HomeMy WebLinkAbout1506-0473 AS-BUILT FORMBOARD SURVEYTHOMAS P. KIERNAN Professional Surveyor & Mapper Florida Certificate' No. 6199 f� ..,_. APPROk MEAN H,cN WATER \1NE Ci/ 4 4� � i V _ � •\... NiO�E(INE PER ^ '" ».,<.. � � ` x'Al[RE TOP 0F IAV ° 3 SETT AR SUILDI a` 2 y1Q'P•"r.,. SETBACK UNE ,...,...,,:. ti `x+,, rv-» •.,,. r---15 DRAINAGE EASEMENT PLAT PER WIDE WATERS PLAT ..---JJJ '' `" }10.wt - m N 89'46'44" E - 238.05' APPROX. MEAN 9 M HIGH WATER IJNE Y N M MEAN N,G, W •• • } i t\ , K In 11 \\\���VVVIII S OE WATER { I' S PI_AT E a J s rOp N50RSEP AT�"w...,:.. Rx p l % I / it ( (j 4/ i ( , I 41p RSITES wsrHcer m ii '\ 0 2„� k., `<s GRAPHIC SCALE s ` F so. cos a 'zs`6� , o f ses'De , .. o j i 40 0 40 80 N s2?00 492.65' rrpJ f I I O ( IN FEET) k Intended display scale: O'• 38 rY 800a �Py 4' i 1 inch = 40 feet i4 IR, 4S0o4S17 A � 38>>3. ,1'9 �� 3pao zip ^T �P � �r ,,• , o 'E3/ aFJ°�Wq� ?0 py 0U\v, I .- Pcy, w0000i 4 1 ss ?° SEje.. - RETAINING LEGAL DESCRIPTION m• .. � � I o ayd ,v. i LOTS 26, 27 AND 28, WIDE WATERS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT ov a G� P i I THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 17, PAGE2, PUBLIC ry=' a5 /�o\,�•e -~` 08 f I 'i RECORDS OF ST. LUCI COUNTY, FLORIDA. � E i 9 LEGEND r W"FRONT BUILDING �� " , - IP&C -IRON PIPE &CAP SETBACK LINE (' IR&C = IRON ROD & CAP FIRM REFERENCE MONUMENT ? ho' CM = CONCRETE MONUMENT w, c lz t� m CMP =CORRUGATED METAL PIPE o 1 ;� FIND =FOUND oo 0 HDPE = HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE £ ` �� m (M) = FIELD MEASUREMENT \ I f 1 4 (P) = PLAT MEASUREMENT LB = LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS rn 1 i� O ✓ V T 0� 7� R = RADIUS I q wod i, i �1 ' 1 L = ARC LENGTH r pp ; D = DELTA l ...,. f .._ .t' � E UNGG`� E A Ii OODEN IP =IRON PIPE �� I �, j 101 sEWUNo GENERAL NOTES IR = IRON ROD R=50 :e"� .o0 ' J°" ILL 1. BM =BENCHMARK 4�g c* —A—= AERIAL UTILITY LINEp'as tt ' i) The last date of field work was 02-03-2017 2) Additions or deletions to .survey maps or reports by other than the signing Part or —X—= FENCE LIMITS OF PLANTED VEGETATION parties is prohibited without written consent of the si nin y � r � ' = WELL - \ 3oOd i I. 9 9 Party or parties. 0 = WOOD UTILITY POLE � 1000 � \ � i 3) Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal [E-1 = ELECTRICAL JUNCTION BOX x w I I I of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. E = IRRIGATION CONTROL BOX _a/j\9 o•\3g2 ( \ ,,, .? 4) Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights -of -way, easements I $ = BENCHMARK (WITH DESIGNATION) (st _.. =POLE ANCHOR %? of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. This , / s information should be obtained through ,pp \ ONE`SR"I" ERS C0 Ac g appropriate title verification. -MAILBOX 1 '�,.E RESIOENCE- = SIGN PANNG P � ,u �aso r, 5) All above ground fixed Improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. = TRAVERSE POINT ASPHALT --�;� • = WATER METER f \ : '" - -. j .� 2g 6) Underground foundations and improvements were not located as part of this survey... = UTILITY PEDESTAL - c �l " Zp2�a 2{• •' CI V O i 7) All bearings shown hereon are referenced to the centerline of Perimeter Road as shown on the Plat of WIDE WATERS as recorded In Plat Book 17, Page 2 of o•E N �o the public records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Said line bears N 19'46'53" W. '- 8) No easements are shown hereon other than those de icted on th I t N DATE COMPUTER FIELD FILE REF: BK. PG. 15-121 Patricia Johnson exercise room FB 5dw —RE VISI0NS— BY DATE 1 REVISED TO SHOW AS -BUILT FORMBOARD SURVEY BKH 02/06/17 BY DATE FIELD PK 02/03/17 CALCS. DRAWN BKH 02/06/17 DETAILED CHECKED APPROVED p e PC . o searca, h the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist. 9) Elevations shown hereon are based on the North American. Vertical datum of 1988 (NAVD88) St. Lucie Co. FIL Date Init. Approved crl AS -BUILT FORMBOARD SURVEY PREPARED FOR: PATRICIA JOHNSON DATE: 02-06-2017 HORIZ. VERT. SCALE: 1" = 40' SCALE: N\A JOB No. 15-121.000 SHEET 1' OF 1