HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0412 " , . ,,/' .... ': I ,~ , I " . 'oj' ~ r ., , :,\,. - .. , , I ; , " , . ;,." r : ":",4lJI '.J ~__ : ~ I ! I' ' , I' " 'i " ~: " . .. ,1 " ~' I " " " " ,-r I ' . ' ~~'F;c"i'?,"~,,:::~;:.~~-;~;~~d;+;~~;~;:;i;~~~~~..~~~?'~:;~~~~?~~;~:;;~;;:i"';"';;;;~"'~~~~'~~:~O'~~~'1:'. E,.. J.h'OOLJ,nICKe,; 'Up , , " " ..' TO' 1- ,'J. D.- :lIrJl~S,:' " I' I, .' \ . " . . \ 1 ~ . I \ . 1 ~ \ l ~~ ". t : c . \ ." ." .~' , . " ' :. ,,' \. .' ,,( ,AG1~~l~r.mT.~' ~~B~, : ,. '" \ ! :: ", \ ~,' ,.," , " ,",',' . ARTIQT,ES OF'AG~F.~r~11-,,:'}.t8de thie20d "day of llt)yln' ,tho ;{(lst o'f :our J,~r,dt' ono, ,tl10usand.~ ' . :'~~'.., _' \ '. .' ,.,\. '~'.-~' I.... -.-'. .~.., .... ',' ~': - .,' \....... \. \ ,'Ii lno ,hp.tl~~~o~ D,nd tw?nt~-'f1ve' ~>~rr':I3~r :r:.,lt. GQ1~n~~~"~nd 'A'~l~e ,E~ G'ollnUk, ;,I~iB\,:",1~o ,'., p.f;n'~ ie,S ,0:(, ", _. '\:I" '- ..' '. . \, . -'\ - . \'. I . .... I ',\ .'. '.' \' ,- ..,., "., \' . .' '-, '. -', ..\. ~ . 'q" \ tM.-. f1r~~' va rt,' 8I1u"J. 1>"",p]'hm8va'rtYOf,tr~ ~OO~~ . part.' .! ' - ",' ,', \ i ','.. " '.1I'THl'~~S~Tl{,~'~~h.a't\',i:t',(th~;Sa1,d p,~''i1;~,4f_.the,eGOOrld''~~,llt B'h01.l:'~ir'6t ';I~a~o~1iro pa?nonto tH~ '. _ , ' ':_' ~ .!. \ ,_ ' . '.; ~ . ..... .' _: . , . . . '. . 'r ," . ~. . . \ ,'. '. . _ . '. p~rfurm. ~he90v~nant,fhore1'nof,ter rneptlonbd', on niB ri~rt'..to be mode \llnd porforaed, ;t)lo 'said ,pa;r:t1es. . ' ,\.. ~. ". ',.. '. ..' \ ' . \-' -. -." , of: tho n,):'~t 'Rart, h,er~bJ \:o9von8~t~~nd . Ogroe~ to, Op!1voy, ,,\nd,< 8,~5\~re.)o', tiLe :aa~d ~art}'''of '~he ~'ooond ~art, h1e hoi~s. exec'lto~6, od~ln~~,trato~'~ ,~~ ,~6S1-~np',~: 1n,~~;'~t\i~r:ip~~~:ci~oi,~f~ 1:> . . . \. . . ' ." .' '. '. '. ' .--, - \ ' . " ,:1n'cur,lbl'~~Ce8\'1h~tovor.... b;; a'food~n~ ,s\tfi'io~ent: d,ed'" tho lot. pl~ce ,'c QTpbr'ool' o':f grouild.. '". '. ..' ",; . '. . .' : .: .... . : '. .:.. .. -.' . '.' . . ., '.... '. - ... -.", . -, -' . ',', -~., . -. ". ,',- ," ,,~',,~'sltuatod'iQ ,tlw 'pount;?o~ St.,tuOl.&, ,'~tilt~~: Flo~~d,at "kIl0~*" ,arid 'd9f10ribe\d ,as./611'O\.18'.... t(i.,.w11;:', " " 'rho ,~'est'half'Of Lot S1x, '(6) of ?let of' .'i'el'o Lot,ldOompon;y'J;:.aubd'1vl-sion ,:.. ." ".' < . , " \. '- - ' ,- . . .' ;.' .,"' .~~.~' . . .',...". ,'~()r th.'