HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0284 o ' , j , .' '" ,'~, i ,::ot''-'j"'! l j ~:;" I, I ' ' , < I, ' I, '" I"" ':Ji '~J: '2' ,"7;13,1,11,:' l"t. ';,~"'. ,': " " . 11 Ii " /,/ J I: "', I 'I " ' " ~ ... I' .1,1' \',' ' "I ' ',,'.\! i" I " I' , ",' .-:'~~~ ,;;~~~;.~,~.i""~-;"~ijr"i~7.,,,;;~:~--:~~~;"~L.!~"::_~~+:t.:~:"~~'~~'7"~~'."~~;?:' " . , t, Ii I' \,,; Tlle, 'Vles't t,n alid, 81xty \t,,~ hundreth8, (,10.62) a.ores Qf iTtao't Two .(2) , . ,\ ' , ' .,' '. ' \ ' " " ' , ' ,\ ' , . ',i ',\' :' , \ ' " I :' ,', ". '",.~'ouon twe11t)..eS.x,(~6\ ,~o~shiJl thlrt~,:,~l1re& {3t3)'~~outh'., Ra~e ,",', , ,'. " ',', " , ' ','" " ", ' , , ' \" "i' \ \' '\,:thlr~1;'~~8, (~~):~ ~,st'''"as.,~e' 8~~;'18~U1gqa'd, ()~ thtt :,l].a~1;gene~l \,' !, plat' of, lands ot lthe I~i~niU:,~r :'~r~ Comp~u~, .,' f'''~ed '~n'the \,of~io,' '. \ "" \, . . ',' , \, 'of'. the <aer')c of the' 01r~u1't ,Cour't of St. lLuc1e' coun~. 11ondp.: ~ ' ' ' \ ' ~ " ': " " ' " ;, \ ' , no> ~, :'12.00 I~R.5t.s ',oanoelled), " ~ . . :. . ...... - \ ~" \ . -' .~. " .' , -. . - . . '. '. ;. ".lncl 'the said ,pe.rtyo'fthe fir8~ partdo~shere by fully wair'ant ,th$ tttle to' , ',' , , ' " '..\ ,,' '..' ,', ,: . ", ~' ..." ,',.' \ , , ", \ def~nd the ,same agalnat the' ]Awful' ola~!l\1J of an~rso~whomsoev.er. . , ' ", " ,,' , ,",'\ ", ': ' , .- ,r. 0' ,,' ~ , .' , " ,. " Ilf WtTllESS \\HEREOJ~ .~e ,_14 party' of the f11-B't part hks>,ihel"eunto eet~i8' b&nd and,. > ' ' '..,.. , , -, ' " .'" '.' ' '.. ,- , ,':",-' 8ea..~\ ~he d&l>an~ y~,r~ firB t" ab~ve ,wrl~~e~~" .' ,~,. ' '.'. ,S,2.gne~aled and d~l,1 '98~ed',lnprueno. of" us: ..Edw".;rd Be~man.~ ....~ (Seal), Barl: D.'D)'8at' ' l'$ul,'B~r.h~m , ',; . ,:' ,,'iLtIBOIS," . ,-:ST41E'.0l!' :l!'L,ORID.1'~<!>" OOUnTY ;0'" MACOUP lit . 1:: \, , ' [ , \ . ~'\ -~ , '\ . , ,I , " , ' '. ".' -, .' , l' ..... . .- ~ t ..' t " . ,\ \', 'I.' , '" " ':, ~",\ \' ' '\ ,\" \ . . ,\ ',\ '., " . .,\ . 8a~; ~\'~d', ~nd ~ni,.'r . '1 , .' ',I,' . '"I' I.;' t:,- ~ ! 'II '. ~ J . j l 'j . '1 ",]~ " ' "'k , I " I! . ' I , : r 1 :~:-l $,ta~ of IllinOis I , , ,,' )" ' ,I' . '1 " ", ""I' ~ ~, ~! ;t " ,,' ... " , .' " '.;.' , ,; '..} . " w' ',' .'- .' .. " I,HRREBY bE~IP.Y..Tlia\',on t~18, d81 pereonally aJiptl'ared befpre me': anoft,loer duly' " '>., , ; '"., ,', \,'" ,: .', " ," -: ' ',,', ":, "" ' "-:,, ,.' autho'r118d 'to alm1n18t~r oatu~i1d take aokrio"le~gDlui~8 EdwardUewman'!& "lc1owei'.to'mewell, '~' ' ' "",, ' , : '.