HomeMy WebLinkAboutICC-ES EVALUATION REPORTIMES Evaluation ESR-2290 Issued April 1, 2010 report is subject to re-examination in one year. www.icc-es.org 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0943 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTE Section: 07450—Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious Section: 07460—Siding REPORT HOLDER: JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92337 (800) 942-7343 www.iameshardie.com chad.dierckse-aameshardie.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: HARDIESHINGLETM PANELS, HARDIEPLANKTM SIDING, AND HARDIESHINGLETM INDIVIDUAL SHINGLES 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ■ 2006 Intemational Building Code® (IBC) ■ 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: ■ Weather protection ■ Structural ■ Types I, II, III, and IV (noncombustible) con ■ Fire -resistance -rated construction ■ Thermal resistance 2.0 USES James Hardie fiber -cement panels, plank lap cladding shingles are used as exterior wall cov 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: classified as noncombustible when tested in accordance with ASTM E 136. For testing in accordance with ASTM C 177, conductance "IC and resistance "R° values for the products are as shown in Table 2 of this report. When tested in accordance with ASTM E 96, desiccant method, products with a thickness of inch (6.4 mm) and 5/16 inch (7.5 mm) have demonstrated the permeance values given in Table 3 of this report. 3.2 Siding: HardieShingleTM panels, HardiePlankTrm (Cemplank e SentryTM and RFC) lap siding, and HardieShingle individual shingles may be used as siding on exterior walls. The exterior sidings are supplied either unprimed or primed for subsequent application of a compatible primer and/or exterior -grade top coat. Nominal product dimensions are noted in Table 1. 3.2.1 HardieShingleTM Panels: HardieShingle'rm panels are available in a variety of finish textures and are offered in three configurations: half -round, staggered -edge, and square -edge. 3.2.2 HardiePlankTm (Cemplank®, SentryTM and RFC() Lap Siding: Hardiplank, Cemplank, Sentry and RFC lap sidings are available in a variety of finish textures. 3.2.3 HardieShingleTM Individual Shingles: HardieShingle'rm individual shingles are available in a variety of finish textures. 3.3 Fasteners: Fastener spacing must be as shown in the tables of this report. Fasteners must be corrosion -resistant steel. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Design: and 4.1.1 Walls: The maximum basic wind speeds for positive or negative transverse load resistance of HardieShingleTM panel, HardiePlanlJm (Cemplank® SentryTM and RFC) lap siding, and HardieShing0h individual shingles are presented in Tables 4 through 14. The exterior sidings are single -faced, cellulose fiber — reinforced cement (fiber -cement) products. Exterior sidings are identified as HardieShingleTM bane) siding, HardiePlankTM (Cemplank®, SentryT an, � RFC) lap siding, and HardieShingleTM individual sh' 'gles. The products comply with ASTM C 11b8 , as Grade II, Type A. The products have a flame -spread index of 0 and ,te=smoke-developed index of 5 when tested "in;accordance with -ASTM E 84. The products iHardiePlanRTM Cemplank®, SentryTM, RFC®, and Hardie,'ShingleTM) are ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as rt as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recor, to arty finding or other matter in this report, or as to any 4.2 Installation: 4.2.1 General: Installation must comply with this report, and a copy of this report must be available at all times on the jobsite during installation. All products are permitted to be cut to shape on -site by the score -and -snap method using a score -and -snap knife, a hand guillotine or a handsaw utilizing a carbide blade. A clear distance of 6 inches (152 mm) must be maintained between the siding ig aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor are they to be construed i !on for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied asE-:'^�_a\ I covered by the report. �,a ;e„--- Copyright © 2009 Page 1 of 18 ESR-2290 I Most IMdel and Trusted 2of18 and grade. Fasteners used to attach the products are described in Tables 4 through 14. 4.2.2 HardieShingle m Panels: When installation is can braced wood or metal framing members or solid wood sheathing, a water -resistive barrier must be applied over the wood or metal framing members or solid wood sheathing in accordance with the applicable code. The first notched panel must be trimmed so the end aligns with the furthest stud and is secured above keyw�ys [approximately 8 inches (203 mm) clearance from butt edges of panel] on 16-inch (406 mm) or 24-inch (610 +) centers [maximum 133/4-inch (349 mm) centers Ifor application only to minimum 7/1s-inch-thick (11.1 mm) oriented strand board sheathing (OSB) complying with U.S. DOC PS2]. The panels must be fastened) in accordance with the provisions of Table 4 of this report. A nominally 11/4-inch-wide-by-%-inch-thick (31.8 mm byl6.4 mm) starter strip and a minimum 81/4-inch-wide (210 mm) HardiePlanlJm (Cemplanke, SentryTM and RFC) lap siding starter course are installed over the water -resistive barrier, with the bottom of the starter strip and starter course even with the bottom of the bottom plate. The siding must be applied horizontally commencing from the bottom cour' a of a wall. The second course, and every following even n mber course (i.e., fourth, sixth) must commence the equivalent of one full stud cavity from the straight edge end.) The fasteners must penetrate through the previous course and into the substrate (framing members, wood structural panel sheathing or concrete masonry units). When a course is interrupted by a window or doorway, the notched panel application pattern continues aq if the wall were complete. Trim and corners must be Ji stalled and the siding must be finished in accordance th the manufacturer's application instructions. A 1/e-ih (3.2 mm) gap must be left at locations where the sidirjg butts against door and window trim and at internal or external corners; such gaps must be flashed in accordance with the applicable code, then caulked. Vertical joints mustt occur over framing members and must be sealed with caul i (king or covered with battens. 