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MASTER -E M P-F, ► PENTAIR Alh? V la��, t.v1,�Y,iNf4a 1��' e �, t vv, 54NO5, "W8 % 'ow P Es, 0, , A NiASTF_P,TENiP` HIGH PERFORMAN E HEATER pentairpool.com a NO MATTER WHAT YOUR CRITERIA FOR TOP PERFORMANCE AND VALUE, THE MASTERTEMP° HIGH PERFORMANCE HEATER MEETS THEM ALL FAST, EFFICIENT, COMPACT, QUIET SAFE AND ECO-FRIENDLY No matter what you're seeking in your With a hot surface ignition (no pilot light) swimming pool heater, the MasterTemp and pushbutton, digital controls, the heater measures up. Compare this list of MasterTemp heater is as easy to operate as your home heating system. Plus, features to any other and you'll see why user-friendly indicator lights make system MasterTemp heaters are setting a new operation and monitoring a snap. standard for total value. The easy -to -view, rotating digital display • Very compact design for such a high places controls front and center, no matter how the MasterTemp heater is positioned performance heater, allows for smaller on your equipment pad. overall equipment pads that won't intrude on your poolscape. MasterTemp heaters are engineered for • A fully pre -mixed system with a highly super -quiet operation and won't intrude on your poolside leisure time. efficient air and gas mixture lets the MasterTemp heater heat up fast. No long A tough, rustproof composite waits before enjoying your pool or spa. exterior handles the heat and weathers • Compare energy efficiency ratings and the elements. you'll find MasterTemp heaters at the Eco-friendly, the MasterTemp heater is top of the list. Comfort and economy certified for low NO, emissions and can go together. outperforms industry standards. POOL SIZING' • Safe operation is assured through a series of features, including: a water pressure switch that senses the pump is running to prevent overheating, high limit switches assure the heater turns off if water temperature exceeds factory -set limits, manual gas shut-off when service is required, stack flue sensor also guards against overheating. • Approved for installation on combustible surfaces. Don't be left out in the cold with heaters that don't measure up to today's longer list of must -have features. Insist on MasterTemp heaters and you're insisting- on better performance and lifetime value. 'mow-, :a "ems ri; -,�' g v` = a of a �� # y� Heater Size � s �e Beater 900O MIR ss4�e3:A v3:" Te`peraturerf`Mo eliModel, INodelf; ffiMoile"l F Model �MotleModel Y�od'el' Modei' Mbdel -t,'°.�u�r-� is ,� . a� �. .�c H'm.` �h �• � � ..,'� r� - LC•250/2 ����` 30 %sr4 I P 75� 200 250 50H0 m �0/4' 24Hrs 4Lr'i���,�v,- �1"^g72 u k a . n r s '! sP�oolCagacity in Gallons c; Pool Surface Area inSgFtftiat 5.5''©,epth ' P 5 t E.,; 85,2102364 7,383. , ? 12] 729 _ 146 075 :1"94 766 Z 069 2955 3546'` 4727.. 10 42.605 48,691 !60,864 73,037 97.383 1,034 1,182 1,478 1,773 2.364 `15 28,403 r 32,461 ?40,57b 48 692 64 922 690 788_ , 985 1182 157b 20 21,303 24,346 130.433 36,519 48.691 517 591 739 887 1.182 19 477 24,346 ' ,. , :_ 29 21.6., ;:38 953 414, 473 591 ;. 710 :,. .. ,945 30 14.201 16,230 20.288 24,345 32.461 345 394 493 591 788 . t 35 r-, 12,173 13.912 ;-, 17i390„ - . , 20,868. 27 824 : ' 296 338 4.23 507 ` ' 675 40 10.651 12.173 15.216 18,260 24.346 259 295 369 443 591 'ASME models available. See your Pentair representative for details. ►� PENTAIR MASTERTEMP® POOL AND SPA HEATER INSTALLATION AND USER'S GUIDE . p, 4 FOR YOUR SAFETY - READ BEFORE OPERATING If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may result, causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. For additional free copies of this manual; call (800) 831-7133. t FOR YOUR SAFETY -This product must be installed and serviced by authorized personnel, qualified inpool/spa heater Installation. Improper installation and/or operation can create carbon monoxide gas and flue gases which can cause serious injury, property damage, or death. For indoor installations, as an additional measure of safety, Pentair Aquatic Systems strongly recommends installation of -suitable Carbon Monoxide detectors in the vicinity of this appliance and in any adjacent occupied spaces. Improper installation and/or operation will void the warranty. 1201240 VAC NATURAL GASILR GAS `'':'• Models Natural Propane 175K BTU/HR 460792 460793 . ems.• - ,,...,, �,M;.�;.{ ��4 r '- ' ¢� 200KBTUIHR (ASME) 461000 461001 -' ,;•;,r::; 200K BTU/HR 460730 460731 `" ' ' ... 200K BTUIHR (HD ASME) 461032 250K BTUIHR 460732 460733 -- +' '=`; :,� r,+ • •_ - — r•+t " 250K BTU/HR (HD) 460806 - ^ <, 1xlzi� ' 250K BTU/HR (ASME) 460771 460772 :'Y:.,,•,, ' ^7;`` LL ''`` ' 250K BTU/HR (HD ASME) 461020 - 300K BTUIHR 460734 460735 400K BTU/HR 460736 460737 •4•:,,�`� �,�+r '•u� r 400K BTUIHR (Ho) 460805 - '''` A: 400K BTUIHR (ASME) 460775 460776 3 400K BTU/HR (HD ASME) 461021 -"tn'u v"1• y n Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause `4 propertydamage, personal injury or death. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS • Do not try to light any appliance. FOR • D6 not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building. Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. YOUR Follow the gas supplier's instructions. SAFETY ' If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. DO NOT store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or other appliances. , PentairWaterPool and Spa,Inc. 1620 Hawkins Ave., Sanford, NC27330.18001831-7133or[9191566-8000 10951 W. Los Angeles Ave., Moorpark, CA93021. [8001831-7133 or 18051553-5000 �r "' CONSUMER INFORMATION AND-SAfETY•. AWARNINO - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission warns that carbon monoxide is an "invisible killer". Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas. 1. Carbon monoxide is produced by burning fuel, including natural gas and propane. 2. Proper installation, operation and maintenance of fuel -burning appliances in the home is the most important factorin reducing carbon monoxide poisoning. t 3. Be sure that fuel burning appliances such as heaters are installed by professionals according to inanu.. . instructions and codes. facturer's 4. Always follow the manufacturer's directions for safe'operation. 5. Have the heating system (including vents) inspected and serviced annually by a trained service technician. 6. Examine vents regularly for improper connections, visible cracks, rust or stains. 7. Install battery -operated carbon monoxide alarms. The alarms should be certified to the requirements of the most recent UL iAS, CSA and IAPMO standard for carbon monoxide alas. Test carbon monoxide alarms regularly and replace rmdead batteries. GENERAL SPECIIFICATIONS NOTICE: • Combustion air contaminated by corrosive chemical fumes an damage the heater and will void the warranty. • The Combination Gas (Control Valve on this heater differs from most appliance gas controls. If it must be replaced, for safety reasons replace it onlywlth an identical gas control. • The access door panels must be in place to provide proper ventilation. Do not operate the heater for more than five (5) minutes with the access door panels removed. This heater is design certified by CSA International as complying with the Standard for Gas Fred Pool Heaters, glRar�d7s fended for use in heating fresh water swimming pools or spas. • The heater is designed for the heating of chlorine, bromine or salt system swimming pools and spas. it should NOT be used as a space heating boiler, or general purpose water heater. The heater is design certified by CSA International for installation on combustible flooring. Specified minimum clearances must be maintained to combustible surfaces (see 'Heater Clearances', page 18), . • The heater should be located in an area where leakage of the heater or connections will not result in damage to the area adjacent to the heater or to the structure. When such locations cannot be avoided, it is recommended that a suitable drain pan, adequately drained, be installed under the heater. The pan must not restrict air flow. • The heater may not be installed within 5 it. (1.5M) of the inside surface of a pool or spa unless it is separated by a solid fence, wall or other permanent barrier. Rev. K 12-18-13 MASTERTEMPS Pool and Spa Heater Installation and User's Guide I HEATER DESCRIPTION Figure 1 is a diagram ofthebeater showing howitoperates.Precisely matched orifice plates meter the air and gas into the mixer. The blower draws the air and gas through the mixer and forces it into the burner's flame holder. A