l H ''!:j', . ' ", ',' ,.,4 th18 '2~th~ d~Y, of 'AP.t0\-i9~~.: at '11,;04 ',A.Ji.., " , ",." " ~".", ',' , to. ,1'. :q. ElcJ.red" Olerk 'C:1rQUlt..Qourt. ,l- ," ",', - , " ~ , c/.,BY,~~fri?ef~4D"C" "'. , . or"' ': . \ . . ", ..~'-'-'~.~'-'-'-'-~-.-'-'-~-'-'-~-'-.-d-.-'-'-'-.-'-'-.-.- . ',!:()lLIE L. DI~LE et 81 ' :', ' ~,. : To, " A~~E!lT H'~ DAl!~O:~TtI , . . ' , . n.($3~60 I.R.St&mp,s can~ell&d') V;A];tA1l1'Y i>Xf.p ,rins IllDEN~U'RE, L:a,do .thl1 16th' da;Y~f' ApI' H:.' jj.,.i>.< 1926,' ,~ETViEE,ll ~ofHe L, '. -& ' " 'D1bbW'--a w1d,o,w; 'Leon 1i~, i>l~bl"and, J:.aY',... D1~bl..e', his w1fe, an(\'i.:abel:E.'Ii1gg1n~ ~'a,n . . . . ... ~~_rrie'd ~o~n" be1ug :'ihe sole 'h81r~l1 t.l~ Of,LOUiEt' H .'Di.b"oiet~~C?_e,~,t!.e~L ~11 'Of; T;J~1~3_0\ltJ'ty of HamPd~n: a~l\1Co_~'eal'th' o,f ;~e8a?hU8Ette~ .p~rtl'~'s,O~ ~he't~rst,par't/and A).b'ertH,~lI~forth" . ~f t'lie 'oo~ty ,o( 3t.L'!101e :andState of~lor1d$,J:8rt~ Of the's800ndparT;. "~lTllE~SETH.,thot, " " the' S~ld ~~,e'8. of~e .first:' par~,for, ahd l'n OQ:nBld'~Lit10~t~,the.- 8U,m',6fTen JUQ:oQ) Dollars ,', and other ;va).Uablecons1dera~1ous to :them 1nhand, patd,,'Jtll. rec&1pt whereof 18 ber.eb7 7- ' ~,' .(,- i " , ~" - _ ,. ,; .. ~ ,-. '~ -" - ~ ", I. - .. - , ..., . : " . . aoknowledged, hove grantied"bltrgalned. egld and traueterl'e4. and by these presents do grant,', I' . , ,. -i .' bargv.ih,',ee1~ and traneter Ull-:tO the Bd: part10fthe eeoond,pert and :;r::::~.~~l ~:~ ~::::::~rC::.::l:~.:l :~;.:: :~l~t.th8 COuut1 .. ' .. .. I The Yo~h 600 teet of the Uorth...t Quarter 9f ~be30uthwe.t o , Quarter of- SeOtion,Elght (8), To~nah1p Thll'ty-fOt;U' (34} South!' of Range .Port}' (40) !ast, be lng, a 8tr1p60Q feet ',Uorth and , , , 1 S9uth and aoroee the ent4re.~dth ot the 40 a'bove ducribe4. I I TOGETHER' w1 th all the, tenements, here"d1-tament8, and appurte~o"i.ith every,privilege, rlght'. f f / . t ' J: i i ~.. . ~, [, ~, f ' t[ i', )~ Ii , , hie/hell'S and aaslgns , , ,,'- o(S't'. Luole, and State I' ~' -, _~_I ----,~-,-~----~--- ~,------ ._,- -----,------------------ -. ---- " i