HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0423 .,! 'I '1. '.- "'"- '~f- ..+'....;..-..'~.f~.'-1t: ~.,...-._l I J " I . I , ,1' ,I" I . ,i ,I' I, t'. I .. ': , ~ " I' " I 1 '1,\ '\., " ;~ ,: Ii!' ", I ~ I. ,,' __ .,11 :.: ....' ",.~' ;: !I~" ; ':I.~., ~-... '1:: : ,: 1 .> ~..,...,....,' p:., . ~:; ~ ,~ ~"""""""'rr""'"~ :;, ,:I;ti"C < :' l :; .r,,:~ '~::;;':"7:N~::J t. '~:"'~'_:"::_'-;'~.,~ .', __..,..,.."., j ,;' ,! i1 ,'t"":j ,',::,..' ,'I ",.':', ( "i ;'1"" " i I~',I" ,',I<:,',i,...,1 ';'1 ,1:'." ii' .< 18w\ful~ for, '~ard ~:iiWitG'" Ih~ano1~'s'f le,glll ~.epr,6B,e.ntat~\':e~'~nd\ a~81gqf;1 i' ilt,'all 1ittie56eabeablY:Sridl't( , 1 " '~~l~~b;,;~p~'~ntal"hpo'ri..\.~ld'> o~~tipy QJ\d ~njoy ~ai!d hnd; 't}~t' ~ald l~~d.' ~a ire~' fr06\61l'~n:- I' I " ,',' " , ' ' '" " ' ',., '\ \. I'" ' " ,', ,I I,' " I " I, " . \, }.,oumbr~ui,Q~~; ,tha,t '88~d' ~;anto~8,,'~~~~r,\hUrl\.~n\~,le{l:al, ~~I>rf~el;ta~ iv~,~, ~vi,i'r~~k~:I'~UOh.f~t'~thO i \, , '\, \ ,'\ " ,," "I:.: ' ,",' , \ "'" \ I' ' \ 'oGl3llrf,li1olfst(l'pfn'f,e.ct'the fee Si~ol~ t.it~e'to"sa1d land 1n\88id'f",rst}1<eo,' his 11ei:r43', 1~ga1" ,. . 't~ !,X:ep.tes~'~t~~~v~s ahd' 6s'1r,nEi,i'[I'6 ,~~~ r~aSonf.lbjy be '1~~l11r~~;:, ~11'tl tha1rBald'g,r'a.nt~r~', ,'~o:IliJrti~; :', ::, I, '" ' , 1 ' ' ,\ ' , , \ " , " , ,I'", ,'" I. fully waf'~\nt\ t,l\16 .tt,tle to SOlid Iland a~ 'will, ,d&f'ena' :'hes~ll(,~gal:~~,t the "la.~flllC~~~,iJ~S '\~f' a'~\1 " '\ ,\, ~ , ..\ ' , , pere'ons whomsoever". \", , . "I ' 1 . , I , "" ~ '~ j' , ----'-'-----'-~t...J_~ -~ -. 'J--.-.,....-,-.I ~ I I J ;. " , " " / .tt21~-', I' , ,,' , ,{., . ! -.'.' !, , I I ~I' I'; , . - I.. .' " n " I " , ':,U .",' .( . \ . \ , ' , . " ":"-I~HES~~t{l~, h~nd,sa~~ B'e~~s of B?id . . ,~ ..... . \ . ", - ". - , ,,~\glgn(ld,soaledand -delivered ill the"p'r~aenoe ,of:" '" Henry ":0 .Hahn ' " ',,'. ~" ,'.' ,'",',', " " ']~, R. Si-edler ' " " . " , C$i.oo 'I .R.Stamp "o!i~ceiied) . -:. ~. - '. " Grantors, '. tn,€l :\day' a nd year t~rBt ab,qvo,. ~ritt'e.n. ~, , \: . ',,' , . .. ,,-,'. '.' ". ....,. . 'WaIte r..}:1tohfng~ ,..\ /. '.. . (~eql) , '\ 'AnniQ Y.itohin8.. .... .'... ~. (Seal) . ,\ \' " " , I:. \.{ ~" .' STATE', OF 'FLb:iuA,--- ,.c., \ ,COUIiT:YOF. gT~_ tUCIE, ,." "., . J: ' .' _.;~ . " '. ' . '~'HF.ES.W C'ERl'IF'('; T-}l8t' on, th1; dSy' peraonal.1J'.apl;e9f!3d. be~ore I)le, an of.:~'lcer' diily . , . . , -' a'lth'orl.'z~d fu~drnin18te:r. oe'ths Jand take', ~ckiiow1edgmel1.tB. w;lt~~1Eitohif)B'8n'd A!1I1i~KitChi~f!', . - - '.. . . ".:". ...:." '. -' ", c. ',~ .. . . ," '. _.... .. ,",.. '. _ _: _. '. 1'. ,', ',' ',_' ',. "," '", "~. ," ,.' . . '.. :'"," , :. 