HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0302 ," I ' ",...' I, " , i :,'~:, ' '; ',I ",' "" ," l !,,', ' ". . ,,'"' , 'J, I,' ,,', , :~'9':J' .... I' '- I', " , "'I r I 'r, '0 I ,I i , I ,,' , . ' j , f~;~;/,;c;'~~~.(~~~~.;,~,,:;~~~;~,~z":'~~~~~,,~,c;~~~~~~~~~~?;;::'~~;F~~'~~:, '~T~~.',.f;c~:'" '\ " II, I ~WIT:hss,,~ b.an4811dl"Oft~ol~l,:ee'l.at:J~C~Scnr'lt~,ICount,orDUV~~d,.S.ta"~e,e>,;t ',\. , ,-\,' , " I I ' '\'," \' " ',' 't-, 'I " ' I' , "I I.' I" : t :i~, ~' ro' --'.~- FJ.O~IDA.,~.thle,.:Qt ,Apr,l1 ,A. ,D~ 19_, ;, ",:,'."I';','T'- ,',\ , . ' '\ \',' 0 \ y'.', \' " ' .: ,\ \. ,", \ \ t' i, ,'. l ~, '. '. ~ 1:1, "'.,' ',' "..."J?\ La'~~rt7", \; ,,' ",.\ "'1 II 'I - \ '\, Notar7.~bl1o"atlarge,.,: ," , \: '" " , ':1" ,\" ,.'11" \.', \. '"Il;y p'Opun1"s1.o~ ~XP, 1~e~APr.,t'~6,1:~,~9\~\':\ " ,t' J\' \,' _ \ ~ . \ .' \ " ,.." \..', ' " \"'~'. \' ~,. .' ," . \ , " I,' ',\ i \,;' \'., ,,\', ' '\, 'I 'I <,.' 1'1 \.".. \t:P1S at day of ~1,191!6, ~l 9:69 'A~,~. ,I' I, , ',I , ,\ " ' '\ '" ~\\ej> \ ' ' , I" " , ,'- .' !' , ":"1e'~' , p.. '0. :Eldred. ,Cle'rk C.uou,1't:Court' \, , ~ ~ " ;f'~'" ' " \" 'i, co~ ',', '~:~\~,~~ ,~.,O",,' ..~, ',\ ' , '.' < 0' ----------- '~~I \'(,,:,' ',''; ',' .. ',' : '~':. ~, ", ^' ~. f '. . I I ... ),' .1 :1 \' :'} .~ , ( il: I';, d I. I \ " , I ,~\ I ~.' 1/, . , ',,' t I' 'j 'I ~t' ," ,I . '-,..".';" j .. l , .:.r ~.. . :.;.. .' .' :,1 j' U ;:~ J :) f: ~ ~ .' ~. i t : . ~'8'" r ':~ 1'\ ' f . : ! r, I' ! J' J " \ , " .\ , '\ ,,,\ ';' ",~. . .'; ( ." . ,..,... . ' .' .. . . ....;. ,',' ...,,". -',' . .,'.- . .... . ' \.. 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Te~ Do~l,ar~ a~d, ,ot~~r g~o,a 'u,1~ ''Y~l~~ , . ',' - ~ . .' . ..,11.... J , '''" ,', " ," _" ,., .... . '.",'" " . . " i:Q~n~1,de,r~ ~10~8 ",~<i ~111l ,1.n~t.paid, ~~e, ~eoel,~t~h~~eot ,lS, ,her,e~y, a~kno~ledge,a', ~8 ,~anted"",'" , 'barga1ned,' sol.a'nd ,traneferred,' and by thel)eJlre8ent84oe~ gfant, bfirgaln,', seil.' an,dtran,efer " . "~_.'.' ': ".' - I '. ' .' ~..:. " "_" ,.' ;., ......_. ....... _'; " '~..<. . '_'~. .~_. , "._ ': ..'.. . .". . ~:' , , 'unt~' the sald part~, q,f the seO?nd Part and. ?lS h~.lr8 and' assigns- forever, all:tb$ t, oer,ta1~'parcel ' " , ' ..., ," ' " " ",.. ',' '. " "~ "..'.. '., ." <".of land1Yln. an~ ~elng In, th~Count. otSaln,1t Luole aB!Stat~ of' '10'1'148 l?P,~ :part~'Cu~8rl}': " , "de~c~~bed as f~liQ"':~' Tbe"Southwest:Qu8l'te~ ;f'il,o'r~hw~8t Quarter, 'of !(0~hw~8t;Qual't.r,'and the '"., " " ,'"", ,,', ,',' ,',' " ',', ,',,'.. ..', "" "" ,.,' ,', .' ","'.' " ,:' '~:', , " , ',';'~e~i Ii8i:f Of~oU;th,^e~t' Quartef~f ,Uo-f.thwnt Q~rter ,( S.t'~tHW,~, Ofllwt ,and. It '~'of; S.,t ,of' " , .'