HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0373 :~r" ;': , . .' . ':' '-~3-{j2~t~~ ,; I I,' ~, '. ).,' '. r I', " " ., ,. t _,I . . . l' 'I' . .1 " '1' .' J'. ,t.' " "\ " t. . ..... l I., 'I ~. . J , '. 4 .' '. ~ I I.. If' 4 ' ~ ' . 1-;'. . . . ~ II -- ---- I ~ . \:,' t , ~. .; -. " t . . I' I.... . ~. ........... ~ '. . ; ~ :.. :'''~':r ~:,:~:; ....;4:~~1":_.~ ~.~: ; ~,: ,..:~:::.,.,:t" :::=:!'~_:'>ll.1.~:' J.t) '.:.. ,:.:.~".:.c.~l ;.J:~:'<. '~"::;;j.~-'-t,.1 :rt::...-:';::-- :. ~ " b .~~, l' . ", ,'- I '.. "'" I 1 I" ,.....~. ~~~ \ -- ... --, - ., H ~..~ . ',' I' JOHlt ,},toL~ ~T3vEn~ AND ~!{~FE" ; \' I,.' TO, ~ " ,~, ~~-"fi'~E"'. ~ " . ,I t'- ," . ,_ ,"..,. {\ \ ; I, ...~ ." ---.;7""____--........ .' '. , 1 . ".' II '; ',' \ 11,':;;',' .. " '~AR~}ilrY D~D' ~;..- I, ' .' . \ l , . . \ ", . _ ',: _,,;,' -; ~ I ',.., '\:. " "~ . : . . \ \. \ . \ I' . I , \, ..' ' ,i T.TtI8 'IlIDSllttJRE, l~ad~,ti1i815 day of A:Pr11t A:.:~~'1926. 'by ond bo~wQen ~o,lin 'Ho~',".\Stevor\. ... ," , '" grid e'~rne:i--16~~'tev~ns, hl'B~:1fet 'and wiluBIri 'y.. .Br~\w~;anci ii~r~ ~.f B~O;"~.. ht's :W'1fe~. of ~r.8 ',' ','11, , 0 ount1~ f 'i.~.. B,o. h' .nd ~ t.t. 'O~:~l o,.,l~ -11"';u.., o! t,~' ~~r ~t ~.;t.. ,nd 3~.~' 0 ..',~. t~d n " "" ,'" :', I ()f ~he",CC)untf' of. 'Palm' B~a~h~,.. and 8,tate,,'or. FlorMa~.pl),rtt <?f"the.8e~on~ part.". ,.., " , ' . : '. . . '." \ ~' \." ,,\. . \,' '.' '. - \ . - ~ . \ \ .' ',' WITllE9~:E'tk,., that 'the' 8aidper'Ueeof t'be 'fH~st par,t for ~nd'l'n' oons ideration of- the , . \. ~. ': '"," ., - ,'" '~' ,,\, - '-'.', ,~~" \ " ~,\ ' :, ,:(- '.' '.- .':' "'\ .... "'-, .c, .;' . . ,.... ',' ,sUm of ,'t~~ ,Doliore (.$10,00) 'on4o~~et:!,el~a~leo'onelderQtiope" to,~h.em in ho~d ~id by th~',"..,,\, " ", , " \,-~, , \ " . ',' \ ." ',,' ",~ ." "...'. ,~~~_of't,he seoond, pe'r.t. the reoeJ'!ltWl1ere'o~ iSh~;r&by.aokn'owle{}~ed.:;h,ave grarite4~, barge fned " . riqd ~'Ola t~~hlt .Ba~4 ,!>8,rtY':Of~ ,thr(eeQdnd, par,t,'hi8' 'helis 'a~~aBf3~~B. for4~et'~ ,th~ '~o:l1o~/~ng-, desori~ed~~nd', situ~'te; .l~~it!g;and being,in' the 'Oounty '~f. s-aint Luoie,,' and. 'state' ot',iO'~id!i," " '. ,', . , '.' " . : .', \ ' . , '.~i1 . " ; , . ", ':' , . to-wl,t:' ", ' .. . ,", . ..' "Oover~l1t'lots llwilbers'Ono (1) aQd',T~:'(2.):ofSe'ot1,oi1 Pou~t(,~n (14)., 'in {",,, , < . ..... _. .~. '.~ 4' t "~'" ~". . '-,;' , ..' .',".. ." .. . ". . " . :.'_'~.. ,.,.,', ". TQWPSh1p,'Thlit;t:-o,bll(31)' .Son~ht' R8ngelthi.,rtY~n'lne (39) 'E~et,. eon~inl~, ", "Fi'f:t1"7f~Ve and Sl~.tY"Be~e~ 9n8'-hutiilred~hsC'.5~.~7) '~aore~~ more 0~"~e1!8., ',' " , " " ' , , .'.', > . , ' '. , ,.... ' . T~e 'pa'rt~~B' c;>f thlJ first. ]Jor.t httrebY oove{8ilt a nd,8~e ,that. ~i1 to X G,B , and aase~'ainent~ . .' ", ,"' '.' ,', ", ',' " " '. " .', :.' ,,' '.'. '. ' '.. ",'.; 'h~Vebe$.n!>a1~,on...the'sbove d.l1-.Oor'1.'bedlalli,dup tQ'and;lnoiU:ding' ;s'nuary 1st. ,1925. ._ -: '_. '...... '" .:. ._'..,~". . '" .:~.' .,_'._~" .,. .~', L','~...~~..' ,.._:.' . .... .......,...: ~'... And t.