HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0363 .". ',.." ~' )', . '''',3D2-'I. ,', ",' '.f ' " 'f -,', ' --~. ,-...' ;":( ~:-l '1' t t I.. ,,1., " : I : '. . ' J i I w ,L--t~;t-~~~---;",~~--~- - ~- ~ ~- ---- --. :- ----~-. . . 1 . I" , .. . . . . ..) ." '., . I, I " ,,~I, ' , I !\ -- 11' " ..;=~_~.,'..", .c.~_, _~,~,.,-"",~,:.~..;.' .",'~,,~. __,1 /~~ .....;.i~ I,. ,", ,. .~. .i' . i ,t -- . lr' . I 1\ f . \'. \ . - I. I. 1- ", . . I. . ,. ft . . . 'STAT", E O.F," FIp,~IDJ. I' t'} I'" t) ,';.' , ' ",:, \,," ,'1 , "II ,",," ,1 "\ ,.,.. , ,',. l' . 1 . . \ \". 11,\ - - : ", . l" . I . . . I ,,1')1 I \ .', 1;~, i -' " ~ . "\ " l' ,- . . '. \ " \ 'q~.rtO~'I~T~';LUC~E' . ,,',' . '. ; \. I,~", .. '-) ,.: II: ',0"/,:. I. ' . ." "\ ': r.' ',' " "', , 'I ", \, I \. \ i:, ~B\' C~Wl'IFY, T~a~1 On 'th.1's 4t.h~.~" oP.' t.!ar ~I ;;~~I D~ ,l~,2~., be:('ol'c, ,me pe~.o~l'lY.:,:',. I,'" I' . appe4re~ ;;r. i~ K~11~m8i ~~~' G,l,~d?'~~K.e:q.em~" rie.peJt1ve~ Prei81<le~t '(lq~ ,s'QOre~a~1, 'or ',Ellie 'La~.,"'\\ " . _ . _. ~ _ .....\ " ._'. .. -, _ . " " \ ,_: -, _ ,,1 " \ _ . \ _" ~ ' . '. _ _' . \ " '\~ ~- _ _ " . . _ .\ _ : , . ,and 1nve8tme~t ,co.... ,a' corporatlqn un~er- u~<\f}.r.the: ,lawpof ,the. $tat~ . of: ~loridf1 r ,to~e - k!t(j~.t~ ',' '." ',<".\ "',.__'\,,.' ,-"~' ',"\~:". ".\ 'i \", "'\'.~ _' ,_.' \. " ~".._,....\.,\'\.. ,:' ," \ ,I lie the 'pe,rsona dQ80ribed l11an'd who exeau ted\ the toregoill8 o'o:we.yanoe' to W1-U,.la.m Came'i'o~',and "\, :.' '~. ."' \.-::'.\'.',"'" ....... ,,< ",,'-..,'-: ,.\ .:. ,\.' " .'.' . .:' '.-' ,:.' ,\-, "" '.- ~ . s~,erally 8,okJl0wlei.~edthe exeoution ,thel'do~to.-~e,the1r tree' BO.t .tlJ;id, deed,~s such otfl~ers.' \ . .,' ~..\:.' . ,,:. .: 1 , ;" _" " " ',.'\ _ \\' ~," ;' '.' ,'\..' ',' '. -. '. _ ...~. " ,.\ ,..'., .. '.\", .:, {i to r tl1eusGs\ ~n'd purposes 'ther<<t~nm'dnt1one4; ~n\Lt}1a t', t~,~Y aff1~ed\ t'tier~\o, ~~,e'. Of~1:.o'la1'~f\l,. o.f" \ ", , \ I s aid'cOrpora tion, anuthe' ~aid instrument is the .' aot '!lpd' ,deed. oia's.14 'corp~ra tipb.i ,;1\ ~.\.,~ 'I . . . '''T,",sl.~ 'lo~': tu~ ".ad oftt ~ tal aO~l ~ t '."0 ~.t ~ 1.r o. 1,a t h. ,Ouat 1',0 f . ~... LuOi. '. . .' ':. :1' and' ~1;~te ~r, na.'.~~~e..day dn:l y~ar'l'aat' ~t,Ol;'es~a~'~. , .'" . . ~'f' . ' .'_ ,(, .' . '\ ", " F1"a.~ K. o>tetBon: (~EAL') 1t .,; \ ~ ,..,~/i:" ,'~.!~, ,Not~ry 1'.~b,U.o fo'~: the, :~~a~" o~'~lCtri~~'~t; ,,~J .,11. ~~aX-- . ."" "':::'Z'~~ '" :'.La~g8'.-,~~I;O~l,88.10~.$~p~re~,~'~~mbe.r,'22;.'l~~5:-,.,....,..,. :.1 'F1~~d'1'Or.ae.o~.~d.~~,5.1~'25"~1;9:04:?'~.,~,-"", . ,'... :" ;. ':'.,.\ ., ti~l;l)J.':.Lti'~:1u..Bc?Ok63. at page ~fil." .c......,' ., P.' o. Eldrect.... . , ", ""'1 ,{ .' . "'\ ';" ,"",,:, " tf-'. Bi ",~. ,; " ~, ',,~.. . ," '~.', ,D,:~~9.,..'. .'!..,. "":'::"",,.1', ',! :' c,~c~J, sEAL' . ," ." .. ,,:,..'0 : . '-_.'... . '. i.,.-~~,.. '. *.'.' ~ '. ~,~~,..'*~;~..'~,'~ ~,..;'. ;"'.'. . .. .'.. . .. ... _ .' .'. *. ,.",'1' .:. .". .~... · : .......,. .. e':.. .....". .... ..'.... e". ......... ...~ ..',~.a...-...,,~,~ ,.". .,..". e.. ..~. "i 'It Q.' ,,' ".. ' .' , ~ ':,~' , ""~A.f' , " vd" " '.- -.,," '.. "~.'. .".,' ,..- .~.lJ:~..'- . '. } . \,,' ~~AR'1'I<;:~SOF 1..GREF:1EUT . FOR DEEDr Ma,de tht's f!th :day of May, 19'25. b'~t~een'C; S. 