HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0301 .. ' :, .' ., " ,< ,', ,'.' I I \ j '" " " I. \ ',',', 'I" , "" 2()(} "i"~,~'\:lf, .f ,." ;1 1,'1' I" " '0 ":, ",i",. ~t. ' "."~, '" .! J/. '_ , __/:1 " ". , " . 'J ,r t> ", .,.1 I', ~ I ,,' , .i,' " . I ,.' , , " ' "", ' , ", , ,.' '< " , "'" .i~7~~.;:;~::;~:'i~;;;';;r:~,,:;;~~;i':'r;'T~~~;-~~~'.'~:":'~_:_:":'~~;:";;~"':',:..' '~""'h,,\';'~{:'0;r4F~;"'~"';;9 STAT-E o'~~I~na1D~' ',t', (;' ,'\' ,',') , ,~} ,Ii "\ ,I' f,' ,,\ ' " J, ", \, ,;' ", "I: I ,,: :," ,i O~1ll1'Ylo's!.iyo~" " II'""., ,:.\'1", , ,!1. ';".j , ,I", ,';, I~,~ , \, " i I \ .\.' , .:. '_ '. . " \ '.... '-. .' \"'. \ I", _ 1, ',' t \ '. \ ' \ ~ , IJ~aBBY. OBR'l'UY i't,h~ ~04 \th18'28tb da1~'t AF1'l, ~. '"D~ ,19~.fQ~e me~r80na~~, , \ I "I" . -' ""\, " "," " " , ' ' \ ' " \1.', '\ " \,',,',' " I, \ appeil'ea O~arl..O ~~ras\\8~l 'al1,d :Rubl, Braewell ~18 w~fe, \ to 1Ii8' kfio1lin 'to, .\the'pereoh8dee~.r1b.~ ~; ,'\ \ .\ '1n.~; ~~~n~etut~~\;the ",fQ,r~'~~~g}10~~ela.~~,:,~nd th~Y'~e~,e~~~'l~,a\~~ri~le g~d'the\'e~e~~ti'~n" \: ,', , thereot' to bethe1rtree-' a~t ~nd: deedfC?'r the 'u8e,_ and purpoe88 ,thefeln,\_nUoJie4; a~4 ,:t'ha t,8a1O. ' i '" '. . ' , , : . \ , \ .:,. , . ". ' . \. . : . , \ _ ' _, ' ~ , .. ':' , '. ". \ . . " '; ',' '. , ~ - ' " ~ . \ \", . " _. ;1 Rub,'Braewell,w1fe of\theliai~ Charlee C.;Bra8,,8;11~0J1 aeep8J'a~a~d prl'Yate ex~1~,"~on ~ken '. ,. _ . ,10 .: '., _ ' " ': \ :" " , " , _ '. :' '. t" . " ,\ _ \\ '_ \ \ and, DIU'. b1, an~ bef~fe,me, a,~d 8epar.~ly ,uia' ap~rt frcuh'l1er "a1,d h118,~~n4. 414 "o~0.le4~ ~t ; , \ . "-', \. . ,,' '.,". ,": . \. \' ' , 91_ . -. ~. , \ 8h~ 'm&.de ,hereel-t ~ ~.rt1 'to th6 ..a 1,4 "DeelS \otOo~ve1anoetor 't}ie 'pupo_of renOunQ1rlg,' rel1nqu~~'1i,g '- .' . , '". " '. .., , :' . " ','" - - .,", . ,- '." ~ !. . '.' "," . .' , . ,..., ,\' , ' ',' , -,' .. . -,' -. ' .- ,..', "; '; an~ -o~A.,.e11.ng ,a11,:berr~~ht,' titlean4 1nte~8t~ wwt 'the i:' 9f 4ow,er l:?r ~f 8epa.rat(lpro~rt7"',8ta'tut~17 :';::..' " ,,' ,'.. .--'.;.", '. ,.",- ." -. " . '.,:' , ,:;',. '--~ -, '>. . - .".,""' '- ' " .' " :,', ~ ; 'orequuable, In.andto the ;18nh~her.lnc!..orlbed,.an~tl1a~~8h.e exeouted,8a1d dee41'ree11'and" ., --' '. \' " ,,' ',-.:, . , . " -", ~ :'. . , . ". - . .' , +:.". \ . , . . " ~. ',' ,~, " ,.i)luii~~r1l1,anlt.."1~ho~,t a~, 'oC?natra1nt, , f~af" ~l?P~p,en":l~l;1\ o~ :O~U1~,iQ,~o~ o~ ~f~~m~~r, ea1~ h~biU~d'.':, '. ' . " 'f;'lTNE~S, 1111 'slgmitute' aiJdott1~18f,@eal at R(,)r' 'P18~oe ,',~t.. ~u'01e O'oun~y ~ . tlo~lda, t~e'; ,,, . , ' " 1 " ' ',' ' , , '", ,- ',"" "..'. \ " " I , 'I I', , ",.,~,~,:"...'.' \, '" i .9 ' ~ . \ ,\ '\ ... , .. , I ;,1 . 1 ':1 , , " ,'~ .~ ,~ " 'I -r . , '. ... ..,.........'. :.: t " " " Helen: ~. 