HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0278 .f--.t--~.~~'-~~:".:~+-l-''''''~-- '_.;-~ .- -~-'",~.-:;:. .~t-~7"':4 J.'i;-'--"- -1.,,-- _.~'-_-::,"----i-~---:-,,:~,--,--~.-._~.t-.__.~---''"-._-- .,.._--, --.-----'-.7~~-~,-;-r-- --: . --:-'.~'-<'f- -'" '.T-"::" :;: .- ,.' -- ~.. ~--'': ~ 0, "; ~, "~ I, I " I I ' ' 't ' !' .'; I . ii" "',",': I' ""',, ", ,':', .' , ',26' '7" " ';,-' , 'ft'.",: '. '.'. ... ' ....r:. . . I ' . 't _ . r. ~. " . . - r '" '. -1 '. _j ~..... ~:'1 . ~. t . .I' ! I: I ~ 4 . I ~ r ! ~. l ; '. ~~,:,~,l-'f~:~~;~~:\~;:"~~~~,_.":~-~:-G:~,:.._~~,~~:~,t~r'::.~;,~~;":'r;~~;T:;.._;~:,"~~,;,,~'~"~'r': : ",'; --+ ' r~nnqu1~h1Ug, 8n~'"oonveY'1n8ai-llh,r l1'igM', u,h4t .nd ln~.J':e.i,~-Wh~th.llot do*er~'ot\Qf eep.nt'.:; \ ''', "\ t',,' ;" ,\ :',', . ,',", I ,'" '\, ,\ ' " ,'. ,- , ' , ,', ' ' , \: '1; .,~. '~~opart1~I;etatuJ;or1, ~'equ1tabt', 1n'a~d to ~he, 'laIid,", thttr,1n ,~e'~rl~e4~ ,a,nd:t\Jlit shei'.~e'outt,4! ,.; I !. ' ",' , >" , " , '\ \ \ \, \, . \" '.- ' " 'i ,'" ~'-I, · ;,:~' , "..1IL~.84~roel1.n~ ;~~un',.rl~:,'!l4' ~~t~o,U' .,~, ~O,~~tra~nt,'" f~a,r\,:,;a, ~~r',~Jl8,:: 1~Ji, (),~,' ,~~~~'\.h,' '{ ',' , 'otor fJ:'om,l1er,ea14 ~U8<>ba~!!. : ,'_" " '," , ',' -'\ '."1,., .,,', . ": \, \ I ' '~ TNESS \~ \\.~\g~'t~r'e\,.a!1~,O'ft,1~~1 ~ee,~.l, ,at ~ S~~1n8~1e,l'd .Ilti\t~'e,\\oouuty \ q.;, ~aIlP~~~. . · , and te'ofllas8 tb,e:day "n~ 1ea~~,st.ator.81l14'.' , \ ,I' , ; . ~ ~. \ \ . . ~ ' I '; .... _ . .' . -. _ _. \ - \" \ \ \,\', '\ ...\"", ',.. J.:"ataori.F~annery.~.\;(Qeal}',\ ' '"I' \. \ ',\ 1f~ta,i'f l'ub11o~ , ' , " ~\ " \ . ~- -....,....\ ' '"\ . . \". , ...-".- COUNT!. ,OF'1WwD~" .' ": l:', J," ~,' .', '.,' . , : ..":,- .,,;\. '-' '.:' . ,..' ".-.',' ,tHEREBY ,CER'11PY,That on this 22,~~.of April A. D'. 1926, ;; -' " ' .' + ,. ","'. _.' .. ,:1; ap~.~'red Ma~ei, B.~1~g~n,;al1 ~r,r1~~ wOI~ui/t~:me ~o~~, t~ :b~ 'the person desoribed, In and' :, wbo"ex;.~ut'dthefor.:aolQg 'oonveyano, 1;6 41llert, a;'.Daritorthand oknowled,ge'd the exeO'Ution '.. ~.., . - ~. -: .. - . '.' ",... . - ". . ;;' .~.~. '. . . .. ...... ; ..... ~ ..,,' '~her,e:9t' ~,b. h,e'r treeao't 'iuid :deedfs>rtheuaell'and p~nJ>O~:elS.t I:e1n, 'ment1.oned;', .' . ~:.'. .' ." '. ,.......... -. .... .... . . .-.~..... .. .:'., ,".. ,." " ','-. '.' '. ." ~ 't. -.') ; "i~s~,_' e1giiature ana Qtt1o~1,8e~\ Spr~ng l,eld1n th, countj:of'liampclen : .... . .:. -:,' .'.. . '. ~: . - '.r '.' .:. '. . :' '. . '. '. - .' , , @d S,a teof' llae8ao,~ue-etts; ,the"4a1a~tearla,8t a~o 1"8ea'14. . . .. " " " " ' .. ",' '3. Wa teon'la'i1nery'.....~ .JSeal)' .-, ~ Botary.~blio'.'; , .. ' :' I ': ' , I' '~ . ~ f . ., . . '"..... . l .. ~' , thlB ~~t~: d~l, of AP:rl~,1926~"'t ~l~~.l A.II., "'H'", ,', .,.., ,4 1 " ' , , ',' <:?'1J : P. O~ .Bldi'e,4," Cle i't C1roul t, Court. f '~'Q" . ~ Bt.:J,~'7iit.".J13 ~' D.O. . . 