HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0417 , I I 1":'406. '" I, : + ; , I ". .1 . " ] 'I ~ I '," I ~ I !' . .r " , 1: ,11 ',' 1'[:1,': ":"'-11. I. I't ~ ~.~-~-;.;----.;.;;.--:- ....-"---f....~'~...-..c.^-,,--. j Ii ",. I ' I, ' , I I (, . 'I', 'I I '. . ,. . ,1._.. , ,". '-~ ,': . . , r , 1. I," , . , 1\1 ' I "-" /, I I '1' " ',' .', I' I T'::...,:'~~~I,;~i~"..;-..~~~~.,..1.::}; ::::~ ..;.:~{~~.;~.:, ,< \ I ., , , I '. ,.., \ '. 11 1\ \ ,\" " ,,' ." \ I: I, : ,I I ' ,I dnt of.}!ay,' a925':~la~ ~\:?'j ~.U'\, -'. I' ,I, \'" ',' "~',b' \' II \" Iii,,, ..., 1 .' ", '"",~' 01 ~t' . c' ,! 'ti. \ ./li., :1''', 1'.''''' ~n,(rt~; \;~e~I'I., r,ou... oqn., ,',', ~ ,I" \ ,\ 4, ' I,," " , ,\ " I., "It' II I. \,1.' .'t\~.5}: III ,I., '\jY:~--~I3~D.,\c..:\ \.: ' ~ _,(), \ . "I .\ ' . \ ,', "" \," 0.... "\ ' II. , \', ~' ,:' 1,' ,," \' V I" -"', ',' " ',.,.. 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", _ '.'_ . \. .' _ _ .. ,', . ,.".41 '(}ol;2AJIY. ,o,Qorporation'e.xiBtin~ under. 1; he laws 'of"~he 'State. of'~lorida,',Pavlng ~ta prfn<'i1pe1'. . '" '. '. . - -J' _ ".' ~ _,' ~- 091ao~' of .~n.s,itle,ssln the'Cott'nty of. St.. t1.iai lJ~" S~tE;l of'F~0i'ld8'''' 'party <of'thfl :t'l:r"st "1'9 rt~~pd '. E., ,L';"TaYlo~f:tb(j Connty-otst. Luoie, ,State Of'norida'~"!>art)tof the'sepo,nd, p8rt~ " : - -. . . .' .. ,.' . .' "'. . . . : ~ . :' _ . - ,- '. .' _' _ -f -.... . . " , ~nTn3SS};."rJI: T~t +',h~ '.~afd~ar~y (~f'th6f.irst :i)art for,~~d:inCOn~~~e:~t ion 'o'f t"liq: 8,urn'"o:t .... . '. ~ \ f .~o.o~, find Qt,hO~ ~o'~d' e,~~d',jaflj~b~e ,con81da~fl~'l.o!1s, d~}larB, to, }t, '~~', han; 'l1ai~~;;~h~: p~~t~__'Ofthp s'e~oiid['a.,l\t, t1ie 'is ce1,Pt'Vi~Qre,Q'tl~, h~:,ob,Y,,8,Okri cmled~e~, ~,hos.:g:ran~e~," 'oor~'1 nee., ~O'~d fa 1iene,d'.. ' ,r'aml!3eli, ,re,lea oed ,co.av&"I;A 'and' o~ h.~lr,r.),Od" . end ,'by tllo!3or>re 8ontadQth: ~,al)t" bai-ga'l~, e'ei.1.~'811~n',: ., ..... :.....,":, ">. '~.". " ,'.. . . .... ~",. -:~'..'.. ... '.... . ': '_.',..".. . , .." '_.W . remise, ,role8Be,~ q~n,"ey, and" confirm u.nt-o the saird' part,Y. Q:t ,the, sqoond p'srt. hi,S. ~e1-ra, .'ahd,' aSB1fn'e". , . '.' .' , '. _'. \. - . W ",". . _ '._" ,,. , ' forever,. 011 tuat .cert6in'poJ;'~!on of land'lylngandb&-'iftf in the Cou'ntyof.S1;'.L1lcie' and, g~8te o~.' .' ',I ',~' . ;, , , F1Qrida-;- to~wl t: , . . . " <".'. . . . . . ",' ,LQt',QJL1r1H!lrotlnaSub~iv1S1oliOfSootibn.~1. To;Yrls hill '36" South, Rauge,' 40' E,8et,.. scc,o--rdlng to s"pl~t' of. a~id '8UbP.1V,lsiort~,e?OrdOd'Vfia~';boO~: 4, nt' page 68. of . " St'.' ,L\.:1cio County' recor~B. ,,' , " To - heveand ,to h61:d ,tho game in"foe,almple ',f. i.; . .!).. " , " ,', .' , forever.; 'and'th,e S81'd"p~rt;';'.of' the !iret;:>ort' dotjf", '. :~i 5"~ ..:; ',co:"onant w'i t'li the soid 'narty of the 5e.