HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0342 " .:"',' '~/' " ,'" ""I', "","';.l~'.:;""~-~T,::-, >,~;"'-f' '~3i " , I ' J.- ,( 1" , 1.1 ,,' : I' t 11" " I', ',' ' I ;' , ,,'\ :, 11 ''', f' l' I : I I' ,'".i l' " " ' I" ' ~ , f ~ ::....~;:!::~~;,~:;;::;..:.:;:~~~:.::::~~i-.J~~_~l. ::,;,::,.1, ~~:!',::~ j"" , .~~ ;, ; ~~..~ ,;' ~ ~~,i::;~;;: C;:,,;::~:,;:::;;,.;:;: ':, ,-' ,;'\ '\ i~' ',; I ;,1..-1, ';~oePt~ngl~~r.$\f~?lnl ~~ ,Il,o~ 10~ K~~II, ?O~~eyed\ .bY':.d,&~d" ~Ul1e' '14th, 1.9~4" bY.fl,i'.f~',~~"J1~S.:t, < ~ .) . ~. . t - .\. . t". . \ . .' \ '." -", U' " , <:. - - . - - :1 ',-, I' ,I herein 'to."3.A..Br~Bwe1.1 b'einp,"th$ S~1ith\:pa6t ,Cornel'IQ! tl1e i\faud'"des~tlbedl'he;rel~. '.c-~' "" , . It I: ;" \ tsubj~ct .~o '~; tl'r'!3t~o~tga~~ l'~..t\he'~~!D of':A,~v~fH~dr~,d ';~lft;\Dolla,rp($,?~..oO): "I, : " , ,\' ~ 1 ',I : '. " ",'.' " ,I : , " " , , , \ \,' . \ ~', payable to \Hl\1.1a1ll E. Feazel,3r." \ I \ " " " ' I,,' . J \ I \ \. \ . ! . \. , \ , \ o~ " .\ ,,'\, ,.'.' \ _ " \ '.'. ',', ,\. I' II \" ,I ~d'S~bj&ot la18G:' to.~,a '~~oo.n~mJrtgage In the a\lm~O,:f''fh~~~ ''i'ho\u~n,d:'Pollar8' Y~~oq>;o'().) I', -p8~ab\e ~,o. J.'~<~r\d'Ua;~,~. ~l,\t~8"I, 11," ::,~:, I ',<Ii. '.' ' '1'1" '" '~: Botho!: whloh'.,morMages the gl'anctee here1n l1-IHiUIOOS, all,lia,911ity and 1"ee'po!l,iHbllity for .., "'\'" . '." .~ \~'. ". '_ \ .' . " \. t ,,:. \'., \, ... , . v. \ ., . , ' . \ ;., . , the \l&yn:ent'theteof" the '8 aid 'a~euinpt'l,dn.'h,elng , a.pa,rt' :o.f 'tllfJ.~' Ol\S1j1etatio'i;l'fQr,-thlS \:1e~d.' ," ,','. '\,"'.:' . . .', - "\..~'"' .'._ .;\" " ,.' ~', '. ':"'.'~.',: '..t, '\; , ; ,And the aaldi paft~ o.f' ;;~first pa~tdo.es herel:lY fully, we.r~rit,' the,.titl& ,to' Bal~ la,nd',: f! ~' ~ ~\. ij J , '1: I: \. .' . , . I, ,.1', , , 't. . \ \ . . ~ 'I \. \ . . ~~.. . '. ...., ' "_ .,.... _ -,. .., . i ,'-. , . ,," _' .' .\ ";'. ~. . ; and, wll~l def'Gnd thesan:e aga:Utst"the lawfu~ cl~am8 of all perqns ,,,.,hQIrisoever.. . . :' '. ','.'.., \ . .". . \' \ \ ; ~. ; ~. - . . '. " .' W :i'ESTI:.:bUY ,{;HE,~Q}\. .'~he, Bald' j.'8rty of the"f1ret"port,'has h(fr~unto.8e,t"herhand " . .-' \ . -. \" .:- '. iuld, sE1al " ,\ < " th~ daYaud' y~ar f1retap )ve wr~t't'en'. ' ' . . : . . ..~.. . ' . . .'. , S1gn,~d .sea led ,a~d'dei:t "ered 'lnu' ' out 4relileuce:' 'Q1YdeG,lrbMU.' Db):"othyCHanaon ',. " \, " \' "; ~~ ~e,l,W: ,.6, ~O~1',O,ffe~.....,.'~ rSe~;) ,'-,' ' '. ..... ." :($6',. 69 ',l.~.St~illp$ 'cauoeiied) 1, ;, :. STA ~.OP iLd1HDA ',cbUllTY ,OF ~REV~D 'i " ". .~ I ", . ~, , < ~. . . , , ~ -~. '. >'~ ~. " .... '" < ' , I herepy 'ce rt~~ythat on this )8t~ d~Y ,?