HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOC09/09/2016 12:46 FAX 7726922359 JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK � 'THE FILE # 4227835 OR BOOK 3910 FIRST FLORIDA DEV & CONS IM002 C-RCUIT COURT. - SAINT L1 E COUNTY PAGE�89V, Recorded 09/Os72016 01:36:30 PM �pf :R R :CORDING- Firstfladda Dev, & Const. Inc. 100 NE Dixie Hwy. Swan, FL 34994 SLilr D f�4 °'�7� �tlg BY I Lucie conf L_ STATE Of FLORIDA The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided In the Notice ofcommencement. 1. D!ESCRIOPTION OF PROPERTY (1 egat description and street address) TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 4436-510-0030-000.6 SUBDIVISION Wide Waters BLOCK TRACT LOT 26 & 27 gLDG UNIT 3354 NW Perimeter Rd. Palm City, FL 34990 2. GIL+NERALD)ESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: Addition to Single Family Resisdence 3.O'WNER INFORMATION: a. Name Patricia A. Johnson b Address PO Box 1826 Palm City, FL 34991 c. interest in property Owner d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (If other than owner) 4. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE, NUMBER: Paul L. Klelnfeld, Pros, of First Florida Development & Construction, Inc, _ 200 NE Dixie Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994 772.692-1387 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT; 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: — 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER. Paull L. KWInfeld 200 NE Dixie Hwy, Stuart, FL 34994 772-692-1387 _ 8. In addition to himself or herself, Owner designates the following to receive n copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND FRONENUMBLIRs Paul L.1Qalnfeld 200 NC- Dixie Hwy, Stuart, Fl- 34994 772-692-1387 9. Expiration d to of notice commencement (the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) _, 20-aw. „A Patricia A. Johnson Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Off cc Owner's Authorized Off3cerfUirector/Partner/Mlanager i State of rlorida cour.ty Of The loregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me this day of „ 20 By— - i�4 �—. %ate) as Aou (Name of erson) (Type of authority—e.g, Owner, officer, trustee, attorney in fact) For__ '_z_ -- (Name of party on Kehalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known_Y orproduced the following type of ID: &0 T jExplroD ary PubmmLiie State of Flotlda �; nthia D Tuning '--J o o�tl lr0a12612D15oramission 115fl37 (Mined Name of Notary Public) (Signature of Notary Pt Ic) Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are titre to the best of my knowledge and belief (section 92.525, Florida Statutes). Signature(s) of Owner(s) or Owner(s)' Authorized OflScer/Director/PartnerlManager who signed above-