sealed heat exchanger surrounds the flame holder, discharging exhaust gases out the flue. Two inch PVC waterpiping connects directly to the matrifold/header on the heat exchanger using 2" PVC slip unions provided with the treater. The outer manifold remains cool; no heat sinks are required. A thermal regulator and an internal bypass regulate the water flow tion`Insticons-., Section 3. = •lnstalfaRem wet lCoid through the heat exchanger to maintain the correct outlet temperature. The heater operator control panel board assembly is located on top of the heater. -tt NO Ua SEQUENCE OF OPERATION - •. bm c� Warm) ;p � ,�'� H•atlnp Co9a, s An electronic temperature sensing thermistdr in the manifold"• adapter inlet controls the heater operation. When the inlet water temperature drops below the temperature set on the operating Flguto1, control, the burner controller supplies power to the combustion air blower through a series of safety interlocks. The interlocks consist of: • the pressure switch (PS), which senses that the pump ig•running, • the high limit switch (HIS), which opens if the heat exchanger outlet temperature goes above:l35'-F (57° C' and • the air flow switch (AFS), which senses the pressure drop across the air metering orifice, • the automatic gas shut-off (AGS) switch, which opens if the heat exchanger outlet temperature.gties above 1400 F (60° Q. • the stack flue sensor (SFS), which shuts down the heater if the'flue gas teriperature'reaches 4801 F-(2490-C)'. ' The airflow switch (AFS) senses the pressure drop across the air metering orifice. As soon as there is•suffrcient air flow;;; theAFS closes, closing the circuit to the hot surface igniter (HSI), which ignites the fuel mixture. On a call for heat, the blower and HSI are energized. In about 20 seconds, the valve opens ignition .:.® gas and occurs. The HSI'then switches to a sensing mode and monitors the flame. :.::. .. :. The heater is equipped with a digital operating control that enables the user to pre-set the desired•pool'andspa:ivater: temperatures. The control enables the user to select between pool and spa heating, and features a.4gita(.display that. `.. indicates the water temperature. PUTTING THE HEATER INTO SERVICE If the heater is installed below the level of the pool, or more than tw6•feet above pool level; the.pressirre sivitclisetting ': :• should be adjusted. See WATER PRESSURE SWITCH, in the SAFETY CONTROLS Section..:.; .: • -t • ' Before putting the heater into service for the first time, follow the instructions under` 1366RE•START-UP (a`e.33 the front of this manual. Check for proper operation of the heater by following "OPERATION* the steps under t INSTRUCTIONS," 0 ERATION*t •: Damage to equipment caused by improper installation or repair will void.the-warranty.MW oecuon s. =tnstallarion:�nstrclis ` SPECIFICATIONS ' These installation instructions are designed for use by qualified personnel only, trained especially for hnstallation type opheating equipment and related components. Some states require installation and repair by licensed person this applies in your state, be. sure your contractor bears the appropriate license. See Figure 2 for Outdoor and J Installations. FRONT TOP EXHAUST SIDE .. ws r...,=k Figure 2. PLUMBING SIDE DIMENSIONS IN IN. 1 (s6.7 cm) 5.6' • I (142 an) ml ' .. �ecnon•;�, . Iristallatiorr.)'hsi�cfiorrs'� .: �,�; PLUMBING'CONNECTIONS The MasterTemp heater has the unique capability of direct schedule 40 PVC plumbing connections. :; Q A set of bulkhead ' fittings is included with the MasterTemp heater to insure.' conformity with Pentair's recommended PVC plumbing procediire. Other plumbing connections can be used. See Figure 3 for Plumbing connections. ACAUTIONPOOL Before operating the heater HEATER jo- ,"^a _. __ i' PUMP urn on the circulation pump and bleed all the airtfromtthe filter using the air relief valve on top of the filter. Water should flow freely through the heater. Do not operate the heater unless water in 'the poolispa Is at the proper level. If a manual by-pass is Installed, temporarily close it to insure that all air is purged from the heater, WATER CONNECTIONS The heater requires proper water flow and pressure for its E ' operation. See Figure 5 for the recommended installation, r « Valvey. Chlorinator". The fiilterpump discharges to.thefilter, the filter discharges to the heater, and the heater discharges directly to the pool l or spa. _ _ — — --drerk wane_ t A manual bypass valve should be installed across the heater + + t when the pump flow exceeds 120 GPM (454 LPM). See 1< "WATER FLOW RATE" on page 13- Table I for setting of Heater J the manual by-pass valve. Main t Drain Filter lt h4ake sure that the outlet plumbing from the heater contains 0 p0°I.^�. ) noshutoffvalvesorother flow restrictions that could prevent �-' Spa flow through the heater (except for pool installations as noted " belo,., or t7nterizing valves where needed). To switch flow A Pu between the pool and spa, use a diverter valve. Do not use �� ti ,; It any valve that can shut off the flow. Install the chemical feeder downstream ofthe heater. Install a chemical resistant one-way check valve between the heater From Poal 3-Way 3=Way .- .. and the chemical feeder to prevent back -siphoning through Valve Valve the heater when the pump is off. Figure 5: NOTICE: If the heater is plumbed in backwards, it will cycle continuously. when installing heater. Make sure piping from filferi5 »of reversed. Connect the heater directly to 2" PVC pipe, using the integral unions provided. Heat sinks are -not requi.red:.The low. themtal mass of the heater will prevent overheating of the piping connected to the pump even if the heater sltuts'doam unexpectedly. Occasionally a two -speed pump will not develop enough pressure on the low speed to operate the.heater. In this case;tvri the pump at high speed only to operate the heater. If this does not solve the problem, do not try to-run.the; installation. heater. Instead,: correct the Ds not operate the heater while an automatic pool cleaner is also operating. Tfthe circulatimliiump suction is plugged (for :."'.:_: example by leaves), there may not be adequate flow to the heater. Do not rely on the pressure s•vitch in this case.,.. • : ;': ivIASTERTEINP* Pool and SDa Haatar Inemunr.,,......J 1 :...., - 5ectibn 3. Inttallation Instructions VALVES When any equipment is located below the surface of the pool or spa, vaives should be placed ,in the circulation p system to isolate the equipment front the pool or spa. Check valves are re siphoning is most likely to occur when the pump stops, creating apcommended to prevent back -siphoning. F ressure-suction differential. Do NOTsanitize the by putting chlorine tablets or sticks into the skirmilcgs). When the pump is off, this will cause a high concentmtif chlorine to enter the heater, which could cause corrosion damage to the heat exchanger, the heater, or pump. When chemical feeders are installed In the circulation of the piping system of, make surelnto the feeder outlet filte is down stream of the heater, and Is equipped with a positive seal noncorrosive "Check Valve", (PIN R172281 between the feeder and heater. MANUAL BY-PASS BELOW POOL -LEVEL INSTALLATION ' If the beater is below water level, the pressure switch must be adjusted. This adjustment must be done by a qualified service technician: See following CAUTION before installation. BELOW OR ABOVE POOL IWSTALLATION The water pressure switch Is set in the factory at 3.00 PSI (10.75 PSI). This setting is for a heater installed at pool level, If the heater is to be installed more than V above or below, the water pressure switch must be adjusted by a qualified service technician. See page 35, Figure 29. FLOWSWITCH If the heater is Installed more than 5' above the pool or more than 4' below the pool level, you will be beyond the limits Of the pressure switch and a flow switch must be installed. Locate and Install the flow switch externally on the outlet Piping from the heater, as close as possible to the heater, Connect the flow switch wires In place of the water pressure switch wires Section 3.:' Irist�llation Instriyctoris : z: GAS CONNECTIONS GAS LINE INSTALLATIONS :' ::• 'I Before installing the gas line, be sure to check which gas the heater has been designed to bum. This'is important because . different types of gas require different gas pipe sizes. The rating plate on the heater will indicate which gas the heater is designed to bum. The Table 2, shown on page 15, show which size pipe is required for the distance from'the gas matet•to .