HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0346 , 1,' I' (I,: 'J. :; ,';, '-; 0___'~ ,u,::~-.::.~-,C':-",- .__._....-~....-:-,...~J--.,...,.-, ._~-~~-~,1-~~".,~.,:-..'~.,.;,- .;.:-~..~~.\,:-~. ~~,-,':.-:.~~,.:~.:,'.:'3.'...t'3.., "'u:'" ~-- --, ..----.. n...__' ...... -'--i-I n'----'-.'_'u,'.. '."..... . J . .;", ' ,I ' ' I. !' ,. . b~,:~:i(\~;~";#.;7~I,,~';~i~;~,'~,~~~~;~,1~;~;~~:,>.;;,;e~~,,~;:.;'~~:~~~~~~~i"7~~::7;;~'~'~'~'"", ,sTA'n) OF iLORIDA (.;' ). I, \. ,"'. " . '. -II'! r " i, .'j " ',' ',1 '1. t., I, ' , . . " , ".OOUUTY OF 'ST~ .LUOIW . . \} , '. i \ ':" ) , . I ",J .:, . ," \ . . \: J. \ .' \ 1 \, t \ " .r'HER:;By'b~::rrlrY,-'~h~.t'6~ ~~1,' 24,th:~d~\\Of'Apr:11'A~D'. 1926" Veron'me pel'~ohal?lY".' .'\ \ ,'.' (;\a'PP~llir~d.J~hR' A~ :t,'ey~'r, \a~a '1',:~'~ Hemmings~~08Pe,~t~ Y8lY F;es\tde\n~"a.n~ 'Se<ii~'ta7Y"Qf' ~ rJ Roinets1'te' ' \t ',' , ' . , . '. , _' . , . ", .' _ \ '. " ," '. . '... .\'_ " . ~ . \ ~ - \ \ , _' I. ", ,. \", 1" ',' ,\ . \ ' ',' dorxip~'a (\orpota't1'~,n .U1~der the.l.awe of t,he 'Stitt~ .of rldi-rda. to m~ 'known ''t.o be' 'th~ persoQliJ,," .- . > _ " \ . \ ' - . \ . w " . '\ ,'f "\\ \. '.,.. \ ,\ \ ,\ . _, ' .' ~ ,,' \. \ . dQsa,'rj,bed ,1'nana' wh6 .x'eouted 'tlie foregoil18 '0 o.riveyauoeto" U,'hEoD8ie, ~Tru8tee 'Felix ?OPP'8t' L _, ~.' " ", .' \ "_:,.... . \.....i. __'. ~ \ . . .~. ..' \.. \~ \.'. \' 'a'\.' ". . ,.' . : .. Po~t, Amerioan ,Legion and,eeve.ral1y ao1U1ORledged the exeo'Clt1on thereot to be' their free aot and \ ,.'\; " :".\\ .~ ,.,'. \,-. :~\ '\,-\. ',...,-....' . \.' \ .', .'\ d'eed ae suOh:off1oers, for th'e usee: and pUrP'O,~8 'ther-ein ment1o.nedj an'lj'that'tM'y affixed there'~ '. , ,\'" '" \.... '.' ' \ . . I.' . ~. \.....' " 't.o, .the.Off1o,~al' a'eal o'i',said oo:rp'orat'1on,..an.d th~ sa1ddlnbtrument.'le tpe aot 'aria ,deed' 'Of.'aai~ , ,. '~';. '" t t::< , , , . . <' " \ ~ . QO:P0r8~10n. , ' , . , :.. . \. ": ", . -c.... ~ ~a .... . " .' ';-<:, , \, " -: . '.... :>, '. , ,\ WIT'llE3~.1II1 eignat-ureana offioial: .'sealat Veto .1nthe OOU~lty of st. Luoie a~d \Stat'~. ~' ." \ .'. .Of' ~lO~~d~ .~~:~~d.Ye8 X:la~tafQ?eSa~d,. .... , '. \ .. :'i' . . , "'Haohe 1 ~ro,ok8,mnh.. .'. . .. ~ (Seal) 1{9taryl-'ubl1o ,.for th,e'Sta te of ?1br.ida ':'.~ . at Large. Jly Q'Omml~'e1on e){pi.res Aprll'9,~ . (. , ',.', ,'. 'l9.~6..~..',: '.. ,. ': ' .;. . .'\ " .. " . ....'. 4liy.:'irT:'!!.e.j!lV2&. .,at~:'2'~~~" y~U~ '~ .~ - " .P. O. ,'.:.:,~ ' . l! ....,. . "F11,ed' and, re-oor<led -this 4th : i/' , . .~' I , ( . -, . \ ;' '. . ."'. ' 1 , .. .\.ot..ct.S,.a\.. ,\.. ':,x -~~- .;/', ~l(\r,ed.;"~l,e rk:clrou1 t.'C~Urt.' . ~ . . . . .... .0. " 'r -- ,'h.... " :::1, 6:,:' .. " 'BY~,~",~~ D~.