HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0387 , " " " :,' 3~7(r'~'--'" ~ , - ~. "'.<..' ... t;>..... . . .. I " '; -; " -,. 11 :-"!' "'- "I', '__-1.,1. "_1" 'j " " ,._.:t~~~'~~~:';~'I' "'~-'~'~:'l ',"~, - ~ ' 'I,'."" '.'"'I,t,, " ~~-'3""y._-:!..~ ~".' .., ~ _ ~_ _ " ",IJ ' '. I ' i' . .' ' I , :,' J :'> ' , "' Il~~H~- ':~-l:"H-~ -; ._~,~ 'li?: ;:-;~%-~~.,:.,-;~~~+ ---H I>',,~~,' It,!""." ',.",f' '\'li",'I,', ; , "':' 10 .~.. ~ I ~ 1 .' ~ i ' . t. I I \ f( t. , . I I \.:... . . . l':': ""1',,:,[\ ';'. i~ ";i .A.-:Cl'RE,~,~~;lfT:~ I', '" I,l ,,",IL', I. I, '.~~I~ ).dRE~,,1~,Tmade'\~,n<!',,'e~,~, .~r9dj\lht~.' ~hd, '~, 2~~,\day 01' E,lU:~h" ~. .D/ l:9?6', ~y ~p~ \bet~~'.e,~,\ ' \' ',' ,I . \' l _ _ _ . _' ' ~ . 4"1 -. - i \ . \ \ t ' . . 1 . 1 \ ;,~o-a6"N'.b.JOllESof\,the' 'ccluniy of New Yo,rk~ State 'Qf-1ie'w York, herei.paf'ter' r~i'errecl t~' as ,th~ \ "', '.' ' .L." \ ", . 1,.-,';' '; I, >..".. " '-~ "". ." .'\\ .. ....\. ", \ .", \~, ,.- ,;'.\ \ .~', f' ~ ;.. " '.'. , VeMor. 'and 11. D. :Dolia,n" ri-t,the c'ounty,of Dad,e,' '8t8~e,'of F1C?rida;~ her!iinafto'rrel'orrOd\~o as\,' ;', \ '\ . \ , . \ .' ~\ . '," '.',. . ". \ \. . \ the' -nurohnser.! '': \ , \' \ ,,' . \ ,~ . _', ",',_ \. t . '\' . . ~ \ \ .' \ - '. ~ \ ~ . \ , \ . < . . \. \ \ \. '" , : , \' ..,.i~~T~iESgr;TH~ that the, Vendol',hereby, fo~s6nt9 :nd sgr~es t'o se~+. upontl:le tl;lrtnS. S:'1Pula~~\' ;:ed tlelo..","and~ tb.e ~ur~ha~l)r\:hereby .a.grees-:n~,d ,promi.ses, to pU1'oh,nse, ,.4 oertain, paroel of re~l ~ \ ,,' ,,'.. \~ ~~'. < -\'. , ". ~. \." .' \ . . - \ . '" . "'., . \. . ~statesit\lateand. be~n€',1n~he~\County, ,of, ::i~\w.ol.. St"ateot, Flo1;'lqa. ~d, more' llar.,t1oula'r"l~. de~~~'l~ed:~s to'now~ft'o'Wit:" "\' ",':, ,C, ". . . _ .'..' .' '. ~_.,.~~c'_c...-,,_..._ _ . '. .' \ \ ',' " ,~" .' ,.... \. . _ i,tn 'Seo t1c)~ 'flm~" '(4l'. ~'OWn8hl'P. Thlrb-:-seven,' ',(;:..; ), S'6\l,th" R~nge,?~~tY.,~n~; ~ast (.lE) 'f;.'n'd- part ,ot L~t,NUmoer '~'ou~ (4-)-. d~gi.n-rj1nt ate. st~ke or;the North 1ineofe. U~aCt,Of ': ~\ "\', -.. ..'...... .-,' ":,' ,..;." -~. " ',' . .'; .' ~'. ..,."- .' ..... ,'-'. .......-. ~'. ".'-.' .........