HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0366 , . "' -,' - .... i ~ of' fl Ii' - -.. ;' ".' '. ~. .. I ! -}- j .-' j "...'..L,.~~,~~;-~"~i,~::..:.O-'~'~~i~ ,I.,~~~,--~,-, I I ="''--~--:--===t=~''-~-----------:--;'':_~~-l,j~~--C--:'~.=~~--'------.;, . .355 ;~~~ c<~~~~~1~-'~-;;~"~:~;~.~"" ~~:~~~,~~~~~-~~j_;-,~i;~~;,';'e~.':_~)'~~:'~'c ,';, ",'~~,.~." I I \' ""t,~' " , "l/.A..o,~.,.~" . . " , ,,;', 0 ,,', ',-"0', AAaaEEla:N'l'" ~."" ",'" .1,,', '1" . 'I',: I' . . \ i. t.' , -~ \ - , ,... \ I" ,\ - . '., I '"I .' \.' ',t _ \ . I I . ", \ \: ~ '. . I ~. ," 1 , . ... i 1\ ' I ,I I \~. """'t' w.,amt, 'nOr.,ld>a,'.:' .~, ,\ .1' ,. '. \, T .. j , .\,' ".,' r ,'\\., " '! II' -' \!. I I \, ' " . I.', , .1', ,\ ; \ : :Pad ,J,prll 231'4.1925. . \ \ . . \' \ . " ',. " . J " ,- \leoe1v~d lOt', qeo. (I. .Mason \the': SUDl ,o~ ,$5001~0~' 'a8' 8, b.ll)der and part \i>a~e~lI o~, ~h~ \ 'puroh8:sa' p~10~ .'qf.' the ,fOl,lO\';1ng.'d~sori,bed.Jlr01\lJ'ty t~~"/1't: " ,Govt,~....L' \ I' , , %,1 ) l '.IR. '39 E~30'ao~~,8 ~Pl.>l:ox~'" ieasthat.:'p1ece '~'old.'~o~}niet' O~m.;;'1a8~9njo't'~io~t 6 ao~"e.a~ ,-,. '. \. . ,-. ..\'. "', '. ' \ , le~,if50xl~ObiN..,i.. .,\CO'lf~er ~e~t\ t~ \'Inlet; s.o,?-~ la$~ year;,',leav.,ing appro:x.-',600'Oh oQ'ean: -- , ,:,' .' .;. \' '\ " ',:", and ~1ver.": ,\ , . \ , , II, .~~' , ~ " \. . . f' \' , I' , \ . l .'.' " \ \ ' " : ~\ ',~\ ~. . '.t\ \" \ \ '. \ '\ ., . . \'. '-:, \. . , :: ',':':'" .\ \ \. . " . Thetot~\ Puroh8:,se prloe; ot ,tl1e. :abov'e, >>rop~rty 1,8 to 'be ,P;>'..OO" per .t:r6~1; :to~'t.. to ,~e " \ ' , . .' . '~ " P~d E\8, tollows; , 7.5QO',~OO dollars' oa9~ with1n 30 d~\ys tro~ d~te hereo!~~.h1'.4pa~ent in,olude,9 , '\ the t500'.OO, dol:j.a.~~ paid th,is ,d:ate; \ th~ balan'ce 'of ~'ciol"'8r~' t~pe 'paid' 1n, the' .fohoYiillg' . .- " . '-." . - .' '.. . ~ ..,.. ,--, ~. . . \ .... . . inann~5~;, to~w.i ~~Bc<ianoe\ .1n'eq~al'Yea;-lY paymeAts~or 8., \,pel"~o"":~ f t;h.re~1e8I:8llt'8~,",~,~~ere8t. , , . .. ~. .".' . '-. '. wHh're};ease, ~lau8e aa p8.14 tor pe,rrr.o...t~oqt.' '. "- . \ ~' ~ . . " '-_..~. ". -..;- " .annual,:ly.;" ' ,: . ;. . .' \-,." ..,; ~. .. . l ".,;. . ; ~ .. ..' :~l~ ~l1er agrees t9furn1shtb~ p~r~~a8eF ~~~b$tra,ot ,ot:ti:1e .w1 thO\lt,.~~elay", br~ght :' '.'dOWll,'':o ~~:te ,8h0W1~ a~~od e.nd~a.l'ketabi~'.t-1t,le:to the abov~prope~y' to b" ve8t~d in..the' '~. ','underslened selie~,free' and oiear,.