4.2.3 HardiePlanlJm (CemplanV, SentryTM anal RFC) Lap Siding: When installation is on braced wood f or metal framing members or solid wood sheathing, the lap siding must be fastened either through the overlapping planks (face nailed) or through the top edge of single plan, ks (blind nailed) in accordance with the provisions of Table 5 of this report. A water -resistive barrier must be applied over the wood or metal framing members or solid wood sheathing in accordance with the applicable code. Lap siding g is also permitted to be fastened to a wall constructed of concrete masonry units complying with ASTM C 90, in accordance with Tables 6 through 11. The lap siding requires the use of a starter strip to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge. A nominally 1%-inch-wide-by- 5/1s-inch-thick (31.8 mm by 7.9 mm) starter strip its installed over the water -resistive barrier, with the bottom of the starter strip even with the bottom of the bottom plate. The siding must be applied starting at the bottom course of the wall, with a minimum 11/4-inch-wide (31.8 mm)I overlap at the top of each plank. Vertical joints must Joccur over studs, except where the "off -stud splice device') is installed or where the planks are installed to solid wood sheathing complying with the applicable code, and must be staggered on subsequent courses. Where Oe "off -stud splice device is installed, the splice device's bottom lip must be placed over the adjacent solid course of planks. The plank must then be fastened to the framing with corrosion -resistant fasteners. The abutting plank must be positioned and fastened into place ensuring that the lower edges of the two planks align. The metal device must be located centrally over the vertical joint.) Vertical joints between planks must be lightly butted or gapped and must be protected by one of the following methods: (a) sealed with caulking in accordance with the caulk manufacturer's published gapping requirements and caulking application instructions; or (b) covered with an H-section joint cover; or (c) located over a strip of nonperforated flashing complying with ASTM D 226, Type I felt, or other approved flashing. Trim and corners must be installed and the siding must be finished in accordance with the manufacturer's application instructions. A 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) gap must be left at locations where the siding butts against door and window trim and at internal or external corners; such gaps must be flashed in accordance with the applicable code, then caulked. 4.2.4 HardieShingleTm Individual Shingles: When installed on solid wood sheathing or equivalent, the cladding shingles are fastened in accordance with the provisions of either Table 12, 13 or 14 of this report. A water -resistive barrier in accordance with the applicable code must be applied over the substrate to which the shingles are attached_ The individual shingles require the use of a starter strip to set the first course on the proper angle and to create a drip edge. The nominally 1%4-inch-wide-by-'/-inch-thick (31.8 mm by 6.4 mm) starter strip and a minimum 81/4- inch-wide (210 mm) HardiePlankTm (Cemplane, SentryTM and RFC') lap siding starter course are installed over the water -resistive barrier with the bottom of the starter strip and starter course even with the bottom of the bottom plate. Shingles are spaced a maximum of % inch (6.4 mm) apart leaving a minimum side lap of 1'/ inches (38 mm) between the joints of successive courses. Fasteners must be spaced a minimum of inch (19 mm) and a maximum of 1 inch (25.4 mm) from shingle edges and must be positioned to be covered a nominal 1% inches (32 mm) by the succeeding shingle course; for 12-inch-wide (305 mm) shingles, the third nail (see Table 14) must be installed mid -span of the shingle. Nails must secure shingles but must not be over -driven. Trim and corners must be installed and the shingles must be finished in accordance with the manufacturer's application instructions. A'/e-inch (3.2 mm) gap must be left at locations where the shingle butts against door and window trim and at internal or external comers; such gaps must be flashed in accordance with the applicable code, then caulked. 4.3 Fire -resistance -rated Assembly (HardiePlanO Lap Siding): The asymmetrical, load -bearing, one -hour fire -resistance - rated wall assembly must consist of nominally 2-by-4 wood studs spaced a maximum of 24 inches (610 mm) on center, with two top plates and a single bottom plate. One layer of 5/s-inch-thick (15.9) Type X gypsum wallboard complying with ASTM C 36 or ASTM C 1396, 48 inches (1219 mm) wide, must be applied vertically to the interior face of the studs and secured with minimum 13/4-inch-long (44 mm) cup -head gypsum wall board nails, spaced 7 inches (178 mm) on center at board edges and intermediate framing members. All board joints must be backed by framing. The 5/s-inch-thick (15.9 mm) Type X gypsum wallboard joints and nail heads must be finished in accordance with ASTM C 840 or GA216. The exterior face of the wall must be covered with one layer of 1/2-inch-thick (12.7 mm) Type X water-resistant core treated gypsum sheathing complying with ASTM C 36 or ASTM C 1396 and one la er of maximum 12-inch-wide (305 min) HardiePlank (CemplanO, SentryTm and RFC0 lap siding , ESR-2290 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted 3of18 lapped a minimum of 11/4 inches (32 mm). The /2-inchf- thickk (12.7 mm) Type X water-resistant core-treatTr gypsum sheathing must be applied vertically to the exteri side of the framing members with vertical edges staggered 24 inches (610 mm) from the joints on the opposite sid . All board joints must be backed by framing. The 1/2-inci- thick (12.7 mm) Type X water-resistant core -treated gypsum sheathing must be fastened to the framirig members with 13/4-inch-long (44 mm) roofing nails spac d 7 inches (178 mm) on center in the field and 4 inches (1 2 mm) on center along the perimeter of each board. T e outer layer of 5/16-inch-thick L7.5 mm), maximum 12-inch- wide (305 mm) HardiePlank (Cemplanke, SentryTM and RFC lap siding must be applied over the 1/2-inch-thick (12.7 mm) Type X water-resistant core -treated gypsum sheathing by attaching 1°/2-inch-wide (38 rnm) HardiePlank (Cemplank , Sentryand RFC starter strips attached through the gypsum sheathing into Ithe bottom plate and 12-inch-wide (305 mm) HardiePlankTM (Cemplank®, SentryT1A° and RFC) lap siding applied horizontally with a minimum nominally 11/4-inch (32 1 m) head lap, and fastened with a single 6d corrosion -resistant common nail driven through the lapped planks at each stud. The axial load must be the lesser of the following, provided structural consideration for axial, flexural and bearing perpendicular -to -grain stresses is in actor ante with ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2005 (IBC or IRC): Maximum 100 percent of full allowable I axial compressive design load permitted for the wood species. 2. Maximum allowable wood axial stress of 0.718 F'�, which must not exceed 0.78 Fc at a slenderness ratio le/d of 33. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The HardieShingle'rm panel, HardiePlankrm (Cemplank® SentryTm and RFC) lap siding, and HardieS ing0h individual shingles described in this report comply 'th, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subjec to the following conditions: 5.1 The James Hardie® Building Products, Inc., roducts listed in this report must be installed in ac rdance with this report and the manufacturer's pblished installation instructions. In the event of aI conflict between this report and the manufacturer's Rublished installation instructions, this report governs. I 5.2 HardieS^hingleTM panel, HardiePlankTm (Cemplank o SentryTand RFC lap siding, and HardieShingle individual shingles must be installed on exterior walls braced in accordance with the applicable code. 5.3 Design wind speeds applied to the James Hardie® sidings described in this report must be determined in accordance with the applicable code and must be less than those shown in the wind speed tables in this report. 