HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0370 ..,' .,.~, -._-,~. 'f', "-l:-:~'~f-:":::';"~C-.~~'- "'~~" '~_,_:,~ '~,-"~~-,r_~~~:~~"~!~:~_~~7L'_'T==--=n5'hl II' , ----'--"--. --"---~~T '"., ' , .-r :',,', ,t,O, ;"', _~___u..__ -- - . , ,..., , I, " .' I , "-.., l" ,. I " "',.'" ".'''''. I', I ~ , I ~ ',: ~':',':- '-"""......,.;1 '~: '.1 ' '. " , ". . "i' r ,. ".1 ' 1 . :t~" '-.1 ' ,I, ,', h',., , , I" ,'. l'p,' r I, '. ~ ..,;;::c~~;;~.;;;;,;~;;;;;;;;;::.;,;.~';;;:.;_:::.~:;...,.;;.,.,2;:.~:;Jt.; ;c,;-':,::L,.':__. '.,".' :::;:-:::.....~~t.~: i,.:--c:;;',~'~' ...':~~~~'"':;:;~;<~:~ --'~-',. .! 't~t h~,i8 ia'W:1'ul~':;)3~iZed\o1;,theB8id pr!Jmia.e,~.,.~h~t;~~GY"are ,~rl)~',trd~ S,.l1 ~1en~ a~',.en?u~~,.~.. ;,\:,' I,' , , . t", i, b"'an'O~8 "h8teo'ov~t. and' that he' hae '~bd ,righf a'n<1'llowful'li\lthor1~Y,~0 ~.p th~so,!l1e: ~nd, ", " 't~~::'Sri'id, p~r't~,'of't~ ':fir~t PB~~ dp'e~~fcbYII fu,ily,Y<<B,i-r8ht"the',.~itJ.e' ,toi,sa,ld. HUl~,-:~nd-'~l.~l " .' dOfend,;,thes~'hl~ ~g8'j"~St,, tlle .1oY/ful' olal~~'of o~l,\pe.r8on8 vmom80:~ver,. ,.,'., ' , \, . , . ' .. , ',~' ~ I ,', .' . , ' . " . \..;.. t ' \ 1. 'hi . '.~. n.1 ....n, ~ se81,\.., ',' '.'.,\Iu.,riTirE~g 19JIEHF.OF..the eaidp8r'tyot ~he f~r,e~ ~rt'll8S h~~,u~,~.sell' .8 flel ...... , " , '..!J ",' '.' \ . ,,\ . .' '- ' , '. \, , . .' \ \ ' . , the~8Y ',9:nd ye,o.r first ,abo"'e;Wi'it~eri. ,','.. ~ngpod, B~ale'd llnd d,el1 xere4 in ?ur, p1'eser1081 . \ ," \. ' . . , , . ~ " ' , " , J,;'A. .t1l!'ler,. >:' ',\ ,,"'- .~l~' --..-~~-~-~(~......~" ~-.~ .' I . ,', '... ~ . ,'. ,\ '~" r _ ,. . ~ \ - ;.' " ~:.' '. r. . ~ i;' : " , '. " ..' , ' , . " " . '1 , . , ,. ;.; '- . \ '. " H-: Powell S~ward .\ . ',. . -. \ ... .. ", (Seal) " ' '. 1". , ' \ ' '\~.T~., 'iTOO~B ~ ',' ~ . " '~. ' .. \.. . " STATE' OF F~OR'IDA,' \ ' . , \ . :.. .' ~- ". . . "\ -. ". .; -CounTY: O':,P;\LH ~::;;...Cli, :,'" .,... ", , . ,'~,". X. )~m~Y'\~~RT~F~'~" T~t' ont~1t&.4,th. 4f1~\O,f;H8Y,A. ~.1925., ~~~~e~ rne'pers,9n$~1y.,8Ppe8red' '. . H ~.. ?O:'1Jl~1' "'.'Am>. to .mo' .11~' 'k.ow. o.d ~no~' to."" to ',."e, . tlio po reo., do. 0 ~1 bOd. .'. a.d . hO. .&_ . , eouted't~ \foregotng oO:nyeyan~e,.' .an'd.', a;Q~nO'lJ'~edfled. ,the,.ex8.olitl0n.the're00-6 be 'his free aot' ':. : '\ . ", ' ',' :'. , ' " ,'. " . ," " , , " " " ,.", an4,deed' fOl',theuae.'~,8n~ :?u,rpo~eBther..e1nment1.oned. ~:. " . '. ' , .,. , ' ".' " . ~' ". f'f' i l' ' l' .:.t".. t' ''0.81 'B....aoh'. in: !the,' :g,tet. e "s., !l,' d 0, o,untv'at.re~ " 'mTnESg.~ e.,isn~t~re 'a~,. 0.' 10 ~., S'&.8 ,.a..;8'8: .'~ , ~,Q.... ." S81c1.~he~ey . nd;?'esr 'le~t ,above ine~t1()ned., ' ' " . \ . . .:\ . ~ . , .' .. 4"" "'.,' ,-.,. .:. . .~., ~.. :." :), '.l ~ 1 1 " 1 . I oj ., . l,' '! , ' . . ~i \ . ~ < } ,', ..... . " tl.,b Jtv, ~':"A.: ~.:', " . ,r -'~.-~--r" . '~o. , . " his 6 ,day :;;f.~~ :l:925,~'~~ 1l:?6 A.,lI.' ... ...~~v... . P.:'q. E~dr~d. 