HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0329 ..', I ',I . ',! , , , J 1 I ~."':~___~~"__ __ .~_ _'!.. ,--,', 't:>"T ' ", "L~,_.:",,~___~"~" j~_, ~ . ..?-. .. ~,.'. ~. ~-j31,8 ", .,,' ,(' -;- , ,',',' " -, 1 i' ~ ~_~"~-f"~'-r-~-~, J, , , I, ' ii, ,,. ,I.;" , , , .. . ~ ,. 1"'.... I J / ' ;-,,- J ,"-', .. . :; .1, I' I, , . , '!.,'- l' " j " if " I " ' . t ~ '.'" , ,'11 I J f . ' ,( I ., , ,,~ J - . 'J y -,-'~ . .,., , ,,: t r. t 1 ~ _~ .,.~ t. j . ...10 ~ ~ 1 ~.~ - ',<",A';; _...:...<:'_n.l'"1_..~ .---....-!, ' "'-"-f"~" '~1;,'-,. '_~~,:,:"""_'~~~'-',- -l, -_-.---"i.,-....r.t'...."-~'~-,... ~~...~:t>~I~.~....,.;~.4..,~. ~ :~ ..... r_ ._'!...'I-..'......... - ...~,.-'~..- <.'"\'-......: -'-1'...1....; '. _ ' , '", I' " ", 'I I, .-' , r' ., "" , ,./ ,,:J " ; ," I I , I ",I, "" ' I' I, " " " , ' I. ',' , ' ' \' -. -- "f L'ot'60t 'BIO~k '(Lo:f 1'1~t-'1lo-;,?of l~oya.l l>arii,'aoc6tdlil'g,~OP1.a-fr~oOrd6~ 'i, '.' I, ',:" ::' ',:,', ,I ' , ," ','I'" 1 1 .." ':, ' . '-," " " ,;, \ , ," Ol~ page,"??' o~ l'l,at' Book 4. .in the ~tfloe' ,o,i' < the Clerk" o~: '~he" C,1rOu1tOpurt I ,I " o~' 'St. ' i" ~6~e '0 o'uI;ty ~ :r~, ~ild~~ "',\ : " , ' '..,'-0 ; \,' ., \ " ',:, """ \ '::':, ';"\" ":,1,.",.,:'."" \.. . 1 . . ..'~ , . L "\ '. " . '-: t I ~ \' . " \ ' \ ,', TOGETHEn,:W1.th,' &1,1. ,the 'tene:;'en~8, nere'dlt~lhen~s, a~d ~ppurt8nan.oe8. '';',t'ih' every pl'tvllege~' ,;1, <' , ,',+' " " '\ .'" ' '\," ,\, \ \ ,,' ,',' \,' ," , ',- ,;~ ' \ rl.ghi ,'t lt~~ f'lnter~8~ 'and, ,8s,ta te ,reve"ralon." r,e~ii1deI' .aJ1~' e:al3etlle'nt. th:~r,e..to ,befonf!l,l1B',o'~ : in: '1' .< '.' . .' . '''\ "', \.. ".,' l. ". ". . '. \, . . \ .",' '-- -', >~ ., i, ,. anYwise apwita'rnlng: TO HAVE. AlID TO HOLD '~heB sma ill ~fe'~ slrr.ple for~ver i ,subject, h'ow~'ver,J tOl" ' '. " ,I .' ,..' \':" " ",'" '\ ' , "\'" ,',,',;', , ,\ ',' , , ' .;'", , the, f9110wing r,6etr1QtJollS, ' oond'1tlous ~nd ,HlT:lta~1()nl3:';' ,.. '.', ' ",' \ - , '" ,..' '" \ , ' :" . ",\' '~ ":',,' , y ,it i~,:mtltu~HY ~gr.eed ~t,hat't;~eae presente are' rnad,e su:bJeot't6,the' folio#ngexpre.~s " ' , , " ' , '". " ' , , ~\ ,I:,.', , ' ',,', ' ' .. oond'itlolls) ..~e-st'rl~tlous ah.~ l1mj.tat1one~ and'~hi-ch .