HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0376 ,. ""IJ' " ,','1:' """','" "" /'t- "',' r'l/," '.. "",,'.'1 ,- ~,-" i.,,,:.'..<.I}J"',.,, , '. t" ~ }11_':"'~"~;'-i . ," u~_t' . '1' ,I '. I' I"f :,' 36" < ,,' " I . , 'I I~l__ I ',:" !. } ''', .," ;'\ - .', ;)'1 I' " I , ) " ' " " ',';, I' 1 . . ",' .f." I " ,'I'" ," ,,' J ."J ',;', ,i ~'I'. ,,',' 1'," '. ,,'1. " ,I I I I , . " " I', . I' I L ',. ,. ','.I 1.. ", . ' , I." " ,I ",' " , /1.' " _ , I I, ' I f,. , ,,' ,I - .,'. \ _' , '" . . ' , " I ,::~,;:,,: ~:~~~~~X1-~--:;;-":_~':':>:~'~';'~~~'-::~~';;:~!:~;':!'i:''''-? .~:::~ ':-~~';"F-::;':~': :~.~ ~"-\-;-~-:'t. 'r-;"-"'::;\~;"7"'- -:-;-:-<'.~~~(- ~'::.~-:-:-;:;.;-....i '~~~-;.:':~~!' ,I ". I ,i I :~\O,.,.i luiH'Ill~H~ ',\J:n ;,~IF~\' 1\ I~' 1 ,f',' TO,',' \'., ," \ ) ",\1, !,' ':t ,', JO~ 1r~ I<<ll(!H~ ,'. "" II,' , '\', ',I '. \':! . , '.'1 '..' I,:' I" 'I , ' ,... " 1 . ",' "", \' \.' \ '~'\"\"'!" ,. . .\' \ .,. '. " II,.. 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"'.'-' ," j' aoknowledge4, have .E{t'antd, bargaf.lled,' ,sold and tre.nafe~re-d, and' by:theae preEl,entB eto' grant, ", '. ~ ",'::b8rg~ln; 8ell';and" tr~n$':t.er Ul!~O' the said', Party ot" the ~,;oone!, par1t an<'l"h1.Q' h.'i:r~ 8.4 aasi~~ ."~ -',"\ ~"" '" . .. .. . ".~ .' ..... ,.' \ .-'~. .. ' :" . ." .: "';-'. '.-" ".~ ".: ~ , . .". . ~ .,:to~~vn" all,:Uu&t" oe~~~l~ ,'pdoe1, Q~ ~an~lY.1n~"~nd bl.1ng,,1n ihe~,ouht,~..'"of, ~t.'.,~u,o~e.an,d;state~.of' , . :-' Flo~1da, mo~,$, 'part1O~l~r~i de8or1be~ \aj3, fOllO~~; ',.. . ""'., ' .: { ., ',', " 'The Southeast ,one-fourth, ,(.1.) o,f Seo't16J1 lUteeil (1~)'~'fownsh1j>' Th1i"ty';t;wo (32) South, ,Range ' . ',' .' . . ..t, '.' '. '" ".' . .... . .,.', ,,_ .:.' . ,..;, _:' _ :' . ".' _ ..... .:; :'n1r'tf;...1l1ne (~9') 'Eaa~','l~.se rlght~ot';""a~<oi":'Fiot'ld8 kat Oo~st 'RaliwaT','~he 'D1xie Highway ~~a~' .. . ," --- '. ". ~ :". .... . . "brain~'ge' Cana~a, ;~ont8'tnbig:,One - a~ar~,d :sl.xty" 0.601 aores: inOre,or::le~8. : . ' :-;.-~_ ,",' . ~" '. ,_' .', .'_, ,~_.'- 0",:', ,','." ,.......'. ; ,:-'. .'_,_ " ~.~'.,,~.._.> ,.... 'p '. ,:. "TOG~'r~R "1~~ ~~r,tbe t~nemen;ta. ~~;re,d1.~ar:~nt~. a~4 ~pj)urten9:nOfl8',~1t~eve1;'y, prl,Til1'~e., rJfhth .' . '. '. .: . . . 