*,'~~hA. D.'l~26,.ei'o.reme a ,llotary~.fulbio ,. . '."," '. . 'I - '. . . . . '.1nan~fo.rt~e' wtate" of ;,'10r1daat,' Lar'ge.. per~o'ually came, L'ena' 'B. ,Y;oOd.rOffe, 'aftee 'deale~, ":'~ .., '" . .",.'. . . .' '. _ ...... . '. ....:, ':. .;- ... ':'0: ". ..",.- ~ ." . ..' . ' " , ~'iwh() i6 to,IDE;- wel~no~n and, kn;);;\'li'.~roo~obe ,the po r'ao n. d~8cr1b-ed 1,n 'and who e)(euctedthe' ~. {.l' .' ~' , ' . .. . " fOrego.1,n, deed '~nd, s,he",a~~nOWled~ed,tha,t ln mentl,o.ned;' " she eX,ecuted. the&~r:;fj" !'6r. t.he uses 'and; PU~:poSes,~ the~e~'" , ~' ~rl'- ~ ~ I.r ,~ ',l1i TBSTli.!OllY 'i';H3:t.~OF,';';it}1ese ~'nand'; and' otf1c1e:ls'ef>fat~e'.lb_ourlie 1n~the, Count - ,afo'resaid .', ,- the day: and 'year abo,ve 1,Tit ten. " , .' " , ' , (. ' u.J!.se,il:Bf ".' .',', ' ' , "~ ...:I. 00ll'illli'SS1o.l! ~:x~~.r,e~::l:ay~ ,~le28, :, . ;- ~ ~ ~ .~ f 5- t, ~ r7~: ~, " I ~,l I ~ r- ,~"" ,,'~. ....... '-' .t:' , " ~ ",th'd~:Y, o{ ,J.:a~,1~6,-a~' . O~.. '(,) ~' ft.' , , 'C~yde '0. , 11"a_"-, ' , HotaI'N l'ubHo " State ot:no r~dil 't1t,.la.rge. ' ", '., , ..jJ$. ~- ~ ~, . k " t> , ~, " FBed and reo o.rded this ~; 36 1',11.. , . Ct. ,Ct. .:leal. h c. tJ;dred. Ci~'rk ta~'9'uit. Gour~. ' BYO~:~ ~pg~'}).c. ~ . . '1\ >, " . ~ " . . -~--.~.. ~ ..-. -'. "'!O. -~. - .-- .'~ ,-~.~. -'.~. ',-. -..,'- ..- .''1~..... -"..... .'~.! --.... .~:- . -... '.'~..-~' ~ ~. ~ . ....;.. - '. - .~-- Ii -"'.-:. - .'.~ ,~-.;- .",:,";. --. ~ ,. - . .:......~.. ~ ",ELUABE~H x'EOQH &:A!AR1'HA' YiALSH TO J~ E.~CKSOll &\H?E '" " \. . ~'," :' YlA.~1VUlTY , D~D Tius lUDE1JTURi; J.:ade-ctr.18 16th day ot,~,.A.' D.1926, BE':nEEU Ell~abeth1Ceo'gh, and ,Uartha' wallJh of th~CoUhty o,t f?t~ Luo'~e: an.d "3t'~te Of'F.1orida' Parties of' the f!ret~rt', 'arid' , '" . :'.' .:' '. ~.'. . .. . '...,',. ,..,' '.-_." . '..' -~- ' . --.."'--...-..-.,--.---.........- J .E. JaO~~ilapd 'l.:&ry S. "Jaokso.n,,' hls "l'I1fe, of','the' C(j\lGt~' ~f S:t..lu...16 o':d~Stlta,t6 (J't 1?1()~ Id~~~~-' "',0",., , " ,~hat ,the sdd parties. o.f thef1ret part, for and 1n ..' ... '" ,. . , ;. . , - _ f . <:: Oons1-d'~rat10n of the sumfof,'i'enDOl1a):'S'at~dOtherv$lU8ba co.nB1deratJ,oli8 to them In 'hand p~i~~ th~ recei'p'tl:"'hereof' 1s h~reby ~OkllO'N~Ve,gr8.nted,- ba~ined, so;~ and t1"8J:lefer,red', .' '," I and bytheae:pre.Qe~~s do grant" Ibargldn, ,sell., ~d, tre.nsfe~ unto:t,he said Pfirt1ee of the ' . . ! :' ~rt1es.o.f the seciond PEll"t, l'ilTUESSEl'H" -1.. e6cOlld J:6. rt, and their he'1rs arid a'Ulg~s for_ever, 811 that certaiil'wrcel of l~d lyll18and ,being In cthe "County Qf St. Lu01e and State of .Florlda, more ~art1ou18rly deec'r1bed,a~follpw8; , I (! ~ / . " , /