HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0277 , : ',: _' I I',: " ",., 1 : .,.:i ;' cr. i ( I. . ;' , J ' , .-, ,I . ..;., .. . '1 1. \ I ' , , ' I r 'i , '1' 'I ". I . i ' .I' t : I 1 \,'1 " ..,I ",I : t:, " I L , I . " \ ' "': ,,' "J I' I ' \ ' " . " I'. " I > ~ 'I! " , , .. I, · , , I II I I , I ' I. ',' 'I ; -;:;~'7'~ '-"p .~;;;;:~_~'r>~~'~I~ '~'~~}:,.-~~r:;::~'~;'-'~."~~::::-'~~~~~""" ~~"1,:~~;,_~,L~:'~01.~~_'. :.',', ,~ ~':'~'7~:":,'.': ': 1-;-;-:!~~~; '. Ut,le, Jn~~l'eat an~ estate,' do~er and ,right of dower,,,' rever.ilQn~ l'e~lnde~el~d eas~men,;t ,the~'e'~o ,:, A '\', I , l' . . '1' ,\ ,\", ,,' ,', <, " ' " \ ~I, ", " t, ' \ ", I' , . :' ",:' ',', '\ ,',". ' Wlong1ngOIl \ 1.naJVW1,e apPertalning:', TOR.A:VE AN:t> TO' HO;LD ;1;b.e" ..me ,in' tee 81mPle forever~_ ,,,,II, :... I ",',I 'q',.,',' 1'.1 ',' .:; ,.,.., .-,e.: """,,.. " , " . \' ",'" '.1 'I,' t, ,,'\'1., , 1;< t. ", \~d ~ ea~apart'h8'of. 'th~ :f*r~t p~t'~q .ooy.nantyt1 ~li the' .8a1dparty;ofthel,se09~~ ,j'" ,\ ," \. \ , ,';' ',,' '. " " '\., \'" "1",:,, " ,\'; : \"';', ", \ '-'\"\ l'8rt, tl1,at ~h!Yf.a~e lawflullY8~1z'd ,O~ th. 8ald;;'Pfem18e.\~, '. t~~,t .th,ef. are 'fl'e~! :fr~m,~ll' ,~i1oumbfan~e8;, ao.d:ih&t, they ,ha"e good t'1ghtdlnd' lawful authorlti teLBell t~e \sanie; anci the"e81d partie e of tlie: ' , " '", " ,,' ,', ' \', '., ' ,."', , I \"" "'\'-:'.' 'll",;, ,',', ',I" \' ,-,.,..,L. ".\ " fhst'Jla.rtl 40 hereby, fu11y warran~. the ~l~le, to aaill 1~nd~"an4 "tp defe~d'~he same, a~alnB'(t ,the, :, ," , . . . "\. . . \ \": ,". "."'" . - ".' t... ',' \ . .:_,,' ' ola~tul 01a1D18 of ' all persons whoZQ8o~:Yer.', ' ,,:,::: , I ',," " "" \ ,',,' \, ,'"" \ '\" " ' .. \, .. .. ' , ,\ ' . "-. Dr j'll:~~~S ,W~RE~r.: ~~'_14' ~rt~~8 ~~'tb;e '~~r~t p.rYlut:ve, ber~unt,o eet ,~l\~:~.r ha,~de ,'and ee8.lethe'hy a~,1e'ar aQ()ve writ.~~~,~', " .\ I' " ~ 'i . , , , ~ I .~ , .1 \'~ :- . ..1 , ,t \ " , ~26J):" .. " ; ~. ~ .\ I" ,I , , :Slgp.ed. Sealed and Del1~ered ,1Ji'Our l'resenoe :c-':" , lathetine .T.' Oarney). ' 'J~ Wat~onllannery) , Iatb~dneJ.,Oa.r~ey} \ J .1\'~t80D;i'1'nAer1 ,) '" Kather1ne J.' Oarney}, ',' .T.' wateon P'18nn.r~'}"" ' .'~. . .... '" ". ". .Molllt L'.'Dlbble '. .'.. :. .. Leori B. Dibble;. ~... .,.' " '..., ~ :-g.' Dl'bble..... ..;. '.', ',' " J4e,bel1. ~., ~~ggl~..,." .;;: .: - ~- ,', .,.' , . -...._---_....-.-,,- -..-,-_......- -.-- .--.--- ----.--."-.- - - . . . ~ , ' , ,\' , " COJO:QU'O~THQ'.l.tASSAqHlJ.3'BT,TS~' ,) " ' , . '. I. . . ..' '. . ~ . :'" ,,\ . ",,:. .' ~ ..., . _. .' ~ .' cotJJfTY or; HAJl!',DEll 'l< , , \ '" , .; ,,'. , , , '... , " .., , ,', - .. , '. i HEREBY OERl,I?Y.. That ,on th1s " 22.day of Ap~llt"A., I). 'l.9~6,.., oefo'19 me pereona1J..f' , ~ . . .' , . -' . . .' ~ . -. , . '. ~pp~ar~'41!OlUe 'L~Dlbb~e,',8 'f!'140....' t,o ,me .bow1ito'beth~Per8Qll d.8orlbe41n and who ',x4!outed' , : .,: ...~ - . . ~. .' ',' - . .., '- .' - . , . : '."','.