HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0399 ~. f It .. ~." ...,.a. :,,- ~'LI'," i;'~_~.,~:--t " . ~ -', t I"' !. . ...' . I . .' j -: I. f.' _(' r' . 'I, ' . r ,'j. I ,,~i, , " I ',: :.. I, . 'i . I ' . I. " "I' I I ,I ,", '" I . (', " ) , , I ' .' 'I, I, I ~ , . I" I. ,;', ',# I I ' I>' ,I I" t 'I,' "I I\;! I,'} 1. .' , , .. I, . I, ' ' . , I' , , " ,~~, '1 t ~. ~:~rp.t~:'" ~t'iJi~. t~~t~T~ ~,d,\t. ~l, ,t\~ ! ~~;~; . '~~ '. .:~i,~' ~" i~~;?'~~ r~ ~t1,O';~.;' ii" rt~tip';.:' '\ .,~, ' , t '\ ',',' \ ", ' ""... , i' I " ,\; 'I" ',I" '\ " "., II \ 'l~l,~d\(6nd~1i1b,n:~'\.a\s ~~e':~'r t~:~ e,~~re~e)oon,G1"e\~\aUollPI 07, th~,s~'pre.s~nta( ,,:'1.\1 :. '\ /' '\ j'" \':,.' 'l " . ,I l~c:~NO residenoe 'sha\l~ bel'er~ot~d.\ ,ot'aopsh"\lJt~d ',onthat~port1rn "ot eaoh\l~~ lo'Q Ix15P "front.' . \ ' \ \ I, , " I,,' I" ", , I" ,,\, I , " ,,\': ",' \, \ "\ 1 " ,I 1n~'lo~S~1~,1S~_!3lV~~1 o,r ',&.l,e/~B ~o.st'th~ )~3~QOQ~?b ,~d '~~l.I'reSldenQQs'\lnl~~~d lSa.r~~lilh \3hl\,~1 . ',.,' . ' " # .' I, ,\ " ;' , . \ '," ,I, ,', ' ".', \ " ' ' , ", ,\ " ' \ . .. po ,co,~s'truoted' ~:f coral Ii"OO~t' oonorete, ~tuoc~, o\~norote blO,c,k. hollow', tile " \ brl,ok '\or,9ixe~' , \' II ~',': ',',', " " ,\"" y. ,,\,' ",\', . \,.., \',' ,.,,1,1 , , oon.s~~'uotlont ,6~,vfineered.,\'tit~ :"o;,alroo~~ 0, ~l''10k" or. \f:rv.,tne, ,?~nee,red ',Wi th ~$tUOC~~ '~d ~\hl;ll\', .. ' ,', ", " \ ~e 'nio'ngSp~~t'sh ').{O?ft~hl ,Vene,~'lan or' ~~mUnr ~a,r~6nibu~,- type~ '6fa1'oh1teet.fre, 'tl~1 th~, ato.te~i. . " \, \ '. ..' '. ,-, ,-', " .' . ." ", - , . , - - ,,' . '" - \ . " ~. " , . ,'. - ',-'- ' -' , \ ' \ '. : _:' sb.ld' amoulit shAll be ao~uq;1..).y expended on4c);>ns1a'\1Qt10n and~reo~lonofau.oh 'bi1llding a)ldnot '\' ii . . . ' . . ~. \' ' ,"' - ,-", \ ',_\_. \'. .!'()<r, ~e~s' ~n conn~c.ti,on th:~ewl,th.: " . \, :": , " \, ,'", , '~:': :,' '. : ',3. . 'b.e, ~o~~truot1on. oro.reotlon~f,~. bUlldl~g ,i~ Lm;i tad. t,o~ne'~~'~lde~Qe1\IlJl,d'O~~, .p~,iT8:te 'garage on' eaoh lot, &.s,'d~.aignated a114' "sltownQ'n pla't 'of .;~a~vill,aparls:a~.i'8'c'~rdeiil ,lnplat".. \. ~. ,. ", " ""~'" '\' :. -. - " ." ': ..;'" ,- " ."," ~ ; '. -. ". . - '.--'--';---c~-' . '. ~ ~~ boo}t. 5 .page.>),~,,;':fth~ Saint Luoie County 'reoorda.' ", \ " , 4~', '.~h~,t, ~o' unla~~l< or ,l:n'"orll 'us~ sha'll' b~' ~Me of tihe"prem1s:~s, h~~eb.y ),e oonveyed',' no,i-:~J " , Al.~il t.lleaame' nor ~ny,part t~l'e~fJ'nor i:u~.jnt'e1'est 'cherhn, he ..a:old, lOfi.sed O,l"ot~l'J::,'../iae'., . ,,:\,' : .': ~:',':;,', ',< ", ~ , " " ' " ',' ' " ." , : ':. ",' '" .:, " Mnveye,dto~ny- 'pers~n' 'otq,er:thcm ()f"t~e C&uoao1an' rr.oe, p';.'ov~dedtljnt"r.~,th1N;',h,erei.nc,op~ ,.' '. , .' -' . . . , . . '.... '- ~ .," . . ~,.' - .' ",'''. '. : .' . ". . . -. '. " "',' ; .' . '. " '. .."." , :'. ',' ~. talnod shall' prtivent the' keepin6 and Ilia.intaining of servants on ,the, said property for l'eason- =' ; . . .. ',' -J". . '.' .- ~' . .. _ _ .' ... .. . . , , , .1 .! i .! <oJ 'I ,.' ',/ "I' , ' ' , " -, \ , , , , :,.!,.:.-.:,i~_'-\ ; 1"; Il..tteet: I a.If,Ha-10o seoretar-;r , I ' I .