HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0325 " ' , I -....-" ~.... ~ L;;.; ~.- ~~ l I ~ ,-"",-,-';"a- "'",,1, ,','4" " " ' , ,',,' ',"<>=0' i"~', 'I" I ", I, 11' ',' . .f I ,,'fl" , ", " {, i, ". ',I J I , ),~" I ' , '; 11', I '" ';, ',' ' I, " II , ,:""', "I" ',' ":' 0 I' I "~~~.:.;,;; ,:_.: ,~t;:,..:..:.~:.;_:_:':::':;;:;;':".L.~",u:.;f 'l~'~": .~r;r-':r: (' ':".':..: '.' ":"';<';,fT~:: . " .' . <-: ,:;-"j ,'10GETHE~ ~1tli la 1,11 Jthe. t~ne~ntl'8~, nere~l,t'~t1e,a1l8-'a,n:~:arlpUl)tOeJla~Oe~,< w! t,~ ~Vory. p,r,1Jv 1,~ege, ,~1~~,~.. ';': ";', '1,1 11 '. , ; t t1tl,e,' Intere'et Lind ,'estate, 're\',ere.ion, r.m~'inde~ ~nd-ea8';n:~n~ theiet'6 ~belongl~i, in ~ny,'N1Se ' ,1\, " 1~., .\. ~ \ ,,- l' .,. t ,l "1' t' '1. ,~..., 'r', 'ii! , - - - - - ' -. . - I \ . \ _' - \ ' -- . . , ~ . \ ,8Pp~r~a1niktg:TO ,HAVE AlH>TO ~OlD ,th, 8e.n:~ in fee~irnple \t'ore~e r~' ,'\ " ,\'~ 1 .",1, \An~t'h~' sa~d~rt:f."ot 'the f'lr~t'~'rt'd'~th' ~o'v~~nt ,w1t~ the',sa1l~~ty\ O{,th~~~eoond', -:-_~" \ '~',,\ '".,' ""'.'~ '.' " '.'.'. .~..' .' . \.~ .~.'. .:', ..," -, \.' '\\ ", .... \.' \ \ ~ \ , paJ:.~ that 1~ 1~ ;tb'fully,- eehe,d' of the ',sald ,'pretl1seei t~~~hey ~r$ ,t,a'e ',Qf. al1 lU<)umbranQes' ',. . \" - - -' _ '. -, .~, -. _ \ _' . '" - '\ _ . . _.' '. \'. ,,_ " '... \',. '.' _ ,,' _,',,", '. '\ .,' _ _ . _ \.\ I.' \' .". . . . ( " and'" ths,t'it pas goocl rlghtan~;1e.w:t\11 autho,rd.ty\ tose).ll thea,a~eia:nd\'Jhe. s~Jd: ~r~Y,Of the filet' ,I. i ' . - . '\ " " . \ - . \ ~ . . - .. - - ':." . , - - ", ., ", -' - . - \ part does hereby fullY Yiar.rallt the tH,le Ito said land, and wl1l def~n,dthe same' 'against the', ." \ -, . ." ',' 'o' -;--p\~'--"" "". ..'. .... '.' , \l~"ful~ia~ 'of a:j.l Persons ~Olli80ev~r)" ' ",\' . - -' '. -' . \ ", . -'. .:., - _.: ' , " \ ~ \.. . '- . \ . ' , . .,,,\ . , '.' '... \ , :,," ,'IN V:I~UBSS"Wi:lEREOF~ theea1d' par,t~' of ,th~ first' part haS o~\l8ed,tnese preiJ,ent'~ ,~o' be ,,' . . ' , .'. ,\', . " ::, " . .:. . .' . ~.' ~ ' ,". .. :-. ".. . ,'. \ -'.' ; .' ", \. -. . :, - ," - '. - . ','. ,.~ . . ,'~'stgned in -fts,naOle' by ite, ,tr~~iderit,' and .its 'oorpo,rat,6 ,s,ea1 to, b~, a.f.fi~e<1:.. atte8~ed ,It' 1t8 .' .'." .". ,'_' _' : . ; .' -', .'. ' -.." . '. ?t.. . . ..' ." .' '.: '. . ~ssietant Sl:lo~et8ry.the'~aY~~d~~69.r,llbove~\r1'tt~n. ' ,; '\ ", ..; '\ )"1'; , ,; :' ~J :', I.' 0," ~ ' i . . .1 1 '. \ i , I I 1 '1 \ , Slgn~d .'sea le ,Barewgt ,~o ran. ' 0111.e H." Ca.;L118ali. ,. , 1n oUt" 'presenoe :.: , I ". :, ~ , i t: JI \ J I: f 1 j, " ' , :,. FLORIDAIMPROVEMEUT CORPoRATIOll: , (SEAt)... <, . ,By ,Will1amH. Bylilgt~~.'..'.~.... :,Pi'~s1dent.. ' .-',' '. ..; ,'+:-~H,test: , , , " ,\ \ ' ,.......' , . .~ \ ,(,$18..0P ,1~"R: 'S~an;p8.'canc,E>'~,le d) ... . ", ,: . " ( .