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Goo~,\~ln.; of 'l~w,fu~ 8,ge,.beinSI 'firat' dl.l;1Y~ BW~l\, deposes, 'Pn,~ B~8:, 'Tha\t,\ hl'" 1~, ,,',' W~ll\~oql,ian~:~d' ~tt~ ''1..~. o'pr~e~ ,to- ,^:h.O~ ,Vi. I' i.., \Vanlandin.ghab1"~Ptd \ A~e~ph Yan,;land'1ngham, ',hiS' q\, "( . " '., -.'. '.:\ ' . ,\" ' .." " ;. "\ ' .\, .-' .~ - ". -' .\ .: . ';'; wife,' o,t:' ~alm.Be~oh ',Cotmty. r'~'Orlda,\, ~~nve~ed.Lo..1i8\ 1 wld ,2' of ~loo~ 3.'of Fort 'l'lerce He.1gh~s, , ,,' , " " ,\ ;], " ',' " ' ;,';~~ a~J~t1,ontoFort .1'ie, roe , '.:~1;18 '~subdlvislon Q'fjB r,t's"of ~e'otio~ 8,:and 9,,'T01Yl1sh~p 3,5 sout~," \', .' 'Range'4ci.'E~~t.; 1n 'St.~l.lOieCO'UI'I~Y' ,"lOrld~, bYQUit"Ci~im~ee~; d~te,(('the ,28thd,~, ot~1',1921.,; , . ~ \' .. . .' " .' . ' . , : ad witJ1 Thoms 'F. o',~rlen,' Baohe,lor, "tho conyeyed ,said a:UoTe-~e8cribed, land toHJlttle E.'. Chamber;',' ~ ". '-', .',t.. . ,:. < . .'..' ',,_, \. .' .' _......... ",'''. . \'. :'1'1n..' of Jaokaon' C.9uAtY.~::ie6'o~1; ,b~,nV:arra,ntY'pe~'dt ~te~' .L:aY3l-,i92i't.(;Ind"a.~fl~pt':'~~~1tl~elY , '" ," , "'" ',',' '" ' " I ,~" " ., grlQWS thtit the,sald,T. 1.0'Brlen and',the a8.1d ThomasF. -O'Brlen,are one' and 'the .ea,m~ pers,on,: . '. ~ . . . . .' ," .,. '. ..:;0" . ~., . ..,,' .: ' ,not' w1tl1.6tandillg',thedh~iep'a.noY: ln~ the .llamas.:' , ",. .. . .' ,-','. - i ~'... :' '. . . , '. \. ''-. .~. .~ " " '.' : ~d tur~her dep"onet~s8 ith not.' 'e: " < R.. L, 'Qood,w in . ~ >SUBSC:U.a~D ,Alm SV;o:Ul~ojbe:fo.,:re 100. thl~ '2nd'day of }'~Y"J...D. '1.926." . ,',. : 'I ." .~ . , ,B .1' .Se 81..' .\,.~..:~_.-",..<. . .' . . , ' Jarrea B~ ,~oOk . . '. .. - Zlotary",l'1iblia. for, the .3ta,te of ?lo.rids, at '18rge. : 'l!~ Q ommlaaion exp i~e-s ~,b. '18,1929.: ' " " " ,~ ), .. r, .... . ,'~. .. ., . . '4." .'_' . '. .., aU? r;~cord'ed ,thi:3 2nd' f16f,ot )l$.y.1925."Ii.~ 4~08 l'~t:. · .. : Ct. Ct. Seal. : , , ';d '~J.~~J.luj~~ ~~~..' , .", .. . . '. . ' ' 1'. C" E14'r~a, t' .cleJ:'k: .c.1r~:,C'our,t. ' ;',BY" ~-h,"'~, :/J'I':;l"AO'~' ~.'~.c,~ ': ,";.._". . . ~/~f,~_~... . . '. , ~ ',. ".~' ~ ~> ., ...'it : t:> , ' - .~ - . -.. - . - . - ...:. .~- ~ - . -~.::.. . - ." - . - ; -". ~. ..;...