-.. . ..'c,:..... ".' l8il~ 1'o,rme'r:g~owned' bY}'.hOJnas 'E. H1b~on..andat ~~!,!water 'line, o~',st~':lu~eSound,;'th~~,~e ,~n south~'Si]c,t,~,~.,en" (:67{Degree~~' \."Q8t' 'alo'ng', ~he' Nor~~'11ti~ or.' >sa1~' 'f.ibbQ~8 'l'+a'~t. :late,r, :t,!'!e: ". . , ". " . ~ " -." . '. ..' . _.'. '. , '.",'. ,- ..' , . .: . t ' "_ , property 'or a'.' 'i. . ~~iohar.i,s;' to.the 'right 'o,t:war 0:f":the:1'lor'iuaEast:C08,S(Rf;\11Wuy; "ru~ .thenoe, _ . -. . .. ~. ." " .. '" ' . " ". ",. - :. . - - '... - _ ..' _ _.." "f .: . ~ .; . ... . " i ' . north,,&st.erl;/,e.long the'~ast 11n!' ,of 'the-. right o~r'. way o~, sald ra1l;wuy: some, 5:.~ ohains to the , ", ", " ," "~Outh"ltdeofa'I' '()t'ot>land 'bought'tiy'C~ b.. RObl.n~on fr'om il.,t'. R1ohai'ds 'theMe lun Nortll ," '::":/Slxth~~even: '( 67) . ,grees'East~iQi1g ~the,'~o~ih .l:~~, '~I'the :t+8ot ~bt;ught.frcm 'lUoha~~s, 8.hli 'alone .. ..' ,,' . 0', ' "" ',' ,_,~'.", ...._. '. "~~... : .::'_ _'._:.' ...." _ _'.. .. " ';':'. ..' ._'_' ,".:,'; ,"'~'.." . ~';"". the ;)outh Une :of,the clurchiot to: the, wa ters'edge of st., L\u!ie Sound ;-:the'i1Qe lun'gqperally '." . , -:-. '- - . ""' ' . '-;: .,' ". .. . "'~ .' " - :, .-.' -- . - ' '" . ':....': >. -' .' , ' -, '. '. :.' ' . 'SOu~h,.~3'd~g~ees E~,st '" o~~me,~n~~ri~e . the,' wll.~ei's e,dg,eo ~'~,t<. LuOiO; Sound ag~in. 6.20 O,ha1 r.s ,,',. to 'the ~01nt :~of: ll"e,ginn1:nl?; ill<;ludipg'the, dweln~ 'house, o~ th6USCS arid imp~'Q,ve,l!i3hts, ;arfvlel~" ,. I, ,and seals t th1s'Z;'r1 duy of. J.'~l'ch, i.D. l~G~. I', I ..'..... .;,\-....;.' - -,-.~. OJ4_.<;-.,,~ _(', I' 'I 'I, _, \ , \: .. . .:. d" as ~he 'l'1:pnr1a'irr,lehts. " :--- -.... - . - . , .' '. .. . ,: , "'iRE ptm.G:rAs~;p;UCE~~' s.Md pnrQ(Hot;.'.landsh~'ll:be' 'l'\'ren1;Y'-one T~?~s'and {~21',O(0), -Dol:-nr8,~, ',::," ,':'~l' ,to: be paid in" the.1'gHo.Vrii'jg ma~.r; r'1VeHund~d (~;~OO ) Dollars 'Gash., ~s ~arn~st.-,mohe~i, recelPt"'L~~' of w(ilCh'1S 'heNDY ,&'ok~owiedi,}d; Sl9( 'l'hous~nd: j"he H~dred ,(~6,5001 lJoi.lar~, ,upo'n de1'hery\i:t ':", '.~."1 ., ~~ '. ... -----=-- ,:_-----." . :---_._~-. ". . .' '. "'';. . -..- ',rOod-end s\.lff.1olmlt wcrranty de~d,- ti~' PUl'clt8.-~"'l'!'8.gree~U1g',t-o~asuume a mOJ."tgr..g8 now ,aglllIist'-:, . "., -.' -.,..... .'. , s!'11dproperty in ,the su.ni Oi", '.i~en"Thou88n(\ L':lveH~ndred ($lO.