~. . -' . .. . ;>, , " ~ . iY . . 4','. u ... ..'.-.. ~'~ ';;.:-,. :,'.~.. .~-. -'7'~,"~'..O:: .,,-..'.-~ -. :-:.;-:.:-'-:.~~'::'.-'.":' .~.-. ~..""~-'-.- ~ ~.- .'7 ':"'.:-.':.-.- .~.~-.- .-. ,;,.~. , ;; " 01 ~ w,' '.., _-.- f"r-,r.,., " AS'3I",~.lly....h, . . , 01- . 9, CO~;TRJ.;c:r " '\. . S;"?.AH'nHO~'l'3?ERG :" .' .CARO,L}li:': ~':.. SIlYDE~ TO , '. ~ . .. '. .' 't.. .', -, . . 'KliDi;lJ..L n~ll ,BY lH:~33' ,l'~E3&Hl'~::Tha~ CaI:O,une, ~-;. Snyder .o~" 1,~a'rsnal,i, ~~~ohlga~' ,~( t~e "., f11'8tpart.;lr~' o<weideratior.l ,d't thC auDi' Or 'OllCPdOliar 'and '.other gQod: 'a~d'Val\:.ubie" oonUdera-H'olls,' . ,. '.' '.." .._'" -- ,;,.-. ',-'.', '.':_"..' ~"~"':'~""'~..'.:.._' ~: ".'.. .... r'" '. ..," . Dollare,; la~fo.l.' mjiieyof ~h~' t'nHed'S~. t~s, to,h:e~..in. h~np .pa1.dhY l:rs. \'3~~ah.::"ltB~t,l..~,:v.! .' 'port .Pieroe" ~'lo1:"ida.. of,'the seoond.~rt,a.t or bef6r:-e 'the e~euHnf,and' den"ery of,these -:> : - , - . . ~ .,:'.. " . , ~ " ';-, '. .' . . :,', '. . -;,' ...:,~ .:' . -' .'. , -.. .' . . ' " ,." ,: .": . pre sauts , ,the 're.oe 1pt . whereof 1~.' h,ereby- ~a.okn~wledged, hal!' grall't,ed, bargalne d ,'s old, u~'SleJled, . -" .'. . ~.~ .. '_' .,' ... . ': ....., " : .' ..: .,'," ,., -'0;. . " ....: : -, i. .' . ' ~ r&naferre d' and set.qver ~aQ.db~.th.e~e pre se rite :~ oesgrah t',barga in, ' sell, a8~lg11, trons fer .;.' " t,., , . . . . ... . " -. ... "and aet,over ul1tothea~d i:ll.rty":of the seoond .p~dt e: ~er tain..po~~tr~o t hear1iig date' the.sec'ond " " '. . . ". .:' . .. ';' . . .' ....,~. .:" . . v.: . . · . . .'. '.! .' . day of Uaroh,'- in tho. year one tho:uaand nine 'hulidrad .and' F1ve m'ade by ,Caro11ne W~' Snyde'r an~ ",' :.. .. ... >. '. . '. , '" ' .. . , .' .... . . Wlll1~tn'J. Jo,alone. ,:J,r'~ and' reoorde<1"j,.n, 3ooic.. . . page . ..'Publio re. o() 1'd~ ,of St." 'Lu.cie County~'. 'llorida, ',~rori the fOl,iol>iug desoribed piece or paroel'of 1a1).d; eltuateand l?e lIig in. St~ 'L'~'o.ie 'Couuty,.1 ' . . :",.. , . . '" ., . , State. of ,llori~a ;,'td~i;lfi: ~ . , !: t' Lot' " 1 I.nd1an-R1verVl~w$ub';dl'V1sion, "sl1ie:' a'ub~41viBion .~ ;. , be1ng a Jl8t't Qf lots.3 aiid40f a.~b~dlvi81Qll of Goverr:kr.ent '. .' l.ot~ 3; eedt,iQu"26;t01illsh1r- 35 'soutt; r'ange 4,O'east, ly:- ~-"-'---::' lng-east' of the, Flor1da Ea'et Coast ,Relli\ay.acc<?rd1ngto '. the . '~' \ ',. '. ..' .' the pla*, the~eo~n i'ile:andfeoord'ed lnthc, office of , 1 .' , I C,ler~; of th~ Cirou1 t Court of. St. Luoitl :COUllty~ Fla. , r . , ' .' . l.!ra. Sarah.HQl,tsberg (lS$U{.l~S, the unpaid '''filanc~ of the purcLa:.!e price of thia lot d.ue r:l111all111. l.:alone. Jr. ., at thi6 dti tc . \ ,'.' ~ I ~: I, I' I,