~ 9outh~aBt, }~lart~r' ~~:geotlo'n" Twoi~(t U.8);T~/nshlp "l'hlrty:.thren:' I I , ' ). , "" , , --.1 'j , j' , " ... ....1 , H' '.0- " " I',. \. .. ---:: " \ \. , \ '-" i '~, ", , \ " , , , " . , , " . ;' .4 . ... . ,: \ " , : ;. , l.:.3) Ei'lJ{~, 'a~~0~dirig,t~'P~8,t . . .' . '.. .. ..... .' .' '. ',,'<o'f, 'thj}: ~aroui t: c :'~lrt "o(St. 'TtUQ(l~' " ' rpoor~e'd "iin ''?~r.e 19': of',Plt)t~oOk ~, in .thQ 'orriao' ;, ." . ~ C,o.nlity, ,:F~o'r.~datCont~l~ii1I!'l".i~~. (5)' acr~~",; . .' .... I " '"' i a:. : " t' . .... . ...;),. .' '1l. I",. a". . ,. 'all,ltpe ~88id, n.!l]:'t:,i:of tho 'so'~o~rn)>t hereb~i co'fena,nt-s and ,af-ree!} to 'pay to tho, ,~a1d!1a!ties ' , . ".' ..;..". .," .. .';" . '.: ,.0 '. \" ~",_~ . ,"':, ~;. .~~ ,o,:f tbo'fitfJt'.par,t the. sum of ':~ivG Hundred a: UO/l{)()Doli!lr~, '~ntho. m~mlf)r]~oll0\11rif' On or,befor~ . . .' : '. . ; - .: ..~ ...' .'- .' '." , '. , .' , ", , "': ' '., ' . -' .' . ,.,. -. ' , '-. ".' " . .TVto Yeors fropl'put'O. ~'I1:th illt~~~~t' ot'e'ight, p~irae,nt~(O%) :'paY,~blo ,semicurrn~~l~;I'.\'Il th, lnter,~~t d' tha"'r~t'9:9f",..~..Po,~ u~~~t\~~~ per'Oh~\U:{, p,~,j'.u,bi~".,.a-~n\l~ilY on .'th'o' ~Ii~la Gum rtH:miniuE' fr~,ti'''O to."., .. 4. ! . . " ..". '. .' ' .' . .... ttr~lO unpaid; anJi, to, pi:lyall.toxe~r,., '.lseocamljn~.s' o~',' ~npoBi tlons thatmoy' b~ ,r,egoHy,lev10cl, or, inol'eor, 1~S.8. f'.. " ' , l' . . ' ~ ' . , ,," . ',' '_ - . .' ,_' ':'. ~ ....' _....-! . :'_.' ". '. '. W'" ..~ -~~_-..,. '. - _ '.- ,',. ~oproeo,d.up(m afli~, rand. subsoquep\ to'~hLyear"~.:~ ;.ond', to: ~;oop'~he'btlnd ill~6:11PQn., _aa.id!j.ro::i~ ~ea.' . : ..' .' ,. , . . ...:- . '. '..' . ..... . " ~ . . ,.:, _ . " . ,: . '.-' c~. J . ' . . . . '. . .;. ~ . '; .' . ineur~din sm~lo' con'~any' SOti~:fOGto~y to ':thn pa;~t..,.Of 'th,'l 'f~'rat'pa'r:t. itt fl.', SllJn,' lio1;.leE;f' t-llari'. -, ",. .. . -.... ~ ' . . ..','. -,' . -..' '.' :' '. .' '.' ;" ',; '. .' . '--. :- : .:. .- . :..' :~' ..:' .:.' .,;.,.~D(n,iarB' di.1r1ng '1;ho " t~rrri, ot tM s:8lrOernont~ ',And, '11'1' "cas~, of,tailure' ,'of the,so id: ptlrt} 91'. th-e, '] , ' ; J' " , .' 'seoond :~ r,t to, i:B~enher of thc,,'PI,lYrr.on.ts9r any 'pB rt 'tneteof;. "?r to 'd!>~:rfortn':,aniof,~e 00 vonants' ooMa ,part dh~robJ'~11l dO'8nd e,nt orod1.l1t'(l, . thiti 'c,; nt roo ~ uhnll, ,o,t"the opt1~'l),o;thO. !l8 rues:,: of: '~.::.. . ,_ " ",. " ,.. .'. .". 'il> ' J': .." -.' .' . . :")hlli,~ nt.9'o rt'~.. 0'0, 'fprefoi t~a !xnd 'te nr,i'natod. '~:nd ~,hf) ~.arts \Jf,tho Boc,0nd .'Dart' shall, i''c)rfoi e ?11 - . . '. . ., '.' ...". " '. 