5.4 The fiber -cement products installed on exterior walls must be installed over a water -resistive barrier in accordance with the applicable code and this report. 5.5 For use in fire -resistance -rated construction, installation must be in accordance with Section 4.3. 5.6 Flashing must be installed at all penetrations and terminations in accordance with the applicable code. 5.7 The products are manufactured at the following locations, with quality control inspections by Intertek Testing Services, Inc.: ■ Cleburne, Texas ■ Peru, Illinois ■ Plant City, Florida ■ Pulaski, Virginia ■ Sparks, Nevada ■ Tacoma, Washington ■ Waxahachie, Texas 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Fiber Cement Siding Used as Exterior Wall Siding (AC90), dated November 2008. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Pallets of the James Hardie® Building Products, Inc., HardieShingleTm panels, HardiePlank m (Cemplank e Sentrynand RFC) lap siding, and HardieShingle individual shingles must bear a label identifying the manufacturer's name and telephone number, the product name, the name of the inspection agency [Intertek Testing Services, Inc. (AA-690)], and the evaluation report number (ESR-2290). ESR-2290 I Most Wider and Trusted TABLE 1—STANDARD NOMINAL PANEL, PLANK & SHINGLE DIMENSIONS 4 of 18 Product I Width Length or Height Thicknesses (Inches) (Inches) 4, § %, 6, 6 %, 7 %, 7 %, 8, HardiePlanlJm lap siding 8'/a, 9%, 9'/2 & 12 12, 14 feet 5/16 5 , 6, 6% 7'/a, 7'/2, 8, a Cemplank® lap siding 8%, 9'/2 & 12 12, 14 feet 5/16 RFC® lap siding %, 7%, 8%, 9Y2 & 12 12, 14 feet 5/16 HardieShingleTA° panel (square & staggered edge) 48 16 inches '/o HardieShing[Jm panel (half round) 48 16, 19 inches '/ HardieShingleTm individual shingles I 6, 8, & 12 1 18 inches For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 ft = 305 mm TABLE 2—"K" AND "R" V LUES FOR FIBER -CEMENT PRODUCTS Product Thermal Thermal 2 Resistance Actual Thermal Conductance Actual Thermal Resistance 2 Thickness3 Conductance' (Keft) (R) (inch) Kfj=(Btu/hr-ft2-0F)1inch R =1/Kerr '/ 1.95 0.51 7.80 0.13 /16 2.07 0.48 6.62 0.15 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 Btu/h-W -F = 5.678 W/m` 'Based on 1 inch of panel thickness. 2Actual value for panel thickness shown. TABLE 3—PERMEANCE VALUES FOR FIBER -CEMENT PRODUCTS Product Thickness (inch) Perneance (perms) '/ 1.75 /16 1.54 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 perm = 57 mg/(s•m2•Pa)�, per ASTM E96 . , ESR-2290 I Most and Trusted 5of18 TABLE 4—MAXIMUM BASIQ WIND SPEED (fastest mile) (mph) Thick. Fastener Fastener Frame Stud Bldg. Expo ure Cateqory B C D Product (in.) Type Spacing I Type'A Spacing Height in. in. ft. �,, 0.083" shank 0-15 126 85 - HardieShingle x0.187" HD x Attached to 20 121 85 - Panel 114 1-1/2" long 13.75 7/16" OSB NA 40 105 85 - straight or half round Installation ring shank only 60 95 - - nail (sheathing 0.083" shank 0-15 105 85 - TM HardieShingle Panel x0.187" HD x Attached to 20 105 - - 1/4 1-1/2" long 13.75 7/16' OSB NA 40 95 - - Staggered Installation ring shank sheathing only 60 85 - - nail - - 0.083" shank Nominal 2 x 4 0-15 168 137 116 TM HardieShingle 1/4 x0.187" HD x long at each or Min. No. 20 16 20 40 168 168 137 126 116 105 Panel ring shank ring s stud' ga. x 3.62" x 60 158 116 105 nai12 1.375" Metal C-stud 0.083" shank Nominal 2 x 4 0-15 147 105 85 TM HardieShingle 1/4 x0.187" HD x 1-1/2" long at each or Min. No. 20 24 20 40 137 126 100 95 85 Panel ring shank stud' ga. x 3.62" x 60 116 89 - nail 1375" Metal C- .100 95 - - stud For SI: 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mph — 'Values are for species of wood having a specific gra, 2For application to metal framing members, fasteners No. AGS-100-0150, head diameter = 0.313 in., shan Fye 33 Ksi 'For application to ASTM C90 concrete masonry wall, nail (ET & F No. ASM-144-0125, head dia. = 0.30 in. 832 W7-ICC, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.15 °Wind speed design assumptions per of ASCE 7.05: 1.80 for height > 60 feet. SFor application to wood framing or wood -base( she the sheathing thickness as applicable. I m/s y of 0.40 or greater. wst be ET & F Fastening Systems, Inc. ET&F Panelfast® nail, ET & F diameter = 0.100 in., length = 1.5 in. Metal studs must be maximum fasteners must be either ET & F Fastening Systems, Inc. ET&F block shank dia. = 0.14 in., length = 1.25 in.) or Max System block nail (CP-C i., length = 1.3 in.) applied at the equivalent fastener or stud spacing. = 1.0, Kn = 1, Kd = 0.85, Gcp; = 0.18, Gcp; = 1.4 for heights 60 feet and , the minimum fastener penetration must be 1 inch into framing or ESR-2290 I Most IMdei and Trusted 6of18 TABLE 5-MAXIM,UM WIND SPEED (mph) Product I i Stud Building Exposure Category Product (in.) n•) Fastener Type Met od Frame Type, Spacing Height Thick. Width B C D (in.) (ft.) ET & F pin I Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlankTM 5/16 4 0.100" x 1.5" Face Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 20 40 168 168 168 158 147 137 x 0.25" HD C-stud 60 168 1 147 126 ET & F pin I Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6 0.100" x 1.5" Face Nailed iled 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 20 40 168 168 168 158 147 137 x 0.25" HD C-stud 601 168 147 126 ET & F pin I Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6'/4 0.100" x 1.5" Face Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 20 40 168 168 168 158 137 137 x 0.25" HD 1 C-stud 60 168 147 126 ET & F pin I Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 158 126 HardiePlankTM 5/16 7% 0.100" x 1.5" Face Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 20 40 168 168 147 137 126 121 7h x 0.25" HD I Gstud 60 168 1 126 116 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 147 126 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8 0.100" x 1.5" Fce 3.62 x 1.375 Metal 16 20 168 147 126 Naileda 40 168 137 116 x 0.25" HD C-stud 60 168 126 105 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 147 126 HardiePlankTM 5116 8% 0.100" x 1.5" Face 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 20 168 147 116 Nailed 40 168 131 116 x 0.25" HD C-stud 60 158 126 105 ' ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlankTM 5/16 0.100 x 1.5" Face 3.62" x 1.375 Metal 16 20 168 137 116 9,�Z x 0.25" HD Nailed C-stud 40 158 126 105 601 147 116 105 0-15 145 131 119 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 145 127 116 HardiePlankTM 5/16 12 0.100" x 1.5', Face Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 