'Ro".. ,', .'Ho~X'11'u.b11o..Sta tie atlar'a.'" ',,1C1 OO.lIUil8,8~on exp1r~:8 ,2/11/29. . ..,', , I , ~ " } 'J , 'j " 1 ':\ '~ J q , 487 'and . ::, . , ':.. '. , ' " , , 0, .'; ":". " "~'fl1~ 4,W of 'Ma1,192ti~~ 8:47 " ',~' :~~ , ',vo ,,' ~'., \ :;, ,: 't'. "", ". ..' r. ,1Ue,de.nd reQordea. th1e .let . -. '. , . .... . ",. ~ . , " A.M. ',' " , '. ",' ':':', ,1'. Q~',Eldreci,ClerkClrOu1t' Cour:t~~, ,.;: " .~~:~/3~.:e." " , :.' ,I ;. ~ -) ; . f ' . ~ ',.. "<Oa " . ~' , . . . ~.-.,-. -. ~-. -..-~,... -.. ~.- ,. -"..~~ ....,-.~. -.~'-,,:.... ."" -. ~"_~~~ ~.'-.,:- -. -.-. -. -, --. ~.-.-. -... -~ -. - e'.. -. -:. -.-.- .-.~ ':u-' ,~t:~ '>:,','. .:', .' '.'~ ,:' ,".' >,'S.S',~ ~,\',:" ,'~, " :''t. .' ~ '. " '; ,O;? , ,4 :~ ' , -~ '. :j J , '\ ~ . ' , . , j, ,'f' " :;lEBA~'ir1All...'tQRIl>.A., Receive of 3,. s~"qQ,1t1niuu,Vai,I~...~ 'J.r.a:roh 6th,192ti. . . . . .l Two fUu.dred 71tt1 andO<>/iOo' Doll~r8 to,apply on:,purohasfi" prioe o,t All ,of Lot tpree' 1n the' ' - "..","., .,', ",' ~.' - . ~ '. ."'" ' .'.' . e. ".,. ." . - .,_ " .' , i:iubdhlelo,n.-oflot '(Joe (1) :1neeo't10n 3i. th1rt1o.neTownsb1p thirty (30) Range 3~ ,thli't1 ulne; . f . ,~ ",: ,;. . , ' '. .' . , . " . ", . " , :' . .. . . , . . :. :' ',. , ae subUv1decl by J.O.lr1-ee ''''lth ,r1p8r18n ,rfghte ,between the :,newand'" 014. ,:D1xle;highwa1e'. ',T~:)N1 : - ' , " , ',' ' , . ,'0 ot S.b..st1an C?Untf o't ,-St'~ Luole,-tla. ~' 1he' e,nUreJlUr"oba~e P~lQ~ ~fthe above. Pl"~p'erty 18, $60Q'0.-00 i'l"e~ThouSand, Dollars wh~oh tho, ab,QVe' ' ." . ..,'. ,. :.0 "., '~-,. , ,"" '1"0 a:Undr.~: Fifty Dollar8 18 a p~~~.and:~~e ';re~1n1ngf,0:rt18eve~',h~'dred 1~ft1 l)c)J.l~i'sto~,'btt , "pa~d 'a. sQon' 8f:J.t~e ~ltle8)O e~1dP'r()per~10anb,e,appz:oved and I>4S8,ed ~po~$nddeed 'Q~riv~11~the "s&1d'propert1, 'fr~e>aM olair '01',&11 '1ncumbrancee~ 'in~l~d1nB.taxee 1s ufl~tite~and. de11vere,d t'o' ; th~' pai-obasers, ,tbe1~a8e1-glle,~ i~,ae~:,t1ge :oan' ~~t,be~ur~18-ped,~a"'t'r~'faotorifto, 'the purohase~ ,',,' . .~ ,~ ~ .~.;~. 'l' attor.ne1~ then '~hEi: amoi.1ntehall' be, returned, ' the "seller' egreea,'to give the ,purohaoer, thirtyda"e <.trOlD,thiS lri:"'h~6h to oOmJl~tethe ttart~~t1on:. It seller furn1eh,ea (I goodau~>wari"antJdeed " · ,w1th a ~roh~ta~le. 't.~tle ~nd' tho pUrOh8eft~ lall toaooe~tthen th, 88id' two ,hUJidred 'tift, .. . ~ ~1l'r818to be retained ~1 the 8dl.r~' ''Iii tne 8,8 , 'C. '1. S.s81one, Au~. t.. Ii. R7all w. R. Ryall s. $. Goffin ',~x ,188'0 Ii' .' 11 i ,~ ",' ~ . ., ~, ... J': I I HER....~BY,CERTI~, that on'th18~":1 personally appeared betore,lH. ,n' otfloer 4ul, .uthor~He4 to adm1n18ter oathe lHld tak~ aOknowledgements ~. S. GOf~in. to me wel). lcno,^u and known' I '0.. to b. th~'lnd1Tld~.1 'd"sorlbe~ ,In .ridi.bo'exeouttd .the t~regOlng oO'iir.o~, and he aoknowledged , ~..tof' __ ~ba&t',,~).'OU~.d tbe aame treel)' and volwltarlly tor ~ne'pul'f,-oee" there1lin:pre...d. ':.o~"':l . ~<-:~"'-s~:"t'~:~i,.tk-'~'::':"It;:';V",-~: -". ~"-:~"~<,,~. (':.:>;'<>'~'.'i::~"'..: .- '- ,,. " , . .. ~ ,'\;1' , \ , , I '