HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0378 ,\., 'I ,) ,.i")l...,' ':',:J I'. .,.,..',., -1':'/," ,:'" ,,","; If', . 'l:','~ :".JI )'1,,:' '~""'. il, i 'I , I r..' I :'(H' ~'I 'I '. I r. I:' -:---.~' ;,',' 36;' ~~~~'i~~:'::'~~~~~~l;~l~~:;~:,;L:~~T~I;,:~,~'~l.~t';;~:~'>~;:~'i~~:;:,'I:"/i' "~~~';~?i!;~-~r;\~.~~,f~ 1\. "I': .\' , '; :o.s', MILZ": AUP,HI5,: ..;:t~ f \'\ \:;:\., ,~~'" .'..",' \ i I \, ,~i\' ,'\ 'J.'s,~"':\1J..qKsoi/ \, /~ . .\,: I ' , <J.WI\, '}lLSONAllD H.,IS\'UPE, .,' , 'i' . "( . '.\ .\,1 '\" ,i .\ ,\ '.\ I' ' 1 \ Ii \. \". ~\':\ "f', '., i ,'\ \ \ w~lUw~~rl DEED' ,I \. ,', ""I I~" \'; , ;.~',. ,,\, ." \,.:: ,\ \ I ,~J; , ' ,i . \ ,. ' ," . . .' 1 ,~, >..' ',. ' . I" . '\' " " ' " ':'"' , . , i' .' :TRI~ pmrUTU3g"JJ811. 'th1si2th day or J1ebtu~);'y\':A. 1). -1926. IBBTWEF:.N 0.. Si~ .11&11&y\'ant1 M8r8arfi!~'" . .\ ~. ~ \ . .' \ " . _ \' " - . > \, ' ' \ . . . I . . _ . .' . -. \ J. ..; _' '. \. . \ .' '. . \. " ~ 'E.,,1H~e~,I..~I' 1;!~~, o:f .;h*.' ~Q.Un~~'\Oi:.S~l~t'~~01e' an~"$t~te;?f\Fl~r~d$ P{).~\tllee' o~ t~~'t1t:.t part,.~; " '~ > 'and,'J; .5. ,Jaok~on, a :s1.ngleman', ofl th~ eoim~y ,'~t.' ~t. lU'01,' and Sta,te 'o~ ,.'lorUa 'patt', of 'he, ' \ ~ \ I " 1. ~ '\ . . . .. \ . . '. .... \ . '. "., '. . " .~ .' . ,.' ,\ . . . \ '. \ '. , L8.00i1d,;'p'arft,tITN~~~ETp, 't~ali the' .8a1d pat-ties o'f ..the Ui':*~X'\t.. f~r,and ,:in oone1de.rat1on'of ,," . \ . . '0 . ,'_ '.". ',.,.... _ ~ . \ \ :. .:. . . .' ,.... . . '." . ~ ,..",; "'. .... ..{' '. ~~ _ \_ . > .... .: ~ , , '., ... the, 8umQfTElf poL,LA~S &: OTtlER GOOD, &: V ALUAB~E c01J~ll)ERA'l'IbllS ....to them 1n. ,hand: pa14. ,the i'e>oelpt "- . . '. . 0',., . .... -, \'- _-' :. '. , . .' . ~ , ~ . i \ ' , ..," ", , ' '.2 ,- '.' . .. . \ ~ .. '" ,: .~. .'. where,of;1s he'~eb~ao~no"lcidged,. hay,e' granted. .b'a,rgalne~. ,Ioldand ttan!-,~err.t1','\anabY"these" ......' ' ". ". '... ". . , .'.: , " . " -'.. ,~-: . . \ . -..,., " . -' -, '..,' .'" . . presents ,dO~ snrif blir~1n. s~'il ,aila: tI:ansfj!li' untotheSa1d'pa.r~, 'of the seO'QQ..d ~rt:", andh&-lts ,'. . .."." .~. ,-.... . '"., ,'. '.' .: . -" .:..". - ~. . . '-,', . - .' ". '. ."..'. ' '" '. . and 'a~s,1gns f9r~veraq,t~~t oerta,lnp~ro.,eLof ,1~,4 'lylng ant1 ~e1ri8'lIl, t:h.,qounty ()f St~ ,Luo,ie a~~ > s,tate~f"lO~id~. more.p8iUo\llarly. 4e8o~i~ea>as' follo'A'8; , Loti' ii'6u~,,(-4) ,'and',!1.~.: c,6fln " <, ,; 'Bl~~k T.~" (~O)' o,~~c~r~'onJ 8 .~~lt1on ,tQ: 'o~~".P~.~o.~'''i,~r~~~i' :'~,S.~~ll)~ ~.~' '(lOl,:~0;t!ri8~~:P' .-.' . : . '. ,.'- .. ~ . ........' ". .'-, yo . . !h1rtl';'P-n'. (36) 4o~th Rangei'orty f4,O))~68'.'A:ooorUngtothe ,pia\.'of :s814.8'ubdi:V1810'n"fllea in fob'.' ':i~iO' ,'Of, the' qlel'k ,of C1'roult '!o,ur't' . in', ~ri<1fOr'~~t.LU~1.?',~a.:~ ~ SUbjeot-to':a ~ort~eO:f t2,4001l00"reooide'd1il'.BOOk2i.. "~gelO3-'of'at. tu'Oh:CO\lDtY,i'eOor~e..'.: , \ "" ". .', '.... ,<.. ~'. '..' : ,." ',.' ',' ",' ,.,.,::'.. . I-.~' .' wh:lohpa'rty'of the.seoond ,part 6ssumes.and agrees, to, pay. ." " .... . :,':.:. : ,',- _:. " :,' ..' ;~. ,....., '.. '~'-'"." '. :'. ..~: .-", .'., .. -.... . .... ":.~. ~.:', , . '. .;, ... .. 'fOGETHSR '"l1;h.'ali. 