HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0321 3io -,~ ..... .' . '. I~ 'I",,~ ,,"',L.C,:, - ': , :'.",:'.",::;~ I'~';'"l,' " d' " '.,:' 1 :'7,~i_:'~~;~i:~~.;"L+~,~~~~~~;i~'_'~~F~f'~-';"~'~~~~'J;+:'~~~.,~j1 appe(l.r.dtFI.~J:rt~~:'to. ,ID9.,:kn)lY~ to, be\t~e'per80114,e80rlbed..lh and w~o ex~outedt~e',foTegotng ,\' , ,,':' ; , \ '1,-:\"1"",, ','. ',.' ,', 'i "',,"'''''1''': " ,,',', ,II.", ' oonveY&noe' tc;O.. L~ ':'1~le and,eever,ally ,~ofnowl edgM the, exeou tion ,there,Qf to. be, hIe "tree "ot", (, ,~ t' lr" t" , .... .' \ .' \ , \ ,I,' , i II.t I ,,\ , and 'd~ed'tor\ the. ~ses, an4' PUfP08~8 .th~~eln men.,t1oned;' an'd' the" said ~'."'."" ~ ~. '. . ~r..'. ~.'i ;~.~..... i" "/.: 'f ..~, " "" \", ',",' . ;:" -',; ,~, ,'.. ',\\ . '\:~~~_\;, .'to,:. \ ",.1\." ':", ," .', \_ .. _ \ ' '\':ITN,E3S'~>B18n8tureand .<?f,flola1;eeal at Fort Hilfro~ ln th~ Coun't~ 'Of St.' Lu'olean~,'! :, '.....- \ ' \ " ,,\ .. ,', i ' , ' , ' "'\' \ ,\, ; '\ I \,' \ State of Florld~ the Clay, alld:year, 1881;, afotee,h1d.- . \ I' \.. \ \' \ \' \,' ," '\ \ ,\ \ " ',,'" .J. \,,' "", .. I. '\ ,J. If., 'Durde......t...cSeal) '\\ ' ( , Ho'tary Publio ,.3t$ teo~ lla'rld a " ',' , Ii-P.,Seah "Uyoommlssfon 8JWlte8Apr1-f' ,&, 1927~' \, ,\, \ ' , ,.' \' " \, '\, \' "'. "')~i:,\ ~. ~ " i: i' -." .~, "I' i '. ' \'; ,\ ~l' '\, " , , , , \' .. ',\ \', \. J '\ 1 , t , t . ~ " I :1 ' , I i 1 ,.l \ STA lE q'r', Fto'RIDA' , .'." ~'.' : . "., '.COUUTY:, OF S'l',. \ LUO:!E' . , \' . .... , . , ~ \~" ,'~ .' . . . ~'. - . -. . .' - .' ~. . ". . \- - ',.. ;. 'I, an o'ffloer'''duly 8,ut'horh,ed, to take aOknOl~'iedgmIHl't$ o:t"deede, e'to'do hereby"o~'rt.1f;y.1 " ,:" ,,' , ',; , ", ' , ",: , ,< ,,' ',' " ': ,", " that,L),iO;Y T~ rr'10etom."f;ll1kuo;m"ae the .wl'fe 'atE,.. L. l'r:loe ~nd,8~oW!'O~ ,thet*~Eion8 deQcrlbe.d .,' " , " ',' , , .' ,: , ,.' , ',', /.' ' " "", " , " .' lp,' andw'bo e~outed t-he'fore,olng,Deed,of 1fortg~ge.dld'thle day to \.etO~'a.',,8ej)arate' andP~lv~t.' \, .' . '. .- ',' .0"' . ___ '. . '_. . " ,".' '. . -J '.. ~ '., exa~lna t~on 'before me 'tak&qL, and made, separately and' aPart from her ~aid hueban<1;'aokilo,^'ledg&' and''- :' . i. . '.' . >. ~.' '.....~..",..... . .,..~ _ ., . . <,~eo~~re' tha t ab& ma'de berself ~party .to' a~de)(,eout'~d ,'tlie :8a,m~,'for, the', p'u:tP~~(l', of JIlQ'rt:~~8ahd:: 'o.fi~>e.~'8ing, llel~~'u:ia,h.l~'~.,,~Ci10Uri'C10g,a:~~'c'onve)till8., ai,l'h~r ~'ight~,~,f '~o'we~.. '~epar~t:e'~8~ate ,',", 'ana hhrr,ee t~ad, 'a.o<1 ,all 'h~" rl'ghts :1n an,d to th~.S61(},"lMdB in :8aldd~ed deeorlbe'a 's:nd., 'gralited,! _ '. "".' '. ~ - . . . ~ . ", = . ~, . . . . . ~ and :,tiult she.' exe~ut.ed, the,' ~~rne'fr'e~lY, i1n~v(nuntary,~' "':ithou~'anl' OOIlstrai,nt, ~pjJre'he'lls~~n" fear .' . ",,". '. ,- ..'