- ". " -. ':., . . . .' "".' '. .',- '. ... ~.. '. uhe, toregQ~ng o~iiveyanca ,~'~Aib.r~ H, , ~~orth" aD:d, 8ev;el'ally'ao~0"le4ged"the cexeou. t10n'", t1ier.~()f: 't~ be 'lier free aot.nd 'de~d fOr', the u~e.e ~d purpo~e~ the're1n ~ent1'on8d'~: .' ,,', . " " .. .', ~. . . . .:- ,: .' .' . '. . . -' - -- .' . ,.,'" . - " . V:!TNESSmy' Slgna t1ir~ ' and off10'1al,8,etln.~ SprlQ.g't1el4,' in 'the County ofH8J!1pdeIla.1fd 'co . '. ""', -(State . '. . and )'.a1" . last.. afor,e~a'id. .' i..: , " J,~\Yateon rianneri.... .,.. (seal) " , Jlotary,.'1>ub11o. -.' ',", OOWolONw.EAL OF . '.:' ". ,", ,', ,,_o!>. ':90tnffi (jPlLUlPDEB, '.c' . , ACHUSETTS) , , - ,~ )'-8S.'" )' , "', ' "I' , " ",', ~' 1, Olulrlee .)(~,Callioun,A,i.'t :Cle~ 'of' the Supre~ Jucl101al',C():Urt.' i,n' and forea1d, .' " O,oun ty, d() hereby o,ertlty t.h~t .8aid ;CO~l't 18' acour~()t,~eoord;' 'that ,J'.'~~e,ontlanne~y wh~~e , D4lme1e,sub.sorlbec1 ,to the Certlfloate8orpI'0'f~ofaoknodedgment~..9 f the 'annexe~ inetl'llMn'i', . ",' ." ~ -,- - . " ." , = .'- .. , . . . , . # 7....., , '." '.' .'. . . . ___._ ..._._.~_.__~::",-,----___----,-_,_',..' , waB a~tbe' tll1l4t' of taking the eame. a notary Pu'UO~'1n and foreald 9oui1tyofHamp4enf:~4u17 .', . ~'. , " .~ . '. .... ~ .' " . .'. .. .:' -', - -',. , CO/llJlli~81oned arid ,:worn,.and'qU~l1t1.4to'~ot a8', Suoh;: t'hat.. aa'HiOhnOt8ry'~b'if~ ,he "18 dUlY.' ':: ,03, , authorized bytbe l~ws of the CCUlllDOl1ll'ealtl1 ,0 t Wa88i1~h~etti to take.'the aQJoiowledgment'e,.n,~ ., ' . . ~ - ... '. ~ . '. .... . -", , . . .- ~." "pro,Ole of, a'eede.- or' 'OOl,lv.yano~: ~or lan,d~~ tenemants .01' l1e~e41taaientsl~ ,'8&id COllllllolJ!Jeal,th of 'M8S88.ohusettsi that,1'$,m. well ~q'l1allted with t~e;bandwrit~ngQ:t~~1d"No~rY"'Pub'110; arid verily.... , '. . . ". b~l1eV8 h1i'81gnature 'to the"aame 'lS "genu1ne~;' " IN TESTIMONY. \'iHBREOPI'~havecl1ere\U1tQSetm;yhand<andaft1~ed-"the ~e~l 'O'!8aldqourt. ' d,1li,ea1d' CouutfOf Ham?d~ii., th1e ,23r~.4a~ofApr1l;A~ D~,~926., , Charles),(. Oalhoun,Aes't Clerk. f " , '. COUBTYOF ~AUFDEN ! ) " ' I 'HlmEBY CEm'IlPY, Tha,t on ,this '22 4a4' of April,-A. D. 1926;, before me peraonally <-' ., , , ' .- . / i '~. appear84 Le'O~ ~Dlbble andlolay, 1#. Dlbbl.: h1~, ~1fe, to mekh,o",n jto be th.e per.onadesorlbe4 ~n '~and who exeouted the fO,regolng oonV81&noe to, Albert H. Danfoz:oth and'~ever"t11 aoknowledge4 the exeoVo tion th.rlof to be the1r free aot and deed ~orf ;be us.. and purpoSls;, there In ~nt10Iled; an4 , , ' , ,\ I " the, ...14 ~ '.Dabll the wife of the laid Leo,n ~., plbble, on &ISllBrate ,and prhate~xamlnat10n,' tak.nari4a*d. by and before me, and aeparatel, an4 :apa~t froln het.aid husband', 414 aokJ1o"l,~dge: that .~I'i:ia4e Mr..lt It party to the, ~.:.4 Deed of Co~v.yanoe- for the pt.rpo.. 'Of rcn~ubo1rig. ' I ' .......................-.--.-. .~,--j .~....'_.-~. i '. --:---:-t-. -~'--.,--_. -)"'."-..'.. "..........~ , :~ ------_._~- --...... - --. II.~.