'o'iQr~ 9i1'~u{t' Oourt , " , _,_ _.... _.. ___~ _~:~~~_ ~Il:~~_ _, J'.A. A1g1-er" , d "Nl?ta~1 P~bl1o.',' JIotl!ry Publ to .'State 'qf llorid~,' . . Hi. cOlIl1llissi on' EXPlr.es.'Apri 1 9tb..,192tl., 'iIy Oommi88ion'8X9irtl~...~:- ",,' .I ." -," ,. 'TO ,A.' J'. ' 3YRD . ..'" '"i ," " ". J. i. i , . 1{'" . -.' : !. -. ! . .. . 't., ~ _~. _ '!l'.A; YI!fC':?UT , . ~.-:--,- , AGREEllEliT . , . . '. ,- - . 'ARTIC~S DF' ..\GBE3J,!E1i'rilJude 'this 1st <l:aY'afAprn' intheyeor:O:f,' ollr Lord'. .o'ne th,Al Band nirie 'h\mdred ondtwen ty-:-fi'veBET:'IEEU ~.. A. Vincent 'psrty',of the' firBtp~rt. ahd A. J."Byrd ;~ , . 'party of theae,oondpsrt. i I . j , ! J' ::rrrlrt.CJSETH:T1Ui~ ,~ the S31d pa:t:ty~of the seoond' .part8h81~ f1rat make thep!iytnel1tB ond '-, J . , I f cash upon dell very of J:1erohant~ abatroot ar.owl ng good ti tle, a T1d the! reme inder wi thin bn'e' and t '" j ,1 : ',0 ,[ j . I l J ., J .\ i. I I 1 f '[ t i I 'I t . '~I anhUellYj on the \ I Or--1r:1p '~ltJ.o.njL that __ 0- r perform the ,c()von~~~s ~reit'lefterrnent toned on hl~ pa~t to bemad.eand 'perfo'rm,od,"the'8aid . :' p~rty" of' theft rat part hereby cove~ori~sanda'.greeB toqonvei arid assure, .tothe: ~~d', par,ty'"oi' " '.' ."." " ' " ' ' , '" . '. '".. .', ' .. " t'he: Beoond'pa.Tt,' hie hei 1-8 .exe'o~tors. ad.miDistra tors Or 0681808, 'I'd tee'",Blmple, ,olGar', o,~ 0,11 ", . , . ' ". , , '. .:', ',', , . ",'" "'" {n~turi~reno0~8 whatner, by ~ a goo'd endeui'f~.iel1t deed",thelot; 'pieQe or parcel o'f 8'rohnd~ .sit\18t~' ed.lri,the c'ounty ~f St. 'Luoi.:e: Sta'~e' of FIQrld~..kno~h and de8Ctibe~"~~~Ol]lO~.to~V1'it;" .Ai'l ' . '. " , . ' , : , ". " " .', , ,. ' I~ '. ,Oftly river 'front118e o'f .,~ r>pro~ 1m Uey 660 ~eet on the ,ir,tdieQRl vel'. w1 t h a depth of approx1rna telY, . . - ., '. '.- ".', : "600'feet whiCh liee in and fs the ao'uthern~ortion'of Gov~'r.ot ,6, 'being, ,in Seo'tio~ 34f"Townahip 31 South, .Of ful~gel9 East. 'It' 18 .expra,8~ti uOderetood t}B t' ditOh rightBare ~Ob8 ,reeer'ved on " ','" ,.,' " :' , " '>, I ~ ' the. north (\nd lj,CU th ends of s.sl.d 'tract. ' '--\~,~. " .~ ' ...' " ,~;" , i!i. , .~" " ~ ~ " 1;.' . , ,first I)art' the Bum 'of 11ine dollars per front fOP*Dollors, in Jhe' miU'iner f~llowlrigOne third. " ;!' , .find thbeaid par1i<y of the second part .hereb~ o'JVenants arid agrees to pay to tho said'pfiity O'f thcJ. t' " , \ two years at eight per oent. . '"lit thintareBt at th~ ~ate of eight pe r oentur.t per annUL'., payable semi-ennuehy whole Sum rer..aining from tif:'le t~t1ine unp~id: aridl~~b pay 8'l1taxe~, 8SS0ssnents '. J. _ :.: may be.logally leviod or if:'lposed u.r>bnsud lend Bubtloquent to the yeat 1925~' end to keep the i ' . ,. .' ,i .' . '," I' bUildings upcn said premise. insured in 'some oor1pany satisfaoto'ry. to the part of I '., " 8 sum nut than ------D~~,:~~8 durin~; tile term of thi's 8gr'eement~ j . t f~ ' t:~ ~::'~ ~ if>.-'. " ,If the fl/~t part, o f lallu~.