~rt' intended to, b~an,d 'sha'll' Qe'flco,epte,d ~~ .' '." s' .' , ."". : '. , _ \.,. "', \. . " oovenanh,'ruim1ng with the land ~ and: whlJn shall be b1pdl1lg 'a~ne"upon the' ,he,lr8i..l. ;regal' re-", ','\", ,p, . . - "'. '. '.- ; '-.' .\ .. .... .. \ 'PU~enta thes a.fldaS81'gns'of \tbe "V~iidee,,:wh~ by hls'acc~.PtahceOi tht ~,lD,8'trulient':88recJto . .'.. . '- "'~"'" ..... .', . - ~ \, .~. . "", "': ,:., . ........ - " ..-:.\. '. abide by and ,per'~or~I,ea1,drestriot!one. '-i'1mIt..t1opEt~nd'Qo'i1Htion~ as 01l8'Qf, t'h'e e~pres$ ctOh'Gt~.~lt~$" :1., ' ".' -. ....', ,. .....,..... . ,-:.:. ." - .\' , \ . ' ...;'. of'theeepxt\~ente.-,t~~~it: "," ",,'. '\, \.. 1.116 ur!~~"~l' or tFll:O~aJ": ':18~ 8,hall b~ 'ma<l~ ,of ~thepre'm1~8'Ei h~r.~~~y ~gr~e4:'"to' be'o~nv{> yed/.no~ . . -'. " ", . ..;..." \ ..:.,. - ::';'. .... "Sl1a'l1 the 8~'nor'any~Ltthe~eqt.,rior 'any ,intll;reat.ther~ili'be 'soid; l~a-~ed'"or o.hel"~lsficon'\:eyea :,', '~ to~ '~riYP~fso,ns ;,ot;herthan,~~i 't~~ 9af:oae1anrsc~~/twr,~?~~l's81.dpreo~ae,8, .O~,;ally:P8:rt' 't~e~eoi.' b'a" ",.,., '. . .'. . " .' ...." - --' -. ..- . - . . . ' ,'.,.'. "':' :.... -. . .... . "'. '.... -- ,,". ". ~ ~ocup,iedDY '~l)y ,pere'on'.othertb'ai1,.ot, th,e 'Cauoasian' taoe,:pr,o".lded t'~a ~ noth~ne:, ~ereAJ1 oontained ,'....... " Sha,11:pre"en t:,1;he~ 'kee'Pl'ng' and'inaj.~t6Il~1J'l~f ~le~v~nt 8 ,on theB~1d;ropcr,t:( i~r,r~~~olU:bie "U~:'Of'" ~" ,;,.l, , "".."" , ' . , " . . ,," -... - - "-. . -'. ~. - . the" oocup~i).te. ",', " ~ ' I , t ' . _<-_1_ , \, , .', , , \ '.. \". , \ , \' , " " . - 2.' No bU,lld1ngs'Bhall b~, oon8trtiote~ Or"€rept,ed0n sa~d pro.,p~rtyufltlla1't,erth.e p~,ane~", ,', s~e~ Ifica~i~rts'-',';nd' io~ti~1.oi:1 of '~he,,~a-~~ ,Sh~~~~.e,b~en', ~,p:ro:~e'~ _~t1'~r1tl~' b~,~lIaI'~"R~;'all'ark: ' Cor:'P~llYi',1ts'~uco~8sor"s or assl~na'., ': ' . " .'. -. ~ '~. .'.'..- . . . . ". ~ . " , . . , . . " .. . ' .. . '" , . . . .... . ", 3. No~ z,eS1den~e ,or bull~ll1g~ ':lnclud,i~po.ro,h~E}' orproJect~0~180f, ,~I,~' ki.nd,~,:S,ha~l. be, ereoted, , . .. , - ~ . . . , at's leas'd,ratano,e than,351ect fro1L,th~ front 11?e .of'thc'abo\'e des~r1bed'propertY,-2~'a~a les:~ . -- . . ~ ~ < '" . 0 : .. " ' , , ,,', ,',' " " , " ,,' ..",", ' , ' , , ' dlstanoethan three, f:n'feet from th,e s1de:-l1ne of 8aidpToterty'; or,at ales'aplst'ance thanf1\'El,", ' .. ,>","', ',,' ,:, , .. " ' "'", ,'.