'tan..ment8,'here~1t8~ents and, appurtananoee,':w!th n~'rf pr1vll~.@:e. right... 0'9 . . .' .'1>.. , ,'.)0 _' _ _, ':'.. ," ....' ..' -.' -, ' : ',,0;. ..., '~-'"l. ;. :., . ,'" ,.', '_ ..' :...., _ ',.', tltl.'.,intere~:t ',al1d.utate~,: dower' 81'1d rlght, 'ofdpWel'.' l'evers'ldn,' re~!nt1er. and. easemen't Jhere,t'O ;, ( ,b'ebngfng', or .In a~. "i,s,e app;e?~.ln1~:. TO HiV::,'AIiD>~ 'q~~D"nf,s8~e' intee 'fflmPle, :fo~,en'r,~ : :'4ndthe~~1d pa,r,tie~f: the t1r,8tpart4o, 'op,,:enbnt. w1tb~he se.1~pal't 'o.f the. seo~ndpar,t'. . that they 'are , la"'f~ilY, se~zed of"t1.8 ea1~ ~i"emlS~s, ,tha,tthey "ar.'free..ff'<?'m .1l'inoumbrancea . ~ . -1 . . ~ '. - . . ',' '. , - _ . ,- ,..',' ,," __." . -. . :"'. OJ '.' '.. . ". _ ~ . _ ' " . .'. .' .',,' - ~. ,_': and'tllf.l:tthey have good:ii;-ht aud la"ful a\lt'horltY..to',~,~ell ,th&., ~8n:~rad,th. Se.l.d :p~r~1&80f part do herebyf~ny '~rrautthetltl.. t,o eil1d lana', an,d wiLl,. defead, the '~ame ~ga11istt,he:'la.w.iUl...... '" ,oia1iz)es of all' persons who.mSoeve r,. I HE~~~Y C~~~.I~. That 9n this 12th-:48Y ~~ l'ebr1Lary;~. D. ~926, b.for'e me ,personaily, " appea'red, c. S~irllez and N.8r'faret E'. ~1iey )11&' "1f. to mekzio?n,t.ob'" the p4;ra'on~' d.u,or1be4' ....~.. ..' '..' ";-",':'.' -.,:'. > - -., ."". .~. ":. ..' ,~ ,':'r~.'- "", . "'.. , -,"~ "~.. in ai1~ iVh~ ex.outed' the foregUl1g' oOl1v.$>,ano. to '.J., S. Jaok80'b,.a lingle'man, and sne,r,alli. . . . - '" ~ :'1..',' ',aOl?1owledg~dth. ex~out1on ,ther,'of tOb,e ,t~~.lr trutiot aM ,ae'd' for ,the,\1ses' ant1~P?s'~S . there1nroentlone~ ;all~ the sa1d ua,~gar.t E. J.ll1ey .the wlfeo:ttne ,Sait1. C:. S. ~ll~y, o~ ' . " a se-parah ani! p~,lnte.x_arillJl~t1~n tak.n 'and ,made. by and b~fore me, and~ 8eparately an!!, apart "trom h~'r sald hU8band. d;d aOknO"~edge tha~shemad' h~:r~eif ape.rty 'to th~ said 4~~t1' of , . " I . Conveyance, for the pUrpose of renouno1ng, rell11flu1shiug and' oonveying all herr1ght.t1tle . , , " . ',' '~~..~. , I ' ~,'. . J, 4inn'ter'B~WremrO~ dO'lflr'orof s.~rat~ property, 8~at,,:to~y orequlte.ble, 1n anll to " . . ,-'. - . , '. . ~ -'., . - . .', ,.' ~ ". ~ the;16ndsther~ln desorlbed.. and tliat 8h~'txeouted.8ald t1eed freely and voluntarlly. and " ' " . , .. . j ',," ' '--'_.:....._~!f-~llout and o~nstrt,l.lnt ". fear, apprehe:Os1ofi or oompuleion of' or Iii-om her 81;j,~'cf husband.., Y1I?1n1S3 mY e1.gnatue' an~' otflol~l ~eal ~i PortP1erce' of the Oounty 0-1 Sal~lt Luoh and jState of flor1da the day e,ud year last.fore,S . i' I .. U~: t> . t f' . " ' : . ! . ,'" .: -\ " ( 1 ~ ,~ .~ ~J~ f . l. '. , i. ." '," , I j.... ,;.. ~. ~... , ~- n' " [ ',I- '~J ." ;,tJ..,' 1-., , .\ . , ,;. .' , i 'll,,: ' ',," ... -.'. , IU r:iTllRSS' \,,'qtREO~".the said parties U~he 'f~r.st'part have:hereuntose't theii':'lUl.nds' and; " . seuls' the day anci'yee.rabov8 wr1~t.~. , " ...' . '" ' Signed, 3ealU, alld',D,el1ver~t1'lri o~r pr~aence.".r -'.L>H. -Btew'ard ..C~S~Uiley (SEAL)' Ilargaret. Coff...' , ~ . Uargaret '&., ~!il~ey,t5EAL) '....~ o~ ',> J.,..w.. Pillson' '(SEAL) . ~lla B.Wlls()1i (SEAL)" .' ;. . '.' .; :- , S'l':.TE. O"~ORIDA. ~ ' COUilTY' OF SAIHT lUCIE- ., . '\