- ",', ' " ." ,,' , "," ' knowl1and, k;~wn to, me to,be: the'ijld1vidual,d~8orlb6d tn, and who, exeou't.~, tb,e foregoiDg',d~ed; and" " "",, " . , " ' , ' ~,' , >>' " . '. has ao~nOw~~dged before 'motha t 11e &'Jt8~uted. tbe '881OO,t.ree\yalld vO~Untari1Y :for, ,the PJ1rpOe~8' , ", . " " ", .', ' ' " . , '- , ' therem expre,8se4. ,-"", r".'''7., .. .. ",' :-. . . . ....." . I ,VilmE8~ f111 band and' offlo1al -' "-;1 i." "iI &eal ~t BedldCount;y= Q f UaQoupl.n rind .. ,'thi.s ~, o~'L!ay,A.P" .19,24.: d , J_a :o;~, Rolando,' , , No;~'rl l'ulb10 ~lt1oomm1,8s1oIi :expi te8 ~r. ,2 ~ ,192,6~ " ..F.SMi~" ,.u~~0~rde~~h1~ ~t~',d~ of :' " ApI'll.U2[).,atlO;~1'A.-)l...,: " , ' , , , ,F. ~., 'E14l'e4~ Clerk QlroUit 'COlJl't. 'By 4:' ",",',.'" Ll" " ,~'~'8~ D.O., I({. ' " CQ1"(j \~. : ' QJ'.L1ied 'f .. ""'~ " . ': .e. ,. ._'~_. _'. _~ ~'. ~'. ~ .,_'-~ - ~_ .~,~ _... .,",. -.~. -... -,. - .-'.,-,~,:".- .--'.~.- 0,- .- · ~ o,-,.~. -. - .,- '.:- ....,~,.'-'~- .:... -,. ": .0-. ~ ...' .;:.. -, ','." . ~ 11. C ~ 'DAllIELS, INO. A~ o. SWEE~ . WI~ '. -: 0 TO ,~ AGREEMENT 10R'_DEED , ARTIOLF.S OJ4GREEJa~T, Kade thi8 ,3rd, dayo~A.prll'~n tne ye~ of op.r,lQ r~i" one thousand, nine hu'ndredand ~ent~,,:f1ve BETWEEll A.' 0.,5_ee1;, '~~a...~'s~e'et.:h'18 wife;parUes of the' f1r~t , F ' part, aIld H. C. Danle18. Ino. party of the seoond pU't, . '," : ': _ ~:. "J_. I", " WITttES,SETH, "That 'if', ,tMs~idparty of the seoond. part shaH f1J:8t !}Bite the payment8,and , '- ',\", " pedor~ 'tpf", oovenan.~B'here1,nafter ,Ite~tioned on lts part to be mad~' and 'performed, 'thes4&id,pa~t1.e8 " - . , ~ ! Q' ." " . of' the first part here,byoovenadt and agree W, Qon:vel ~nd, aSBUr& to the Bald part,y of' the second ,part" 1tfilhelrs,e)ceoutor8; ~dmin18trators or' ~BBlgns,' In fee simple; olear of all lnownbranOeB . " . .' " "." w)1ue.n,r, by a ~,QL.n.df8uff1oient de'. ~he lot'; pleoe o:r paroel of ,~oulld" S~~u!~e4' i.n,the Oountl of at. Lucie, Sta w of l'lo:r~d.~ kllOAij and d.eoribea. as follofl8; to-Jt1.t: , ' , ! The rrt of the SEt'of the' S!tof.Seotlon29, T01Vn8h1Jl.'~7, Rang~41,v and the Bald party of) the lMI,oolld ~'rt here'by oovellen te and &greesfto pal to then 1d psrtlee of 'I .. >t-~e drs,t' pl..rt the aum ~f.'lw.nty-five Hundred Donan, in the nannerfollowing. ",lve Hlln4red I ' " , ' C!600.00}I>01~J'8 u:POQ the elgning ~~' t~i8a8r"lDIent, reoe1ptof ,whioh ,.i8hcreb)' aOk,nOw~e4ge4. , I ' C.2.000 ~OO} DOllar. of! 0 t before thirty (30),4.)'8 after 4elll'U7 ',of deed and abetl't.O"