~ , " \, STATEOFFLORII)A : ' COU:I~YO~ SAnlT LUe:lE " , ':';' ' " . . , . I 'UE!reBY CERtIFY, that On iih1S, 2'9thday of ~"A. p. ,l~~6.',be.for,e me '~r80nal:l1 " .' :...~ . .. . ..::: . "a}>peared 't'tU1UV.H'. BYI.il(~roll,':Wld ,S.' ,? OViRSTR::::T.., re8Jl~otive~Yh,es~den1; au,d ,AEJ'aUt$nt' S,eoretary,'" . . . ~ , .... , -.' . . ., " .' .. . ',of FLOlUDA, IMl'~OVE~lIt C01U'ORAT-IOn, a, cotp"or.at1,on U?der',the:'la\fo8 ~f. the S,t~te of' D~t~WAREdu~ " - '~titho~ized t6dO:bu~~ness ;'in'the'Stat, of ?1~~'i4~, "~o'lOO' kfio',\~to bEi'the: p~r~6n8de,sorlQed ,in ",' ',' . . '.' ~ ~:.. '.. ." < . .. '-. ' . ..' ':. ',", .; and 'whO esecutel1the foreg01n'r.: oonveyanCle' to'llE',lWl' CORl'C>RATION; and ,anerallY a'okllowledged, tOe '..': , . . . , . -. ~ , -> . ;.... . .' , ".ex~o,u~10n,the;~eoi t~~,4.,eii,i'~e'e aot and"de~ed arf ~uoh ,offloe:r.:~,. for'~the, ufils and 'purp~se's" t:herei,n " .... ... f, _ . .". . ',' .". ~ _ ." , _ . , . .. ~. . . ,mention:ed;an,d' 'that ~h~Y nfflxed tihereto'the offlc181eeal Ofaa1'ci',c6rjl'Q1'8.t1on.'and' the ,said tnst'ruineht',1s the act' and d~e~O'f' '_+tIt>r8 t.ion.: '-:,~ ' .,' '.'.ITUp;SS .~' 8~guaturei and official aealat FORr:i'~E.,'iWE, l.J1.'theC,ount;Y, o'fSAInTLUCIE' .. ':. "1" .J , . '; , ' , i'lled'a,nd r~oor4edjhr8h29,~h 'day . ,.'. ..' .. -', . and yefir 'lb.II~ afo'~e8ald.. . , 'and Sta te :~ :r...... ,~. ..". -.. :-.--'. -,~ -~ -..,.. '~'. -_.~..~ .~'.-. - _-: ~ -:.'~ .-.- ~~:.~~ .:-'~._-~ -~e:';'. -. - ..~. -.'''-. - .-. ~.:- '. --~-.,- ..- ~-~'. :-_. - ...-. -ti-... .'~.~..,. :n ':':l 'n C,' , ' " " of ~ta.1926~ at 4~33 P.'Il. .., ". ", , ,,'~ .P. C.Eldr,d, ClerkClroult -Court. '~ ',B~~~,'~;S~D~C. ~ ,C# , :,J .,S.Jaokaon. ~ . . . '~:.. . ~~ . _( se~T 'llotaq l'ubl1o ror'~e' i)1;a,te of lior ida , .u;yooltin1ss1on exph-e'BSep,t~ 4.,n9E8,. ~~ () , ,a:t Large. " f , ' 11 , ~C. E. l.!ElTQll&: '\;ilFE. TO HEllRYH.~R?,IllG . ' ".~ , V;AR.tUlITY ' ,DEEP , (S~ATUTORY) , THIS 1,JDEIITURE ,'rr~de thie 14th day of Apr n9A. '~.i92Q BZTV,EF.ll O.'I,E.' ,Ltelton e:nd Mary A., Melton" hi8 'II!fa of the oounty of Brevard in the ~ta te of 110rlda partiee of theflrst part, and HenrY' Herring of the County of..... .1n the Sta to of ,!lew York party ?'f ,the 8eoo~ldpart,' .I \'.'ITllESSETH, Th!-t tllJl~~i~parties of the f1rs't part, for and 111' oOlisidera!J{61~ of the " I I .' 'suo of Ten Dollars and O'therValuable Coneidera tione to them In handpa idby the' 81.1.<1 J8rt.., p ,! J e1tu&te, lying andbeillg In the County of 3~. luole, State of I hereb~' aoknTdedged have granted" ba;re.ined. his' heirs and &S;igUS foreyer, ,th~ t,$,)10w1I.g ..." . f. l)..Q~ ida,' to -11 it: and of the ,Seoond part, t~e rec~1pt wher~of is ~~io1dCta the said: ~rty of the eeoolld part, . - . I 1. dEiacribed : "\ II " ,~._-