40 139 119 110 x 0.25" HD C-stud 60 131 114 106 100 109 96 90 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlankTM 5/16 4 0.100" x 1.5" Face 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 168 137 116 x 0.25" HD I Nailed C-stud 40 158 121 105 60 147 116 100 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlank TM 5/16 6 0.100" x 1.5', Face Nailed „ 3.62" x 1.375 Metal 24 20 40 168 158 137 121 116 105 x 0.25" HD C-stud 60 147 116 100 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6% 0.100" x 1.5, Face Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 168 126 110 x 0.25" HD C-stud 40 147 121 105 601 137 116 95 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 116 100 HardiePlank TM 5/16 7 / 0.100" x 1.5" Face 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 158 116 95 7, x 0.25" HD Nailed C-stud 40 137 105 89 60 126 95 89 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 116 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8 0.100" x 115" Face 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 137 105 95 x 0.25" HF, Nailed C-stud 40 89 60 126 5 85 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 158 116 95 HardiePlankTM 5116 8% 0.100" x 1�.5" Face Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 158 105 95 x 0.25" C-stud HD 60 126 95 85 ESR-2290 I Most and Trusted TABLE 5-MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) 7of18 ET & F pin I Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 147 105 85 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 9% � 0.100" x 1.5" Face Nai 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 40 126 126 9 5 95 85 85 9� x 0.25" HD ed C-stud 60 126 95 ET & F pin Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 106 96 87 HardiePlankTM 5/16 12 0.100" x 1.5" F ce Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 40 106 93 85 x 0.25" HD C-stud 60 96 96 - ET & F 0-15 158 126 105 Panelfast Blind Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 158 121 100 HardiePlan[Jm 5/16 4 0.100" x 1.5" Nailed 16 40 147 110 95 x 0.313" HD I Met l -stud Metal C-stud 60 137 105 95 ET & F I Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 158 126 105 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6 Panelfast 0.100" x 1.5" Blind Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" 16 20 40 158 147 121 110 100 95 x 0.313" HD I Metal C-stud 60 137 105 95 ET & F Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 116 100 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6'/4 Panelfast Blind 16 20 158 116 95 0.100" x 1.5" Nailed Met l -stud Metal C-stud 40 137 105 89 x 0.313" HD 60 126 100 85 ET & F Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 147 105 85 TM HardiePlank 5/16 7% Panelfast Blind 16 20 137 100 85 7,/ 0.100" x 1.5" Nailed Metal C-stud Met l -stud 40 121 89 - x 0.313" HD 60 110 85 - ET & F 0-15 137 95 85 Panelfast Blind Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 126 95 - HardiePlankTM 5/16 8 0.100" x 1.5 Nailed 3.62" x 1.375" 16 40 116 85 - Metal C-stud 60 105 85 - x 0.313" HD 100 85 - - ET & F Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 137 95 - TM HardiePlank 5/16 , 8/ Panelfast Blind „ 3.62 x 1.375', 16 20 126 95 - 0.100" x 1.5„ I Nailed Metal C-stud 40 116 85 - x 0.313" HD 60 105 - - ET & F No. 20 ga. Minx 0-15 158 110 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 4 Panelfast Blind . 3.62" x 1.375" 24 20 147 105 85 0.100" x 1 Nailed 40 126 95 85 x 0.313" HD Metal C-stud 60 121 95 - ET & F Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 158 110 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6 Panelfast Blind 3.62" x 1.375" 24 20 147 105 85 0.100" x 1.5" Nailed Metal C-stud 40 126 95 85 x 0.313" HD 601 121 95 - ET & F 0-15 147 105 85 Panelfas Blind Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 137 100 85 TM HardiePlank 5/16 , 6/4 0.100" x 115 Nailed 3.62 x 1.376' 24 40 126 95 - Metal C-stud 60 105 89 - x 0.313" I D 100 85 - - ET & Min. No. 20 0-15 137 95 85 TM HardiePlank 5/16 7% Panelfast Blind 75" 3.62 x 1.375 24 20 126 95 - 7'/ 0.100" x 1.5' Nailed Metal C-stud 40 116 85 - x 0.313"IHD 60 105 85 - ET & F Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 126 85 - TM HardiePlank 5/16 8 Panelfast 0.100" x11.5" Blind Nailed „ „ 3.62 x 1.375 24 20 40 116 100 85 - - - x 0.3131' HD Metal C-stud 60 95 1 - - ET & F Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 116 - - T HardiePlankM 5/16 , 8/4 Panelfast 0.100" I 1.5" Blind Nailed , x 1.375', 3.62' 24 20 40 105 95 - - - - x x 0.313" HD Metal C-stud 60 85 - - ESR-2290 I Most Wide) and Trusted 8of18 TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlank TM 5/16 4 6d common 2" long Fac Nailed 2 x 4 wood 16 20 40 168 168 168 158 147 137 60 168 147 137 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlank TM 5/16 6 6d common 2" long Fa a Naled 2 x 4 wood 16 20 40 168 168 168 158 147 137 60 168 147 131 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6% 6d common 2" long Face Nailed 2 x 4 wood 16 20 40 168 168 168 158 137 137 60 168 147 131 0-15 168 158 137 HardiePlankTM 5/16 7% 6d common 2" Face 2 x 4 wood 16 20 168 158 137 7Y2 long i ailed 40 168 137 137 60 168 137 131 0-15 168 158 126 TM HardiePlank 5/16 8 6d common 2" IFace 2 x 4 wood 16 20 168 158 126 long Nailed 40 168 137 116 60 168 131 116 0-15 168 158 126 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8y 6d common 2" Face 2 x 4 wood 16 20 168 147 116 long Nailed 40 168 137 116 60 168 126 116 0-15 168 147 121 HardiePlankTM 5/16 ' 9/ 6d common 2" Face 2 x 4 wood 16 20 168 137 116 long Nailed 40 158 137 110 60 137 137 105 I 0-15 125 113 103 20 125 110 101 HardiePlank TM 5/16 12 6d common 2" Face 2 x 4 wood 16 40 120 103 95 long Nailed 60 113 98 91 I 100 94 0-15 137 126 105 HardiePlankTM 5/16 4 6d common 21' Face 2 x 4 wood 24 20 137 126 105 long I Nailed 40 137 116 95 60 137 105 95 I 0-15 137 126 105 TM 6d common 2" Face 20 137 126 105 HardiePlank 5/16 6 long Nailed 2 x 4 wood 24 40 137 116 95 I 60 137 105 95 100 116 95 85 0-15 137 126 105 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6% 6d commonl2" Face 2 x 4 wood 24 20 137 116 100 long I Nailed 40 137 110 95 60 137 105 95 0-15 137 116 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 7% 6d common 2" Face 2 x 4 wood 24 20 137 110 95 7% long I Nailed 40 137 105 89 60 137 100 85 0-15 137 116 95 HardiePlank TM 5/16 8 6d common 2" Face 2 x 4 wood 24 20 137 105 85 long Nailed 40 126 95 85 60 121 95 85 0-15 137 110 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8/, 6d common 2" long Face Nailed 2 x 4 wood 24 20 40 137 126 105 95 89 85 601 121 89 85 0-15 137 105 85 HardiePlankTM 5/16 9% 6d common 2" Face 2 x 4 wood 24 20 137 100 85 9%Z long Nailed 40 116 95 - 1 60 116 85 - . � ESR-2290 I Most Widel and Trusted 9of18 TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) 0-15 102 93 HardiePlank n, 5/16 12 6d common 2" Fa I 2 x 4 wood 24 20 102 90 - long Nail d 40 98 60 93 No. 8-18 x 0-15 168 168 137 1-5/8" long x Few Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 1 131 HardiePlanlJm 5/18 4 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 40 168 14477 131 ribbed bugle C-stud 60 168 137 126 head screw I No. 8 x 0-15 168 168 137 1-5/8" long x FLe Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 158 137 HardiePlan[Jm 5/16 6 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 16 40 168 147 131 ribbed bugle I Metal C-stud 60 168 137 126 head screw No. 8 x 0-15 168 168 137 1-5/8" long x Face Min. 