HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0303 "1 "i~ .' i:. JOt .-.' l~, t \..c....;~. ",290..,1,,1, ,,!, "I, 'I '1,." ,'l:,~ -(\,"~ "j',,", , ,.;-.,'. fA, ,"" ''-_'',''', "", '-'~...;,'- ''', CJ' , l ',q, '" I' 'I , ' , . ". i': ,"0" :', "', " I' It" ,"1"" I I' , I, 4:' ',I ' ' ' 'I '1', ~ 1 , , I ~i...,. "':~":" ., -,~~:~,.~j;.-~." ,~:~:!~;..2;.;;;;~;~~,"-'~.L;'~~~r~hi ~;~~";~~!0~':7. 1",.,1,1 1.,.1 II,.." I "" 1\I"",IIAddl>>~j.'~erer....'i'(sealt'll; :'\ I ",I, ," II 1(, """\'\',1,1" \1Iot~rrPubl,lo.,,1th1.uandfor:'8,a1~Sta:,t' :1 \:,.' I '~ll \ ~,I N::J' p',~tta ~'", \ "~I' I ' \", I" ",.t~~~~~:ti~~ .'x;~r~~\J)~~lembe~ 16~'1926:." \ 'I"" " '. ' , ,;' ,,' ..I "', ,1,1, ,." H'I , ' ' I, , ,\,,1', ':, ' \, 'iI"~ :'\. . \ . ',\ ,'-', ., "'" ~ ":'1 ,', ,I', "~ ',I , .\, '~'" :\ "'. ,\' '...:,',.\,. \1' ",' ,f' ,\'" " , , \ 'I ' \ .' \ ' \ ' \ ',,', "'I':,"""t, ". ,. .,' ',' \ +' \ \'ile4 and'reoorded tlf,la ,1st da'Y' pf:lIaJl:,19261~ 'at}oJ1i A.I.I. , I'", \, \. \, \, ',' \ , : \ \. ; \",,~" \, " , , ,Ot.~ Ct~i '88.,1. "'., ,', -', ,i .. ,1'.C. 'Eldre,4, 91~X:k C~l'Oult 'Co~rt. . '\ V ' .,;~\ ' ,,"r.~~tp.7*.' n.d'; i '.,' '. \ . ~ \ \ '. .. '. ~ \ . .: ~ . . \ . , . t . \ . '-.:- :,~ ~,:.., -. '.. ~ -~'~~ ~ ~,: · -,,:~;" -:\~ ~ .~~ .~-.- .';:.7"' -. - ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~.~.'~~ .'-~:- .;:'.'-'. -. -'.-; ~.'-~~':',...... "'~~c,.,- ~.~'. ..'.- ,.:':-.'-.: " t. ,A. BRQWnrCO;lllORATT:l)' , " TO,'R03ERtX. ,BARUES " . I , " .-H \ " \. " " ":-1 , j .f ~' , \ .\:....; \',' ."\" , \, i , ' ',\'iAR;t\N'l'Y, " }>ImD' \ . ..' " -. . '. I' ". ,:' ~ilS' i:ID~H,~;URE; l.lade, thi8 ~8,th' day 'of 'Ap'~U :A,~D. )929. 'BET\'i1~Eli L'. 'A.~~om,:~", ,~", "~'~o~rp,Qi'at~ci.a 'c~:t;or.~~'i~~ 'e'ilat1ng, tind'e~ the'la~s' Qf:::th~" 'S~te' 0'1' }\lorl4.a', ~ylM '1 te prinolp.i." ~ , . .,' .... '"' .' .: ", . .... .... " . .' -. ." II .,'. " ,_ ",", , " ::. . ~iaoe 'of :buisnee~ In "the' Co,untYc~J,)alnt ,Luo~e,:aJl'd s'tau, ~f' 'ior-1~a>party.o f 'the. ftr~t~rt" :and; " . . - .... # . . . -,' . '. . . \ . ;lobert Z:' Barne~ :ofthe COUn~yo~ ~,~. ..~d S~a te ,of. ~'.;.' pa:rt.' .Of ihe"~!tc~nd part, .Ki'i-'N:E&S~i'H, 'that' : " ".. ' " ' " ,,',,'.. '" ,'> :" ,,', " " , ,\ ,; ,', ", ;'" . '" ",' " th~ ssid' p~rty, 6'f the' f~r8t part ffor' ~d In ocin~1.dera tlon, 'oftbe:. ~um',of T\\,O, Thoueandbo ' ~ : J"""; ~. ",' _'; ,-' ::', ,j!..:, ,..' """.' . _", - _ ",:'"5' '_," :,~ ,':,.' __: '_",,_~'.:,. __, "" ,_ 'HWldred FU\y' DOl1ar~, to 1t,1il hand~<r.a1d~,~the reoeipt, whereof :l,s:ne~eb~, aOknoWledg:ed~ 'h:a~grauhd,',' . "". '. ' '!' l .- b_~ga1nM I' a.9la~,' 811~ne~, :rflI;llS~d',re'l,eaeed,: oou"~yed' ~nd ~~riflr,med, arid' by 'th~~ep~e8~,n~~ 'dot~ " 'grant .ba~86inl,aell. '.i181i, ~~lDiee ,:'r~l';a~e .'.oon'Ve1"a,UicoJif1r~, ,*~to:::'tbe"saj,d'Partr 'Of 'th~ ,', .7 . . - - .... -.' -,"to ,:, '. ,.