{ $5.00 I. '{. \ , I I'j , "\ "'\ . " 1 \ ,\ \.... , ~ ;.: able .tam1:1Y\l.S8'oi-'., 6.: Olio . building oom...ionly knoWn ~ . . . :. . 1 .. ., ','-'. famlll,' n't,i" e:s-.rl~~~'t '~n()r, h~~pl tal e. s art r shaH ~partm~.n~.', ho1,ts~',t'o~ \()~~upat\on'Of. nore,' th~ ope ,; ve ~~e~ted or u&~d for BUeh PU~p~g~~.on,a~y l~t,or '~ lots in W.a.ravlil8:t e'Xoeptthat4e,~igned'f~~.b~Sine~s 'p'ioper~Y,bi p~ty ,o'f f'llTtit part.: . ,_ '_ .'. . ". . ",.." .'~l. .: ,.,' .... _ . . . ...... .,..). , 6. Tha.t 'if' said se.ccind, paI,'ty, ,1.tssuQeess.ors" ,pe1'sonaI reprlHlentat,ivos, or a.s,lig}1st ,0:1' ,apy. . ,holder o't"no~(h:_'s' ~~ th~Pl'OI)e,rtY;'~~~bY oo~Vey-8'd, 'by 'virtue'o'r'a~y ;~diCi-a.l'_p'r,oOe~ding~ 'eil'all; , . .' . ~ . .. ' : ~ "- " " . . , f'~tl t~. oo~piy wi th ~ny of the ,ab~~,e ~_nd 'fo'reg01ne:;;estri c'non9.J:~COl:dit,10ns" or l1nd,tatfons " ' " , . ,'" "',,' , ," ' , ' ' ,,: ,"" . ' ' , Wi th1.!l sl'xtyd&y~ :E;f"er,wr1tten,not1,oe. to tl}e:'sali .seoo:.dpafr,;..', JtsS\ioc~ss:6rst 'pe~eor:al ... ~. . I' : :, " ',,',',,'" ~ .'1 '".I, " " ~ . " . . . . . .. repre::enta t.1.'i~B :01', a i;tsl:~ns" 0 r~!lY" 6r,them., 8. t I-'t. ?ier0i),~ na. its last, known. address, :by , ,,~, .,' , . i', . 'the sald,1> arty of tne'f.1.rst p~rt. itss:uoo'esl:lors.. per.:-H;m& ~ r.~pl'e l:'en ta'tl"lesor 'e.ssl'gn~ t or ,~ either o,t ti1em,thcn'.. the,Safd; 8;oove 'd,esor'~bed ~ari,j:a"6nveyed' prop~riy 8hal~et\19:'te~ly r~ver't~-'7 , ' ~o . the saidfl rat p~'rty,' 1ts13iooe saors 0 I' assigns, whosilall oe entitled toin";:l~d 1~ te l~ ' . . '.. ..~ - ~-' ~~~ .' ' . , ~. . , . . ' . - .,'. .- '. . - . :.... '. tions, l1mi,tati()DsOl"r_e..strictloQS, expres~ , , ,'I.. ,," ' ," . to,enforce the :'nne,~hn~r conq,t1t~te.&.bar'to sU:cheritoro~ment'at.any't1~e",' ,', .,', , ' 7'; 'fhat the,p'art:/ of the' ,n~s:t- pui'.tj, ;tB'SUClCIHs~ors t 1m~ to - tim.~ " to"re~ease' t:n:r. of. thEi a.b01(~:Cor<'ore;=::.' l~g . . .. - , ~ -. - . , . . ' ....." or::a~::il'ns~ shallha:ve'the lTig~~'~ t.' :fr()m l'e s, t;l ction~.' ~~r:d'i{io~~' o~l1riilt~ t'-: .. . .. . . ~ . '. . '" , 4. . ' . . " . ~ons' by ee a.l~d' lnst?-'lu:ien t dulyo:xecl,lteil'ln: aco ordapoe'l~ ~h the laws"of' theStu:te of, Flo~ida." . ' . .' ", ' ~3'O _ ;'- ,,' o'for the ,00 n'lej~ncc6 f; ;eo.L~ sta;te'; ';In) ':H:~ 'Sl.lDP;~1TY ,oF',lr:FI~s( 'h..RT" ,fori tee).f;,i ts succeS,;30rl:l ani' usslens '., does', . ,t - ". , . . here by covenimt. nn'), >8t!ree ,',;ith th~ sH~d pa.rty of'V).e Gecon~ part" its suooessors n.J;'ljasskns, , ' " , -" 'inth.; t()'llow1ng'm8~~~r~' 41' c.~ 1~ci'tatl~ms a:~ $~n1t,ti'on's' aIUill b~ ,inoluded }.{ura;n),a. ,except i lb. that po~lon set' a.},art "', 1. 'That the above' ani foi'ogolng restl'i'ot~ona. in all deedae.nd &gret!monta' 1'o,r-deed in.:. the said tor buaine'ss punoses. " III ','{ITiES>~ WH;';;l:-:OF. the st;j,1.d pai'~y U trio' first part has cb.uaedthese preaents to be I signed in its nUr:le by itq fresldent, find, irs corporate seal to affi:xed,l at-,estedo;r its ,;..-: aoove written. I<ElSWIIZ REi.J.TY COMP.JiY '1 By :i'a.ul v.Snns' I . .president. (lJorpo ..J ~ . "i II' ~;:-J-~ . j''>'''' , " ~ 'Y -: ~. - ~... .... ....- . ~ 'I