'No. 20 ga. x 20 168 158 137 HardiePlan[Jm 5/16 6'/ 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 16 40 168 147 126 ribbed bugle I Metal C-stud 60 168 147 121 head screw No. 8 x 0-15 168 147 126 7% 1-5/8" long xFace Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 147 121 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 7/ 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 16 40 168 131 116 ribbed bugle I Metal C-stud 60 168 126 105 head screw No. 8 x 0-15 168 147 126 1-5/8" long x Face Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 147 121 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 8 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 16 40 168 131 116 ribbed bugle Metal C-stud 60 158 126 105 head screw No. 8 x 0 15 168 1 12 1-5/8" long x Face Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 1337 7 1211 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 8'/4 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 16 40 168 131 116 ribbed bugle Metal C-stud 60 158 121 105 head screw No. 8 x 1-5/8" long x Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 9� 0.323" HD Faces 3.62" x 1.375" 16 20 168 131 110 9/ ribbed bugle Screwed Metal C-stud 40 158 121 105 60 147 116 100 head screw, No. 8 x I 1-5/8" long x Min. No. 20 ga. x 0- 168 121 5 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 12 0.323" HD Face 3.62" x 1.375" 16 0 20 168 121 95 9 ribbed bugl Screwed Metal C-stud 40 137 110 95 head scre 60 137 105 89 No. 8 x I 1-5/8" long x Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 4 0.323" HD Face Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 24 20 40 168 158 137 126 116 110 ribbed bugle Metal C-stud head screw 60 147 116 105 No. 8 x' I 1-5/8" long xFace Min. No. 20 ga. x 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlank'rm 5/16 6 0.323" 0D 3.62" x 1.375" 24 20 168 137 116 ribbed bugle Screwed Metal C-stud 40 168 137 116 head screw 60 158 116 110 05 No. 8Ix 1-5/8" long x Min. No. 20 ga. x 0 15 168 1 11 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 61/ 0.323"IHD Face 3.62" x 1.375" 24 20 168 1558 8 1100 Screwed 40 158 147 105 ribbed bugle head screw Metal C-stud 60 147 137 100 ESR-2290 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted 10 of 18 TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) No. 8 x I 0-15 168 126 105 7� ' 1-5/8" long x Fa Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 121 105 HardiePlankTm 5/16 7� 0.323" HD Scre ed 3.62" x 1.375" 24 40 147 110 95 ribbed bugle Metal C-stud 60 137 105 95 head screw No. 8 x 0-15 168 126 105 1-5/8" long x Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 121 100 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 24 40 147 110 95 ribbed bugle Metal C-stud 60 137 105 89 head screw I No. 8 x 0-15 168 121 105 1-5/8" long x c Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 168 121 0 100 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 8'/4 0.323" HD Sc ed 3.62" x 1.375" 24 40 168 121 95 ribbed bugle Metal C-stud 60 131 105 89 head screw No. 8 x 0-15 158 116 95 9% 1-5/8" long x Face Min. No. 20 ga. x 20 158 110 95 HardiePlankTm 5/16 9'/Z 0.323" HD Screwed 3.62" x 1.375" 24 40 126 89 ribbed bugle Metal C-stud 60 126 95 95 85 head screw No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlank TM 5/16 4 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 168 168 137 Galy. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 147 131 Nail 60 168 147 1 126 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 168 147 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 168 168 137 galv. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 147 131 Nail 1 60 168 1 147 126 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 168 137 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6'/4 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 168 158 137 gaiv. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 147 126 Nail 60 168 137 126 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 147 126 HardiePlank rm 5/16 7% 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 168 147 126 7Y2 gaiv. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 137 116 Nail 60 168 126 110 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 147 121 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 168 137 116 gaiv. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 131 110 Nail 60 158 126 110 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 147 121 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8/ 1-1/4" long I Blind 2 x 4 16 20 168 137 121 galv. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 130 110 Nail 1 60 158 121 105 No. 11 ga.l 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlankTM 5/16 9% 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 168 131 110 9% galv. roofing Nailed wood 40 158 116 105 Nail 1 60 147 116 100 No. 11 ga! 0-15 168 121 100 HardiePlank TM 5/16 12 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 158 116 95 galv. roofing Nailed wood 40 137 110 89 Nail 1 601 126 100 89 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 147 121 TM HardiePlank 5/16 4 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 24 20 168 137 121 gaiv. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 126 110. Nail I 60 168 121 1 105 No. 11 da. 0-15 168 147 121 Tnn HardiePlank 5/16 6 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 24 20 168 137 121 gaiv. roofing Nailed wood 40 168 126 110 Nail I 1 60 158 121 105 • , ESR-2290 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted 11 of 18 TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) No. 11 ga. I 0-15 168 142 116 HardiePlank"'" 5/16 6'/4 1-1/4" long galv. roofing Blind Nailed 2 x 4 wood 24 20 40 168 168 137 126 116 110 Nail 60 147 121 105 No. 11 ga. I 0-15 168 131 105 TM HardiePlank 5/16 7% 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 24 20 168 126 105 7/ galy. roofing Nailed wood 40 147 116 95 Nail , 60 137 110 95 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 126 105 TM HardiePlank 5/16 8 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 24 20 168 121 95 galy. roofing Nailed wood 40 137 110 95 Nail 60 126 105 89 No. 11 ga. 0-15 168 126 100 HardiePlankT"" 5/16 g�/4 1-1/4" long Blind 2 x 4 24 20 158 121 100 galy. roofing Nailed wood 40 137 105 95 Nail 60 126 105 89 No. 11 ga. 0-15 158 116 95 HardiePlankT"" 5/16 91/2 1-114, long Blind 2 x 4 24 20 147 105 89 gals. roofing Nailed wood 40 131 100 85 Nail 60 121 95 85 No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 