. '. '. " '. ", _ >>" 'Ol'OoJnpul-a'ion'of, o~, f:z:om~er 8~ia" hua~a~d.' '. ',' ~.' . .." .' 'o'iITllESS'my hand aqd 's~al :\', ' ' \': . ~. ,.. '. , :t 1 ,j I ! ! J ! i i !" atFt.}>lerofJJFla.thr~ 29th ,day of Aprll;.1.,.:D. One Thous,and .. -"-.;'"" .' 'Neu ty.-f1ve. ,i ", ',:, ~ J~.: U,...Durden.;. ~.~... .'.. (S~'al;).' llota~ l'ublio"State.o.fl!'lor1da.' ," ,,' . ',~', ~mm~e81o~ explr.~,A~~U 61i~.1927 ~ -'.:...,~_.' , . Q .d, , ' :''1 ,: ? ' ."'f"~,,,",',,'" J ' J '. I ,l.'" " . '. th18 2J!dd'ay .of'UaY,J.~,26, .atl: 24A.Jl. -, " ....."w :llo; t~:'.;'" ,<:)' ;~, """ . - , .' . .' . " . . ~ ,~., :,c. Eldre1h :a~rk, q1ro~1tC'o~t. "By,~,~ta~~, D~~., .. ~ b " ~ ;';,. F.amrolf & ;;m' ~ 'l. -,~-.,,-..,... ~:-"~'.-~~ _:~'- ~~.,"',. ~4 -;.- ..,~" :-.,- ..... -. -. -. _._ .",.,_._'. _. _. -:-._'. _,",_'.,_,.~ .''''' _,_~._:"_'. ..'.....:_._. _ !....:.._ '._. ". TO EU'}EllE,' Rk;?XY:JG. ~, ,-- .~:: , , !~'A:!,!Wl~Y ,DEED, .; , , ,'flUSlll~I1TURE~ ~de, thi821lthday of tpr11, .ii'~'. 'l~Hl,6', 3E:rV>KEU,I'~. ?lLUa'TOllan4 ljElLIE R. IUL~roU, h1e ~1fe ,of the County" Of,St~' L\loie,~nii'St~te of ,nOrld~pstt1es of the flrst":. ," , , , ',part, a~d'EUGE1lE fU.~T,\'.'IG o!,'the' countYOfSU:ff~lkbrid:State'-of'l.,ell'YOrk:', party,ofihes'econd' J$,tt,-:, t~e,aid ,partle-aot .th~ :first ~r~, '--t'Qr' and' 1Il oOlisl1e;raUon of the ~,;of,TEN . . ", , ' ,," " ' , , " ' ' " ;,' '.,~ , '-"'" " ," ;' :OO~I.A~3 '';':In ,OTHE3 VALUABLECOll$lDERATIOllS,. tothc'lIi in ha'nd ,paid, ,the receipt whereoi'lshe,reby . ~ . . 'Zl" . . . . ; .. ',. ',:' _ _r: ~. '. .;. . .', ' ," ,aCkn';)?;l,edged, have grsl.ted, bargained . sold end, tranaf~r':red. and by these prese.t;its do grtl.nt',bargalu, ," "!.. ,,:- . . . i . ' 'S€ll tl,fio ;traU:lf6.r. ~lJt.v{,ht: ~~ld' pa,rtYCi:>f theaec,ou-dpart end hie helrs and '6&sigllS fOl',eve,r. &.11 t4at' carta,in paroel of land lying li1?-,dbe~ng in ~he C,ou:~ty of St., LuCie. and State of :'lori(la, more t pa l"tic1ila:rlydesorlbe!l as fo)lows'; " .;, if', , l'he ;;el?t '..'wenty-flve' (21)) feet ot the Last 'Half ~- ,...,'. -, c\ rEi) of Lot .ll1ne, (9), Blook "GIt, of Aaron Lee's "'. '~~ . ":: :' ~ " , l.:~p o!th{ City I of ~'ort I'lerce, (~l.7 .00 I. ~. StaJq:e caucelled) , :,fOGET!1ER witt. all the t'enQr.e:.ts,htredltart,enta, aud appt:lrteuanoea,!.1th every rrivllege, rle''1h~; title" ' , 'f.ild estate, dO'Ner and right of d07i~r. rever,:1on, rer.:ailH:1eralld ea.ser..ent'thereto belonging or, i~ " :4r:ww 1ee' a}pe,rta inin.g: c' k' i:'l. TO !fA. ';E .1, .~..........- Arm '}J' HOLD tr.t,- swne ,In teo o1mplc foren~r. , I , I