HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0297 ~ 1_ --.. J. ~-'. '. 'f ':--1 ._'':.~--~f;:--':".' -"'.;~l""" , '~S6.'C." '~', "" .. ii' ') ~",:,I"i " . I' ,,~-,',"~., ':_', " ' '.. " 1,~~;_~L,j;.~;~:':,"[,~4.'lt~,' ',"~j\;;."~~,,~;4,~~~~~,),I!l,,..,~~I;.~:L,.,",~r~~:'":':;:",~ " '.', . tN', \" l'IllEaS J.naso i\the' 8;114 'l?a'I"t l,~.~o:i ';~h..--.-tl'i'8t',-Par't-:~b&V~.he-ft\mto 8.tj,~he1,r~~nd"":'~d+,-,~-"J'....~~---,-~-, I I ,1, ' ' i' I' \ ' .'.' '" ,,'. ' .', '," l, \ ' ,\ 1,\1 ':',' ',." Ii' . \',\ . ',: . i ',1, ',1," '.'.' .i &e.ala, ~ ~&Yanfyear'f1,rdaboYe'''r1,tt~hf,'I' l :\ . \, \ ,', I' i-'\"~--T'+" \, ,'), ,', \ i.,' :1,', [S~~n8d,88are4'lana ,~el1ver~I, lntbe pre~e~o.of: " \':'" \ " , ; ',l .,: ~\, : rorlcWi..A3ooU ',' \,1 \, \, , ,\ ,I, ,I \ ,alai'a, D. H,..ne1",...,....~...'8.ll) ',' f 0 ,', ~,~ ~ll~lpe, I' I. ',' ' '.. .. " ' '\' II;: ' ,Olar~~. 1J~ner. .,.. .1." ,j'.. ~~a\~) ; \\ I' ,,\ ", _ ;'l'aUl'O., "~o,k,er', ,:':N1tn08~1~natureof'Oi.~ts/Ph.11'lPS) ',01, aud"S. -:Phlll1,P8..,'.t~~'~.'.\(Sealh, ' :-: .;,' p~ '.~ lrau()l~\\\.,ste'8,leC\\, ::, 'I' ~- \~ ,,\1' I\LOe!l.la"R,.,Phill1ps..~.....(s,al)\, .'\ "': F;ru8Bt .11111ll:1pa \:\ ..:'," I ~, " ' , -;' I , ~ 'Ruseell 'J'.\l'hUhp8 ,I " , I ' , ,\ ,', \ B.1Ue, StUart.. .,e...... ~ ~. fSeal')' ", - " . t -, - <\ . ". 1 ". ~ . '. , \ ~\~:e~~~~n ", .'11 , , ' .' :~'\ \:!Dij:\~:~~~,x~!~~~~~~:: :n': J~::11 , " " I \ ' " \ : \ ~ \ , .,,-.; '. . 01 i , : ',\ , ;'1 ') , , 1':' " ~ ; J{oeeQu'1nn '~e:S'.Gate,8. II', r.<" :', . . . .. . "a ," ',: , , (. ',-'. i, \ ' Stat.' of, \'leet V1rgin1..~;J' -, , ' " , , 88.' County of Upshur. ' I" - ---'--'j>~- ~-'-.--'---- , . ' ~. . -:\ . .~. .~ : . ': ~ ..' . '. . . - :'. ,_ " . .... :.,'~. ~ .' .. .... _ ~ . ..'. . r ~'.' . . _ " . . ~, ~REBY; CB~~1Y, that,outh1e 4ay:pe't8~nalll.apJ>8ar..~, bef9.re' me, an cit,f1oer dli).}", ; . auth~riz~4 'to ~adminiet'er o~\he'&i~ 't8ke ao~o~led_Jit8,' 'Cla~a' D~',aea"~el< ancS,'el.,k .~'.,: Heavp~ri,; " '. '. . ..~,.'., '~_."'_;" ",.'. :. ", ,","" ._._.0,' . _ " .', .' ,," ,...- 0,_. " . ,,':, ".' :" :','If", . ~ '::berIlu.ebe.rid, to me 'wenlrino~n~,andknowD.to'me to,be 1n the-~d~.Uuale ,d(ui~r~be~.1l\.~dwhO " " . ~ , ~ ,t J < , " .,'. , -, ~ d .' ;~xeOu.ted,the fOreg01ng"deed'.aild,'t,h,~li~kno",l~dgtid befox'Et me'that they, e~eout'edthe, eame:tree~i arid voiun~n~fo~ 'the ~u~pose ~h.re1n:'exPr~B:~ed .:; ':: :' . , , ,;~: ,ANl),,t ;.ruR'i~R 9E,Rl'm t'~tt~e 'ea1d' Olare:' Pi' Heti'vn~r," bowlltome'tobQ' 'the \,f1e' ()f " ";s ~ .' :. '. . . . . '. :'. .' .~. . - . . 