168 137 TM HardiePlank 5116 4 0.375 in. HD Blind „ „ 3.62 x 1.375 Metal 16 20 168 158 137 ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 168 147 126 waferhead I 60 168 137 121 screws No. 8 x 1-114 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 168 137 TM HardiePlank 5/16 6 0.375 in. HD Blind 3.62 x 1.3Metal 16 20 168 158 137 ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 168 147 126 waferhead 60 168 137 121 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 158 142 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6% 0.375 in. HD Blind 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 16 20 168 158 131 ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 168 147 126 waferhead 60 158 137 121 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Mini No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 152 126 TM HardiePlank 5116 7% 0.375 in. HD Blind 3.62 x 1.375' Metal 16 20 168 147 116 7/ ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 168 137 116 waferhead 60 158 126 110 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x I Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 147 116 HardiePlank TM 5/16 8 0.375 in. HD Blind 3.62' x 1.375" Metal 16 20 168 137 116 ribbed I Screwed C-stud 40 158 126 105 waferhead 60 147 121 105 screws I No. 8 x 1-11/4 in. long z Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 142 121 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 8% 0.375 in. HD Blind 3.62 x 1.375 Metal 16 20 168 137 116 ribbed) Screwed C-stud 40 158 126 110 waferhead 60 147 116 105 screws ESR-2290 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted 12 of 18 TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x I Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlank r,, 5/16 9/40.375 in. HD ribbed Blind Screwed 3.62 x 1.375 Metal 16 20 40 168 158 126 116 105 105 9/ waferhead I C-stud 60 137 110 100 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 137 116 TM HardiePlank 5/16 4 0.375 in. HD ribbed Blind Screwed 3.62„ x Metal 24 20 40 168 152 131 121 110 105 waferhead I -'stud Ctutud 60 147 116 100 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 137 116 TM HardiePlank 5/16 6 0.375 in. HD ribbed Blind Screwed „ „ 3.62 x 1.375 Metal 24 20 40 168 152 131 121 110 105 waferhead I C-stud 60 147 116 100 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Lnd Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 137 116 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6'/4 0.375 in. HD i 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 168 131 105 ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 158 121 105 waferhead I 60 147 116 100 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 126 105 TM HardiePlank 5/16 7% 0.375 in. HD Blind Metal 3.62, ' x 1C-stud 24 20 168 116 100 7% ribbed Screwed .375„ 40 147 105 89 waferhead I 60 137 89 89 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 121 100 TM HardiePlank 5/16 8 0.375 in. HD Blind 3.62" x 1.375„ Metal 24 20 158 116 100 ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 142 105 89 waferhead 60 131 100 89 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. No. 20 ga. X 0-15 168 121 100 HardiePlankTM 5116 8+/ 0.375 in. HD Blind 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 158 116 100 ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 142 105 89 waferhead 60 126 100 89 screws No. 8 x 1-1/4 in. long x Min. ga. X 0-15 158 116 95 HardiePlank rM 5/16 9'� 0.375 in. HD Blind 1. 7 3.62" x 1.375" Metal 24 20 147 105 89 9,/Z ribbed Screwed C-stud 40 131 95 85 waferhead 60 121 89 85 screws 0.089" shank x 0.221" I 0-15 158 110 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 4 HD x 2" long Face 2 x 4 16 20 147 105 85 galv. siding Nailed 40 126 100 85 Nail 60 121 95 85 0.089" shank 0.221"1 0-15 158 110 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6 x HD x 2" long Face 2 x 4 16 20 147 105 85 gale. siding Nailed 40 126 100 85 Nail I 1 1 60 121 95 85 • - ESR-2290 I Most WOO and Trusted 13of18 TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) 0.089" shank 0-15 158 110 85 HardiePlank'-"" 5/16 6% x 0.221" HD x 2" long Face Nailed 2 x 4 16 20 40 147 126 105 95 85 85 gaiv. siding I 60 121 89 - Nail 0.089" shank 0-15 137 100 85 HardiePlankT"" 5/16 ' 7; x 0.221" HD x 2" long Face Nailed 2 x 4 16 20 40 137 116 95 89 85 - 2 7/ gaiv. siding 60 110 85 - Nail 0.089" shank 0-15 137 95 85 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 8 x 2o HD x x 2"" long Face Nailed 2 x 4 16 20 40 131 116 95 85 - - gaiv. siding 60 105 85 - Nail I 0.089" shank I 0-15 137 95 _ HardiePlanO 5/16 8% x 0.221" HD x 2" long Face Nail d 2 x 4 16 20 40 126 116 95 85 - - galy. siding I 60 105 85 - Nail 0.089" shank 0-15 126 89 - HardiePlanlJm 5/16 9� x 0.221" HD x 2" long Face 2 x 4 16 20 1 - 9/2 gaiv. siding Nailed 40 100 5 - 60 100 _ Nail 0.089" shank 0-15 131 95 - HardiePlankTm 5/16 4 x 0.221" HD x 2" long Face 2 x 4 24 20 131 89 _ Nailed 40 105 85 gaiv. siding 60 100 - - Nail 0.089" shank 0-15 131 95 - HardiePlanlJm 5116 6 x 0.221" HD x 2" long Face 2 x 4 24 20 131 89 Nailed 40 105 85 - galy. siding 60 100 - - Nail 0.089" shank 0-15 126 89 - HardiePlankTm 5/16 6% x 0.221" HD x 2" long Nailed 2 x 4 24 221 5 8 0 1 - galy. siding I 60 95 - - Nail 0.089" shank x 0 0-15 121 85 - HardiePlanlJm 5/16 5/16 7% .221" HD x 2" Ion g Face 2 x 4 24 20 116 85 7�/Z Nailed 40 100 - - gaiv. siding) 60 95 - - Nail 0.089" shank x 0.221 I Face 0-15 116 - - HardiePlanlJm 5/16 8 HD x 2" lonig Nailed 2 x 4 24 20 105 - - galy. siding 40 95 - - Nail 0.089" sha k x 0.221" 0-15 116 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 8% HD x 2" loPg Face 2 x 4 24 95 gaiv. siding ailed 40 60 85 - - - - Nail I ' ESR-2290 I Most and Trusted TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) 14 of 18 0.089" shank I 0-15 105 HardiePlankTM 5116 9; x 0.221" HD x 2" long Nailed 2 x 4 24 40 85 _ _ 9/ gals. siding 60 85 - - Nail I 0.083" shank I 0-15 168 116 95 x 0.194" 158 110 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 4 HD x 11/" long Nailed 2 x 4 16 40 137 105 89 galv. siding I 60 126 100 85 Nail 0.083" shank I 0-15 162 147 133 x 0.194" 20 162 143 130 TM HardiePlank 5/16 5/ HD x 1 %" long Blind Nailed 2 x 4 16 40 155 133 123 galv. siding 60 147 127 118 Nail 100 122 108 101 0.083" shank I 0-15 168 116 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6 x 0.194" HD x 1'/<" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 158 110 95 Nailed 40 137 105 89 galv. siding 60 126 100 85 Nail I 0.083" shank 0-15 151 137 125 x 0.194" IBlincl20 151 133 122 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6'/< HD x 1%" long ailed 2 x 4 16 40 145 124 115 galv. siding 60 137 119 111 Nail 100 114 101 94 0.083" shank 0-15 140 127 115 x 0.194" 20 140 123 113 HardiePlankTM 5/16 7 ° 7/2 HD x 1'/" long Blind Nailed 2 x 4 16 40 134 115 106 galv. siding 60 127 110 102 Nail 100 105 93 87 0.083" shank 0-15 137 100 85 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8 x 0.194" HD x 1%" long