` the heater. The table is for natural gas at a specific gravity of .65 and propane at a specific gravity of 1.55. When sizinggas lines, calculate three (3) additional feet of straightpipe forevery elbow used. When installingthe gas avoid getting dirt, grease or other foreign material in the pipe as this may cause damage to the gas valve, which may rult in heater failure. es; : ! The ggs meter should be checked to make sure that it will supply enough gas to the heater and arty o/her.opplianCes that may be used on the same meter. The gas line fiom the meter will usually be of a larger size than the gas valve supplied with the heater. Themfore a reduction of the connecting gas pipe will be necessan:. Make this •redlietion as close to the heater as possible, The heater requires _a gas supply of not less than 4" (10.2 cm) -we and -not more than 14" {35.6-cm)-wc .Gas supply pressures outside of this range may result in improper burner operation. A minimum flowing or dynamic inlet pressure . M (while the heater is running) 9174" (10.2cm) we is required to maintain input rating with no more than a 2" pressure drop between static and dynamic. The gas supply must be installed in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSIZ223.1, or standard CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes, as applicable and all applicable local codes. Instalta manual shut-off valve and a sediment trap and union located outside the 1leaierpane1s, see rigurc 6. Do not use a restrictive gas cock. The following minimum gas pipe sizes are recommended for natural gas supply piping ' see Table 2 on page 15. For low pressure LP gas, pipe size may be reduced by 1/4", with a minimum pipe size of 1/2".. ACheck for compliance with local codes, The heater and any other gas appliances must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressure' testing on that system, (greater than Y2 PSI). The heater and its gas connection must be leak tested before placing the. heater in operation. Do not -use flame to test the gas line. Use soapy water or another nonflammable method.: NOTE A manual main shut-off valve must be installed external) to the heater... OWARNING DO NOT INSTALL THE GAS LINE UNION INSIDE THE HEATER CABINET. THIS WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY.,.,,; 11H24' or314•:::::; % 'Maniiaf : Gas One from ; t- : `:.Shut, • ' : . Valve SEDIMENTTRAPS Valve:.. 1' Dia. of larger: •: ' • Pipe Sizes'.Chett) '�•.'•s.�,• •. -: Install a sediment trap and union located outside the eel/. �• >' ' '' ; heater panels in accordance with Ni National code Reducer• I Y .i requirements. Do not use a restrictive gas cock. The sediment trap shall be either a tee fitting with a capped ° ° ° ° ° e At leasl.9':,•;; ., :. j nipple in the bottom outlet which can be removed for cleaning, as illustrated in Figure 6, or an other device ° ° recognized as an effective sediment trap. All gas ° ° ° }�Afieast3'`t.. piping should be tested after installation in accordance °'s--- - �-' <..•- •`.� --eeatment..� ::�^.::,.;�;.r: with.. local codes. ° °'° . it�i;�,;sv .�•-fir. ; ' wi jx' fr?r:Y i .t s�rl',r' :i':+` ::• MASTS of and Sad HraatA? fnef ltda a rf _li A.,, Section 3. bitall,7tioq :GAS'PIPE SIZING.. STAGE TWO "LOW PRESSURE" GAS PIPE SIZING PIPE SIZING FOR GAS LINE CONNECTIONS MAXIMUM EQUIVALENT PIPE LENGTH (Ft) Natural Gas al 1000 9.LU. per Cubic Fool Propane Gas al 2500 a,T.U. per Cubic foot 112" 314" 1" 1.114" 1.1I2" 2" 2.112". MODEL NAT PRO NAi PRO NAT PRO NAT PRO NAT PRO NAT PRO NAi PRO 175 20' 3O' 80' 12S 250' 450' 600' .. " ouu ow 300 Enl�� 350' 4 00' 6 itrTable 2. 400 50' 200' 450' 400' TESTING GAS PRESSURE Before operating the heater, the heater and its gas connections must be leak tested. Do NOT use an open flame to t' for leaks. Test all gas connections for leaks with soapy water or another non-flammable method (see page 14). The heater and its individual shut-off valve must be disconnected from the gas supply piping system during any pressi testing of that system at test pressures in excess of 1/2 psig (3,5 kPa). The heatermust be isolated from the gas supply system by closing its individual manual shut-off valve during any pressr testing of the gas supply at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa). CHECKING THE GAS PRESSURE THROUGH THE COMBINATION GAS CONTROL VALV fincorrect NING ffstth explosion, Improper instaustment, alteration, service, or maintenance of theCombination e can lead to fire or exploslife, personal injury, and/or property damage. If it is necessary valve, this must be doneified service agency. These instructions are for the use of e technlclans only) This appliance is equipped . with an unconventional gas Come*n To Gas Connection " control valve that is factory roar Flow forServiTOArFlow valve vent for Test Figk,, ce $e1tch set with a manifold sw ton �; -�� To Hgh side Of Ddferenlial Pressure of -.2" (-0.5em) _ To Gas Gauge . PreesureTap —Pressure'�'�?"t`, we. Installation or service r Inlet—, d by a Valve Vent r' �`� must be performed ,;'�t�` '; r; � • qualified installer, service ;> vent k ° .. agency, or the gas supplier. If this control valve is replaced, it must be = . replaced with an identical L' Pressure Tap . control. ..�- ToLow Side ot� The combination gas o ferenu Pressure Gauge valve incorporates dual shut-off valves and a negative -pressure regulator. For proper operation, the regulated pressure at the outlet manifold of the valve must be -0.2" (--0.5cm) we below the reference pressure at the blower mixer inlet, and the gas valve 'VENT' tap must be connected to the end cap air orifice as shown in Figure 7• Do not attempt to adjust the gas input by adjusting the regulator setting. The correct gas regulator setting is required to maintain proper ,combustion and must NOT be altered. I: 16 Section 3, Installation lnstructliins ,CAUTION The use of Flexible Connectors (FLEX) Is NOT recommended unless they are Properi sized accord supplier recommendations for the heater rating, y according to the GAS PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS Gas Pressure Model Natural Propane Inches W.C. Maximum Inlet MT 14 14 Minimum Inlet MT q 4 Manifold MT -0.2 t 0.1 .0.2 t 0.1 NOTE: All readings must be taken while healer is operating, Anyadiustments or readings made while heater is off will result in performance problems. Table S. -: _ OUTDOOR INSTALLATION (U.S. and Canada) IMF I For heaters located outdoors, using the built-in stackless ventingstem. � OWARNING Risk of explosion if a unit burning propane gas Is installed In a pit or othe=on ropane is heavier than air. Do not install the heater using propane In pits or other•locations where gas might colleour local building code officials to_ determine installation requirements.and specific -installation -restrictions of the e to propane storage tanks acid "filling equipment, Installation must meet the requirements for the Standard for tnd Handling of Liquid PetroleumGases, ANSI/NFPA 58 (latest edition) In the U.S., or CAN/CSA B149.2 (latest eada. Consult local codes and fire. protection authorities about specific installation restrictions. Locate the heater on a level surface in an open area that is protected from drainage or ran -off. Install the heater in an area '. where leaves or other debris will not collect on or around the heater. To avoid damage to the electronic components in the heater, take care to prevent prolonged exposure to driving sources'...: ^ " of water (such as lawn sprinklers, heavy roof runoff, hoses, etc.). Avoid operation in persistent, extreme, moist or salty environments. In extreme weather, shut down the heater and disconnect the power to it until the weather has moderated a In areas subject to hurricanes or very high winds, purchase the Bolt Down Bracket Kit, P/N 460738. HEATER CLEARANCES — OUTDOOR IMPORTANTI • In an outdoor installation It is Important to ensure water is diverted from overhanging eves with a proper: gutter/drainage system,The heater must be set on a level foundation for proper drainage. This unit shall not be operated outdoors at temperatures below •200F If the heater is located under a roof overhang, there must be at least three (3) feet (I in) of u clearance between the bottom of the overhang and the top of the heater exhaust vent, see Figure • For Heat dmg S. If the heater is under a roof overhang, the space around the heater must be open on three . purcnase separelery: ,� sides. DO NOT, under any circumstances, install the heater under