~OO) Dollah~f.' paya,~le ~ one. , .' . . . I" '. ., '. ,"" , , . .- . . " ,'. -: . ", .. > - . two find three'yeariieqUal~~8~al~f.Jmt,. "" ~e~r1n~,l.nte!est 8. t; ,~h~ 'n ~e of: b7'" per<:'~~m, .pay:-:" ,aPiC: SlJuil~~.ua),~y~ 'And also, a~ree,~g t~, ex.eou.:e 4', seoo.n~"mortga8e,l[, the s>~mof ~'hrEH{ Tho\{~' , "sand i1v/j' Hundted' (.f3,500) DOllar,:. lii tav'or 'ot'th,g" Vendor, ' Said Mortgage ~o ,b~, seou+ed by . .~, . , I , 'Qf tln~..andb~arltig 'lJ;lteNst at' the' ra:te'of',87~per ,e,nnum,', pa)'<.:.ol~ semJ-:annlia':"ly.: , .' . .. .' '. . :-' . '. '. . two"prol'3issolYPotds. of,equf;\l &/UO).Ult, :pE.:labl'e in 'one"aridtwo" yearsfro!:1~ato" of trans:eer" . . . .:> . . , ,. ,IT, Iil-VI,tl'IIF.;it UNDZR~'l'QOD iJn) '. '. ""GRE;!.:.o that an a bstrao~ ? ft'1t1eshall, be fui'llls~ed, the ;..... ~ ' . . .. . purqhase:r atthe"earl1est.pos91Dl.~ rnO;1ent and tru,the 9l).ali~e allowe,dthlrty (00) 4ays for, 'examining suld '1t. st'rUme'nt,'anu cioslng'. If nttho, ex.piration ,of' t~;:Thitt.Y,('W,)> da;':s.aUowed 'r()l' e:"llIl1~ne.tion~0i'~iIl1d tit16', the purchriberl~ not SbtlSf1~d' w.1thtie title, theeJl1'nest . t , ' ". . >,. . ~ '.' 'i};: ,." mone~: ,he1'01naoo-'/e ,'p!lU-, shD.U bi~. r,ef~ndedand.thfs ,coll.tl'actshall bc<;:omo nutl on-:?!, vold'. ' IT IS' F'JRTLiEllU:ID7;]STOOD ..Ji:; 'JiG1::ZD thu t' 1111 tuxes ,and l:.~se ~~~e.nt9' sh;il: ,~e pro,-l;a:ted' . ' , . - . . ~ ,aa of' date of tre.nsfe~of U-tie.and the 'lntore'st on f1t,stlno rtga.ge being assu:ned,~'by, the' TlY,rE; " ., . shall al.so be pro..;rated as or d.l:::.te o'~trans'er oft1tle, , , ,." ,'" \:J " ' > , ' IS l~D~ ,t(h~ as'senoe, ofthl.s 'a:~reeClent and lnthe evant that ,the t:ermsof this , , . purchaserj " :. ~ ~ , { " agreament. are vloltited., the e~neat rp.one~ here~nabove pald: shall (;0 to t:.e 'purty not in' J default , and ':'HIS ,i,.GREE!~;T sha.ll extend to and tIe obl1.t1~oMt ii;:on !thel heirs. executors, assigns shall not ber&corded' the respectlve kUrti$s he~eunto, Bnd " . ~ / ~. LuoieCo~ty, &t4te t;>t :lor1da. leg~l ~~~ra3ent't1vaaof in the' publ1o"1'eOol'dsof 3t. I III ,1I'i'NZSS ~nr~iU;OF. t~c'suld' '/endoJ; anclthe , I l-urohaae'r have hel'euntl> set their ho.n~s ", , L': -