Blind 2 x 4 16 20 131 95 85 Nailed 40 116 89 - galv. siding 60 105 85 - Nail 0.083" shank 0-15 127 116 105 x 0.194" 20 127 112 102 HardiePlankTM 5/16 8'/ HD x 1 %" long Blind Nailed 2 x 4 16 40 122 104 96 galv. siding 60 116 100 93 Nail 100 96 85 80 0.083" shank 0-15 112 101 92 9% x 0.194" Blind 20 112 98 90 HardiePlankTM 5/16 , 9/ HD x 1%a" lon� Nailed 2 x 4 16 40 107 92 85 galv. siding 60 101 88 82 Nail I 100 84 74 70 0.083" shank x 0.194" I 0-15 137 95 TM HardiePlank 5/16 4 HD x 1%a" long Blind 2 x 4 24 20 126 95 - Nailed 40 116 85 galv. siding) 60 105 85 _ Nail 0.083" shank x 0.194' I 0-15 137 95 HardiePlankTM 5/16 6 HD x 1'/a" lo�g Blind 2 x 4 24 20 126 95 galv. siding Nailed 40 60 116 105 85 85 - - Nail ESR-2290 I Most Widei and Trusted 15 of 18 TABLE 5—MAXIMUM WIND SPEED (mph) (Continued) 0.083" shank 0-15 137 85 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 6% x 0.194" HD x 1' long '/4 Blind Nailed 2 x 4 24 20 40 126 110 85 - - - galy. siding 60 100 - - Nail I 0.083" shank 7/ x 0.194" Blind 0-15 116 85 - HardiePlanlJm 5/16 7/ HD x 1'/4" long Nai ed { 2 x 4 24 20 116 85 - galy. siding 40 100 - - Nail 0.083" shank I 0-15 116 85 _ HardiePlankTM 5/16 8 x 0.194" HD x 1'/4" long Blind Nailed 2 x 4 24 20 40 116 95 85 - - - galy. siding 60 89 - - Nail I 0.083" shank 0-15 116 85 - x 0.194" Blind 20 110 - HardiePlan[Jm 5/16 8'/4 HD x 1'/4' long Nailed 2 x 4 24 40 100 - - galy. siding I 60 89 - - Nail 0.083" shank I 0-15 105 _ HardiePlank rm 5/16 9+/ , x 0.194„ HD x 1 %4' long Blind 1 2 x 4 24 20 40 105 89 - - 9/ galy. siding i ailed 60 85 Nail 0.092" shank 0-15 124 113 102 x 0.222" I 20 124 109 100 HardiePlanlJm 5/16 12 HD x 2.5" long Face Nailed 2 x 4 16 40 119 102 94 gals. siding 60 113 98 91 Nail I 100 93 _ _ 0.092" shank 0-15 101 92 - HardiePlanlJm 5/16 12 x 0.222" HD x 2.5" long Face 2 x 4 24 20 101 89 galy. siding Nailed 40 97 - Nail 60 92 _ _ 0.091" shank, Face 7/16" thick APA 0- 131 95 - 0.221" HD, Nailed rated OSB HardiePlan[Jm 5/16 < 9% 1.5" long through the sheathing or _ 20 20 1 89 - corrosion overlap @ 112" equivalent solid 40 60 10055 100 85 - - resistant Nail o.c. sheathing For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 mph = 'Values are for species of wood having a specific c 2Face = Fastened through the overlapping plank. I 3Wind speed design assumptions per ASCE 7-05: feet and 1.80 for height > 60 feet. 4ET&F pin fasteners have knurled shanks. 5For attaching to wood framing, the minimum faste 6Metal framing members must have a minimum Fy m/s ty of 0.42 or greater, unless otherwise noted. i = Fastened through the top edge of single plank. 1.0, K, = 1, Kd = 0.85, Gip; = 0.18, Gam; = 1.1, Gm = 1.4 for heights 60 er penetration into studs must be 1 inch. 33 ksi. ESR-2290 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted 16of18 TABLE16 (100 mph) MAXIMUM FASTENER SPACING (in.) HardlePlanO LAP SIDING FASTENED TO ASTM C 90 CONCRETE MASONRY WALL Building <6%-inch wide 7'/4- & 7'/--inco wide 8- & 8'/4-inch wide 9'/4- & 9%-inch wide Height Exposure Exposu�e Exposure Exposure B C D B C I D B C D B C D 0-15 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 23 19 20 24 24 24 24 24 23 24 24 20 24 21 18 30 24 24 24 24 24 21 24 22 19 24 20 17 40 24 24 23 24 24 20 24 21 18 24 19 16 50 24 24 22 24 22 19 24 20 17 24 18 15 60 24 24 22 24 22 19 24 19 17 23 17 15 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 mph = 0.44 'Fasteners must be ET&F Fastening Systems, Inc. ET&Flblock Nail (ET & F No. ASM-144-125, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.14 in., length = 1.25-in. long) or Max System block Nail (CP-C 832 W7-ICC, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.15 in., length = 1.3 in.). Z Maximum basic wind speed (3-second gust) must be 100 mph. 3lnterpolation to address building height and other plank widths is permitted. 4The lap conceals the fasteners of the previous course (Blind Nailed). I TABLE 7 (110 mph) ALLOWABLE FASTENER SPACING (in.) HardiePlankTm LAP SIDING FASTENED TO ASTM C 90 CONCRETE MASONRY WALL Building <6%-inch wide 7'/4- & 7'/z-inch wide 8- & 8'/4-inch wide 9'/4- & 9%-inch wide Height (feet) Exposure Exposure i Exposure Exposure B C D B IC D B C D B C D 0-15 24 24 22 24 24 19 24 21 17 23 19 15 20 24 24 21 24. 22 18 24 20 16 23 18 15 30 24 24 20 24 20 17 24 18 15 23 16 14 40 24 22 19 24 19 16 24 17 15 21 15 13 50 24 21 18 24 18 16 22 16 14 20 ' 14 12 60 24 20 18 23 18 15 21 16 14 19 14 12 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 mph = i .44 m/s 'Fasteners must be ET&F Fastening Systems, Inc. Ef &F block Nail (ET & F No. ASM-144-125, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.14 in., length = 1.25-in. long) or Max Systblock Nail (CP-C 832 W7-ICC, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.15 in., length = 1.3 in.). ZMaximum basic wind speed (3-second gust) must: 110 mph. 3lnterpolation to address building height and other p�ank widths is permitted. °The lap conceals the fasteners of the previous course (Blind Nailed). TABLE 8 (120 mph) MAXIMUM FASTENER SPACING (in.) HardiePlanlJm LAP SIDING FASTENED TO ASTM C 90 CONCRETE MASONRY WALL Building <W/2-inch wide 7'/4- & 7%-inch wide 8- & 8'/4-inch wide 9'/4- & 9'/Z-inch wide Height (feet) Exposure Exposure I Exposure Exposure B C D B I C D B C D B C D 0-15 24 23 19 24 20 17 21 18 15 19 16 13 20 24 22 18 24 19 16 21 17 14 19 15 12 30 24 20 17 24 17 15 21 15 13 19 14 12 40 24 19 16 22 16 14 20 14 12 18 13 11 50 24 18 16 21 16 13 18 14 12 17 12 11 60 23 17 15 20 15 13 18 13 11 16 12 10 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 mph = 0.44 m/s 'Fasteners must be ET&F Fastening Systems, I ! c. ET&F block Nail (ET & F No. ASM-144-125, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.14 in., length = 1.25-in. long) or Max System block Nail (CP-C 832 W7-ICC, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.15 in., length = 1.3 in.). ZMaximum basic wind speed (3-second gust) must be 120 mph. 3lnterpolation to address building height and of ler plank widths is permitted. 4The lap conceals the fasteners of the previous course (Blind Nailed). ESR-2290 I Most model and Trusted 17 of 18 TABLE19 (130 mph) ALLOWABLE FASTENER SPACING (in.) HardiePlankTM LAP SIDING FASTENED tO ASTM C 90 CONCRETE MASONRY WALL Building <6%-inch wide 7'/4- & 7%-inch wide 8- & 8'/4-inch wide 9'/4- & 9%-inch wide Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure Height B C D B C I D B C D B C D 0-15 24 20 16 21 17 14 18 15 12 16 14 11 20 24 19 15 21 16 13 18 14 12 16 13 11 30 24 17 14 21 15 12 18 13 11 16 12 10 40 22 16 14 19 14 12 17 12 11 15 11 9 50 21 15 13 18 13 11 16 12 10 14 11 9 60 20 15 13 17 13 11 15 11 10 13 10 9 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 mph = 0.44 'Fasteners must be ET&F Fastening Systems, Inc. ET&Flblock Nail (ET & F No. ASM-144-125, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.14 in., length = 1.25-in. long) or Max System block Nail (CP-C 832 W74CC, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.15 in., length = 1.3 in.). 