~o~a.1.a. pa:r,~r,ea,6t ~~, flr:st 'part', ,do here~~ ,~I~l:r w~ri:f)ntthe' tlt~e to sa~d, land;: and \'t~lidOf;qrta,.tl>O'.8omo ag6,i.nBt',the lawful o~,a~ms 'of 'all:persons,WO?rD.80ev'er.". , .' ': I,ll ;7!''2jrzciS:T:~~EJ:;J ~ th$, S~id' po t~$es oft.h8' f,f:r'st p~r~ hare' b~ro~~to', eet the,lr,: h~rid''!3:::', , . ',", .... . . al1ds~alS the' day ~nd year 'firet"~b~ve.Ylri~teli..', ., , ' sign~,:eeal'~d'lln~ deliVered in ~hopr~,8enceo~'u~~,~ r. ;.1 I - -_:":_~~~~"i7~i_- !" ,J I .1.i , ,': " , ~' .. - - .~- ~ .....-. -' , ' . ' I, , I. . . 'I' , ' I, ~, , \ " . I' \' n.\ , " \'.- , \. .< ..' J . ' .' '. .~. . . 0, ,~ I. . '$100.00 I .R. ~$tamps Oan. . .. - . - . . ~ ',:1.: .'-c-'S-", " ,..] ',Jobn,t!oL.~teven8" . .". t".";- ..' .. _. . Ua17 ,S'~Br~Yln -,,_, :s. . (SP.AL) (SEAL) ..1 ,'. ": c'.i' ,By:r4. ' ,'.. lIarrlo't.:L. ,'{and' "11111 am .t.' Brown . , '. , . . .' ~. . (:SRA~) , ., "001'1'101.18 B.- S~everis " ( SPAr.) ,QTATZ, Op' ~'i'JIDA, 'L' . ). . 'C'otJH?Y OF PAPI'13?ACH.) f . ," ~ ; _." t . . , . ,1 hOJ:"8bY cortl!i,tl:Bt on'thlsdoy p~r80nallY,~I')P08re.d'be.1'ore me~en of~ioord.Uly~uthorr:zed 'to Ei,dmi'nister o'atha and tak~" ~ok~owledfJl1l~~t~'; j~hn .!foL. 's~evens s'nd 'co~n8i1'8 ~,.' ~t~ens: ~iB, . ;-' . '. '- , wife 8,ndW1l1Um L.Brown am l~ory s.lrf~wn.,:h1s Wife. to ,me well kno"'n t,o'be tbeperao?Ei;des.. Oribedip and .who'exeQuted thefo,rogolng, doed, :a~d 8dknowledge'd'befOi'erneth~ ttl'ieyexootiUd : , '. 1;he same freely' and" voiunta:rily' for the ~\lr098'eB therein (tX1>ressod . ."., - . ",' ... ' ".' ." ..' , . ~ :" :And tfurthe.r.oort-1fi' . ~. .... : - that the ~f),\dCO,rnel1a ]..stevens,known'~oMa, toi,e 'tl1e wife of .John,HoL. ~tev(jns.:.and:" . . ~'. . .'. _ :- . '.' : .. :.' . _ ' . . .".. . .. .' . ""6:- !.fory'S.' "1rOno,'1:nownto ~e 'to ;'be'~he vii.fe O:f",;'ll:ioJ~L.'Br,O'tlll~" on a\~6parateand' prlv~te'" ~:)Csmin!lt1on tal:en apd. m~do'b:I, &nd .before ,~~-Bepar6to'l,i/ and apart from then' said, htlSbon~.a~.'. ~, , j . - .. . dldaOJ.:no\Vled'ge' tr~at, +;h~;r r~,ade themselves ,'}:Hl.rt1osto s8'id<\.e,ed.f9r the !)u.r'10ij8 of renound-. <> = . '.:. :,' -. . .. : .' ,..' . ~ .... ;.' -. ,'. .... '. 1ng, re1inq'.1iS:~lnp: ,and c,onve1i.ogall ~helr ri.F.:~t. t1 He ar.d il1te~oat, ~hether dO\VOr~ hOl:lO... . , stoqd ot.of .oepli:ratep:roporty" ata*llto"y'or equitable, in and to thelernEi'dosorP>ed.therein. and th~t tho:; exoauto1,-tho 6a1,<1 dced freely,.D:,d ,~olt~'~torilY cod with'out, a~ oOI:llHlls10n. - ' , . ,. . \ " 06nst:r1l1nt, a!lprOhen8~ on or fear of or fron their 8~ld husbands. . , .' ',+ , ':YI?rr:~88 MY hand iiml" 0 rf1 cial'aeal a tDo1ray" County ofPaln 3eoch and state of Florida this 15th day ot A!lri~~~. '{ I "c-- '..', , ' ( , " n,' : :'J f '-' ., r: ,,<J) H~ 1n5 at ...... '':-: ' ~ c. Y. 3Y1'l1 ~iotarY..?\lbl1o f St~tc of Pl.orid. at :Lar-fe, 1.ly CO!:nission expires Jnl] 15, 1927' 'I- Piled 6 do] of 1: 40 ?}~. ,', ; ~ .: . p, C .:;l/dfod./Clork, }irtiui tCourt 1B] , ~, '.J~ ,P. C. ' J '~ . .