-. .___.c...._.~~'-"'-:-.. ," _,' _ _. ,'.:.' 0,. "",--, ":,",:.- ". ~"' .. .... ", <. t.- .:' ~'.' .'''... ."'p.t) of .Seotion Hli1(,t~en (19) ;1ow~h1J> Th1-rt7,,,!f1Te(36)"eout~; : Range }'~rt1(40)";.e8sti' -9<.m,t;&ln~ng.,' ,,,Thirty'(30) aores ~orQ o,i: 18.8." '~tiBiEc,T.HO~EVBRro'o&ny,an~ ,f:il:1 taxes, ~ener~~' :epe01a1', ,or',dra,ina~~ and ,to,~li'..So'S8rDent~: ' l;or'le,,1e'tsub~equent. ~O 'neO;ltber ~i; i924 ~'nd a180;:8i1b~eot~'~any deduO'tion8fq r1gh te,:' Qf' way . , ' " ',',': ,', ' " , '.' ,,', ','.' " "" ,\'..:.:. '" " ' '<., :tb rpubl10lhlghways Oi'fOrd1to~e8 or,rlgh'te olwayo.-t.' the-'.li,OJ~h. St,_ I.u,o~e, ,Rlver Dr~1ila;ge Dlsti'1~ t.' " : <) "',',, - ',,', ,', ,'" " '. ' ,'...: 0 ' ,TOGETHER "F',b a~lthe: te'nemen~~" he".,1ta~nts 8ndappurteO$uQee;with e"el.'~ ,pi"1"1;J.~ge., " right, title', lnt'erest and estate, ,d9wer and :dght ot do~er'; rev\lr-S10~"remarnder,..aJlde~BelTJ3nt ~ ~." . . ~ . " t. . . " . . k . . thereto belp.tl8,lng,orin aIG'1.1Se'~PJlert"iil1~ig:,' ,. :. . ".' ... , ..t_ _. . .' :T'O Hl.VE :~JD 'TO, HpLDthe ~amelnhe, slmple ,fol'eTer.' ,.' -....,. +: '". .~ '$. ,,'. . ,- . - . "'. .. Ud the aa1d P8r~' of 'the 'f1rst:. part does' oovenantwl~h th&'8a1d ps'rty of ~hl3 ,seoond , . , ,': ,,", ", ' '"," , " "", "'. .. -' .. part'that' he, Is lawf~lly 8eh~~ Qtthe 'SaidyrllDtl~tU~~th!t ~b~l'~re fi'eefrom ,all ,~,n~1imbr~oee 'andtJ'u"the.~s good'rlght;aild lawful,authorlty, 'to seil...,th~',sallle';- and,the 8a1d ps'rty of the f,l~8~: , ", "",,' " , ,:" , . '" ' \,; ',': , ' " ',' ,"", " " part 4,oes~erebi fully~al'rantthe titl'e to aaid'ltand, and 7Iil'ldeten~,the sameagainetthe, , ~'" I .... .._- lawful ola1rie;' ofa.JLp~:r;sons',.homeoever. , , , ~, , ' , " Y'-, 1)!\1 ITNESS WID:BEOF, the ,eald"partyof .the f~rst part; ',h88 hereunto, 8~ti -"his Mod am ee~,l the day, and year ~bove \\r~tten.' Slgned,sealed and dellvered 1n our prese'noe: JCa ther1ne Ro ~n ' Euiene Lorela,ce J,oseph J. tle1m....'.~..tseal) ..-.... " :r , , 3TA~ O~ UlSSOURI 8S. , COUHTY OF, J ACKSQIl , I hereby oertify, tha,t o!l this ,16th 'day of January i.. D. '1926, before, me y:ereonally -. ' ,appeared Jos'eph J. He 1m, a..wldow.r to'me knJw,n tl) be the~rsons deQOribed, in and 71110. 'exeouted the foresoing 00 uwyauoe.. aq~, aekuv~ledgedthe exeouti.on thereof to b~, h1sfree aot and deed . for the USe sand';'purpqaes there In mentloned,. h_, ,;IlliESS =:f signature e.ud offiolal 8eal: atA:aneaa ,City in the qpulltJl ot Jaokson and" I Sta~. of ~188ourl the ~y and year last atoruaa., ' " "