HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPECIAL WARRANTY DEEDJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLER'' THE CIRCUIT C FILE 9 4015642 OR SO - 692 • PAGE 668, Doc Tax: $10150.00 - SAINT LUCIE COUI+ rded 11/20/2014 at._.:18 PM WARM 1 BY . c9�Cou � 's ItaaTrae Pwolemn. iao. .� 3225 Cumberlaad Blvd, Suite I GA 30339 .�9 u K Atlawa, Art Caparde Camel Rea[ Estate �'L„ L gill FBI THIS INDENTURE, made as of fttgff& day of November, 2014, by and between COMMUNITY SAVANNA CLUB JOINT V RE; a Delaware general partnership, whose address Is do Amer€can Land Lease, 380 Park P Boulevard, Susie 200, Clearwater, Florida 33670 (hereinafter referred to as "Grento� and RACETRAC PETROLEUM, INC., a Georgia se corporation, whoaddress Is 3225 Cttmbedand Boulevard, Sate 100. Atlanta, Georgia 30339 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee'). (Where us the ter rtet" aid "¢ odaL all tha'pertles to'tltts inraeb rtrtlstbs! logt�hi �l n I signs f D�divid . a the and ns f centre ns. Limited iabi nv di ions ro s)_ i WIN sl Er T&Grantor, Corsi the m AND N01100 L S($10. d to le co pa to rancor, the reoe€pt and uffi of are ad, as gra , b alned, , transferred, conveyed arase t, nvey unto simple, all that certain tractor parcel of land ly€ and being In St Lucie County, Florida, teeing more partietdarly described on Exhibit "A" a ched hereto and Incorporated ROWS, by this reference (heroinafter referred to as the'Props TOGETHER with all of the tenemen] hereditements and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances pertaining thereto, inducing all f Grantor's right, title and Interest, if any (but without warranty whether statutory, express or implied). In and to any land Situated In any adjacent stnim almet, Woad, h€9hwayt-oLother of way. Public or orivate. oven or nr000sed_ in 1 OR BOOK 3692 PAGE AND Grantor hereby cover►ants with Grantele that Grantor is lawfully seized of the Property In tee simple; that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the Property, and hereby warrards the title to the Property and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever arising through or under Grantor, but not otherwise. This conveyance Is subject to those items disclosed on ExhW6 attached hereto, but this reference to r items shall not ope to reimpose the same. IP 0 [SIGNATURE ON FOLLO"NG PAGE] CC OR BOOK 3692 PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this deed to be signed, seated and delivered as of the day and year first above wrfiten. y: I v ors Operating P p, L.P., a R . D ed partnersh bar Mess Land Lease, , Print Name;. My k . Tokos corporation, its General Partner 1�ame; am' -- a: Sr, Viceptesidfnf- STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 0lt4 ELLAS e foregoin I Uu s aclm be, me this /I da of , 201 b 1 S. lkm . as e I ssi of Lea Inc., a Delaware co oration, as n i P drtr!' ae investors Ops Pa ip, L P., a Detaw re I fled parnr ip sole ale ber of Florida P 1, LL ., Delaware Um d I I' company. Bing Partner of Comm Sa anna Club al I a e p, fa nown to wh prod so id Cabo and who did did not) an oath. 7! R. 17e'i HV COl muort i Eallms EW.RM-W.,Ja 20.2015 C CO3 OR BMK 3692 PAGE EXHIB'T'x LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE'PROPERTr APOMMOFLOT16.BLOCK3,SEWN 26,TOVMSKIP35SO=,RANGEWEAST,Ar3SWWMONIKEKATOFST.WCIEGARO ACOORDWGTOTNEPLATTHEREOF AS RECORDED NFLAT BOOK 1,PAGEAOFTHERWORECORDS OFST.LUMCOMM RORIDA,OEV-WEDA$FOLLOWS: COIIeCWOA77HESOUTHEWCOWS OFSADSECTION2tYMCENDRTN09'W}7'Y ALOKOAPORTIONOFTTESOUTNUNEOFSAIDSECTION20,AOISWNCE OF2123.S7FEET TDA POINT ON TNEEAST RIWOF WAYOF LL&MIUAY ND. f; THENCE NOR1H2TYg17-WEBTALONG SADEAST RIGIR OFWAY UNE OF U.S. KKMWAY to b ADWAN EOF "M FEUTO TBEPOWT OF BEOWNG; THENCE COMMENOE M 2P28+1T WESTALONG SAID EASTRWif OFWAY OFU.& HIGHWAY NO.1,A DISTANCFOF3afA3 FEETTOA POIRONTHE SOUTHRiWOFWAYLLNE OFSAVANNA CLUB BOULEVARD,ASSNOWN ON SAVANNACLUB FLATNO.1, ACCORDING T07HE PLATTHERIAFAS RECORDED 01 PLATBOW 24, PAGE7, OFTHE PUBUIC RECOROSOFO. LUCIECOIBTTY, RAMDA; nMNCESOUIH W401r EAST,A DISTANCE OF 23T.17 FEETTOAPOW OFCURVATUREOFACRCULARCURVETOTHE RLGF1PTHENCEEAS1)3 ANANDSOUTHEASTERLY. ALONG THEARCOFSADCWKHAVNGARADNISOF 32OZEMLACEMIALANGLEOFffi'0 WANDANARC biSTANCEOF20MFEETTOAPOW OFREVERNCURVATUREOFACROWARCURVE70MLEFT.THENCE FARALLELTO SMDLANDSS IERfOM f LU ,FLORIK - FOR GR ±E'S INFOI i PLAT MXW 24 PA6E 7 ,r/BDaFo BT 207W i{ ii 100 50 \ 0 10D CWHIC SCALE IN FEET V-IW NOTE: ORWOR HAS INCLUDED THIS DRAKING SE PUAPOSESAFIERO COKVEYAfDEOF TO710:PROFfiitYPU TRI ,ORANY w TEO T TOSUCKR. NOEFFECTON VEYANCEOF FR AW 07H R USE Oj OFTHE uTE SETFORTKN TWOPAUMOFTHISOM DRAMS. OEEO. ) :u,dwVeY E'NOTE ELO ,may a4& � LLT� 3 t4Al mw \ ..._�IW PUCE RN QW lAT L?t7LY! Al PAW JD m4cr J maov PLAor mAT ma aw MAT MW 54 PALW JD PICw er SIT �40 0125 QOMAd9valEIYT �B? OF r W17V 272am", .$ 3d (TIONTO GRANTEE, SOLELY FOR GRANME'8 MFPoIALUFORNArOML OR BOOK 3692 PAGE 1. Matt P c 2. E t in 1 , Public R PERMITITO EX on the Piet d-6-C Lucie Lucie Cow recorded to Plat Book 1, page 3. aratlon of R iv Covenants mmu Ity Savenn ub Joint nt , a aware yens kloCo hip, h f or Ra T team, Inc., a �cocardso mb 12, 4, date herewith, ' th P Iic St. L , Fir do. 4. Sign Easement Agreement by and between mmunity Savanna Club Joint Venture, a Delaware general partnership, and Racell Petroleum, Inc., a Georgia corporation, dated November 12, 2014, recorded of even pate herewith, In the Public Recwrdsof SL Lucie County, Florida C CO CSC