HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0283 :,~'L27,2' /J ._" " f-;t------",. ~~JI.. "f- "",-' ".r.j, I-,'~......t::"-~'-:--'I Ii""'" .~ . . . ,,'., ., 'j~I" 1,,'1 -,"T'" "'1 ~-: ','," """1' t ",' , :,', 1;, I 1." , ",' " " -. ; ... t - I .. I t. .~.',' "r. 1I . ",. ~ . .~. .r I I .~ .., _'~', .:-: ',1"1'" i h ..,",O'l'",i'-J" ",,:',-;' '. """ ,I, "I ',,1" ,"I.', \l. ; .' ..;.'.~.~~ ,,~~:I=.T~~';' T ..,;~',.~,-:,~", .~~' '''~~l':';.' ,,;~~~,;,~;'.:.,.,:> :c,~~~~,.l,;,~~,:~;;"':-"!:'.t:"~~'~~':.-}~,r~;~:; ".~"~~'~I~~,;~>\.ly~1~~'~I';'7~t~~.J , ',', I" " : ~' , ',,' ',", I' , , I I I", : " " .' '.: I ' . " I:" , ;)' '" I " . ! ", ' " ~G~R W1-t~' all. ~~e\:~~~~1l'8,i l1erqd1taale~t8and-appurte~no88" ,,1~b every pr1vllege~ rig,ht, i, "', " " ,;,'.- '..' " ,', \, 'I ,L . \' , ,I :. "., ,'", r, \ ,I ,: ',' :,'," " I ,\ \:, title, 11nterE-st ai14eeta te, rever~1o.n"rema1J;1d-erl al\d e,semeJ;1ttl\ere.10 :belonging ,or 1n ;anyw1~e' ,> ,; :, \'. II,' '\ ,"" ,I, ,\" ,"1" \ ' , l. '..' " '.' ; ,\ ", \ "\ \,.', " : a~~er,ta~o~; .~ H~VE AND!O' HOLrl :th~',~,a,rne~,n' :.t~,' lIimP~e, fO~tV~r".' ,'\ I ,>t\ ,', \ . ~ . ", ." . ~ ,c' \ .' . ~. " _ \. . , " ,And' the e.U:partl i)'f t'he \~i~l:lt part doth .o~vll~nt\ ttltl,i the 'sald', ~rty of t,he eeqond. "', ',-<'. \"\".~ \.\.~' ',"",. -:.:" ".'.~-'\.-_' -',"!.,"" 'C:. ..\..t.::.......,...~\. ,\pail't, ~ha, t' lt '~s ,lawf~ll" ~e1~_cl,of'.t~e 'a,,1d;,pr_m1sUr t~t, th".refre,e, Ofal7,'\1iiQ\UiJb,~~lJ)'~ ,au;d ,'.,/ : .,' - - \\\, . - -' .-' - . -" \ - ,\ . - .. - -." . " ~'...'~' -' - \ \. :- \ :, ,tlie t It lu\8 gOQdrlgh~ and lawful: author1 t7' to 'SIP ,th~ecame; 6nathe eaJ.d ~~~lot ~he flret pert " , . ,\. _: '...'. ;, .'41", \. ~,.' \_> \',:'.' . _"_ .\ .":'; .:. ~ , .; \_ \~. .'._\ : ~ ".' ~_ \.: _~~ .\ ~_\ ',doe8 bere:b~ f~111:war~~nt tbe :,~1~1~ ~() 88l4,la04, ,~4 WU~I ~ttel1d t?,eeame ~gai.9a~~e laWful',',",' I" , olaims of,all Per8'~na wbqaleooer,. ,< I " 1."",,'.\. ',"','"", ; ",', ":'" '\',.. , :a, WIT~.SS WHE~OlP,:,the' s~lll partl ~:! 'the flr8t:-J>&r,t , " " ,<,~ \ " ,"~ , . '" ,", ',,', , ", . 8~gnecl1i1 '1tQ" uam.bl ita 'J'resl!lfnt,' end #s oorpo~te,ee.l to ; \',.'; .. '. . -" . --. .' . t ; '" - ~ ~. \ :.' . --. .' . Seoretarr:tbe, ,da1 'aod le,ar . above wr'ltten. ';.' " , :. , , , \ :, , " ' " ' .. 18Q ORA'll! S )- , , ' ~ \ 'il \. .\ \ '\: '\ ... ~.; oauaed: tbes~ ~re~~nt8\,to be. , ,:, b"aftl~e4. 'atteete4 .b1."'l'ti ',..: . ' ,", ,I " \ ~ .1 , l l 'S1gllli?4.a~aie~8ri.d d~tl1vered;in our presence:, , " BelUe, M.: Babb-' . ' , " " O. C. Go..' " ;, " '. '"-i ~' i \, J .f , {; , il .-ii I \ I, '" 1 i I , ! .. r VERt> .FINAUCE ac' IMFRO'vEM;:NT:COR1>ORATlbN< ',,' ,,' ... . - -.- . ..... '. "';"11 A~'K~ ' Hlll' ' ; ~~.i,i~ent.. '. . ... ~ " 01 Hut'obiaon " 'Seoretart - . , . . .. ~ ': ,'.~ . .. : ~ ,'-. ~' f.