HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0386 I, ,</' ;' I" , . ~ - J I "i f ~ , I .. _.'t. '1" 1 " :' .'~" , .', ,.:-:;., !':l75" \ " '. ' , I j' '" 'I. 'I I+-, ~ "~ I "~I' r' ",' "'-,>' J' "I. 1 i ",1 ., ",I" I ' I "~" <, , " /,' · 't, ' ., ,1"1",'1,1,"1",1",, '\ i'f, ,'. '11'll I'.,"', ','.' ,",>,,:, " "",\:",,",",'It:~. ""';':'1" , ." . , " ' . ' , " ' , I, ,I 'L. \ J " ' " l" I I.. .;, ~~~? ',: "~::'~f~~~7~~~~v,,;;~-~~;~~~,;:'~~~'C:~~~-:;I:-~~~,~,~-?')::~~l'~'I, i, ~'~~'. ;,\-::Y::,07~~=;:~'";~~7h:-~~T:~::~;:C;~,~7=~~;::::',~ ','", \ " .S:I"1 ',\ 11 ~I ': :t : !, I :'" (el.00i"I;'~'il. 'stamp' oanoeil~d'-' ' ',! .:' 1\ 'j, , ',iI"" i..' '. , '" , '}' i .. '\ \:, I I' " , ,', " ":, ,"', I' \ ,', ..,\, \ 'I,' ',' 1 ,;' "I, \ ; I' \,1 ,I',. TOO~THER w'1thal;l the,tlenoments', her,e(atainents,~nd apPu;t'tenanoh.' with eye\"yp r1vllege','1 'I ... "I . . " ; '\, \',' . \ \', ,'\ ' \", , ,( \;", " ' \," :' \ I ' " \ , *t8h,t, . t,1tle, hit6~~8t 9:rl~ eeta~e,. F~v:er810ni, +emal,nder,and..eafi~rnen,t "the~?t6 .!>elo~1~ \ or 1n . '\ . .' ' 1" . \. . ~, . . \ ,\ alo"wl'se ap~brtain1l1Elr TO HAVE ANi> TO ~OLD, t~'e ,8~e in .tee simple" r~rever.' "I ,,' I ", \,' ,< I ' ,\ . \ " ' "'., \ "\' ' '" , ' , ,\' ~d the~a'ld\party' of t.~elfh'ut\~,rt d,o,th o~verinl!.t' with, the,\sa.,i~"~a-r~Y'Q,f the ~~.~o'nd' '\ .' \." . \, . ''i"." ...". " . " ,~ .' \ ." " ,_' . ~art that it h '1Qwfully- \seized o:t 'the ,a'ai~',pr~mi~es; that the~r are, :free of ai.l'ino,Umbr(J.ngea~' " ,,' , ,,' " ',; ,\,,;"", ,":',' '-,.: ";,,.~' "'.,-'-" am' .that'1t ha,~ gO,Od rlght,6:d 'iawf\i(a.u,t.hor;lty' to freli the. sam,e; ,a~~til(I',fHad:~ar,t~,..{)f th'e: ' "\ "tlrstpar1: does ~ereby fuil.(W8rJ~ntt~etl t1tle'.t,0:~~'l~nd.:and:~,w\11"defen~",tQe"8a~e 'against ~. . . . '. '. "" the lawful'olains 01' all. 'p~rspns 'Whomsoever." ' '.,' " " l.. . .... ....... \ , :.". , . .'. ,_ \ ," , IN'~'Ii:Tli;!;S:s 'WHEREOF~, thesa,1d ~,afty f>fthe'f1r~t pert ha~ o~used: thea,e: p~~s~nts t,o, be . ' . .'~ .', ,\ /. . . \ , '- . signe'd~ln ''its' nmneoy1tsPres1dent, and 1ts oorpo,r,ate seal t'o be aff1se.d. a,tte8ted ~y its t ,_. . ..,. .,', " .. ,.'._' - .'... .' "', . ," f.... . '" '. seore'~ry ,t.l~eda}'" <6Jld "ear ab,?v~ '..wrltt~.n. ',' \, " ',.. (Cbrporat~~ Seal), ~. ", . '. ~ :;, :, U",i' , ,\ ' , , i. ,\ " , , \,' \' '\ .' ~ ,~ ~ , ,..1 ,I J ,~ . 