ANY deck, PadNo6trr39ettgr Sestiorl . sb6A6h rrfsfrucd6n8 FortnigimumethaustVentcfearancesforallbuildingopdriings, indliidingbutnot'Vdntedeaves,Hoors,wir gravity air inlet, see Figure 9, show beloty limitedto In Canada, the heater must be installed with the top of the vent at least 10 feet (3m) below, or to either side of, any or into abuilding. Orient the heater for convenient access to the water connections and the gas and electrical connections. /Vote: Check local buildilig codes for installing the heater from any property line set back requirements tsi installation diagram below). QCAUTION If Installing the heater next to or near an air conditioning unit or a heat pump, allow a minimum of 36 -in, (91.4 cm) between the air conditioning unit and the heater, 6 to -•+ EMMIGro Building rya-\r Figure 9. OUTDOOR INSTALLATION VENTING GUIDELINES SIDE VIEW From bunding wall 0 Figure 8. Property Line• \ .e VentTerminatlon: • Musl be el least 11. above eny (arced err inlet located within a 10 0. radius. Must be to pted a In, away from the building wall and the following distances away from any building wall openings, included but not limited to vented eaves, doors, windows, gravity air inlet: 4 fl. below, -> 4 ft horizontally 1 a Section 3. • Installation Instructions INDOOR VENTING -- General Requirements The heater may be installed as a Category I or Category III appliance. Vented Appliance (Category 1) —Vertical only An appliance that operates with a nonpositive vent static pressure and with a vent gas temperature -that avoids excessive condensate production in the vent, see pages 20-23. ` Vented Appliance (Category Ill) —vertical or Horizontal An appliance that operates with a positive vent static pressure and with. a vent gas temperature that avoids excessive. condensate production in the vent, see pages 24-26. . I If you are considering connecting this heater to a pre-existing vent system, make sure that the vent system meets the appropriate venting requirements as given in this manual on pages 18.28. If not, replace the vent system. DO NOT use i a draft hood with this heater. l The MasterTemp heaters are capable of a 270-degree discharge rotation and operate with a positive vent static pressure and with a vent gas temperature less than 400' F (204° C); The total length of the horizontal run trust not exceedthe length : ) that is listed in Table l l on page 21-22. HEATER CLEARANCES — General Requirements INDOOR INSTALLATION (U.S.) OR OUTDOOR SHELTER (CANADA) The following clearances must be maintained from combustible surfaces; TOP ..............................6 in. (15 cm) EXHAUST SIDE .......... 6 In. (IS cm) HEADER SIDE ............6 In. (15 cm) DOOR PANELSt ........6 In. (15 cm) Note (t) For senice access it is advisable to allow for sufficient clearance on at least one door panel. The heater is design certified by CSA International for installation on combustible flooring. For installation on carpeting, the heater must be mounted on a metal or wood panel that extends at least three inches (1 Ocm) beyond the base of the heater. If the Treater is installed in acloset oralcove, the entire floorshall be covered by the panel. On an outdoor shelter installation, the exhaust discharges into a vent pipe. Orient the heater so that the vent pipe does not interfere with adjustment ofthe operating controls. The control panel.located on the top panel can be rotated to any of the three sides of the heater for easy access. However, the control panel must not be located on the side where the vent is located. OUTSIDE VENT COVER REMOVAL Figure 10. - The Beater is supplied from the factory with a built-in stackless outside vent for outdoor installation. Re'move'tlie.outi.ide vent cover for outdoor shelter installation. 3. Installation Instrugiog COMBOTION AIR SUPPLY r For•indporinstallation, the heater location must P P P provide sufficientairsuPP y fo1 r ro ercombustion and ventilation i • • • surrounding area. The minimum requirements for the air supply specify that the room in which aheater is installed should be provided two permanent air supply'openings; one within 12 inches (30cm) of the ceiling, the other within 12 inches (3Ocm) c floor for combustion air, in accordance with the latest edition ofANSI Z223.1, or the National Fuel Gas code, the B 149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes, as applicable, and any local codes that may apply. These oper shall directly, or through duct, connect to outdoor air. !Vote: For indoor installations where combustion air might be insrtffcient, see "Direct Air Intake D► with 3-inch PVC Pipe (6r(loor Installadon)" below. Air Srrnnly Reauireutentc Grride MEAlasterTem Heaters (Square Incheslcentlmeters) ' Model All Air From Inside 11Wlding AO Air From Outside Building Combustion Vent Combustion Vent 175 200 sq. in. 200 sq. In. 50 sq. in. 50 sq. In. 1290 sq. cm. 1290 so. om. 323 sq. crn. 323 sq. an. 200 200 sq. In. 200 sq' In. sq'!. 5050 sq. In. 1290 sq. cm. 1290 sq. 323 eq. an. 323 sq. cm. 250 250 sq. In. 250 sq. in. 63 sq. In. 63 sq. in. 1613 sq. cm. 1613 sq. cm. 406 sq. cm. 408 sq. cm. 300 300 sq. in. 300 sq. in. 75 sq. in. 75 sq.ln, 1935 sq. an, 1935 sq. Cm. 48A sq. an. 484 400 400 sq. in. 400 sq. in. 100 sq. in. 100 sq. in. 2560 sq. an. 2580 sq. cm. 645 so. an. 645 sq. crn. Area bWicaled le for are of My openings: one at Boor revel and one at the cerug. Table 4, Direct Air Intake Duct with 3-inch PVC Pipe (indoor Installation) For indoor heater installations where combustion air supply might be insufficient, the MasterTempO Heater is cer a direct air intake duct using 3-inch PVC pipe. If outside air is drawn through 3" PVC duct directly into the heater xI pipe can be installed in accordance with the following requirements: The air intake opening MUST be installed at least I ft. above the roof line or normal snow levels for free air flow. T. Category I or III exhaust vent termination cap must have at least 3 ft. minimum vertical clearance from air intake dui (See diagram on page 20). Lu Section 3, Installation.lnkructions '. 3TMIN.. Combustion 3•in. PVC Prpe: ..._ Combustion Air Intake Inlet Air Intake Duct Regliiremerits' `. �- 4� ' 3'PVC Plpe Flue Exhaust Vent i i (AltemateLocation) CombustionAlrI teke3ln,Plpe Cap and Rrser i i l i - (VerOcalorNorizontalJ ' :. provided by Installer 1 1 r , No.ot90°Elbows MailnumLength inFeel(M) i r Chimney or Gas Vent -i i (Category I or III) 1 i 11 (CalegoryI or III) i t r r Side• • M Wall Vent " •Heater C7 0 lOft 1.3M 1 58ft, 17.7M 2 46 ft. 14.0 M 3 34ft. (10.4M Flue Exhaust 4 22' Vent Cap Table 5. (Aftsmate Location) I Combustion . Air Intake 3'PV0Pipe a6'MIN. 12'MIN. r QWARNING! DO NOT USE PVC PIPE FOR FLUE I EXHAUST VENT. FLUE EXHAUST VENT TEMPERATURES CAN BE IN EXCESS OF 400' F FLUE EXHAUST VENT MUST BE CATEGORY I or CATEGORY IiI METAL VENT, , Note ('): Combustion Air Intake Duct Connection Kit (Part Number 461631) for all MasterTemp heater models cai Purchased separately, See page 52 for parts list. rbe NOTE Each 90-degree elbow reduces the maximum horizontal PVC air intake duct run h 45- by 12 feet and each degree elbow in the PVC air intake duct 6- d5.Sac run reduces the maximum lengths using 90-degree the maximum run by 6 feet. See the Table a `• . elbows. Corrosive Vapors and Possible Causes Chlo Area LlkelyContaminantsfbina CAUTION mated swimming pool of spa deaning chemicals.Adds pools and spas such as hydrochloric or mudalic arid. . should not be stored near theGlues and cements, consWdion consWction and adhesives, paints, varnishes, and paint llation, Combustion air anNmy remodeling areas and varnish strippers. Waxes and canlalning calcium or sodium ted by corrosive chemicalcleaners chbrlde h can void the warranty. Permanent wave solutions, bleaches, 3eauly parlors aerosol cans containing chlorocarbons or fluorocarbons tefdgeration plants or carious industrial finishing Refrigerants, adds, glues and cements, nd processing plants construction adhesives. .. Bleaches, detergents, or laundry soaps ry cleaning and laundry dilorine. Waxes end cleaners V teas containing chlorine, calcium it sodium / chloride. - Table 6. • W ac_ Se`cti h 3. iilStallatior) lrlsfructions Vk1VT IWALLAT/ON _ INDOOR 1N$TACLATION (US.) OR OUTDOOR SHELTER CANA '.. (Categoryl) � Always vent the heater totlieoutdoors,seeNote , NOTE':Venlmusfbealleasteighl(8)feetawaytra r neareslvedplsudace.Ventsexlendingfive(5)feelt "VentitverticallyusingType"B"doublewallventeonnectorprpe, Consultyourloralhcodeofficaelsferdrelaeor dinlo atior Locate the heater so as to minimize the length of horizontal venting and the number of vent elbows required. Horizc vent runs must slope up 114" per foot (2cm/M) from the heater to allow exhaust condensate to drain and it is recommer. to have a condensate drain as described in the venting installation instructions. VERTICAL VENTING - NEGATIVE PRESSURE (See Figures 11,12 and 13) Vent the heater vertically in a negative pressure (positive draft) system in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or Vent Body Gean the Interior Surface CSAB 149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes, and local codes. Type • • "B" Double -wall vent connector is recommended; however single -wall pipe is r L, ) allowed by the National Fuel Gas Code in some circumstances, Consult your ° ' "�' t jnt local code official fordetailed information, Do notuse a draft hood with this heater, To connect a negative pressure metal gas vent to.the heater, order the appropriate Metal Flue Collar from the chart below: r r gw 'mot Metal Flue Collar Part N, 4 x 6' 77707-0076 4 x 8' 77707.0077 Figure 11. 