HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0324 t','-,:, ',l'c,. ."-'~:Y'~:'--""',;\~t'~ .c . /,: : l .' C,, '~,', .' "'C',,' ,:-,-~,i );o'~ ~ .. . , - . [br~::~;~~~~~,;;i';;;':;:~;v~~~;:.~~~"if~~":~::'~~'~~'."::::'i.d;~~~~7~~;7t~r~~i \ . \ . \ . '. . \ T ~ . . . ~ .1 I I I . . . . .' J 1 . : : 1 c.' ;'STATE OF 'cAiIFORNIA ' ,,, '... ,'II" I' " "j I ' " I \ ' " , \ 1, '_, i"', . "\ "'\ ,\ , ,\.".i., ~ ! ( '_ r. "',.~ t. . \ ; \. \. . . \ ,'\1 ,COV:l~Y Oll.I:.AIUll ", ,'. \ 1 ""'! ' .' . " " t . . \ ~ \ \' , ',' . ....: . . ..". \' \ .' \ . _ l' . . . ,_. '. ".. ~ . ", "lnE~-:riYC~TIFYi,' 'That, oil t~i8' 29th,:d.b~ot, ~~. A."D. 1;926~'~e~ore,' iDe p.r8(mH\i~ 'appea?!1" ':' ' , '; "I . I ' " ' .' \, , \ ,', \ ' \ ~ ' ' , , :, .' ": ", i " ' \ ' ", ' " '.' fuolle G.,So~r'l,1n to~ !mjw~ ,to b~'t)le \~ere~n~ 'd8Qor1bed,l~ ~nd~h,o he~utedthe forf3go,~ ,_ " "I, \ , \,. ","".~', '\'" ,'"," ,\ '. ~'~"" ,t '\ ".'\' , OOh~ey~oe \ to ~~;1illiam II. ~rlngto,n \~nd' se.ver~b\ aokno"le~ge.d, tlie e?\eO~'tlop, th&r~of tp, be~r\ \ .," .'. '". .\. - . .. .....', ,,', \ .\ ,: free eiot and deed tor th~ ueeeandpu:joP9see' the~e1n rtie~t~~Md; \~nd 'the 8aid Luolle'O. Soharl1n ~, . , .' . \ . \....._ I. . .' \ , ,"_" \ " . . \" , _ , . _ \' .. ~ , ,\' "', \ '" .", <, . ; <th'e wlte ot the 881d\,11athan Soharlin on ae8parate\'~l\d pl',1va".& ex:aml118t~on ~ken'apd made\b-y , alld','bef6reme'~ 'and 8epa:.mte~y and' ~~8rt~to_m ~er'Sala"M.~band:\di~aoil:n0~ledg~"'th~t' sh~'made, \, ' ~ '. ,- ~ '_, . " : '" .' .,w "\ " ,', _ ,'~ __~\ :." .: '.' "" " ,- ~ ," .: ~ ': ",' ," . __\. '..'{ . here~lf, a,party to the sald Deed of- COllveY8~oe,~ 'for the: purpoee . C!fre~oulloln8" re linqu1eh,lng and , . . . \. . > ~ . . .' . . . . .: \ ..... - \, - . '. . " I: ' ., O,Qnv4eying all her rlght,. title ahd ,'lntere8~~ 'Whf)ther'.'Q.f: dower pr of, aeparate'pro~t:tY.:"Bta~\ltory, " ~ . - -.,;, _.. .. ... , ,. ~ . .,.i . '" . "(" " . ._ -', . <0,'. . . \ ,"., ", , " ~ , O~'eqUlt8ble ,<lnand' to t.h~ 18nd8, ther~!!1: de~or1b,ed ,\ a~ld' 'that' ahe exeouted, 8a ld 'de'(-d 'f~e~lY~ ~~d" " " , ~' ., "':313 1': l~~ ' , , , . , ~'i' <, ,\ ' " ' \" : ~.... . . , .-.\. " .' L , : ~ It tf L , ',\, ': , , (,' VOlun~8; l1y and~l thou't ,F,~,,'O.on8t,~a~nt, .t,~at',~' app~eh~,n81on or,.~o~pu,l~ion/ o.f:~,r from h'e~ ' ~a1d" 1;" , \. ~ h~eband. ',. .... . ' , , -:.. ----...-.......--! -..::::.'._- , , " ',' ~nTl:ESS ~ 81,gll~ture '~nd' O~t10181 ee'81 ,at 'Sun Rafael ,in, th~,< Cou'otY., O~lalt'~~:a~d, ~tat-e ot:: " , . ";J \ .. . . . _ , i,;UirOrll18ctne' 'day and 'year':J.aat a'foresa1d'/': ' " ." , " ': '''-''-~t~~ ,!", ':' ' '", , ' , . \ .. ' . .. '.B.'.G..~-'Ea'~~ma~. ....;.-...(Se~t ; --.~ .~ .' ~ ,-,\., '< :Bo~aryPubl1Q.pt;ate 'of CaU,forn1s.", ," .:", _, :,~hP';Se~,~):"">'':' ,lfY:o~mi881on exj)1.reeAu~8,t 28-,1'926., '/ I, ~~.. . " ".c t', '. t. " ' 'Flledandre~()~~e,d tl!1S 29th,~d~~~:olua~, 1925. '~~ 4:: '~.