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" ' , nlne years; ~n:I,to;ren~)V or $xte,ndleaSEfS'll.pon any. terms and 'for any periOd or periodBOf't~ ol1dtoalllend.' oh~nge" q~ m~d1~liee'IJ~~ ~Dd thJ':~e~,~ ',~~~: prO;'iB16~~.~~$-~e~t :at'~ny t1t';e,'or~~Eie ' " " ,'" , "~ ,'.--..-----::':',~. ,: . ,.,', . ' :' ":., . .", :'. ',' . heroafter;" . to po rtlt1Qnor to exqh8'9ge 881cl; prop.er~. or"tl!\V' part thereof " 'forothex' real:'or ' . , ' ;',: ~. , ~ '" " ":" .., ," : .'. ' , ,.' ,'. ," .' " , . ';" ' '," .. " ". ,personal; proPerty ,t.Qgrsnt 'easomentsor OM r-geB of . any 'kind ,':to: r&leaB~","oonv8Y ,0 r 'aaslgn , '.' ,':" ,'~. " " ",,.. , '"....".:,.,.:... '...,':. '.,' ,'.' ''', ,', ,,' ,'.,...',.,. ,. .atV,r1'gli~,; 't1tle' or' ~n.~e,r~lfi(Jrior.;'~b,out"eaid. pr.e'~18'.s an) ,t,o __ .dea:l with ~8,ld. p.ropertY, a;rld.: ne~y' . " .', " ,,' . " ,', , ' , " , , '.. ' ," . .-. ' " ",~_,::" part'tnereof' in, 'all Qthex.' 1f8ysonl for '!inoh ~th,er oonBid~ratlonpos, it w,ouid"be:'l8'~~l' tor:,a~', ,.---.- ~ ' ". '. '. . ~. . '. '. '.. .. ' . . ., . .. :porl3o.n' 'own1ng'.the",8ame . to,deal..tth the 'same t,' ,Whether 81~mp8.rto :,~:r" ~~:t"~e.re.tltfrog the :way:s . -'" ':'".'- : . . ~. ~, -:. . '-. . '. -" ' ,::" ~ 'Q'bo"ies'(feOifi'edi at 'ony"t1!De Of t1~es'hereott-eT. " " '. '" '". ",-: '... , .. , .' ':'" ..... , " ',', '.., ,; " .-~; Ilr nooflS8' Sh811 8!1y.party"to,..h:>m 8a1dpreriilses;, 9ra)1y part thereof, aha'Ube' oonvey,fic1,' : '::' ':'.,'. " .' " , '; '; , "," . " '... '...., ",.-",.' ."," '", ,', ; conti'a()te~.~o>be s61cl ,leased'or :m~rt$Og.~d by B~lcl' Tru,~tee!'a ~.; In'' 11~ o~ee. shall. i~~8t-ty... < ' ' ,\ " , , .' ..' 'd~,a,Ung wlt'h 8~,1d TJjstee'. ,i~rel8tion~ to said. premi68e ,be::obl1~ea' t'O'BEI~ to ,the 8PPUCat1o,n ' ,",' ,,",~, ,', \'" ','." '.. ,. . > ,.," '~, ." , : '. . " '", . .;, ", ,.",', ,;:: .... ...f ony p.riih..e~n.y.; re~t.r "lo..ybo rr.".d 'fr,:~ dro noed on S"1dpr.~l.. eB ,orb.- ubi 1. g.J1~o . , ,BO otha t tho -term.. of thl. B. t rno t . have 'be on oOm.ned ,,1 tli .or.~l/. obn god, .tcr .j, .qu1 r. into :Ii. . ..:, necossity Or,expod1ency ,ot aqy ~otof Eiald":'lrue-toe ,O}," teprlVll,e-8ed. or.obl1g,ed'to .1nqhlre~' ;,.'.,r.(:i;~ ,... ~.: ,,! ,1",,', (:~ ),,:.:, ,', tJ. , ~,' . 