HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0327 '~"3i"G ~ ~,. .- ! . , ! . *-'r-~'''"..>tc',~,';'.~~- ,,,J I"', -" i :i/ I , ' , , I I ! \', I' I , ' " ' 'I ' I .,"" I I ,," ,i " , I ' I ".1" . ,I"" ,I ", ~I ,,",..','1,,:,:1.:" :"" ,~"'.: ~'~~~", .",~,:::~~::,'" ~-..- "'~,' _,-:1 -.:".; ,', t':" '~'~~'~~l~"~":_'~' ~>!'"",,~<,,;:. ,:'~":;;:' .,,:' ~,~ ;::, ~. ':~l ~:,~~L"~,.:~:~ " " ~ Subdiiv 1810li ot"the' 'SouthJaat'qu~1it~r,l'{SEt) ot'th,e J, \,.' . \ \ t -t. \ .'. ,,', t,' * C . ;'. ".-- '1 \.1 . .' I I. -; . ,South"es\Quft.rhr , (S\f}L 'dfSe9t1ont Nine' (~? 1n. roWnShlJ1,' ,\ ,,'L ,'\, .... '\,' . !," '.: "..\ t ,",:.- , \ .-.... ~ -. .... - ~': \.\ \. t'~,- ~'l " ',' ',.1 T~irtY~-'~l\1e(36r 'so1it~,.. I~~~\.~otty ,~4~) ~(;~,I :~8h01Y~' \ \ ~i 'by' }>lat,re,oor,4'8~ l.n :1>:1;a t B~ok 4.(, page 64. st. Luo ie \ \: I, ". . ~. \. \ '. \.. ,\ \ .. \ .. '. \,.., \ I" .J;~.;", ',',Cou~ty.,Florlda: Reoord". "\ ,\,\ .. ---. - "'. \. "." ;\,'. ..~~. , " . I "l'ROVIDED, \In;,VER~HELES~'''' The8eP,l"esent~ar'e' made' '8uQ,Je'otto~~,i of ~he' follO~i:~ . . . ".. .-" :! \ \' "-,' ~. . . ~ \ '.:. ". '. . .'. ,\ ,\' \ , \ \ ' , \. . '. ,'pressed oQndit1o,us., re'striot1one, an~ Hniltat1ol1s applylnS':W the" e&l'd 'I*Dperty, ,and whlo,h- are: ; ~\ ':' \ \'," , " , . ", " _. '. ~'\", ,I , ,l. .... . '. . \". ," . " ", .: .. , _;".. '" " _ . . : \. . . . " .. ,_. _' _.'. \ ,. 1ntended'to b~'~' 'andehalTbe' aoaej)t,ed' 8.,9 Q'o'-:venants 'run~lngwlth ,sald land;,8n'd whIoh Shall .b'e, .\ . . \ . : .:. :' ." . . .' ,. " \ . .' . :. . . \.-., . - . . . ,'. -" , - . "'. . ., '1?'1~lD8',n,ike upOn the' h~lr,B'~' repte,eentati\ee~';lld 'a8s1g~s of ,the, ~1d j:6rty of',the.eeoond ~rt, '-,-"~ 1,' . \ .. . :. .. . .... __ '-- -. '.. . "'. : _ ..' -. " . E . _ - . . a~donthepaniee of' the.:f1ret,.par't. irhOt,by acoeptanoft of this In8trum~nt agree tOaQ1'de.'by.: . .-. . . ..: . .- . . '. :' ' ~. ..' .. -'.. ' , - " ". ... ,. ' ,- -,. '. \.' .. ..' :perforal. and' aaher~, t'o a'llldoond1 i~OJie', ~e8t; l~tIon's" aild~if11tat 1905,., a9.()n~ of' the <8xp,:"es.s' .. " '.<";' .... ~_\,~ . \~, ',,: ,'~ . '. .":. -','. ...:." '.- - . ,'.. '\~;.' , . ',:" ,.- .' :'.,' .,:.:. .... \ >,,' .oo*'Jt'1ons of these p~~~8ent9. '.~t on1~fo'r 'tb~fer1.o,d' end~ll8;aru.art ,1,1986.