-",'"" -", ',', ' ".-: ',' ,,", , ,,' " (6) 'fee't' fr'onithE. rear, {1ile or' SElid '::-rQPer ty.' St apa-to, po.rOhea' teyextend 6"cr' tbe"bu lliiirig line ~:,: ". -. '.. .... '..;'!- . ,., .' .... .' . " - . '. - ..".. .'. .'." " .... . 4~ llo bu1idhig~ except as', PPo\'lded, i~i thtf'Jll~Wlnff'11stshOnngCl1a1:a~ter ot b'UildlUg ao~ ' , '.' ". . .. . . '9." ". I' ..! , , '~ ' ~ '" " , mIn1mum ooet'Shallbe construotell <:i'nal\Ylot'deSC'r1bed' In,sald l1et/ to:'W1t:''', . . . "'.. ':" ..-.. . ' .....'. 0 . . .' _'. '. . - .. ; . ~'" ~. , o. . (Descrlptionij~re, accord:1ug to ,~la,teof ~oyall-'arkSubd l"I,~i oDlri-~corde'd: in tne ,office' of 1ihe 'I Ci~rk' of' the ',CiTOU1t c<?uh L")~8 1 to, 61nclU811~Ve~ of 5r. LucIeeou:at~,,'FJorlda.) , " " ',' I ' .- , ..' '," "', of' biook 1.' ,s tnffe:' rt 81delice',~4, 600;'; OI-,duple>: fIa ~or' "'. '- '" ' .'.. ' .' -.' . d.ouble ho use " -' . ;,.- ~~~.OOO; or, ~par,ime'1;lts t:L2,0?p. ~, -. .... 'J.ot~ ., to' 1'4 ~llo1u81ve'~ofQloOk 1, 81uglere-stdeiloe., only '~4i1~O.', ~' >', ....' . ..' '. .', '. .- 'lots~' toa~nclt.:.etv~~'f,ln<1Lots 14);~',24, ll1chsh:e o,f blo~k2.<31nN~ 'reS1deu()e,on1Y$4~60b~.:.' ',. - - - . . 'Lot 'l. 4nd,'Lo',ts'.13t~' 17..1uuluaTve, of bloQk; 3; 81N;le re,s1dano.e.'$4.DOO;' or dl1Pie:![,~~lat or " , '.. 1, ,',,' ' 'dol.(vle' ho use~8, 000; ~ra p;irtme.ntet12 .000..., , , --------.-----------'--------;;-------- .' " ,L,ote 8 ,to 12 inolusive,' cft bioo.1C4.',\:l1ngle reslde,noeU.600; 'Ordu,plex"flat or double house ~8-")OO:, , I '1 "or apart~ents. ~12..o,004~ ' L..-," . -. ~ . . ~. <:I 10. ts 7, 8 and 9. U .Bl00,k'6,s'tnele residenoe -only t3500. ' " 1 1 , ; ..,'" 'I , i , 'I i ~ ~ .....ll,;',li, . ; ~ . .! :' ,'I -. ~ Lo te l~, 11, an4 12' o~ blo-ck ,6. e1 ng Ie' re aidence ~3, pOO: or aPartrr,ente' e12.'OOU. all lots in'. 1'raot A, emgle resIdence only e5,90o. .i.lJ, lota1n 3ioO'k l/i, s1ngle res1depoeon,l~r t6,QOQ.' ~ ' f " - 'or, duple~ ila t orl d cubIe house M,ooo; I I, , ' A11 lote 1n b:iook 16, single r6s1delloe <?nlJ $6~OOO.. , '\ ,Lo.ts 33 to. 41 1ncluSive. of brook 16,lSingle resIdelioe0I11~:' t6,OOO. I I' 1 'I , t ,/ . 26 to 32 inolue1ve ~ of blo!ok' 16, a1np-le residenoe 06,000;, o~, duplex flat or double r.o)lBe tlO,OOO; , . " hi . qr hotel Slb,ooo~' -~-'.\