1. See Table 7, to determine allowable vent sizes for your heater, NOTICE. Table 7 is for installations in which the total lateral vent length (that is, the horizontal distance from the flu collarto the main vertical portion of tile vent) is less than 1/2 the total vent height (the vertical distance from the flue colla to the vent termination) and which have three or less elbows in the system. For venting systems which do not meet then. conditions, consult the National Fuel Gas Code,ANSI Z223.1(U.S.), or the standards CSA B 149.1 and B 149.2 (Canada) Read 'VERTICAL VENTING - NEGATIVE PRESSURE' before using this table. I Table 7. - Permitted Minimum and Maximum Vent Heights BY -Size and Heater Model Type "B" Double -Wall Vent with I Type "B"Double-Wall Connector In Feet (Meters) _ Vent size Model175 Mode1200 Model250 i Height minJmax. el 400 Height minJmax. Height minJmax. Height dminJmax. Height dmin./max. 6 In. 6 fL (1.8y100 fL inn 6) 6 tt (1.By100 ft (30.5) 18 fL (5.5000 R (30.5) 30 tt (gy10o ft. (30.5) Not Rec. 7 In. 6 fL (1.8y10D tL (3D.5) fill (1.8y100 ft. (30.5) aft. (20100 ft. (30.5) 10 fL (3y100 ft. (30.5) 15 ft. (4.6y100 ft. (30.5) B in. 6 fL 0-01001L (30.5) 6 ft. (141100 ft. (30.5) 6 ft. (1.8y1 o01t (30.5) 6 f . (1.8y100 ft. (30.5) B it. (2.4y100 ft. (30.5) e and 10 In, 6 ft. (1.8y50 ft. (15.3) 6 fL MOW ft. (15.3) 6 R (1.8y50 ft, (15.3) 6 fL (1.8y100 ft. (30.5) 6 ft. (1.By100 ft (30.5) Type "B" Double -Wall Vent with Single -Wall Connector In Feet (Meters) 11 Vent She Model 175 Height min./max. Model " Height minJmax. Model 25o Height minJmax, 6 In. 6 fL 0-By15 ft (4.6) 6 ft 0-By15 fL (4.6) 6 ft. (1.8y15 ft (4.6) 7 In. 6 ft MAIM ft. (2.4) 6 fL (1.By81t (2.4) 6 ft. (1.By8 ft (2.4) 8 In. Not Rec. Not Rec Not Rec. Elm Not Rec. Not Rec. Not Rec. NotRea Not Rec. Not Rec. Mode' 311 Model 40D Height mInJmax, Height minJmax. Not Rea Not Rec, 10 fL (3)/20 ft. (6) 15 ft. (4.6y50 ft. (15.3) s tt (1.By2o fL (s) aft (2.4y2o tl (s) Not Rec. 6 it. V-ey6 It. (1,8) _Not Rea Not Rec, 22 Section 3. Installation Instructions ••:; NOTE The allowable vent runs for each vent pipe diameter are different and cannot be exceeded:. Each 90-degree elbow reduces the maximum horizontal vent run by 12 feet and each 45-degree elbow in ,the vent run reduces the maximum vent run by 6 feet, See Table 7 on page 21 for the maximum vent lengths using 90-degree and 45-degree elbows, 2. Install the metal Flue Collar in the Vent Body of the heater (located under the outside vent cover). Fasten the metal Flue Collar to the Vent ' — Terml , Body with two #10 sheet metal screws. Use —Min. 10 Ft p high temperature silicone RTV to seal the Flue Collar to the Vent Body. Before connecting Storm Collar die metal Flue Collar to the Vent Body, wet a clean cloth orpapertowelwith isopropylalcohol —Flashing ' 6" Mrnlmum^ (ntbbingalwhol)andvigorouslya7pethesocket _ _ _ of the Vent Body, Immediately wipe the _ Clearance to Combustible--_ - - Materials �I cleaned surfaces dry with a clean cloth or _ paper towel. Repeat for the exterior of the 4" end of the metal Flue Collar. Attach the metal Class 8 Double Wall Flue Collar to the Vent Body using the RTV Metal Vent Pipe Flrestop 16 0-0 supplied with the kit, following the vent metal C Ilaue manufacturer's instructions (included with kit). Body SupportVerGcal 3. Attach the vent pipe to the metal Flue Collar Vent Pipe so adapter does not take with sheet -metal screws. we(ght of pipe. AWARNING Risk of fire or asphyxiation If vent is not assembled according to manufacturer's Instructions or if vent parts from different manufacturers are mixed. Vent parts from different manufacturers ARE NOT interchangeable. Mixing parts from more than one manufacturer may cause leaks or damage to vent. When assembling a vent, pick one manufacturer and be sure that all vent parts come from that manufacturer and are specified by the manufacturer for your system, Follow manufacturer's instructions, local code requirements, National Fuel Gas Code requirements (U.S.) or standards CSA B149,1 and 8149.2 (Canada) carefully during assembly and installation, - Figure 12. - Typical Metal Vent Pipe Installation'" U.S.. " •• (Vertical -Negative Pressure) usidd Tenpin boh Mini Ft. Min. FL (3.3 M) Cap* Storm Collar Flashing 6' (15 cm) um Clearance.' toMinimCombusUble Materials - . IL Tom- .,^;:_,\` •-... 1. . , It".1 --W" W111 �'41 mewl nue Type 8 Double wall .. . Vent Collar petalVent.Tee. Body Support vertical Vent Pipe so adapter doer, not take weight of I Condensate -» •+ . pipe. Dispose Drainwltrap t•'.ofcandensate eccortling to . ; local Figure 13. - TjipicaI Metal Vent Pipe Installation -Canada:.:.. (Vertical -Negative Pressure) ., Section 3: -Ins tallation -Instructions .4. Install vent pipe so that it can expand and contract freely as the temperature changes. Support the vent pipe actor to applicable codes and the vent manufacturer's instructions. Pipe support must allow the vent pipe free mover out and back, from side io side, or up and down as necessary, without putting a strain on the heater or vent body. S y` horizontal pipe runs up from the heater at least 114" per foot (2cm per meter). Install Listed condensate drains at points where condensate might collect. Plumb condensate drains to a drain through hard piping or high tempera tubing such as silicone rubber or EPDM rubber - do not use vinyl or other low temperature tubing, Follow d manufacturer's installation instructions, 5. Use Listed fire stop for floor and ceiling penetrations. Use Listed thimble for wall penetrations. Use a Listed r flashing, roof jack, or roof thimble for all roofpenetrations. Do not fill the space around the vent (that is, the clear space in the thimble or fire stop) with insulation. The roof opening must be located so that the vent is vertical. 6.. Do not run the heater vent into a common vent with any other appliance. AWARNING ffflre-Hazard.-t vent the heater directlyInto a masonrychimney. Installation Into a masonry chimney must use `st meet the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and/or CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane quirements and all local code requirements, AWARNING Fcontain monoxide polsoning, or asphyxiation. Ills recommended to use a CO Monitor and Fire Alarm in rooms appliances. 24 - Section 3, Installation Instructions HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL VENTING -POSITIVE PRESSURE (See Figures 14,15, and 16) (Categorylll) Uenttheheatereitherhoriiontallyorverticallyusinganoptionalventadapterofthe4-inchspecialgasapprovedCategoryM -•"I vent pipes, Install the vent pipe in accordance With local codes and the provisions of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI ; 2223.1 (U.S.), or the standards CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes (Canada), and the vent manufacturer's instructions. Do not use a draft hood with this heater. Install the vent according to die vent manufacturer's detailed instructions. Note: Maintain clearance between the vent pipe and combustible surfaces according to the vent ' manufacturer's instn[ctio d d ns an co a requirements. Do not place any insulating materials around the vent or inside the required clear airspace surrounding the vent See Table 11 for maximum permissible vent lengths. NOTE . The allowable vent runs for each reduces the maximum horizontal venvent pipe diameter are different and can not be exceeded. Each 90° elbow t run by 12 feet and each 45-degree elbow in the vent run reduces the maximum vent run by 6 ft. See the Table 8 below for the maximum vent lengths using 90° elbows, .4. The MasterTemp heater is a "Category Ill" appliance (which Table 8. requires a font (4) inch special gas approved "Category —01 .4 In. Special Gas Vent (Verticalor Horizontal)* I[I" vent pipe) and is a forced -draft pool and spa heater which uses positive pressure to push flue gases through the vent pipe to No, otgg' Elbows Maximum Length In Feet (M) ° the outside. Flue gases under positive pressure tnay escape into the dwelling with any cracks or loose joints in the vent 0 70 ft. (21.31M) pipe, or improper vent installation. The vent pipe must be of a 1 sealed -seam construction, such as those listed for use with 58 ft (17.7M) "Category III Appliances", and.for operating temperatures less" - 2--- 46 ft.