'Hinton'.,:. .' ! ~ ".' " " ,If\../ . I 1.,: f " .#; ..... , :.J I " I " 1 ,--I, - -~~-<---~~ _---->._~-~ - - . j ~ - . I.', ~ ' I' I. , It' I " i ...- r I. I i " . . "11 ',I:' '11 \ ". .1 ~ ~' " . ,and wife;'. Cornel1t.Hlnton.,ps'rt.iAQo,fthe it-rat ;p~rt. 8Jld',J.Ji., Moo,re, Agtio.."party,' of'tll.e.' " . 's.e.~o,nd,.p~~t'; . ..\Vl'rNESSETH' the:t:, : ..' -=-, ':, ", ' .-, ," ,; ,_' , "I ' '. i~ '. . J.t .thepal'ty of the:$,eco~d p~rt',shall: -first make"the, pBymcll1;.s ani. 'perro'rm the' ,qov~" i enant.S ,. 'h~r~&f,te;'ment1ci~e:d'on:hf~:p~~~~' 1!ooe, ma~e,an~",perfo~.;J;e~t the' said pal'tie.~ :ot- the fl-~8t-- -~o-,~~' i '" ~ .'. . '. ',' .' .. -.': ~ ~ " \- ,- .' ':; . . '. - ".: : ,\, . . . . .; "" . '.v~rtll.ereby. c'ovenll:nt an1agreeto ~Oi}Vey:~a~su~to.. the .si~Q."pa.r.tt, of)he,,'SElOorid, part. 'his' " ,", -,' ._, :", .' .' "I ': . "",' ',: ,'.. ',' .:', ,:' .,,' . he'1rs, exeo':'tora, , ~d91lnlstrators ; or, aSS1gns,infel),slmple .ole!irot all eno\Jn'brance \;,.hate Her, = ,.'~ t " -.' ,- " . . .' . ' ,. " ;.~ . . . .' " -,::;:.. ..,. .' ,~ . '. ~.,. . . by'a good'!..ud ,suffi,oiEmt dee,d. ~he'lote, pieces,' or parcels, of ~r~unj siL&te.c\.in .th,? .coun,ty' " .... ~ . Of'stio,lJ.ldie,.ita'te o'f tl0\t1da~knowne.nd d,~80l'lbed.aa, foilows, to Yiit; -v. : 'I :. ,...L(>t' 1.' , . .d~f?irui:1ng'at'a15o,lnt,.'21o. ft:, nox:.th; 0 t~ _, E .'o~rnero f.the ;J:.. ,W. quorter of section "(3) .) '... . . , " . .' , . TO....'11shlp(~2). ~ aR '3-9Eaat:.thenoe r:unniJ!g. north 450' ft;'thenoeru,nninf. wes~ to the (In a t 'ltnlJ ',. - , essterli along .. t ' to,- '~ . . ~. of' the rfght of' wuy of the" Florida Eas:t Coast Railway. thenoe' r~nnil18.south .tW:A.'~_~,~~~~~'-'o~,~"~~~" , " saidrig~t", of.,8a1~, sao:l0n,(3)~~ t~enoe .x:um1ng ea,st'.:tQ,p~lnt of. beKi~1r.g. Containh'lg ,7' and 42/100' apl"e s.' mo;-e Qrles8" < . . '" -, .. \ ..... .~o't 2. -'- ", 'rleg1nll1nge.t ~"point 2iOft:~ort~o.r'the' ~,..;{~'cornul' 0:' th..:~. .\y. qu.arhr:CH 'the s. Z. 'qu~rter ~r!3edt10n:(3}'t~;wnship',(J2} ~s. R. 39~-a!:!t; \henoeeb~t: ;;,366/10 ..it the~ce'~orth : , 450 ft thenoe west 336 ;,6/10 ft,th~noe!lO;lth .450' ft ,to point of ~eg1nn1ne. . C~ontainl~'~- ahd '48/ .,'- ". " . , .100 $.Ores, more or lees. \-: " , Seygp thous&nd~011ar9. ; If ,party'at the delivery of t)1is , ~d the seco~dparty ht}re[jy~greea top:...y unto tl)9 :'i1;'8tpQrt~es the fuB amount of' for the two' afor~ desor1bed 10',sICash paid 1J)to thehan-ds of .thefirst , , ' '.11 ,', V . agnernent. ~n amt. '~25D.~O.' cents. to bind thisegreein~nt.and .... . . , !1 fteen qUl.dred dollars to- be paid unto f'irst 'par~les J ., , seoond party, and passed upon whenab~tract. of ti tle '1adel1vered to '''l ~; '.. .: .'~~ - - I .:oi ' , Ci, t ,'., , I withi!. thir,y/ d~ys thorept. .~. !. , .dalanoe to bel' ~d in tWQ yt:8r8. as tdnows ;'tot,p.ll!ng $6.200.00 to wit: 4 ' . 1,1 One I'otEl p~ab1c one year f,rpm date, for ,~2.626.00, and one in two yef!-rs .!;:.qm gfot;, . ....t. .' . . . fo'r. 02.626' .b'dj eaoh bearing interest .1rod date' at 8_~ER annum. 1 paJ'hOLe' semi-annually:, and I ~ ~ '.....' , If. secu.~'ed 0" , f on' the property 'involved. I ~ ... , , ~ l' "'.._.~. -:--', ..,- \ '