HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0395 "~R4 'I. I' "'1, ':, . 1 ~:~-;-'+-_' " ""~Ii"'." 'i I ' " . \ :," I I " ", '< ;, - " t, ,,: ' H I J0~ , I~ ~,.'_~": ,t::'.. ,I. ',. ,.",~~ ", ~,.-2~.' ..,:1, ;'~, ::'.'-:"'l'~""'-"\ ; ',I~"~~I;,::,",t~,I",:?..~:,il' . "'~T"'"""""'~"~~1"'1-"~' _ . . '. . the Y\l'l"pose' or . r~n-9\1nOlng J · rel1~u'lshi!lg find <lon'feyin{; t; 11 h,er, l'igh~ ~,lt1t,le 'end/interest, ' '. \ ~;'I"', .~\ __, . : I, " ',\,i.,l' ~I",I' ," "I, "'1"\"\'\, ,;.."1' ", '( . ,> wlle the;r ,o.f dower, \ ~om,e1J,teM, o~ 'Of ,$epq.ra t~ 'pft)pert,y, I s ta tlu tory .Ol~ equi table ,\ tri. ~nd ,to tlte I '. ,'.\. " "":,, ,\ C" "',_,,__ ',I" "I",~ "; \ II \ ',,' :.. \ '. \ ',', ' " ',\..' ' ,:.- lEu1~,S:i d~$Orr~e~\~~,~~'~1r", '~~~1 t~a ~ \~~',e\,'ex~~te~, t~~\lHlid, ~~It'd\' tt~~lr 1 an~ ,:VIf,lullt~f.~l~r ~nd ~'~I~ \~;~: i, "ou.t, uhy' compulsion, oons.tl:aln.t~ fipv~ehens.io.n..o..rt:ear, ot or troll\ her said lnUlQand'., ,\, ' ' ..' 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(io) f;l.c.ree mo~'e ,01' less, o'f' theFE1,1SL~:u: ,l-iAiU.!SCOMf ~J{Y~S'jlJ.BDI'II:-iI.Olr of al1ur~su.riey'ed part' "'-:' . - '". ,-, _. ." .... .' '," '.., ~~_ ," '.'." ", _ t' .. .- .' . . -. '. .... - '. .... 01: ,~own;hi.p Thl'rtY-'one' {~l L ,;)OU~h ;.' .\ange' J.'hirty~eeVlJ~ (;:)7'> East,' aoo~)l~din'g to.. the' :.?ia.t.' of' , ' ,',' ,," . " ..., ,'" ", '. ,sllid~ubdi v1siOnflle41~L,the':().ftlce of the: -lork o~ :,:the ;:11'()1li't-~ vO'J.:tt 1~ ~i1d fcir:.3~,Jd Coun-;y ~ '-on'the~eventh d[';6t,j~_.:!"j. ~91.1', '~nd' re'corde,d ar.;onc t~e'p~1>J,lQ,.records. '01" bald Q'oun1t:.F,.- '.'- '..~,.- '-- ~ 'of,]'" .' , () , , , ' " ~,in P1,at,13ook 2,pas..l"ei1.2; - " ..:-:--..r-- , . . , -,. , . " - . - '. l.nd.'the', sdd: pal.;tles 'Qf.' th-~'~frat"pe 1'1;: do .hei;'e)>:: l'ulh' wurr:.n~ ',the t,lt1e to'. " -----....-.-_.__.~. . - -.' --. - '. . ~111:, '.defelld-' the ~~e _ H~~nst-~-t"~'G"-~B>vrUl clrit~.s." o~_.a.~~r.so.n' ..:i;1\om9c(Jv'er.~;- ~. . _,.~ " _ . i . __ _ ; _.,' .' _ .. . .' t _ _ . , . . _, _. . ,.IN i'rT~~E?S ....ffi'~R:Olt~.~h6 8C\~ p:;i.:t1es'of'thef1rst p:,rt"'Jl'.,ve eie'c'..4ted'these " . .' sola lnn1. ond . . ~ > presents t~e' d'r:yand year firs t :'8. cove "'f!l.~ten ~ ' , (t.50'1,., '.~. statttp oanoe~le,d')--~- -:',. ::ar1 e H" 300rd -,-~ (;';~i.Lt ~--- , . Clarence' r .-":300 rd. .' ( S~Ji.1J --.-' --=--~- .:>ignod.. sealdd and del1v~rud ,in thu p;'6senceof : Floyd ~. dl'itton '}!erx7 3. .drel1n ,,/ ",'-- r - -'. ,----,,"';" '-' - -r-__,~_ , , ~ ,,-~----,--"--><----,---' 'J ' { "-,~,' ',' i . i . :l SThT:: 02, lLUr:bI,; , ,s C lWTY OF' GOO;: . . ., ~. I ., ',., 3:'; n r:::O,'im, Th,at I.. Gnl.oe :~ushrqrd, l\otLrY,l'U.b~rO i1r;nd fo~the' y.tat~~"'~sa~ ,__j)O~~~R:~ 5! CSRTI?Y, toa t )L,'UE ~:{ ":' ,jOORD l.;,r~CL'.1'.::llCE. ..3001;), who r6: . , , . I '. . ._ _' ' ~igr.ed to the foregoing'deed.. purao'nl'.;lly oppeol'od befol'0 me-this l' ~'J',ln said -, ,-'oounty ant t. ; nam&s are . ' Sta:e cnd oounty. t::lld f.l.okncm10dc~d to and before ~9 thd 'tile.>-; exeouted 'dad Q.oed a'nd that'! ~ , ...' ~ ,. " ~ " - ~ ' - - . . I -.. . .. . l' the stune is their fre&a.ct, !..l1fl deed, [:n1 that said exo('1.lt1oITuJ,I"ltl f/a3 for .cth,'L\.L;@D r;n1 .1 ----'""" Lil,i 'eypre~... -t~. -~-"~------- - -.- ..---c----~- , "