'i:...... .. ,Utle, '1n~rest, aI1~ estate, dowe't'- ,~d r1ght of dow,e,r reveraion, remain<'le~ and"'6ser:Jent'th~r~to,. ,'. ,;: " ~" c., '. .' . _." ." . . . . .> ~.. '. " . belonging' Oi" in .anY~~1Beappert.ain1ng:" TO H.4V,EAllDTO ,HOLD' the,bame,ln' fee :elmple~()rever. , . "',.~,~ :~he ' e.~~d '~rt1~'~,Of, th~, '1'1is~ pa:r~,4~0~';e~nt~ w~~~' ~:he, sa'~d, ~rt;'" of~hes~cond: :par~' ;.. .' ..:.tl1at, they al'e.l,~:t.'fullY,aehed of-the s9.i4 premiseS, that ~h~y.s;i"e: fre~ tr'om..'ali 1~o}.unl)J;anoes ane! . : - . ',. .: .' . " ",.' . . -' :. , '. " .. . ',. . ."~ ~ " . .... '-- , , '. : .' ,,:. . . .-' -." ~ :that th~yhave, ,goodrigl1t 'and~i,w~l,.aut~:rotityt~. ae,ll, t,h~eaiDei"o"~n'd.--tb~,'8aid J;>artlea, of 'the:f1rst ' . . ",~ . . - -. . part -do h!'~ebY'f\iiiy, wb.r~ant ~het1,tle. to sald land', 'aud: w1l1dd~tend,the, :S8.nr~' agalns't thelawtui.~ '\ :\fL" ~ \. . . . \ \," I.:" , \' . ' '. . ~- . " ; u.... . . ,," . - ....r .'fl... "". . t : I , " '. o~~~';Qf~li,'per~ons. whouisQe,v~r'.,' . . , III \';ITlffiSSi'.1iE?ZOlo\ the saldPar~le8' of. th$ 'f1rat' ptlr~hav~'liereuiit,o e~'tthelI: "~8l,1d8'end. ~eal8: .' the ,day. andyefrr abo'V-e'Wi'1tt~n'. ':. "'4'" ~..c. . '..\' ". 31gn~4,Se.81ed an~ DeU.ver~a' 'i,il':'.01,lr Presenoe,; ~~'.-H: ~.' Bennett.. 308' Slmps,on, 'St. ' '. ~', . ::0'. ,F.~ Ctinn1nih'ar.:: .(SEAt) . . Beu:)..ah j~lngham'(SS..u) ; -. " , , '- Jlra. R, L. .Valentine'.' 6q3 Coolidge" .St. , ,~ .1 -STATE Q,-' ":!-:S~ VP~O,I!r.IA,. OOUll'l'Y O?,H"':!GI3:Jli .to~w1t:' , ." "', " "".', ','. t,:,T.. G. ll,10e"arner." a !(otEtr~' ~b110,~ 1n ,and fo~ the ',County ane! "Sta'~e ,atoresald, dO,'Cert1fy that', 'f C.'r-.'Cunn1nghq,m,snd :Beulah9~1ngha.';~h1'S' wit;,' "ho'a~ ~me8 ~re ,signedtothew:r1tlng ab~v~ .,1 :~ear1~g dat.e . the '~l1Jithaay '.~f Apr1l., i~26-~ h~~e' th18.lk1y'a~kn'ow'ill~ged the ~a~ 'b'~f'Pfe "me'~ln <~'l 1 . .t 1 i i i I ,I 1 I . , i ..\ i I , , . : Bald' C,oun,ty., ' ,. . ~1ve~. der : ~,ban.d : thie "n,r. SM.9..., , r . .~"oomrn1~'s1~a , " .' the lOtbday of"..A.pril, 1926,., . , T. 'G. Nioev.a~uer !l()'t'-HY P'UBll0, HiRRISOH ~OUll~Y.: V':EST VlRGI:lIA.,' ,"" J .Qnthe.17th <'lay of 1)eoember,: _1930. < 1Jlfe'~' aepara~. aokn6wledgeIrlfl'i1t on z:e:v~rse s1de. , f' ,. - .~ ~. . !..~. ! -J I ! ., j f , t- . I .. .. I _ ~ .... '"'... (' -0., .!r