'PreSident,~ ,', :~ .~ ::1 , i .1 I i ',j f ,> 1 I I ,STME"OF ?LO:~IDA ! "COUlfT~ OF-ST. W~~E' ',,. " . ,...I . I ,HERE3Y, CZttTIFY,Tnat ,oil' thls1Sthd&.yof July A. '.~ ~ i~ 2~,'before me ,pe nonally' a~pee:red ; ", ". :', '0 .. :'#. ,~. "". '. ' '. '." . '. . . . '". .~. , . .' " J... ,X: Hill 'and, John ,LeRoy Hutchison r.espect,lvely l'rtls'ident' ,bnd. .~eoretary 'of Yer<, Finance 'a . .' . . ~. ., . . . - . .~ ", . . . . .t....". '. . _, .' ~ . . . _ _."' Q ." .... . ,IlD;ptov..em.n~Corporat1ona cor)o:rat1oli ,Ubd~r the. laws o:fthe ,.~ta~ of Flo~'ldato me'>knO'Nn to :be ' .".' " .' . ..1:.\. .\ ~ '\; . :'VERO, FIN1J-iCE: '&;, IHPH.OmtENT " "'':'"'. . .... "',; Bl" '" Jt.~ }.[. HUl ,'. , Attest: " John LeROrHutOhis<>n , '." seo~e 'ary,." ' ". ' "" 'I, ;'."'.. " . ,. :l ;". ~ . ~1gneCl.',SElEU~d, and De11v-e'red~n' i7 '.' .... . , '.- QU:rPres'ettoe; , ,\. ;, '~: ", Nellie M. Babb ' " .~ E. J_'Wood ~- n ~, . , , tlie persol1sdes(j~ibed in>and, ,WhO.. eX~c~ tad" , . .' ':." ," -.... ..-. . '. $ever~:Uy 8.dA.T,owledr.ed ~tle, e:xeo,u. tt.o~~~e,l'~of 'the u.s~s ,anupl,;,rpo'sesthercinmi.:ntlor;ed; and' oorporat1!>n, an~:lth'~.. salli 'in6t~ent 1s 'the~c.t Slid :deedof s~Jd ,c-orporatlon~ . . . . ." , , i f'ore~olng :90n...,eY,arioe;t!> Hotel reX',Q c.ompa.nya~ t }O,b~ '~heir~reea~t' ,aIidde,ed~ as 'sl.lch, of':'1c~~s,:' for," j . .,. I 't'l1a,t't!:16Y 'afii~edther~,t~th~ official seal of said' J , i I 1 I '.f -' , i'lITNZ$Soiy signairllre,and 01'~lo181 s6nl.,at ,Yero 1n the, Cou,n~yof ':)t~, Lucie' ~r.d.~tat~ of, , I I ',J , "I ! .' I' . . ~, 1; f'l , If :~ . ~! B il ~ , ~ , , 1 . . 'Nellie U, Babp , ' , "tS$Ur . ' >" ""l ,- . ", / { '. \ ~:, .'. P.. ~ee.1J L. \ iUoj;ary };lub11<i, $ta te of Flori~~ ,atlJarge.' . 'JJ)~OPm:nlBs1Qne~pil'~s L!8.y 28~'1925. , ....;..... , . , ..... j' ~'. * ,... . . . . * ~ . . . . . . 4 . . . ~ . . . ~~ 2~, l!25,~at 9:10 a. ~, p'~. 3", "St', ;"."J' ,t13 :~0 Ft. '~.' '. Filed for R~cor' May Recrorded in Hook 63, , COl.lnt~~~ records, " , 1>. c. '::ldred {' Ii rlj . 'D. " v. , ,. , ,- , ,II Clerk . * .. . . ... ,.'~ . ... . . ,.. \.. . . . . . . . . . . ' . .....'. .0 e: · .- ".' .. { " , , If I' . " , I " '