~: " ' , 1. ' ~t 'np '~ut dl~ ~haif be' er(io~~d' ~tl the '~'$ia"~i~~etcept'io~ 'pr,tl.ate d1gell'fu~' p'lirPDselil: .~ . ~ . .~. :. ~ ., .. - , - ,- . '. _'.' .... . - ' . I '.' _;. - . "." " , \ ~ ,- ,I 'J, I \..~ I .. I, ; . I, i, (Ii , I' .' , ,: ~ ' ' ~:=~':~'I'::~; ", ,..." '.-, \. ':' 1'- \ ij .. ,- ; , I, \. .: ~ \{( l:',~ ,'J 'h " , ," I,' , \ ' i. , J.: " , ~ '~ , " i ' ,\ .." :\. , \ - ~. \. . ~. ~ , . ; c, 'c'. ':1 , i . i 1 I : " \ " i d I ':,1 , .. J :"1 . -'. .. ~. . 1 "I '1 .' I i ','..1 j ".i t . I i ,< I, 1 ". . '. . .... .' . - .'...." ":, .' -.- '. '. .... .' -.. '. :. " '~.~ ..' . . .- oU~~butldlngB' eha~} oost not; 'les's .thtln~3~,OOO~00 'Whioh'p'r.l'()e'Shal'l not Inolud-f,t arohit~,otu~l expe,nse'e 'or: fees," ,a'iid' sl1a:11 no,~, ',1i10lu de.,8~' ot~:er 01a~'8 ,of Im,provements8~ve ~nd'..:e~o~p~'.the '~, , '~~t~f ~t~r1~l' and' oOIWt~uo~,ion cost, 'of' th~, ~dd d~elll'ug, ~~~~,,', " " : ,'.". " .' . " ;2,~;: Thlit,' no( ,)r~' 't~n ~ne::ed~d,e,n'(l~' ,t~~~t'~~l" wi, th u8~a1 ~d ne()essary' ,out.;.tUlldln'SS" ~hall:" b.~ 'ereo'tedOn8Q~h, 01' 'sald'lot's. ,'",' ,,~,' " " c " " " ,," , .", ' : , 3. "2l1S( n:ou"ia~:f~l,or: 'immOral ~e eh~ll~e, ~'d~ of 't~e' ,p~eqliee8'~ere,bY OGh'\'~Ye:d,', hOr shall, . . I. '- . c. ; .- ". . "" t'" " . :., '.... ; , ....the"ame b~:, used for; antoOfulUt~Olal' 'purpos.e; iior: S.ha,i1, the,~arr.e 'br. ,&l\Y' l-ar~t thereof"o}' any , ,1rlter:~Bt th,eZ-ein"b'e,1J,Old;releaeed or 0~h?r:-,1e~ ooriveyea to',~ny. 'PE!~eOn8'other"t,ha,n the Cauoas.1'I,\Q" '~oe; ,~rovided ~hat, p.ot~ing hel'e in con taine4 's~ll 'prevent 'the "k~eping' and Jtaill~ainll~g' u8ual',~nd' . . ., -. . . ,. " ' , . :,.'. .:,.:. .' '. .-. . .... ~ i 'neoeaaa17 's,erV8!lta b,n ~he' propei',ty:fo,~' reason~ble.fami~~, use. __,Thi8 jT9Y1~1~n, b.o7iever~. shall 'not oausefori'eltur~ unle~$' the 'holder ,of' the iee 1a' ~h~~il't.ober ~t 'fault~ " .. - ". - ......-\ ",.':"X~I)' . .. .. .,: 4.,T~t no",bu,i,ld{n'g aha 11. be oone ~1'\ioted ~or,~reoted' at Q'lE!e8, 'dlstarlo~'than,t'!';enty feet 'from > the front line of :~Bid lot o~ ,either ,Of'~,th~m~'" 6.", That: If' said,' pa,rtY~f;thes~oo~ipart. her ,Mirs, ~$Pl"esent~ttve8. ,0ras~i.~lS;"or tinY' 'Rofder O"fthe, ,prope~ty h~rebY "'oo~veyed' by ~lr~u:e Of',ari1,juiHol&l_pr~~edlll~. :,~b:ali,fai.l to' qo~pl~ ,\'\'lth any Of the.ab,ove"~d f.ore~o1Qg reB,t.r:i~,tl?na;~co:llditUu8~,or'J.,im,1.tatibue'io;'~th~nts,1xtY, day: 8 , '. after wr1t,~n ,not'i~eby ,me.lltothe said party ,of th!, S&OO,Ila~~, her Mir13 \'pe,rsOl~.l ~pr.es&nta tl'...