-(14:0191) —than 400°F (204°C). Vent pipe construction will be of UL 1738 : approved non -corrosive material, such as stainless steel. A 3 34 ft. (10,4M) condensate trap may be needed The use of "Approved" thimbles, 4 22 ft. (6.7M) ice! roof jacks and/or side vent terminals are required; and the proper •Minimumvent length is one root (.0 ' orin accordance � clearances to combustible materials must be maintained in • • accordance with pipe p y with vent in Instruction, and local and type of vent i e employed —in to ed—in the absence of a national codes. Horizontal vents Y(N) or less in length :.., clearance recommendation by the vent pipe manufacturer, the do not require a condensate tee, but must slope down requirements of the Uniform Mechanical Code should be met. See toward the outlet at 1r4' to the fool (2cmrM) to allow page 19, for heater ventilation air requirements. it is condensate to drain. recommended that vent runs over 18 feet may need to be insulated to reduce condensation related problems and/or the use of a condensate CAU TI O N trap in the vent run close to the heater may be necessary in certain installations such as cold climates. Horizontal vents3' (IM) orless in fCOMmOn NO:ex�h ne exhaust vent pipes to a length do not require a condensate tee, The MasterTemp ]seater is ust vent in multiple unit suitable for through -the -wall venting. allaun separate vent pipes. CONNECTING SPECIAL METALIC GAS VENT TO THE HEATER' 1. Order an optional appliance adapter kit, (Pentair offers optional appliance adapter kifs, call Castonler Service of 800 831-7133 for morn h fonuarton): Part No. 77707-0086 for Saf-T Vento or Saf-T Vent-0 Cl. Part No. 77707-0 i •' ' ' forZ-Vent. OS7 :..:::�, .. 2. Remove the outside vent cover. YLr 3. Install the ApplianceAdapterinthe Vent Body oftheheater (located under the outside Vent Covet).Befo t'conneetin the Appliance Adapter to the Vent Body, wet a clean cloth orpapertowelwith isopropylalcohol- (tabbing alcohol)and-�; vigorously wipe the socket of the Vent Body. Immediately wipe the cleaned' surfaces dry witha' clean.cloth or:paper• towel. Repeat for the exterior of the heater end of the Appliance Adapter. Attach the appliance• adapter to the veht body using the adhesive specified by the vent manufacturer, following the vent ntanufactafer's instructions:.' 5 6. Sectooi[ 3. Installation Instructions t,WARNING Risk of carbon monoxide polsonmg if adapter Is improperly attached. Mechanical connections (such as screws) 'cause cracking and leaks in the adapter. Do NOT drill holes or use screws to connect the appliance adapter to the heater - body. Attach with manufacturer's specified adhesive. AWARNING Risk of fire or asphyxiation If vent Is not assembled according to manufacturer's Instructions or if vent parts fr different manufacturers are mixed. Vent parts from different manufacturers ARE NOT interchangeable, Mixing parts fr more than one manufacturer may cause leaks or damage to vent When installing a vent, pick one manufacturer and be s that all vent parts come from -that manufacturer and are specified by the manufacturer for your system. Follow manufacture Instructions and local and National Fuel Gas Code.(U.S.) or CSA B1491, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Coc (Canada) requirements carefully during assembly and installation. Install vent pipe so that it can expand and contract freely as the temperature changes. Support time vent pipe Vent cap and according to applicable codes and vent manufacturer's Riser Furnished instructions. Pipe support must allow tine vent pipe free by Installer movement out and back, from side to side, or up and down as necessary, without putting a strain on the heater or vent body. It is recommended to slope the Horizontal pipe runs up from the heater at least 1/4" per foot (2cmiM). Install "Approved"condensate-drains at.low-pointswhere condensate might collect. Plumb condensate drains to a drain through hard piping or high -temperature tubing such as silicone rubber or EPDM rubber- do not use vinyl or other low temperature tubing. Follow drain manufacturer's installation instructions. r-` Use an "Approved" frrestop for floor and ceiling penetrations. Use an "Approved" thimble for wall penetrations. Use an "Approved" roof flashing, roof jack, or roof thimble for all roof penetrations. Do not fill die space around the vent (that is, the clear air space in the thimble orfirwop) with insulation', The roofopening must be located so that the vent is vertical. Vent Termination - Vertical (See Figures 14 and IS for height of vent termination above the roof. Use an "Approved" vent terminal specified by local and national codes and your manufacturer's instructions. A roof termination must be vertical. In Canada, the Vent Cap location shall have a minimum clearance of4 feet (1.2M) horizontallyfrom electricmeters, gas meters, regulators, and relief openings. 7. Make sure entire installation is sealed according to approved standard, Vent Riser by In: si Wall _ Outlet Air Opening Inlet Air Opening Figure 14. t f` 26 Section 3. ingtallation lnsti'uc`tions .' . ' I [[jJ L-4' Min, Vent Termination 4' Min. 44' M _�• ICI 4' Min. Vent Termination .I'Minimum T 1 L— above snow or 11 Gas Meter L - finished grade Forced Air inlet (whichever Is 3' Minimum clearance if higher) horizontal distance to exhaust opening is less than 10 feet. S, Vent Termination - Horizontal The terminal must be located (U.S. - See Figure 16): M nx3?" I0-01 -n., Vent•..: Termination At least 7 :: above grade adjacent to public -walkways - Figure 16, • at least 3" and at most 12" out from the wall (see Figure 17), following the vent manufacturer's instructions • at least 12" above finished grade or the normally expected snow accumulation level, whichever is higher • at least 4 feet below or horizontally from, or 1 foot above. any doors or windows or gravity air inlet to a building • at least 3 feet above any forced air inlet located within 10 feet • at least 4 feet horizontally from electric meters, gas meters, regulators and relief equipment • at least 7 feet above grade adjacent to walkways or similar traffic areas The terminal must be located (Canada - See Figure 16): • at least 10 feet (3.314) from any opening into a building • at least 12" 0M) above finished grade or the normally expected snow accumulation level, whichever i'shigher. �' I •, at least 4 feet (1.2M) horizontally from electric meters, gas meters, regulators and relief equipment I • at least 7 fet 21 M b e (. ) a ove grade adjacent to walkways or similar traffic areas Allow at least three feet (1M) vertical clearance over vent termination when terminating under an overhang. Metal Special Avoid corners or alcoves where snow or wind could Gas Vet requires Support .. weight have an effect. Exhaust may affect shrubbery and some Appliance of pipe .. ; .. • :::.:,.::' building materials. Keep shrubbery awayfrom Adapter Condensate Terminal.: termination. To prevent staining ordetedoration, sealing 1 Tee or shielding exposed surfaces may be required. Metal en I AWARNING Body Fire Hazard. Do not run the heater vent into a common / Sloe at least S'O per foot y vent With any other appliance. Do not run the special Gas Vent into, through, or within any active vent Condensate drain wfrrap (2 cm per Meter) down towards -. •• 3"�7.6crrj°°Miff;.':;: such as 9-factory built Dr masonry chimney, (optional) condensate drain " 12 (30;5 cm) Mai.: Clearance eG?loll 3. lhstellation Qtr`tictions OUTDOOR SHELTER INSTALLATION In Canada, this pool heater can only be installed outdoors or, in an enclosure that is 116tnormally occupied and has no c openings into occupied areas. AWARNING Risk of asphyxiation If exhaust is not correctly vented. Follow venting instructions exactly when installing heater. Do r use a draft hood with this heater, as the exhaust is under pressure from the burner blower and a draft hood will allow exhat fumes to blow into the room housing the heater. Exhaust venif to the outdoors is required for all outdoor shelter installatior .