'r . , '( . " . l. : ~ . : \ ::-... : '!, ~ J-, ' J " 'l L ;I, . ~, ,. '.1 .~u,'~" : t ~ . , , i.. ! " t, :' l r '" ' t' ': r ' .. ':; , - ~ \ . , " \ , . 'is> i,to aDJlfo'f~h8-ee1'!l1s .or sa1d: tru8t8greem'ent~ ., '.' ,,' . .. . . . - '0 . . \" '. . The,lnterest' of eaoh an~ every be~ef1o.1a.xy l1ereun4er -and of, ~l;t. p.er~Qns 01a1.iD8 ~4er',them), ' ,'1' ",' ", . ' , ,,' ,.,' '. " ',' ,"'" " '," hhereb)' deolar~,d to'b~: perso~~i-pro~erty 'hn.l' to. ~6 inbh'e ,earnint'I'G, ava~18 ',ana ptooeeds, a~~is-, .'., ,.'.. ", ,~~~-L. " .,",..', ',' '.'... ",.. '" ing from, th~ .db~os1tlon o~:'the .Premises;. 'the Intc;n~Jon,"her~of 'o;;lne,~to" vost' in. ~he, saH :rr. ;>1 ZRCE n,JIK ,," D T:ms T COI~';c, Y', t";'.' o. tl;e . &ogd fini .1~1t. b ,. t1 tie 1~. tee.; 11; am ~o hn . of tile premises abo,ve de sor1Ce;,l..' , ~ . ~ . . '. ." . 'rhi,8 c9nveyance. h m~d~, subJect'to a mo~tgaee . .'.' .~. ... . . " Thousand Dollars (~50p.OOO ~OQ) ,paya,;)l~;Ueo-ember (8~) per annlUQ., . . . ~&ted:Degember'3I~ 1620 'tor 'Five Hundred , . ". ~n.,19.27: wt~h interest. a~ e~ght per:ilent,. .' ," . .' ' , , " ". '\', . - ''. : IN WITNESS WHERSQP the,EJ...S~<;OAsT_DEVELO?1tmT CQuPJJ1Y 'Ms' o,a~sed thes~'pl'esents, to o'e, , sicned . ;) he,~e.to, ,.. ~ . . '. ~ . . ; at1 t,s l'residon t" an.), 'a1ites'te4 .by-its ,Seoretary t tlJ1!l its corpo~a ~re , lid tObfJ 'affhed 'pursua~t toiil4t~orf'tI, ~1ve,~',b,Y {ts'ooa~ o~';ir~otors,thl~: ~~~d'day o/'Api'1'l', ":~D , , ,:"/, . . , ~- 1~25. .... ~n- ' '. '" /."j' , . ~, .~ . .i.tteat: , ! Richard-y.CullOok 3eorettu:y ST.kTE OF WISCOWjIN COU:'i?Y OF 1.ULVI1:tTKEtl: ) 138. 1 , I, P. A. Loe",. a l,otnry L'U0110 in anu tor said Count;,' and State aforesaid, dO,herebl' " ,'" . I '..', " ',', ' , . oerti,fy that ,John I. Beg~'s. 1)re31dent of the:';i.S~ CO,AST,D:;'IELO~'H;-':l,T cmt.~~(Y, .personally known /, '" 'I "to,- me :1;0 be, the same person whose nene is subsorlbe,} t'o the foregoing 1nstrunientas ~ I. '!> , Presld',.:nt~ appeared before me this day 1n person and ackr.owledged that he 91gned gnd a.l1v61'ed I the suid lnstrument as his I oWn, fred and voiunta.;y a.o,t axu/as '. . . COJllPany. tor, the ~e. ~~_,Jl':l~~g,~~~ 11ereln set 'forth. .t :' J' f i ,rr"l' - I I li.. --' _ ____ and' VOlunta,ry ~~t};,~,l,~ <h'," . '.. ,~ ".:,- if " .- ,. -