- ",.: ' " , , ' .' ' ,,'~'tA:m 'Ot*PLOR'lDA " ~U!fTY' ,or' ST. LpCU .' ~ : '. :,' : l' -,'j. " . . . .l-HBREBY C~R'lIrY ;"'~ t,'-on. .thl..',9tli, 48'l.ot. lebruar1: A~ 'D. 192~~. ~:betore.;,~'Pe~,.~1~1'.'" co . . .' .~. ",. ,,'.' ',' '., " .. \'. .. -.'- . .' .' _ '.' .' . .,~. " '.' . . . " . . ' ; , . ap'pea.red i.ll.HliLand John LeR03< Hutoh180n reapeot'hely,l'reSldeQt alld~oretar1'of.cVero ." : ," .-T' .~. . . ....' ". . ' ,: .' ,'. '. '.' .' ' '.':'" . '. :',;. "-\ _ . - '. . ". ..' 'c '" . .-' '.P1~noe .&:,Improvement Corp,o~at1ona oorpo<ratl,Qn' Un.der't~e laW8 Qf the State of.rlorida to .: .. . - .... '. r"_ : '.' -- ." 0 ~ 0 " . ,'. . ~ ~. :... " __' '. ' l' '.;. . . , knOwn to betlle,persoli8~de8or~be4inaM'"ilo ex,ou'ted the foregoj,Dgoonvel'ano~ to Edward J. ," ~"'"' ...., '" ..'_ .", ";' ': ~',- "--, , .' .,..'.... :.~ ~" . -."'0:', .':,.'.. ':'_"_: ." 0' . ._' ~.'.._. .r: Weasels a,'nd 8ev~ral~taoknC?wledged th~ exeou tton 'th~reo'f to be<thelr free ao't and .d~e~ ,a8 aU,oh , .# '. '. ': ; , ..". . . " \" '." . ,. - . <. . , " .: ~.. '. ., ." ~ 0".:'" . " oft1.o'~~8,'fQr t~. ;ueeeand JlUr'posee~berei'~ ~entl~~d~and t~t'tJ.1e1,af~l~ed thento the. 01fi,Q~~'. , , , a8al ot sa'u:'ootP6rat:io~f ~fll"the'. 8a14 ln8tru~nt '18 'the.,~t ~d \~$e:d 'O'f' "d~'O~rp()~'ti,~~. ,,', H':- 'VerQlnt)1e"qoUJIty 'of St'. Luo~e, E\ndSta te,' '. , .{ , . ' '(, ' , ' :J:.' ',,' , ' '. j . ;',',,;:, " ',' . ~, ; of lea rlaet aforeStL1d'. ,.. , .. , ,<1'_ ..; , .. , Ueilieli. ~Babb. ~.. /. :.< (Seal)' . ,:Uotary 1>ulll1Q, Sta te' of Plor.lde"..a t LArge. lq oomm1sQion 'expires, Ma1 9.1928,.: ' '. .Fll~d and , '. ,,' ot,Aprl1,1926,.a<tlO:00 A',Il. ' " ";-0--:7:;. ;'. .~~ t '. . ,,' '......P.O.,'~ldr,ed, Ol~l'It Clrc~t Court., , i ,p~~JJii~'?c (J;lo~aM .-- ..' , ,BJ'.",. , ,"',4-u ~ :.~,~ /:)'," D.~.,' ~ .L"r~~ fi)Jf!.ft<it.L:, ' .u il .. '.;; ~ j i " t , . I ...1 i , , .' I " ~ ~.' '. .' _ _ __' __'.' . . , . '" -, :." 'b -' . .-~~.-~~.~.-.~~~.-.-.~~~'~.-~~.-.~.~.~.-.-'-.~.~.~.-i-.-.~.-.-.-~~.~.~.-.-~-~~,.-..-~-~~._.~ , .. ED7:ARD NE1'iYAIL TO WARRANTY DUD OLARAA.KI1LfE~. ,., , . , -- . ,. .1elaw._r) ot~~~t:l ,o.ot s~.. ~ou181n the; S~ta.~ qflJ188our.l' part1 .ot t~e. ~1ret part, '~d. Clara ,THIS IUIEIITURE.lLade 'th1s 22nd, day of 'Aprll~ A. D., 1924 BE TWEEU Edl1&'rd l!ewman (. \ . :- ~ ' ~ . t ,I-. l{llleeno'f the 01>>: of St. Loui8 ,in the State' of :as8our1'partJ of the eeoondpart. : ~_~ . .' . J ViITll~SSETH,That 'the'sald partf,~f,tM f~rat,part. for and In QOl;l8ideratlon of the . , .ium of One, dollare, ($1.00)' and ' otherva,lu.ble' oon81deratlons DOll,ar~9 to hllI1.1n hand 1>&14,)>7 , I :he.a1d party of lihe l8~ond ~r~, the reoe1pt whereof 18,he.re~1 aOkno"Nleclged" haa g~~ted, b.r~aloed" aDd '801dt,0.the said 'partl of the seoondpe. rt, her he1rsand. &aa1g,ns forever, the fO?-lO'lVl11g dUor1bed laod, 81tua~. ~ lying and belng in the,CouotY'o! St. 1141. State of Plo.r1d.a, (, " ,~) to.wit: (I " , ,