'pa.;rm8n't's,ma~<JbY'hi~":-,onthiS:Cbn't~89t;, ~~d BUCh''}if}Yl1imte S'h91i:,:bo,_rota.in~d' b~i- the 'B6:~4 r>~rtiiS.', ,'of. t.het1rstt~i1rt ;tn ,fl1~i satisfaction ood ,liquidato1on ,Qf:811' dahrie-o,sbJ' them "en8tatn9l,~'and - . - . . '-. ,..': -. ,a8id"1~t1&S of tho f1rst' part'shalihave' the .rlflht,' to :'ie;.;.~tltor- !l~.d'take' '~0~i~sa1oh otthe " . " - " . . '. "'. -. . ..... " .'. " . .' ~. . . p , - '" '. , . prerni.sos's1'or,;said without 'beinr: liablo :to any, action' thoro for'. . ~ ..,' -,. ~..' . .- >..' -,' '<' - . ,.... :'. ..' .. .' " . . . " -." " . '.:- . '~ .. , . . '. ' ,~lTI~lnrT:UALI,Y Af}REED,'by'ancl b~tweEint~e, Plirt1~a'horl),to. .t~~t,tho tir.:~'<>i paymont shall' L t: !; ~ , " ~ ~ Ii' ' ~~< l: ~." '. ,b.e, on eB~ol1t1Q~lpa~t.'()ftl1i,S ,'cDntr~ct~ aud sball eitf,l'nd 't.~ 'and bo o\)l1ga to'r! upon ,the th~ t: 8~1 co!e~~r1ts: B.ndagr~om,~ntB' heiQl~,'contpiriod4 hei-rs"Uoot1,torB~adm1ti18ti'atorB and, aS81:~ne, of tho', .. . . ';'. , " , - '... . ~ ... '\ tospootive ~artlo?~ ,~' l!i'n",!r~SS''1;.sn;;;op', fhe[l~-i'tloh' tothe!'io.prof;snts hovo 11'orQ\lnto set theil' hlm\lB, and 'seals'- ";. " ':-( the day an~'yoar first iabov.e)/~lttin., Si~ned,seoled ond do;tivqr'Od 1n 'proaon'Ce>o'f: Hozol ,G. Swar,twout . J. D,. Baker I. '.' "l E,' u" Ga).ln1 ok. '... . . ,; ..-.( Seal) 'Arma ,E. ' Go.llnick6O ..... (Seal), : J. D. WilUams... .'.... . (Soal) , \,': "/' , ' . , '<n tl- , I STATE OF PLO~I~', R-T. t!JCI,:~IC0U11?Y." ,.. 'I' , / ' On this day perBonallY appoaredbefo.r~ me, on officer authorizod to toko 'aekI!owledgmontc , " . _ r- _" '. . .: ___ ...... ._-_c.,-.-----c_,--,"--,~'!-J,- _...-,,..__"--,___'~ _ '.:.... I'.. _' -i - :" '. , ' ofdo'ods, , ete. ~ E.. U'-OoUn1 ok ~n(l,Anna E.' Galln1 ok ,~h lsvit'fe--;J. D. '\'11111008 to n,)' well. kr.o\'in. ! and ;~:Jo\'m to IJa touo 'tl1'Q !)erOOI18 who -eXGcu,toq, the within ugroomJl1t" und,oCt:,noy/ledfod th!1t . tho~/ ozocut04 tho ;8&1e for. thoPU,fPOBOS' thoI'(lln oxpressed.An(i th!J 801~- Arina'I:~0l1n1<ik, 'wHo . ,_ r i of tho solO. ~. H.Gollniok upon an examination, taken by mo separato and ar>!irt from her -Bald . .:...--------- _ hu sbond, oCknc:.W.ledp,ed r:~!lt 'Bhe'eXO?l1ted,':OO sald alE!'reo;e,tnt freel:: and,.voluntart-ly, and without I ' cor-atraint, ,com9\1ision. oppr~henB~9n or fear of 0.1' froo her stl1(l'huflband. , ~' .. ! ..' , 1 , ,