3Maximum basic wind speed (3 second gust) must be 130 mph. 3lnterpolation to address building height and other plank'fidths is permitted. `The lap conceals the fasteners of the previous course (Blind Nailed). I TABLE 10 (140 mph) ALLOWABLE FASTENER SPACING (in.) HardiePlanlJm LAP SIDING FASTENED TO ASTM C 90 CONCRETE MASONRY WALL Building <6%-inch wide 7'/4- & 7'/z-inch wide 8- & 8'/4-inch wide 9'/4- & 9'/s-inch wide Height (feet) Exposure Exposure Exposure Exposure B C D B Ic D B C D B C D 0-15 21 17 14 18 15 12 16 13 11 14 12 10 20 21 16 13 18 14 12 16 12 10 14 11 9 30 21 15 12 18 13 11 16 11 10 14 10 9 40 19 14 12 16 12 10 15 11 9 13 9 8 50 18 13 11 15 11 10 14 10 9 12 9 8 60 17 13 11 15 11 1 10 13 10 9 12 9 8 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 mph = .44 m/s 'Fasteners must be ET&F Fastening Systems, Inc. E11 &F block Nail (ET & F No. ASM-144-125, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.14 in., length = 1.25-in. long) or Max Syste block Nail (CP-C 832 W7-I13C, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.15 in., length = 1.3 in.). 2Maximum basic wind speed (3-second gust) must bi 140 mph. 3lnterpolation to address building height and other plank widths is permitted. 4The lap conceals the fasteners of the previous cour a (Blind Nailed). TABLE 11 (150 mph) ALLOW/>lBLE FASTENER SPACING (in.) HardiePlankTm LAP SIDING FASTENED TO ASTM C 90 CONCRETE MASONRY WALL Building <6%-inch wide 7'/4- & 7%-inch wide 8- & 8'/4-inch wide 9'/4- & 9%-inch wide Height (feet) Exposure Exposure I Exposure Exposure B C D B I C D B C D B C D 0-15 18 15 12 16 13 11 14 11 9 12 10 8 20 18 14 12 16 12 10 14 11 9 12 10 8 30 18 13 11 16 11 9 14 10 8 12 9 7 40 16 12 10 14 10 9 13 9 8 11 8 7 50 15 12 10 13 10 9 12 9 8 11 8 7 60 15 11 10 13 10 8 11 8 7 10 8 7 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 mp 0.44 m/s 'Fasteners must be ET&F Fastening Systems, I c. ET&F block Nail (ET & F No. ASM-144-125, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.14 in., length = 1.25-in. long) or Max System block Nail (CP-C 832 W74CC, head dia. = 0.30 in., shank dia. = 0.15 in., length = 1.3 in.). 3Maximum basic wind speed (3-second gust) must be 150 mph. Interpolation to address building height and other plank widths is permitted. "The lap conceals the fasteners of the previous course (Blind Nailed). ESR-2290 I Most Wio!6 and Trusted 18 of 18 TABLE 12—ALLOWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (mph) FOR HardieShingleT"" INDIVIDUAL SHINGLE EXTERIOR WALL FINISH Sheathing Type Fastener Type Weathe Exposure and Fastener Location Height of Building (feet) Exposure Category B C 0-15 126 110 8 ir1ch exposure 2 roofing nails 20 40 126 126 105 95 9 inches from butt edge 60 126 89 100 95 Minimum 15/32 inch thick plywood complying with DOC PS 1-95 Min. 0.121 in. shank x 0.371 in. HD x 1-1/4 in. long corrosion resistant roofing Nail 1 7 inch exposure 2 roofing nails 8 inc Ftes from butt edge 0-15 20 40 60 100 126 126 126 1 11010 126 121 110 89 89 61inch exposure 0-15 20 126 126 126 126 2 roofing nails 7 inches from butt edge 40 60 126 126 121 116 100 121 100 For SI: 1 toot = 3Ub mm, 1 inch = 20.4 mm, l mpn = 'Table values are based on an importance factor of 1.0. TABLE 13—AI HardieShingle mis BASIC WIND SPEEDS (mph) FOR AL SHINGLE EXTERIOR WALL FINISH Weather Exposure and Height of Exposure Category B C Sheathing Type Fastener Type Fastener Location Building (feet) 18 inch exposure 20 126 126 89 f 2 siding nails 40 105 89 9lmches from butt edge 60 100 85 Minimum 7/16 inch Min. 0.091 in. shank x 7 inch exposure I 0-15 20 126 126 105 100 thick OSB sheathing 0.221 in. HD x 1-1/2 2 siding nails 40 121 95 complying with DOC- in. long corrosion 8 inches from butt edge 60 116 89 PS 2-92 resistant siding Nail 126 116 I0-15 6 inch exposure 20 126 110 2 siding nails 40 126 105 inches from butt edge 60 126 95 I7 100 100 85 For SI: 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mph =10.44 m/s 'Table values are based on an importance factor of 1.0. TABLE 14—ALLOWABLE BASIC WIND SPEEDS (mph) FOR HardieShinglJm INDIVIDUAL SHINGLE EXTERIOR WALL FINISH Sheathing Type Fastener Type We i ther Exposure and Fastener Height of Exposure Category B C Location Building (feet) 8 in. exposure 0-15 116 116 3 s'ding nails per 12 in. wide, 9 in. 20 110 110 from butt edge, 2 siding nails per 6 40 100 100 & 8 in. wide 60 95 95 Minimum 7/16 inch Min. 0.091 in. shank 1 7 in. exposure 0-15 126 126 thick OSB sheathing x 0.221 in. HD x 1- 1/2 in. long 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 8 irches from butt edge, 2 siding 20 40 121 110 121 110 complying with DOC- PS 2-95 corrosion resistant I nails per 6 & 8 in. mode 60 105 105 I 6 in. exposure 0-15 20 126 126 126 126 siding Nail 3 siding nails per 12 in. wide, 7 40 126 126 from butt edge, 2 siding 60 121 121 finches nails per 6 & 8 in. wide 100 85 85 For SI: 1 foot = 305 mm, 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 mph = 0.44 m/s 'Table values are based on an importance factor of 1.0. ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-2290 Supplement Issued April 1, 2010 This report is subject to re-examination in one year. www.icc-es.orq 1 (800) 423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTE Section: 07450—Fiber-Reinforced Cementitious 07460--Siding REPORT HOLDER: JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CALIFORNIA 92337 (800) 942-7343 www.mameshardie.com chad.dierckse-mameshardie.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: HARDIESHINGLETM PANELS, HARDIEPLANKT°°LAP PURPOSE OF THE SUPPLEMENT AND HARDIESHINGLETM INDIVIDUAL SHINGLES This supplement is issued to indicate that the fiber -cement panels, plank lap siding and cladding shingles described in the master report ESR-2290 may be used where noncombustible or ignition -resistant exterior walls complying with Section 1403.4 of the 2007 California Building Code are required, provided installation is in accordance with the master report and the additional requirements of Sections 1405.15, 1405.f16, and 1405.17of the 2007 California Building Code. The exterior wall coverings may be used in the construction of new buildings located in Fire Hazard Severity Zones within State Responsibility Areas or any Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area, provided installation is also in accordance with the master report and the additional requirements of Sections 701A.3 and 704A.3 of the 2007 California Building Code. The products(s) recognized in this supplement hav� not been evaluated for compliance with the Intemational Wildland- Urban Interface Code®. This supplement expires concurrently with the master deport issued on April 1, 2010. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its itse. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, Inc., express or implied, as to arty finding or other matter in this report, or as to anyproduct covered b� the report. 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