HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTi PERMIT# I 1 3j JS - ^ r, 1 r1 I [ ISSUE DATE I II PLANNING & D3 VELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division (Company Nanie/Individuat Name) the (Type of Trade) For the project located at S treet It is understood that, if there is any change of project, the Building and Code Regulation I filing of a Chan,e of Sub -contractor notice. (Qualifier) ussrsso state of Flom, County oL��./ le — The foregoing Instrument was signed before nc this dqy or JuI�-e ,20heby ,f H//,l i •l^riJ who Is personally known or has produced a I - 13UIIWING PERNIIT r4RAC'TOR AGREEMENT RECEIVE'D --��_' JUN 0 7 70i. ST. Lucie County, Permitting have agreed to be b-contractor for (Primary Contractor)) n, - or PropertyTax ID It) regarding our participation with the above mentioned ision of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the STAMP Prmt Name ofiVotaty Public �— ' gn��,,y Rebecca EGG 60876 ','r . Comm Wission 19 2021 as..�N A�on�N°tarY Bonded Revised 11/16/2016 rrs 41iki1i"N SUB -CONTRACTORS NATURE(Qualificr) PRINT NAME � [FO30027� COUNTY CERTIFICATION IMBER ,QNU State of Florida, County of ` C.`VA- (3-ZC+ C_ IN The roregoing Instrument I • ,� � suns signee�d�L bef T�ore me this G f '11yy or "7-mil . 2tig by —1 r t • A/_ who is personally known Xor has produced a 7-Ai blic = • 8 Notary Public. State of Florida 3, • iD Cornrnlsslon tY FF 913593 I C F My Comm. Expires Aug,•` 27, 201. `ubile Bonded c ttu0uptt National Nowy Assn PERMIT# I I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Cdde Compliance Division RECEIVED �- BUI "DING PERMIT SUB-CONTIACTOR AGREEMENT J U N 0 7 2018 L.cIO County, Permitting Klageway Plumbing, Inc. I has agreed to be (Company NameAndividual Name) the Plumbing I Sub -contractor for GHO Homes (Type of Trade) I (Primary Contractor) For the project located at���>°h� �/ h-e _ J�/ ile, (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of st tus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Divi ion of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Chan - of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACT NA E (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRACT NATURE (Qualifier) ✓ Gary Kozen PIUN NAME PRINT NAME CC COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 7` State of Florida, County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was signed before me this L day f The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 9t1 day of :A20 /4,9by �/� C( f�_ I o���i March 2017, by Gary Kazan who is personally known X or has I ally known bas produced a ' produced a VL n1dentificaon. - as identification. ��;�';,�••.,, ANNA-LESA MARIA PENAS STAMP bt Notary PUftA1®t le of Florida S Jq -0f ots ubl Signatur f NotaryPublic :• •E Commission N GG 01644E a My Comm. Expires Nov 26, 2020 sy� C LV •, Bondidthrough National Notary Assf, a• es M. Penns Print Name of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Rebecca 01ma v''�' I GG06Q876 Comlritssion �tltlatY 9' � ON *_ mites: Bondedthru paren Revised 111/16016 mr, PERMIT # �:p IQ � A4J •, M • 1 (Type PLANNING &ILL Building & C. Name) Su BUt ISSUE DATE LOPMENT SERVICES e Compliance Division INC PERMIT CTOR ACREEN1ENT for =RECEIVED have agreed to be 40 (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ✓ 216j Bqo, (Project Street Address qr Property Tax I fl) It is understood that, if there is any change of project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisi filing of a Change of Seib -contractor notice. WiniliLl State of Florida, County or T L' •C_ The foregoing inctrutuen/t Wits signed beffuure me lhis 'i`it a �j.-! ,2ULbhy LL/L/�1 i7) t�f;,74, as idcn of known nr bus produced n �- sssntn ;Q,V �i1 f- Rebecca Dima ex �s�'° Commission P 0006 Expires: January 9, � Bonded thru Aron N ftcr•isctlllllU2U16 ',iq���pp� s regarding our participation with the above mentioned of St. Lucie County will be advised Pursuant to the t' Sm CONrRACf'O'R�S'I"GNICI't1R�nli0er) i L rk YrL 1 RIIYT!�AA I, COUNTY wrrfFICATION NMII--Iyrt:R state ur Iloridu. Cnunle u�t.�JI -f i�6i Th.efurel! iinR Instrument was si> nell before me this .2`f dp or P r + r 1•�_ i 1 .20 by ) 1 tiyyl�� who is personally known �r fins produced n %�' ra as idin0lication.1 / • �/ srAXu Si attre orNutary Public / 1 Print Nome or Nutnry Public �`'�` '• CHRISTINE M KOSAKOWSKI _ MY COMMISSION # GG001803 EXPIRES June 13. 2020 (•to7170G•U159 P�aricaNc aSarvteo com PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICE RECEIVEIJ Building & CoJe Compliance Division JUN 0 7 2018 I BUILD NG PERMIT ST. Lucie Permitting County, Png SUB-CONTRAPTOR AGREEMENT _ (Company Name/Individual Name) the �/tG.s'7%J Su (Type of Trade) have agreed to be for &;Ylelb 171�)4eezlr (Primary Contractor) For the project located at �) G ( t5 L J A (Project Street Address o4 Property Tax ID #) y-e It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Divisioli of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of CONTRALTO l iR a RINT NAME i tractor notice. State of Florida, County ofS �[�l C- Th-Uoregoing instrument was signed before me this day of u 2L/ by k)) Cl YY1 jet Y1 who is personall, as idc ti cation. 7621urc qt Print Name of Ni known ✓ or has produced a --- Revised 11/16/2016 �:�iil�.�''% Go�m'O ','NEC." i /\ d3— SUB-CONTRACTORSIGNATURE'(Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ---4'1C; The foregoing instrument was signed before met this I ay of 20Lt , by C who is personally known _or has produced;n }Tti':1 lln _.tH711�t-. f*'i'.trv", i c�bAz��i':• N�,:; (Conrpaam the . (Type of Trade) ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Co a Compliance Division RECEIVED BUILD NG PERMIT JUN 07 2018 SUB-CONTRA7TOR AGREEMENT ST. Lucie County, Permitting ndividupl Natry6) For the project located at have agreed to be for c ,,e S' Ur . (Pritn ry Contra or) ) �I C� IDen7-- rl` roject Street Address or i roperty Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status project, the Building and Code Regulation Division filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. (Qualifier) ,'2 C6Co�;//qS State of Florida, County of_ t4Z I The foregoing instrument wus signed before me this Y day of lti Y1..2 , 2a bb)• /,4) j I I 1 e, M'J who is personally known �r has produced a y : oiltJ��:e�hf;�;,,, �om��ssw'uaN 9' p�nJ u^•`�' Goaded �� Revised 11116:2016 PI our participation with the above mentioned St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the 4&z'r t - ig SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNA RE (QunUrier) PRUNIT NAM 51 VS - COUNTY CERTIFICATION XU&tBER State ofFlorida, county of t.i^aa" 9—";•dl.. � The foregoing instrument wus signed before m,I e this L/ dac of ✓Wk . , ZO �6, by ibfu3 L-02—eZU,n who ls.personally known Zor has produced u as ldenlification. .1, 7 STANII Signature of Notary l Pu/blic�+ r "164*' d-- _.ly.s Print Some of Notury Public VICTORIA L CLOS MY COMMISSION a (300745•fS EXPIRES February 07.2021