•'•' AWARNING Rlsk.of explosion if a unit burning propane gas Is Installed in a pit or other low spot. Propane is heavier than air. Do n Install the heater using propane in plis or other locations where gas might collect. Consult your local building code offir`c'- ' determine installation requirements and specific installation restrictions of the heater relative to propane storage tan] filling equipment. Installation must meet the requirements for -the Standard -for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied Peir6eui Gases, CAN/CSA B149.2 {latest edition) or ANSVNFPA 58 (latest edition). Consult local codes and fire protection authoritie about specific installation restrictions. The heater is design certified by CSA International for installation on combustible flooring; in alcoves; basements; closet or utility rooms (in the U.S.).' GARAGE OR UTILITY ROOM INSTALLATION In Canada, the treater "rust be -Installed in a room that is not normally occupied and has no openhr dir'ectl}, to occupied areas. AWARNING fRiskof fire andexplosion if Installed at floor level in"an automotive garage or near asoline oge. Gasoline fumes are heavier than air and will settle to floor level ih closed spaces. Gasoline fumes and plled gaable soline er volatile liquids (such as some paints and varnishes) will travel across the floor and can be ignited by a gas appliance. In any utility room or residential garage installation, install the heaterwith the base at least 18 inches (.5M) above the fl.M see Figure 18. In a garage, install a rail or wall to protect the heater from physical damage by a moving vehicle. ` Provide an adequate ventilation air supply (See Table 4, page 19). Choose a location that will avoid. contamination by chemical fumes, _ . OCAUTION A Propane (Lfrd heater must not be Installed fgara o mucle wm Massachusettsof the Massachusetts State Fi more InformatiMassachusetts State Fire Mar °e°°o NOTICE: Combustion air contaminated by corrosive chemical fumes can damage the heater and will void the warranty (See Table 6, page 20). dawsw �l ° • ° ddaarspxe0eK2ei A�e<afdWcdlSI�E ° ° ° RAM °°° RAISEATLEW 18hi48cm)3bov %x re IoevaOram�pl�rapps• . Figure 18. 28 Section 3. Installation lnstructions CONTROL PANEL INDEXING On an.outdoor shelter installation, the exhaust discharges into a vent pipe, t Orient the heater so that the vent pipe does not interfere with adjushrtent of the operating controls. The control panel located on the top panel can be rotated to any of the three sides of the heater for easy access, see i'loure 19. I. Remove the bolts from the door panels. Remove both door access panels. 2. Remove the four comer ruing nuts that secure the top panel. Lift the top panel upward to remove the top panel. 3. Rotate the top panel to the desired position located at 900 angles. Note that the control panel must NOT he located on the side tvlrere the vent is located. 4.' Replace the top panel down onto the Side panels. Be sure that there are no wires caught under the panel. 5. Secure the top panel using the four comer wing nuts. 6. Reattach the door access panels. Figure 19. FINAL INSTALLATION CHECK Check that horizontal vent pipe runs slope uniformly at least 1/4" per foot (2cm per meter) to condensate drain(s)..'•• No sags, no dips, no high or low spots. .Check thatvent is supported at elbows, tees, and horizontal and vertical runs according to manufacturer's instructions and code requirements. Check that vent supports and wall and ceiling penetrations allow free movements rip, down, and sideways without putting T.... any strains on the heater or vent body. Check for at least six inch (15cm) free air clearance between the heater vent pipe and combustible materials.. Check that all joints are completely together and sealed. In Florida, building codes require that the heater be anchored to the equipment pad or platform to I withstand high wind pressures created during hurricanes. A Bolt Down Bracket Kit, PIN 460738, is ,:, .Dolts end damps�n9 f available with anchor clamps designed to hold the unit to the equipment pad in high wind conditions. Purchase eaparalay f Installation of the anchor clamps are recommended in all installations and are required in Florida, Pzrt Nasoiae a� pt 1 (See Florida Building Code 301.13). Seetion•3.: Installation Instructions ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Electrical Rating: 60 Hz 120 /240 Volts AC, single phase ' 'Enclose the inconlingAC power line to the heater, in an approved flexible conduit connected directly to the junct: . -on the inside of the access door panel. Line voltage field wiring should be 14 gauge, with a circuit capacity of 15 This heater Is designed to at 120 or 240 VAC, It Is not recommended to be connected to OR operate on a 208 � ^� NOTE Before making any electrical connections to the power supply, remove the access door panels, open the control box and in the correct plug (120 VAC or 240 VAC). See plugs below. The heater ships from the Factory with the 240 VAC plug Installed, installing the 120V plug and then tonne tic heater to 24a line current will immediately destroy the transformer, control board and ignition control module, will void warranty If you Install the 240V plug and connect the heater to 120 VAC line current, the heater will operate, If any of the original wiring supplied with this heater must be replaced, installer must supply (No.18 AWG, 600V,105° C. approved AWM low energy stranded) copper wire or it's equivalent -Please-read-the-boxes-headed 4i 1FORTANT! READ ME FIRST!" on pages 38 and 42 before proceeding. I 1. All wiring must be in accordance with all applicable codes. 2. The heater, when installed, must be electrically grounded and bonded in accordance with local codes or, i absence oflocal codes, with the National Electrical Code or the Canadian Electrical Code (as applicable). A bor lug is provided on the outside of the panel under the vent for this purpose. 1 3. Electrical power circuits to the pool heater must follow local codes and National Electrical Code or CanadianElev.. Code (as applicable). 4.. All wiring between the heater and devices not attached to it, or between separate devices which are installed it field, must be "Type T" wire rated for 350C rise. S. All line voltage wiring shall be enclosed in approved flexible conduit, and shall be securely attached to the fio :, , box located inside the access door panel. The conduit or cable connector at the field wiring box should contai insulating bushing or its equivalent to prevent abrasion of the wires as they enter the box. 6. The filter pump should run continuously when the heater Is on, and for at least 15 minutes after the he; turns off. Any switches in the pump circuit (including circuit breakers) that can disconnect the pump must also disconnect the heater. 7. Do not wire single -pole switches, including protective devices, into a grounded line. The heater is not sensitive to polity. ' Connect the Ll of the power supply to the black wire, the L2 or neutral lead to the red wire, and the ground wire to the green wire. A time clock 'controlling the filter pump should have a low -voltage Fireinan's Switch ca that switches off the heater at least 15 minutes before shutting off the PUMP. .411vql's rise crimp ape connectors when connecting tiro spires. AC Plug AC VOLTAGE SELECT PLUGS: .120 Volt (120 VAC or 240 VAC) 2ao von Flnnro 9a 30 i, Section 3, Installation Instr6ctions CONNECTION OF FIREMAN'S SWITCH OR REMOTE CONTACT ,CAUTION ,77 If, while there Is line voltage connected to the heater, you touch either line voltage terminal with any 24VAC wire that..: is Connected to the control board (including the Fireman's Switch jumper), you will Immediately destroy the control board and void the warranty. , REMOTE CONTROL CONNECTIONS •. 1. Switch off power to heater at main circuit breaker panel. 2. Unbolt and remove the access door panels. 3. Open control box cover (see Figure 21). 