'I.., . the B414' Olark',v.. Hepvner, ,on a Beparate and pr1vate examination taken,a'nd IIB,de by and' before. me.' " ". ..... . . " 'I - .' -, . ' ." '. ~ ."" _' .:' " separa~ellandapart" f""romher ea1dhuaband ,_, dlaaokuowie,d'ge' that ',eh~~d~ herse'lf~i pi-ty to '881d, , ': du~for the Pur~os.e,Of ~l!oun,cSl,ng, ,rei ~q~i8h 1n~ 8n'4 ,ooitvei.1ngall ~e! 1"1g~t'~ t~tl'" ,and, 'lnt~;t'~B1!.'," 1 , " " ", " ' , ", " , ".' , " " , ',',', ,',,',' ",' ',' , ,: , ',' ",' ,,' , I :::::::~:t,t::~::.h::, :.:::::,.~:~::::,::t,:,~r:::tt.:t::::;1~:~.,..~::::~i::~:it:O::~.:Od8",'"" ,;,~~.t:,.' '."~ .- 'ooinpulelQn, 'coIi8tralht, apprehetle1ori, or, tear of or. fro'm,her'ea1d, hliabanc1'., , . ':" '. ",: ,,'; . ..' . .-' -. .' " ". . " -.', . ." .. '.. #. J) ~ ~ -.;: , , wt~UiBSS "Ill1'ban4and'of'fi'01al' seal'a't' BU()~imon,:County QfUpShur:, and state of .~';e8t . . 1 -. ," ',.. ,.' .-',. .:' .' ~. - . - " ., "..' . -. ." .; , , , V1rgln1.,,~h18 6th day '~f A.p,rU..1926~" . '. --..- .> . ~ . ~ ....; .-f. ....:. , , ,Sts:teo i West, V rg nl. ' ) , I, , , , t -' " ee.' " , " Cou.~~l'of ,'uj)8hur. :),. '" , " }' ID:~'3~ CBR111Y;, Th&to~,~hllJ.'d~y ::Pe:rsonliia'7 a~e.red,)ef,Ol'eine,'~ ()ffl~er-d~l1"; . ...', . . -: . . " . '. .." : . - . . II "'. -' "'..' ',,' ," ~. :: autbori.ed' ,t,o admlnieter"oat.h8a~d ta:ke aOknow~ed,~entB,Loella }'h.1l11pS",~9 tDe V\'ellknown .-an~ . . -. . .. '" '. . -: .... , , ." .'. . '- ~. kno__n tomato bt 'the ind1\:lduale desor'l,bed in p.nd',who exeouted the foregQing d:ee4.,apdtb'87 ,,';, I, I Ernest ,l'M,1l1pa ,)ly:coznmIB81on ,explre'c: . ClerkCoulity Cour:t"UpehUi' West .V1rgtrll&. ' C9unty " ' .' , " " :;. . ~ .", -- { aokn9w1e4ged before me' that thEir e,Xt!outed tbesaDie, fI:eely'~nd"volUl.~r1l7tor: .the" purpo.,eethereln ' " '1tpresseti '~ . . . '. ANnI l'11RTHE~' CER'IIH'Y 'That the' 881d Loe'lla Pbillips ;4no1'n to, me to be the wife 0 t t4f ; 1 1 i ,I . . .- 8814 Cla.lldeS. Phillips" ona eepara te &.rid prhateenmlna t1'Oll taken andaade by arid before me, i' ,'" ,"'. , eeparately e.nd apart fromhereat.d husband.dU' aoknowledge that eheUt.de "rsel! ,a party, t9)a14 deed for . the purpose ,of reuouno1ug, telll1quleb1ng, and oonvey1ng all her ,r ight; ,title and 1ntereat.,' ~ '..,. '. . , whether ot dower, hOW8atead orofa.parate iroperty~ $tatutorf or equit_bfe, 111 and to'the'laode ,deearlbe4 tliereln, au~,tha ~ ahe ~xe'otited~he sa1~ideed-free'~' an4~luntarlli' a,nd w1tbol1.t ani -i , , t ',' J '.' ()ompulslon, oonstraint" appreh~ne10n or tear of lor from her ',$aid hU8band. , I' I ' r.'lTllESS f113 hand and 'offio1al seal at BUOkhannon, CQWlty of ,Upshur, and Sta,te ?~, Y..eat . I , ," ~ - 1 ,l ~. ''j Virgln1,a, J of AprU,1926. j. t, Ercut 1>hill1pa' , Clerk County Court. , Up.hur Oount7., )~. V. i ~ i ' . , I ,'/ lr ..~'l .