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' ade this lOth dayof'Aprn,' .A, ,D.-I921 ~,~-etYfe --'Oil rlotte'..Ada Davi-s.' , ,'~ ;--,--:- "~:-'7: ,! " ' '. ! " " . :' , ,:", ,- ',',' , "', ,,' (~omet1.eb 'know~.'~oA~~, C~~;, a-V1,>Ef,)J,ol~9d:'by:h,e!, _h\~8'band'~ John "71,: Dart '. he"5~ount'y 'of ,-St.: ,:' , ~' _' .,". ..~.-:-- ._'-.. "'. '-..:. -.--:' :--- -...-c.:,_....._.-:. :.._.... ,.,~. .,~~.... Liloie ,,~StE!td..ot Flo~~d8; lta Ca'~herine Flb-;(sc;moti_esJme,n1' as'Y.8t~' husband u~'r~1n' L~tl'ieT Fio\v;' 0 the, County' ~f 'Unlon,' St~ te c>~ Harth 'Ca I .,.' ,~, ' ' ; .':" ,'..,3<;>1.'oed' by..h~;.11U8b~rid' ,J.a~es'rr.a 'iln:Wlsha:rtl., ,c{f t~e"opunty'ot'n.u . ., . ".'" -. .. ~ ," ---~ - ~-'------'- ." ~~-- - +.--..:.' ~ ,. - c'a:tol1rta; CMrl ie){ay- B-o.rrie and' et 18 C ~"~Ur~8.i' his, "I"fiEo~hO~ . "- ..' , . . ' ". . . , :. . "." ,,', ... '.' .' - - -,-+_..- -- -' --;--'" ~ .- '~,,:JTor-th.-_Oar-:ol1'na'r~~gen~~-lJlJ::--iurri-&':' ' fld~l~ z~'Jan.!t.:.a--;;;;-~h1.~'o , '9 Q' ,~~ nob-!J gOJ:fl' ~ta',~;"~c~~:~,-, :"-"6f,Uo~rth' c'aroli'n~".' Joseph te~--ll~Y~-~~8nnN: '~O~':;_l1a;'~,"~tB'f~,~~t"; 6,-,gOlinti ,,~Of:-Ue"'ber~..' ,'0: ~, #, " ,~ Stat~' o~ '~~u~?' ca>~l1?e'-~' D~-n~.i},..u~~_, B~~._.:~i~~" D~Qd~~.O~~ a~~e_~.~r" t,h~ :."ounty of:'U8dl~on~, , . St8 t,eof , Geotg18';, .a~d- Charl~B' '.'(e~'leyl oy (8omet).ine~ hat- 18 .11ay) ,uri~att'le,d of, '~}1e CO,;tnt~' " il ' ,or L.. ,..~~o iJ;~. Sta;" ~f "" rie. a..,bY De ;a1 JI~it~~~ ra ot. ~~!'.a-"f,t~of 1 "a,t . ;' 'i . , ' '\ 'part, 8,~d B.S'~ S,lngla.ta-ry,' o~ th,e.:'C.ount of' tho, '.Beco~ld, , ,-"" \ ' ins:; 'Eva, :liayWiBhlp1;', , : ~ f . ?f the first part hav~~ 1n and to ,the - - , " \ . . . .~, 'part. ., " . " .' i1lTlrz.SS~TH~, that the~ai~tiQ .- ". ..'. ".,' ,.,.- ." ,='-. ,. . sumo!' OnE 'jp!:LAP. 'AHD 01'H3R V~UABLE'~C{)I_~,~_~D '., 'p~rt, the:reo.eJpt whereof ls, herl)bY eOraio 1~' __ , " " ,~~iS9d." r..eiea8'ed.~rid Q';lt.. 0'19 ime'<l am1 , ' b;.'>'tl~eBo 'pre'sente "hi,a- helrB:an'clll B.eigna - fOi{ever, 'oil"ti{o~:r - ,. . - . it', In!n Unto. tho, adO. party of tlio aeoond, paT:t and' ,,', - . ';"." ., , ~. . , .' -:-- '. ,.,'~:~'..' ~~:_'.'~ <' . -.".:. -,. ,,-.'. .." .. -". " .- ghf?' t: tIe. Intere.Bt,~~la.1~ and d~m!:I,'1~-Whi_C~l,tho:, part!!ls e8e-rll)e~1~te',pte~ea- 'or.:yaioeli(:of 18n~l, ,'" , . 'e, ,Stete 6f noriqa,t~-wlt+ .~, ~treet',."accoidlngto P'l F'lorida, " "'.... .: '.~ .I ---- TP.iS DEEJ}' GI'nm?O ~~GE"40?,'- IIi., -;.~.". .:s...--.' . .~ ..,...-----'-- ~,I ;. . 1 ,.It ~e inp. the purpose' ot , ' p~rtull, 'the estate , ,...' ,.'- right', . t1 tIe lnt~reat poalessud, by f,he-pai-t'i'oe of tho---rn-&t IJ~~6to thoeQQve ' . ~ :, . - -::--::.." . ' . . . .. .,... ~" desoribed 'property lly'virtuo of being th,'onli ~iii'vivlng hei 's9'fJohnG';Uay' d~o'eased. . . " ,t'"__'~_',,.', ,:--:--..._--:-'"'~_".,_..~,-}'...' .,,' , ., " ' " TO~IAVE AIm TO H<)tDth~s6me.togetli01--Wilth ai18~d' slngul r the 8Pp~tenano~BtnorllUri,toi '-,-belori("inf1' or t!~ anywlBoappert,11r;i'nr, end all tl!e..astue_i rif.'h , title, Lntorost. or1'1 oi[J1~l . __. ~ '""'. l _ ~_ _ _ <. . , ehatsoe"er,of tp.o''..I>~_rt.1..!iB of tllf.t first part,eit'l1or ~n law or e ,uitU. to the'own, propor uae; ,-, ...." f" ' bonef! t a'nd behoof o'f- ~ho, 8:,1 d'p8l-t~ of -thoseo 'Jnd. part,_h1:13.. heir ond osel enS". forever.. f _ . - '. - ~ f ..~,' J ..J ..', -, I , ' ~-f-~~ - '--..:_~c'~,,-~~:~, 1_," -----......c - ~ . - ~=~~---- - ~~-~~~~~<. --