4a. To cornett o 2-Wire Combnl (such as Pentair's IntelliTouch'm or EasyTouch* Control Systems) or a tinier: Remove the factory installed jumper from the Fireman's Switch terminals. Connect wires between the Fireman's Switch terminals on the heater and the relay. Connect wires from the controller or timer to the Fireman's Switch. Controller, timer or relay should be sized to handle 24VAC at 0.5 Amp (because it will be completing the 24VAC control board circuit on the heater as shown in Figure 22). DO NOT apply line voltage to the Fireman's Switch terminals. Use 1S gauge wire with a minimum 3164" (1.2mm) thick insulation rated for a temperature rise of at least 105°C. Knock -outs are provided to route the wires through the bottom of the control box and past the junction TRANS box. 4b. To comrect a 3-0711v Control.• Connect wires between the control board terminals on the heater and the external relays, as shown in ;Egg z LL Figure 13. Use at least 2 relays per heater, to allow for an "OFF setting" on each heater mode Select relays that can handle logic level switching. DO NOT ex I OPERATING CONTROL MMPA apply line voltage to control board terminals. + SAUToMa Mmom - Move jumper (as shown on Figure 23) to enable ]MUMIMME external control and to disable the heater membrane pad's "Pool Wand "Spa ON" buttons (the "OFF" key on the membrane pad remains functional). TERMINALBOARD Knock -outs are provided to route the wires through ° the bottom and the top of the control box and past L, 0 0 the junction box. ' `L f 5. Close control box cover. F' ' ° 6. Re -install the access door panels. I Figure 21. To control heaters that areoperated in parallel, connectwiring i at same locations on heater as 2-Wire or 3-Wire Control. It is imperative that each control is `_ �GNO _ TlmeClock ' circuit isolated from the I ° j, ofRemote other control circuits, to avoid that current will flow from I zm T T I (Purchase Separately-• Supppes Power to .: one heater to another through the control circuits. I ' I I ... Circulator Pump) NOTICE: The fuse for the Fireman's Switch is a 1.25 Am P J I'�" ° _ _ =• I —I I I Fireman' Swirrh Completes the heater: 6124 Volt AC Control 1 % x'/" fast blow fuse, which is commonly available. 0 0 05 Z Board circu;l .. DO NOTmgnedtfiis ..: „ ` 0 0 0 0 a 24VAC L . ; ;.chcuit to unr .Vollagel' Figure 22. 0 0 0 0 N� °•. ' = . E � . ° : Set;tion 3. Insfall�`hbn lhsfnictions • M�AS!ERfi'EMP HWERWIRING DIAGRAM ® t3-WIRE SYSTEM) CONNECTION DIAGRAM Acs sw;w, Prrrbw S ftdr slackz s,m Esea swach 7 am Valve OLw evem pressure awns 1 I 0 . nw R 1 r a rx °r usf c A041 External Control Interface circult Disabled, Heater Membrane Pad Enabled External Control Interface Circuit Enabled, 'Pool On' and 'Spa On' Keys Disabled. -OFF' Key on Membrane Pad Remains Functional, Power will Immediately destroy the control board and void the warranty. Figure 23. " 30 'Section 3. Installation Instructions J CONNECTION OF FIREMAN'S SWITCH OR REMOTE CONTACT �~ ACAUTION If, while there Is line voltage connected to the heater, you touch either line voltage terminal with any 24VAC wire that. Is connected to the control board (Including the Fireman's Switch jumper), you will immediately destroy the'control board and void the warranty. REMOTE CONTROL CONNECTIONS I. Switch off power to heater at main circuit breaker panel. 2. Unbolt and remove the access door panels. 3. Open control box cover (see Figure 21). 4a. Toconnecto2-111reCont)ol(suchasPentair'sIntelliTouchborEasyTouch*Control Systems) or a tuner: Remove the factory installed jumper from the Fireman's Switch terminals. Connect wires between the Fireman's Switch terminals on the heater and the relay. Connect wires from the controller or timer to file Fireman's Switch. Controller, timer or relay should be sized to handle 24VAC at 0.5 Amp (because it will be completing the 24VAC control board circuit on the heater as shown in Figure 22). DO NOT apply line voltage to the Fireman's Switch terminals. Use lg gauge wire with a minimum 3/64" (1.2lTrm) Mickinsulation_rated for a -- temperature rise of at -I st-1050C: _ _ Knock -outs are provided to route the wires through the bottom of the control box and past the junction TRANS o box. 4b. To connect a 3-07re Control.- N41 - Connect wires between the control board terminals Oil the heater and the external relays, as shown in gggy 2 LL - Figure 23. Use at least 2 relays per heater, to allow x for an "OFF setting" on each heater mode. Select OPERATING CONTROL relays that can handle logic level switching. DO NOT ex 1ANORANc PAD apply line voltage to control board terminals, . SUMTeeeLE `LwECM Move jumper (as shown on Figure 231 to enable ]D19BEToeeLE Figure 21: -eK y �y .VAC J� • • i J Section 3, ttlstatle ibh liistructiliris :. -MA`TERTEMP HWERWIRING DIAGRAM (3-WIRE SYSTEM) AGS Swnrh SIarA Flue Seer Gas Valve Tl CONNECTION DIAGRAM Air Flow Sweah - ENa Swhch 1 TA, M4" F5Sw10 Tat P.Swerh. TA ,er 4I4f1� �r . '° Jay l i V L I NA7LP•4 ,yam.y.� n' Z �° Models only L'AFs*J A-411 F3'I OPERATING CONTROL J6 CW >L 4 External Control Interface Circuit Disabled, Healer Membrane Pad Enabled 11 External Control Interface Circuit Enabled, 'Pool On' and "Spa On' Keys Disabled.'OFF' Key on Membrane Pad Remains Functional. external control and to disable the heater membrane pad's "Pool ON" and "Spa ON' buttons (the "OFF" ai key on tite membrane pad remains functional). TERMINAL BOARD z' e e w:. •�:. Plug —12pill Q Knock -outs are provided to route the wires through TReNs 12ov -Black the bottom and the to of the control box and past e 1 p P u ;� L4 w-->✓,.• 24OV—Red the junction box. 0 t 5. Close control box cover. 0 u L7. e 6. Re -install the access door panels. _ - ` e e To control heaters that are operated in parallel, connectwiring Y �I, 12Position m euo " ' :::1 Receptacle at same locations on heater as 2-Wire or 3-Wire Control. It I j is imperative that each control circuit is isolated from the il� I� ° I: !' TimiclockorRemdie u (Purchase Separately—i': '.•'' other control circuits, to avoid that current will flow from I ;m T T I suppaes power to • . Circulator Pump)'. •; ,' •., : . one heater to another through the control circuits. --� - - Freman's Switch JUNenoN ear NOTICE: The fuse for the Fireman's Switch is a 1.25 Am' I— I • I Completes the heater•, `• IJne t pm �' I I I' +)24VoltACControl } e1 M104: o1 BoardUrcili4_ 1'/, x''A" fast blow fuse, which is commonly availables oo NOTrenned.�&'•k.. �. . —24VGr .. �,. LDS , . •a. ,?'_' ' ound� = ce— Controlinterface� IGNmON CONTROL MODULE w4Ae 00TER NOTICE: Touching any 24VAC wire, Including the Frenan's Switch wire, to any 120/240V terminal while the heater is connected to line power will immediately destroy the control board and void the warranty. SLOViER L- n E I E 9) m.9 d� o: m Finuro 91 WHY MASTFRTFMP HEATERS ARE THE "GREENEST" CHOICE AN ECO SELECT° BRAND PRODUCT MasterTemp heaters offer best -in -class energy efficiency. Plus, they are certified for low NO, emissions, making them eco-friendly favorites. That's �® why MasterTemp is an Eco Select brand product. Selecs The Eco Select brand identifies our "greenest" and most efficient equipment 0PENTAIR choices. These products save energy, conserve water, eliminate noise, or otherwise contribute to a more environmentally responsible equipment system. As the global leader in pool and spa equipment manufacturing, we strive to provide greener choices to our customers. We hope you'll join us in embracing more eco-friendly poolscapes by choosing Eco Select branded products for your swimming pool. AVAILABLE FROM: PENTAIR 1620 HAWKINS AVE, SANFORD, NC 27330 800.831.7133 WWW.PENTAIRPOOL.COM BEST -IN -CLASS ENERGY EFFICIENCY • High efficiency* rating makes these heaters extremely economical to operate. If your pool heater is more than 5 years old, chances are a MasterTemp heater could quickly pay for itself in utility bill savings. • Optimized fueVair mix provides superior efficiency and faster heat up. CERTIFIED FOR LOW NOx EMISSIONS • In fact, our heaters outperform current industry standards for air pollution exhaust. SUPER -QUIET OPERATION BUILT TO LAST LONGER • Tough composite exteriorwon't corrode; stands up to both heat and weather. *Standard and ASME Copper Heat Exchangers 84% efficient. Heavy -Duty (HD) Cupro-Nickel Heat Exchangers 81% efficient. All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair, Inc. MasterTemp® and Eco Select® are registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. Because we are continuously improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. pumps o filters o heaters o heat pumps - automation o lighting o cleaners e sanitizers o water features - maintenance products 1/13 Part # P1-004 ©2013 Pentair Aquatic Systems. All rights reserved. : !