~s, '.' . '. .:..:~ .' .,'- '... ...."S" . " . . or ,assigns, or 'any oftl1em. at' th~' laSt, k.lown add~ee's~'bY"th~ '8~id par~leeof ,~hefiret, p6~,i, ~ ': '-'-". .- - ~ "- ~ '. '. " '.' .", . - , ' . . '\ theIrS:UO-c~~sors, per8oi~.l :i'epresent8t~YeS'Oraes18!l8, or'eUh~r,of ~em,th~n' the'8~1~ ~bo.v'~', , , ..:. if . 1 . " -.. ~' :':A: ~ f~l ~::" J, ' :i ,', " ~ " ~' . . ' .. ".! . '. . '.' ,..' '!!l- ',' -. . '. . ,', " '. "":.' __ " .-'. .,' .., des,orlbed and :~oJllleY8d, pr~pe'rtyshal1'l~~Hately, revert t9 the ,s8if' partle8oft~efir8t 'part~ .. , , .' .-, . -- . . . - . . . '. -.. . , - ~ . - . - '. .'. ," -=-thelrsucae~H~orso'ra~ai.gns." who' shallbeent1tled t,o' 1r.,media't81yenter' upOnSa1d property .' ,.-' "':.' '-'&'.'~ '" !.'. .~ . ".' - :'. . .~.._" .'. ~". .... .."...: .'~ . t.. II without "notioe'., ~ndtake ,pO~HegeJon of' the J3EHrA;l"wlth fU"ll,t1tleln fee-ainrple.,toge'ther with ~.a1'1 imPt~velWntsth,e~il, ~pdno ,walverof any 6f,thes~ 'cond lUons, lirnita t1 OilS or res;triatlons.; , :'! '----c-.xpressed or, ,implied, ~r' fat"iu.re for any '~leng't~ti";-fiime, '. .... .' , '. .' ~ " . ':" . ; " , a bar 'to, 8U'O.h enf~reoement ,'at, any' time. ' - !, ..j , , ':1' i j, ! : i to enforo..;.th~, same ehall oonstitute , ' . , " ,; , , , , It, is:f-J.rther, underato~ and bgreed the. t parties of, the f !rut par t'N ill not n:,ake 8flY ,deed' tc)' alt{ lot in rrUQker ?erraoe'prior' to JauUflry 1, .1936, 011 1thout the'aforeaa1d, provlttlJiaa, '... e.nd"re~trlc nons.n' .I TOOETHZnwith alr'the" tenertents. hered1tomt:nte l!lfdappurtell8nces.-'-;;....fth every priv llege, I , , right, title, interest aud~atate,-do1Ve:t and riptt of dO:ier, re\'€rsij~. remalll':lei' and easelUtut i ' " , .~ .~ . i1 , th,e,reto \lelof~ilf.g or in anywIal aJl;,ert~iuing:, ' , , ' I ~ I ' TO H.;'V;:AllD TO HOLD the 8arna in' fee 8ir.iple 'foMve:'. ,.' I t first 'f1rt do covenunt ...1th the said party of the a'eoond part }', ,.o!,-the: eat'!! J)~i-8e-8 itha't ; they 'are free of fod:1---1nO~6tauue8 i and thuHhq ha...'tTgood r 19h t ~"'c.~...., T AllD ,tbe said }:6rt1es of the that they are ia'N~Ui.1Y 8&i~ed IJ 'J {l :! H . \ .... it il