~.. _ .:'. ,., "0" '., ". _.'. _'~'~.. '. ." .' :. _~' .:":.", '. 'secoi.d par't'.andhla, heIrs &ru1'a8s1'gns l'orever; all' that,cert~1n r.a~e:l: 6f,land, lying' ~ndbeirig .", . -' '- ..: ". "-' ,', " . . -' ..' :". . J' '-. . . . . . " . ..-.. ". "..." -' .',. ...,' ,'", . - ' . bi the'Cou~)',o'f Sa1nt~uole ,iuid Stet. o,f ?~or-lda: more , Jiaz:t1oulariy 'de8oribed,88 follows: . , ", .." " ,," 0' ", " , , " ',' ,',' ',' ,ii' , , ' '~Lo~'llumber ,One. '.el)' ofL~ A. Bro~n ,Ino:". 'a.e-eubd1vhlon' ,,' :. o,~ L~'k' .l!'1~'e:'(6)" an~ S~~ .l6)', ln~ 'Blook' ,,~~ O{RiOhar~~' '" , , " ' , , StiQ..dlv18ionof Fqrt P1ero,e:. .'F10r,Ua. ': .' TOGETHER wlth .11; the teneme'nte .hered! tame'ats'. a~it' appurte'nano'ea'I~~l theverypr1vlleEEl, ' -. . ..' . . . . ' , - '.~. . ., ~. . ' .'. ..... . ~ : '. .. - .. ~ " , ~ " " . . .. . ." '. ~ .. . tttle: intere~t a~lj: esta,te" revcr$10n" r~mainde~ and eaaemflUt' "the'~etobe'longirig Or 1n en.,yw1S8 ....;... . ;' .... ,..#~.,.. ~,. ...,' " .'-'. ":. .' "',' _.' . .:- '. .':0. _ '.~ '..... . - ,. ~'. 0 . ',' appertalni~J.~,~~HAVE ~iI? TO ~2Ll>~~t.he ~~)il fee ~lmpl~e ,fQrever~, . ,. . -, .' . ~ " ,.. 'A.nd' the ealdpart{~f, thll' ,flr8t'Par~ ~oth',cO\~~nt wj"th. the sald party 'of' ,theseoond .,' , ...: , '... ,- , ,,' , ' , " ' . ,.. "put that it,is laVitullr seized ,or'- 'the e~id'prem18e8;' t'hat,thera'~~ ,free. 0% &11'1ncumbre~nces', , and th. at H:h.aa good rfghtarid'18wfui, au.tborlty to, sell the, :same;' and, the ,Sa ldPart~ ofthef1rst , -', " .' . ..;. " .'. > . '." , " " , " I part 'doee, hereby 'fl.illrwarrantthe'tlUe,'to'sald lend. and:"ll.~'detend' the same ,agaInst the.~awful' '. it ola b,B' of' aii' p~reon8' :^,hqmsoever:" , . .... '",., , " " ; , ". ,J X>>'WlTPESS i\1IERE, OF, ~lie au1dI8rty of thetIr8\~J18rt',haeoa~8ed' the~~, ~reeenteto, :"'el~ned: 1it ite nam,eby its l'reel!ient" an11ts o():rp.or.a~,e se~i.:,tobe ait1.x~'d, a.tteet~4'bY1te:, be " Seo~etaJ7 the. day an4y~ar eo~ve~r1ttert. " C{~ORPO~TE' s;:'u ) , '.'; Attest: S1gped ,,l5 A. 'D.. Yer L1111e SmitA '~ ~'I:'~'" STATE OF tLO~IDA ' COUlM.'Y (fp SA-lIiT LUCIE ",L;,A. Brown ,Inoorpo rated.' _, By' L.. A'. Bro~h ',' ~r~eldent. '~l (, " :~" I .0' 7 . ., In 0 ur~prne nce : ~, (" , , ( I 'I'" , ' ", ,', . -? " -/. 1 H:;]EBY C~RTlrt, That on th1s 28th dar'pf Aprll,4. D. 1926 before roo' per80~lly , , ~~pe.8r~L.4.BroWn'and,.A. H. \'iarl~er reBPeot1v~ly p~"'l~el1); ~d seoretary of L"r+-'.Browl1.dlhoorpo~ted a c;orp~rat1ol1 wider the ,la~e of the )3tate Of Flor1da to me known to be ,the p~r8011S ,desor1bed in ..', , I..' r ... and who executed the toregoing o~~Tl'teYl:lnoe to' Rober~Baruee' ~nd _ee!...6,rall}'_~ojcnow1e_~B!ld th~ , ~= c--- -" - . -'---- - r- , re=, txeoutlon th~reof to be thelr tree act find deed as Quohoffloere" for the u8eBand purpoad { '~ '