1'11,8 ,\11r'a:to mo"wei 1 kn'ownand' kn0wnto me to:bci~he "r:d1 Yi~uai':da8or1.'bed ~n' and\'lh <> exe,cllted' ,tJ),e '. f9ref?olng deed, ,~nd they ,ao~n:)wlad~ed. b€lforeme' ,th~t ,t,he?~e,xeoute~the mmofiaely. and vOlimtbr1l1, " , for tho', O!mrposo8 ther dt-1e.xprei3se<l" . ',-,' . . '. .' ~ .' ,.' . - ~ :: .' ,.' . . -. " .. . : AimJ l-'UR.T~!ER CEI;TIFY,', T,hat"the ',. . '~ , " sa Id A~rHei:i tOhfng kno\'~' 'to, me, 'to',,!>e ,tho Vii fa '--of, the said' ~7alto~1;1tOhiliP. on,8 s'eparate' on(1' pr~v8te examins'tion, tf;\ken aud' 'made b;tand bo'l'orem9, '. 's'ap:ali1~eiy and apE)rt , ; deed for'the pnrp()8,e .--;".._;.... ._ _ ~ .. __. _~._ _ :_,',"-.4__ ';-,. ,__, . '.' _ . . . ' 'ciompni.a10n"c'~natrf.H'.nt;'8pni1lhena1.on or fesr cf or: from h'er eal,lhU8t8:rt<l., S~ft'eX8ou~e4"the: ,s-sid d~~d fru;ty a,tid "vOl~~ta"rf1Y;.Drtd :,~1thU{.I,lOY .' .., ," :' 'j~' '; 1 1 , , " ,'Rhetherofdqwer, home-stE!fld. ,',' l,. ',' ,', , , .' desor1 be~ tl!llrel~ ",..na.' th8~ ,r .: 6T"'~--:"'" ,u,:, A.' D. ,19?,4. ~- , .- ' Nellie !~. ~tlbb. , Hotary ,P1lblio'; S'tat;e, o:t"noridnat, Largo,. " My cor.,m1sciono:q11roB Hay 9, 1928., . " . ,1925' ',' ofl.:ayj'at i:+5, .-:~ "On; /A.:. ' . <(" ~~ &".,. , ' 'Ik~ C:''''.~'' '"-' ~ . 'Filed a'ndrooorde,d .th~B the 12th day P ~H~" ....... p.. .C,.Eldre d" Olerk' .C~ro \lIt CoW"t.,' ,'iYJ~,~ (i;;'~~D.C. f' -=--.. . '," 4 -;. ~.._'. _. ..,.i_._ .'_. _.... _~,:"._. _. -: .'_. _. _ .'_...;_._~.. ...'_'-.. _ .,... _ ,;~ ~'_,~,_ ,_','_ ._..,.. _. _" ..,'. ''';._ :~,_. _ ;'_,._,._'. -.... .':'. _ .,r' ,IS !l.ny,S?ROl! &, '.'ll?E TO ;,. C,' E7Al1S ' Ar::1E~~:'? FOn DEEn . ;A~TlcrB~ OF Ar.:~~T:~!'T. !lOdo t,hts 10th day of Hovomb(lr '1n thayear' ot 'oui' Lord,one .' -. -.' I, , '. "J .,"~,j, 1 .r ~ . , thol~6and nine- hundr€ldnnd twentJ'"follr ~E'!;-,;.~]m Ellis DahlB'~rom ,and JOha,~Hja Dah1a1iror;,hla-W1fe' , patties of tho fi'r?t 9!1rt, and, ~7. C.,~vonB party of the sscond part, 'TIrnr:'Qll;::TI., That if the'aaid I)arty of t110 second part ohal1 first r/loi:o he !loyr~onts .anl gerform th~ covenants here1na'fter [".enti one-d ~>n his 08rt to be modo and, nerfvrrr.ed'"the salt1 "lsrtles , , , , tof tho1'i~Bt' !1art l)er'r;by',covonant and, agroq toeol1vey' and"aaH.ur~ to the' lJo1dparty of tho second . ' part, 11.18 ,hairR,' ox~outorfi, odmlni'stra,tbrnor' IJceirns"yn fee 'lJir'lJ)l'e, -cloor o't ~1l l.n.::unbrances ~,,' ;~hatevor,llb;la f'?orl and sufficient deed, t:ie l')~, !Jl()o. or ~Hlrc~l of ~ounrl'" :.:it':atod 1n tl10 Ste to of :'1ori4a, . knQwn !lnd a'oeer1 bed 8S follows: to-'N! t: , I ,