--:..... ....... ... . - . '-.. -'. -. ~ ~ -. -. .. .... . ....-~. - ..:- . .;.. _.~ - . - . - . -. -.. - . - . .. .... . -..- - - .. ; , j /. S;"'qA tr HOLTSB?RG, '. HARRIET. GIU!OUR ' TO .' , '. . t. * . ~ -. ',~A~lt;.ll.'lY " , .:DEED , . ~ .. , t.-~ ?to . ; TUI d, IIlD:li~:il';,', liIJ.de ,~:hi,8'27:h, dU~'. 0 f, APrl~, A~ '~D., 1926~' BET~:'~;"Ha~~l(l.t~, ,~nCi~ur., ".(WidO~l 0.: ,the ~Ql.lllt'S:fSt. ,Lucie end~ta te:Of, i-'l?rida ~~y of the; first ps.r~.'.aild~ran' ~o1tsberg ,of.the ,-CQunt~ of St.' Lucie alid 3te.te of, Florids party, of, the"S&condp&.rt~\';'ITllES5ETH that the, 'said .p(.rty~{ the :firat part., 'forandH"in'~'OI;81d,~r~t:.o~o~,the; Sum of ~:;llDol1ara' and '. , O.V.C'. "~ to he::r ,in haI1d -j::ald,. t.~e re~~ipt' ;;,~~re~:f.ishere'by,'aOkll')W.1ed'ged,ha~ p'tan t~d. 'barga 1,ned, ' " soldaud.' t:un~fe::'re~'.' a,nd ~by 'th~6~"' pre sen:6. 'dvt:~ ~Hul~bar~aJri, ,sen ,and tl'ansfer unto tne :: said f.>a rlYOf .th~eeCO!)d pa rt/andhe~ helr6andast\iin~ fo're,yer' all tha~~e'rta'1n T'!lz,cel' o'{ iend d'o' : ,". 'lyil.g ana'bei~ 'in the OQUl1ty of 3t.Luo ie &.ndState of n~ rida, 'rr,ore Part ioula:r1Y ~escr1b,ed. ~ " .' t , . " ,,8sfo11o,..,'a; , <; """ Lota one' ~n~ ' two "ot':alock ,thre,e 'of 'lor t ,l'teroe~ ;HeIght a, all a~d1t'1on' to ;Ft:l',ie:r~~ FlClrid'a,'~eli";g. a'6Ubd1V~8i~l~f parte of' Seotious 8 an\19. TO'/.llSh ip 35 S~u~h. Range 40' Zalft"; acco rd1n'g ,'" . , , ' to e. plat,'nideby c~~.steele, C.E.,\ IiI1d fil(ld '1l1,~he of t1ce'(jf', , " ' " , the \ . ,; . 01~rk ''Of the ,Clrcult Court in and for~t., L~Q1e County; Florida. " ' ($2'.00 'l.R.:Stampe o6~)(:ieli ad)' " ' I 70B:&TH;:~ with ullte'nen,ents, .herE!d 1tun;entsand a17'pur~tenunceB, 'N1th..evl:ry priv !lege, right; ,. :-", i '.{ ,title'; interest nndc'eeta'Je, do....er a,nd right Of d,ower, re~e!8ioll, ret-.ainder: andeaser::e'nt there- . . . . to belonging or1n aiwwise'~pwrtaining: TO Hnvr; ...ilD'~o HOLD the sume in feo simple forever. ' , , I Alldthe said pIor,ty of the, first part does oovenant' '~1th the said fa rtyof the second , <J '. I I , ,part that she be lu'hfully se hed of t(he e& id pre~,iseB~ the t they ure fre"e fr dlLall lncun;branoey t' .. , I"