'j , ~,;f'. . '. ,." ,',,, c., ,; , ' ' ",\ . -..::.. ~.~ :~.- .-~'./l':'...~. ~. ~.- ~- ~-'.-:- ;..;;:...-.-. ~ .-. - <-,.,- ..... -. -. :-,.,-,.'-:~~" ;..:. -.- '.' 'I " .' ,~ " ,,~,~........---,p, , , , '~illrDAVIT .",' ,..': ," '. ,,' ,', ' '-," ;, ." , . -. "" ..... 11 ... ~! , t' ~ ~ i ~7-"-"~ .'........ .' ~~ t' , " . . \ I '\ " .... .,. \ " B \ 'OOlOlONWEALTH 01 J.t4S'SACItUSETTS ), :' "\- . :," ---~-~ ~loi'~' me. , ~rsonalll' " .' ..- . .' ~ ~ T"'" -~. , , rUed , , . ',{',',','., " ~ ~ . '. :~ , , ' ,. ..-.-.... -'.,.-. \ ' ',' ~" , M: . . .' '. . ' .'.' . " . STATE OF,~utRIDA;COtJ:lTY OF,SAIl!T'L~CIB:. ,,":', ,~Bet.r~, .' ,tllo, lindeJ'81gn$d .8uthOIUt. ' per80~111 .ppeare~ ,J. T,. .... ...~,.~... '. . '. ., .- ArOhaiDQa,uft,whOb.U~ be, _dull '~~:~,a~s' tl~on l:l1~o~tbth.at-l1e 1sareB1dent cpf' S~>1nt ' LllQl..',County, F10;rid-8.~. ,i:t.ndtbat he was' ,per.~U81'l# ,a,oq~1nted wlthLou1s J. Fa,lone.,,,h~ ls , ,n~:t'4ead; addw~o, was Dame,4';e.s grant.'e1n a ~'rta1n'~8,r~antid,e~frolll'Fl~r14~Eaat :Coa(Jt' . "::J, ' . _" .,'. .. . .' ... ,. , Realty Qomp'8!lY', a' OO~Q~~t1oi1, dated I>.8'oelllber28th~i914~an(r~oorded,~n ~e",daOOk 46,~"-8~": " ~ . _' '... .,: to .. ~ , . " ..,....... ,':. .. ,', . ' ,. .', .... " .'. . ',. page 294,of 8I11nt,~uo1e~County Reoo:r4~, alld,,,ho 18'~me4as grantC)r"1n ao..rta'1nwarranty," i .. ' , . ',' . '. _. . . .. . I . . '. .' "':,:".; .... ..' '.' ~. . "'. . .: ~ .' '. . ..,' _ . . ". :.' daell to Splole,.s. Falone" dat~d:13eJ>ternber 14.l~16','a-l1d' r~oor4.4,1n I>e,~d j3op~26, 8t; ~g~'" ',' :. ,;,29.6, ,0+, SalntLuole county~e~Ord8;'t,~th"a&, also aoq~,1nte4, "1th~,tii~El~a~,8Pl~i~s.~a~,on,.,, named i;is grant~,e ,In<8..1dd.e~~ a'n~t' know. ot'hU ow.nmo-.ledge, andstatGS :it asafaot~, that, , .\ ~ '" " ' .'the sa1dLoule' J. 'lalont,;,and the aa1d.8p1018' !J:., lalone', were, at' the, 't.!l&e of the "exeoution of said ,de~4,,~ueband and wite, and that, the...1d Spl0ie 8. Pa1one~ af~~~,the dea.th of the ',ee.id, J.OU1S J. ~10rie,'Qerhu8Dand,parte~ t1tle to,t~e proper,~1 d'eeo~1bed ~n 8a14~arw-tY,dee-d,a. Sp101e' S.' 1a10ne.. "ldow, by warrant,Y dee!! date~ ,May ,3'rd,''l918, ,a8w111 b~ 8een by I>eedBook 34,at page:\,31. of S,1nt L~o1e count; R.~ord8; and' ,i~t th$deed ,f'rOII( LOU1~,'. Palo~e,to 'Spr~Te 8. lalone, reoorded in Deed Book ~6. page 2~6 of 8a1ntLuo1e, County Reoords afOl'W8a1d, , JOB.T. ArO~!Dbau1t. , ( ~I "~' i cr )If) ~. ' '.','.'.,.',,','.,.,..'.',..,...'.'.." ' -- t : ~ ~;,' .',..... ' "a8 a deed from husband to wlfe.' ~}_. 1. " ~~- , I Alto A4a1:8 Botary l'ubl1o. 3 ta te at La rge. M,y OOmDli..1Jn expires 080.19,1928. \" " '", I. .!o. . i i J , ~ L ; , j' 0-;. i i I I ,I j , ! . i , ~ ~ ,; I f ! I i ! i . j , i I I , f; "_.-4- ,I ,