()ond part',: tiH~t i t.lS,:.1a,\1fullyso'izedo',f"thosai'd' ,pre~1se~, . , '. .' .' '-. ' ...... , . .: . , .... ..:.... and' 'th(l~ it ha~ l?'90d r1~ht,,and"lewf'~1 a~lthor'ity .to sel,.1.~h'O Bame" and the 'said party oJ t}'la 'fi~~t . ' - . . -'" " . . ", ...... " .' p. ~ '",art does her,eb~fully Y/arr.ant th&,'ht,ie to"~8""d 'iand:and, vdll'diJfend theaame ogainst''-tholavJfu.1 .' . " , ". , .. ' .." ol81r:l~ of a-ll'llorsqns\'ilximeoever. , ~ PHO'lIP::n, !ffi'G!rr:!EJJ;s~9.'l'hat these' ;>reljOnts'are mado sub.joc,t to 'tb~tollowing,expres6' . - . .. " '. ~ , '. . .' .' .;;;' - ": . ' .' .'" ~ ~. condtti ono!restrlott~I18~n,d:'~1rnHot1onl3~'8r)l)lYit18t~ tho:e~id )t~ravl~la ,fiQCOrdln~ to. ,t!1e ,r~-". oorded p'lat.o!:,6~i'd I:aravi,na ,t)nd~h~ 'dh condHion's,roet-rlct1ona'alidHnitat ionA ~hl- iritendedto' .be, and shan. 1;reaocepted'aa dQVenants,ninni,nj(with 'tho lund and whioh: she))' 00 ,hindi,n'g al1letl ,up,on . . , ~ .. ,~-. -, ,.,' . '1:it~~' .> . " "'7 .._~~~ the~ei'ts, llersor1al, 'r(lpr~:sentatl~os and aesi~nB of the p~rti ,ofthoeoIHlo~a... 'OO:rt, who '"by hi~ . \' . ,'~ooe,gtano(l of this, i-nstnlnent a~ree~ to, 'abide by (ino l)orf~rrn Mid to~tr1 01!loTl8 ~ hhrtattone,8X!Q. .'i . ., .. 'oondl tl,onB as o~o .d'f the,'expreSS'oo,I?Slr~ati.o~e-01',these 1. Ho 'rotidelico' 8ha11 be erected or constructod of'a 'i)r.oeente, , , 16sso-oa~' ~hE.\n $3,'000.00'_ find 'al1" rosid,6nces ..' " ' , ' ',,'.' " ',' , ~1n ssl-dHaj"8vills.cshall b'e Qonstr'~ate'~' o~'-ooral roCk, concrote" ,stucco'; O~I1Qroto block,holi9w'tlle.~- ,:.,. . , ;briok 'or Mi:x~d,conBtruotion. :orvoneere;d'wtthcc:ral rock orbrlo~. or frope v,enoQred: with stu~co; , " , " ,,' " ' , j'.",' .., , ," " .,' aIla sr.&l1 b~ aionf Spsf11sh, l!oorlah, Ven,oti~1) ~rSlr.1~l~r ,h&n~~,~llous't;,'pos of architecture. 'and " ,the aforesaid Bf:lOnnt shall ,be aCball,y ~xpolld€ld on' cOl1struotlQ!l and et09tiqp.of stich bulldinp ant}' .' , J. .. _ . \". _ _ ~. '.' . ;'noir' fOT'feea Inoonnoctl;jn +,herowi the f/ . 2.. 110 'bul1r1l'np shall bo oOllst,n.ctlJd or ereotod on any of tho lots. of r'.o.ro'vi:la u~,tn Dfte r ':ho J " plans; 'sl)ec1floe1;loliB and locQt1on of the same sliaH have beon' ailjll'Oved bi tne p'ar'ty of the fir'st , ,I part, 'i tssucoesBor-S, re H6aenta +.1 ves 'or aesi J~nB. ,3. "rhe oqnEtrnotlon .otrQctiO?~ 0:: a,,' bUU~ln~ 1s ,l1n1hd,' tolo.~~ r..,sidonoe "private florafle. on oach 10 , lOOx150 foet frontl1'1p: 'on Suor1s,e houl.ovard. " 4. ':'hat no u'nlawf1l1 oril.1f;,oral lU30 t:1};gl1 bo ;.fidol. 01" ~he 'p~ellUse8 I , build1 nf and- one \ithe eat.f.l' nor any !lort tnG~eot', n01' an;! 1r1toraBt i:-hol'aln, be s'Jld~ herobyb~oonvoyed, nor/Shalt 14. . lell se,l' or otho;twlU6 convoyod --- ~-- t .1_ 1 -- -- -- ~- ----=== , ' ,.,