~t"all eii(nimbrahgea"le~~ep>t', ' ). and:tob~l~vey: t~'.he: " ll~ove nl.:.med';!i.i.rOnaaerby a: good ~nd, $ut'f'i6.19nt' 'l~arl'im ty .lIeedpr()p~riy-: exe<m tad,.', . "j ~ . . on .. , .' Th,e s.eller agrees to delivJr';.thoafo~sa1d n~rJ.'e~ttDee<d and. P08Be8s~~not'tb.epremi8es" .i, . tothe,pur.Cha~el'a~ ~l\Y.:t~~on O~,'b~fo~'e ~j(lda~st~o~ :dat~ hereo~, up'on iteoelY1rig[.rQl.l1the<', . . '. .. . -. .... .' . . . ,pu'rohl1se~the,bnlai)c,e ~tthe... oash ,p~m.ont. <If ~7.090.?O ,dp'1laraaiid a 'J;st l)iortgage .~ t~e :j,re'mis'e,s"to sec,urethe. det~rrttdP~~ts ~s stated ~b'~ve in the 'agereā‚¬ute" amount of'to'be -< ,.Do . ,de't~rmined 'dollars. "1 ._ " .' .' -- :t ....\ ,Thle :tr(lnsaot1on "1'9 to b'e closed'.cn or be-r'o're 30 ,d~ys tl'6m ,dat'e, 'tirneb~!ng the e~seDoe -4 , '!" , 'ot t~l1S l?-~r,eem'ei1ti'~ndallln_strwnehts. t?b(3::.exe~cUted fi~~L to'be!tr:de.~e 9~' "'Pl'1i 23,rdJ,9:~~.. " \ ~All taxes for the ~rre~ear, uncons~~ed .1nsur~c,e and ao~~u~~' ir.ter~stt .1~ any; " '.' .' ~ S,M. tObe,.pr~~i',a.ted. !)et,we,ezf the part1es,asof. .n.p~ll 2~rd.' '", . ~.' - ,.' . .' . .~ '." " ~ . '.' . " . -' .. - . :. i .,' .' ". Cert1flei munic1palllens,-,1'f' ani~ on the prop~rty a~' tci be,p~4 by the' seUer'~ . Pend- . ,.'~ :" '.'- . ~ ',:- '. ~.- " . ." . ..... " '". .' . ".' - ".:-. .'. '. . 1ng,'rriun1cl pal 'Hene. 1fa..~':y,. 'are to bepai<1 ,by,'the sdler., Ot~r ad'judgmenta to oe :eoode a;re ,. ~ . . , " " " ," . .. - - " '" '. ,. as tollows: ~ll l'iet\s .~es:~s,ement~', er.eull!brancE:ls'and' taxes duo on the property : '( B.j.'""'3' -'.' \ l\~~;1ie: pa'ld' for ,r),r~,'\ :'.. .:'. " 'b:; 'the seller unlc2:3 here.1t"iP~Ov1ded'for~ . . "-. J'". .'r ,~ . ". . ,;n),l tM terms and '':QndHions-of . tIC,s sBle agreement are"mo.d,e b y,ua sq,b<je'ot, to ra.t1fi~ '. , . . , . . ..; oa,t10n and.' approval by. the ~wne'r :ot' theaa1d property..., " 3y '(I' " -, . 1; ....~~~~'\.:. ,I.IQor<:;e ". .,:a90n ",'", ~:U.t'.ohfi;w.~. , DOmU.SS nEj..1~Y :;C:1S"j:y. . < : ,~ . .h:pp~oved:.alid aQcepte~. (3El.1.) '3.Y i.>-Centa for , Owner. .~ '-._-_.~ I .' . .1F! ; . .. ,', , . - . , '!'hl3 underslcnedi as o.:mer, end geller of the abov,e property, hereby rat1fi~sJ9'pro~es and aooepts nIl of, the terriis and ooh<l1t1ons of the' afo;eso..id..sr;les agl'eementend agrees to .I' O'a1'1'Y out t.he tel'~n in o.O\)Ol--o.(nOe t?,erew1tht and ,also fi6reesto p~t the ~q'.'G~;.s~~_~?,LTY '. 007.rr'"._~:Y I: n----.;'is my ai:~tlts ir" this trcns:aotlon, thoil'cor.;:lission'of 10(, of tho ~)\J.rc;laaepr!.ce, unct to \J:; >1 _ { paid as ;lopn us the'.tl'uns&.ctlonis ciose,~. Also ln case the"depcsit m,--d(;~:J'y'.~,~~. pur<eilaser . herein 1s tortel te4 byt'u.ll~re on. the part of tho sa.id !puroha.ser~ that the said fortei,t is to be d lvlded eiJ.uall~r between acid OWI.er. n.d .ysa1(1 agents. 1 ' . '.( . \ HlltQh J. !!ardee . l3Ei.~) ~n I , , '