~'iJ.~ -,. . ~~, q': U Ct'.' '. ~t'.3.,J' .,< ,., .,?,' . , ' , ~1>.,C.'31tlrAd. ~ln'k Clrou1t C<:u rt. . By'~'~S-~',D~C. )-. , I. . .. '. . ,.. '. . ',,' ;- " " r . .. ~ .' :io ;' . " " f1o. 1 " ',' , ~1~'7' ~-. '7"~ - .;.~. -.....;. - ~-. ...~ - '.-,. -.~ ~,-!-.-. -. ':'.-. - .:-0:,.'; .~,.';.:~,-'.,-.;..7. ....'- ~:... ..., -.": .-.-:. -..: .--.~ .~'..-. - '_.,':'. ~ ~ . '.'.., , -F10~'IDA~ROVE~UJlT--Co:;iQ:UTIJU' , TO,' .' - \: .' U:::"UdR CORl'O;U non '1" . " .' ,..' '..,;' :\ r;AR~ al'?l' " ..' DEED" " , ' , , , , 'Tl!IS I!1D::~;TtGE. ,madethJ,82-8ihday of J.:ayJ..,.D. ..192f>,BETn~El1i<'L:)RIDA, Ii.:ERO-VE:,:E11T COR~ ' ,1 ~.~. ; '" ,P~RA~IOU ,:a corpora: t1on, dX~'~ln8,,~4ez: :the; ~;^80t tb.e .~t~t'e' otD,ELAt'ARE 'duly- ,~~thorlze~to',dO :,' 'bue1n,8ss in .the Sta~e of Florida, having ~tg prinotPalplaoe,of bu'~Hnes8 In)he,oountl' ,)f 3:&lnt 'L,~~1e aud Sta teo~Flor,l~~(pa~:; ot,the first P~'rt, tmdIlEV:~!A~' JO:t~~I.T~OIl,~, a' ()~or-~~r~ t'lon ~ uilde r .", ' ,.. .0' .,;0 '.. -.'..0, ,.' having:1t~ ,pr1no ipal p.1808 ot'b1.l'lIie~s'1n 'tbe , (jount;. of ~im .f- .. i~ " -:} -., ~( .. f .: . ,_5- . .j ~'," it, 4 '1 ;) ": , ~ . , ~' ee 11, a 11 eN . remis~" 're 1,ea89, C()llve ~ snde ouftrlJr, '. un ~o ,the, said, J)a, rty . Of, the' se,oondpart and its' ~l.. . . '. I . .' ~ . j ~ _ ,_ ~__~~,",_~ h.eir~__a~ ~S~1~h8 forever, all thl.\t certaln.parcel jf l~>u~ ly i".4ud beiM' 1n th6- oounty, 0 f ~.~ '-'. ,Saint Lu01e ~nd ";tat~ of' ?loddu '::.ore T>brt iCl.<larly deso~lbed",a~., ':OllO',~,8:'," " ~!,' ' sEt of 3eotlol1 2, TO;^118h1p 36 ,South; :\a 11 ge' 38 ~e:t. oonta1ning ;; ,~ ' , i, ",',1, ',",'," 160 aorer,i rr.o ~ or J.~, ss; alsoo,' a;1.1 o~ t~utr: }CrtioIl 0 f th'e SE-t of ti'."~: 'sr.-t, Section,2, .To....nship 36 South,)~nge 38 ~et; l:,-ing South I of the O~~echopee Road a8 no'... laid 6ut am established,_ said I tract conta~)jl1og <24..46 a~_re~~ a18p 2.1 aores 111 the SV~-l- of S'4- th~',la~a' of the3tdte,ot r'l~~l~e:, " , " .",',' <}' 'f3'eaob andStu.,te oi'.Flo;,lda, party 0f}he8e;C,on~ '.first pa rt',ior 'arid 2.,n ogn81der~tlori t)tthe,etUll ~~ ' pa,rt. '~iTHE3S~7H., that the sald" party'otthe< " ". .,," ~ . '. . '. .,. ~. t ..' . , . .,to it in handl'6id~, the i-eo,eipt''''h~l'eothl hereby 'aoknowle dged,hse gI'ailted,b~rgai:ned, s'<?ld, of,~ne I>Ol~or' {lndoth~r va,lua\lle COllsldera t10ns .alielled', re;r,ijJq,-d': released,. Conveycd~Hd, cOHf1r/,~d, anr] ,by, the~e~re~~llt's'doth grant., bar&aiil" '., ,.' ~, . , ! ' , ' ot ~eot1on 4; TownElhlp,:36 South, ,,&,118e' 38 East, 8~le belng all 1 ' I , ,I o/eail! quirter 3"ot~bn lylng South of the Okeeohobee Road, The. 'J ' ". . , , i atH~rega~e acrelige,hete,il1 conveyed beliig 1'1B.7Baorea 'n:ore ~rle88. r r' "l1I --- ~.,,' 'I ---~-----,..-"",--=-=-- --:.--.--.--------=-,__l---c , '