HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0428 , .. ;' " I ' " j, , )v I "1 , .-'--:,...---~--~--:-~ I . . f' I ' :,/' I " r , F, \ " '! .. . ',' ;.;,~~:-'.;;'.~;.~,~.~~.c'.-.;~0r:~~';';~c~;:~"-~~,~+'~:';:';~:':-':;':~~""'~:*~'~'~;-::~~':~~~i~ "'" I. ,'...,TPtO,ETRER ",l:th:Oll t'h.el,~~tiement8., Mtedl~a,In~~t6 !lnd 8.p~)ur,t~nanO(f,a~I~~1th,ltVer~:")r'~V~l-e.'fte, " ',; , \ ,~\ ,!18~t;, ,titl~, . 1.ntere,st' !lll,d :8,st8,t,o:,d ~v~r'~m(L r~ght' of dow,or ',70Y8 ral,~n'.', rema,lnd6'r b~' ~oser'o~t',' 1 . ~'," . . _' . ~ _ t <1 '. \" (, -' of' - ", ." - . . \ '.' .' l' ,'" " .., ~" ",' . .' " U' ,', '.',tbereto"b'e:OI1,g!ng ~r rn',~hY\:J16e appe.rtsin'1ng: .,'~' \, #. \, ' - , "" ,,\," \ ' '" ' , I ,.,' :; \ " 'r(j:'~YE ,A1ib\~~,~Q~th~'~~m~1!,'f.', ~1rnphfor.i.r;' . ,", ',.. . a, ' " , .I And ,'the, ooidp8'r'1iy of ,tho 'first pai;,t doe6~oVOnant 'with' 'the '~fHd' 'party of',' the :' \ \.\ \ ~. .' \ \. \ __ _ _ , _ _ : '. \": . \' ~ '\' _. .,.' _' _ ".' \_'. ,.' _ . . , \' \ l, \ 'Ii _ _ . _ , ' " ,\ . ,seo'ond'part t'hat,he '1s iowfully scized of ,~JlQ Baid prlJl'\i~a8, that th,ey aro' free :i',rom i1l11n~', ' , \ ;-..' '''_,'~ ",'.- '_\ "'t-"'\ " ,",' '\ \ "..,' "." ,',:.: ",' ......, -,\ \. :-,' \,' ...\\_'~'" ~.-" , 'oumpranoes ,8n~ tpat he 'hoB,g\)od right aod' It1\T~l' authoti ty~o, s8,11 , tho :ssme: and th's s~i \l;:parti ' . -~. . , ,.... .- " ..... " \':. . ~. ~ '.\ . '. . \ of, th:8ffrst'P8rt:dOaa' )l'ereby'.'''f~\iliy ~~,r'~nt 1;h(:" t,i tIe t,o .,Ba~d land,,; ~nd\w111 -ae1'ent,\ the Illam,o , . . \ ~ \. .' \ '" .', . .. . a~inB~ thE) lor{f111' ~l81~S' Of~,l, p~r~on&w~o'~,so~,vor. ,\ . .',' nT"wtTH!38S i1HEREOF" the' ,soid par'ty, of ,th~'first !>~rtQaB herount9, 80~ 'ole, hand I" " .. , " I t-. . ' 1 " ,'I _'c_~~~-4-1-7 , '. <! ,"I '1 ,1 \, , I' " .\ \, . " .\' . , ',enq S~B~'thedaJ 'i,H~(YOar 6bo~O Vlrit'ten~ >~lglled. '&ea 1e'l1' 'and' dQU vered'1n ,onr .rlreSllnoe: ! 'K. D~ Klemm"', , ' " ,'Katlterl,neRowan, ,,",.. : . :."- . '. , \ , ; '. . ,'\. ~ :.- ,- ., , ' Elt'gene 'LoYelao?.. .~.(Seal) " .'\ ;. C' , , , \ , " ,'.' ..' STA'TE"OP lfISf\OtJRI.), . ...~ 1.'. . " SS. . ,COUnTY JACK~OtT . , ',- '. ~ " .. . \. .' ; appeared t heroby, ,aertU'y ;,tha t ,on :th:i630~,h' 'day 'Of )!erahA. P.l n5, 'bofore p~.t~():nally, i':, -' .', ';,' , ' , , , ~i:lgentt ,Love1filO'e,;', '81 nglo and llnmarrt~d to mekno,vm tooe, the ,~,o1'son9 ,desoribed 10: and " , . . " ~~ . , ' " 1V,119 ,~'xoau'tod : tho, .forEifbihg ccnveytince7 '~nd, aokih~~l~d~~.d ,the "aot arid d01l4;..!or tbeuaba6nd,:mr'PoBeB,therel,n,~ntio~eU." ... " .' .;;. O>:QCtltiorl th<iroof to; bo'his fr,~o , . .:", . , m Tl~~S 'my C igria tUl'O ,Oila., 0:1:1:1618;1. 'l3eal' 'at ta:n~aa 'C ity l,n" the County. of. <Ta<lk~on, ' , , ~ ~<" .,.,.,.." f' " l: . , - a'nd'~tate of l' tho,dol,~ml ~ear last ~i'~~e~a~d. , .' ,'... " '~ ,'., .-:" Ad'olp!) 'J"lteyer~...: .. (sosH , . Hoto rj Public. ' . By OOlrt.miS810,n' eX91ref;i Doce'mber, ~J6tlf' ." " '1926: " \ ' , ' &, oa,nceUd) , ,# ' \ ~, " . Ellod and rqciordad t}',is t;ho 12thd-01 of :~ay,1<J2G" at II::;? A.I!' . '1 ~, . ,I), '€ dJ ,~, -C.. ',~ " c () r.;.' P.o... Eldre'cl:'Clork. Ci reell t: Conrt/ ' - . . " '., .',) . .. I" . J ." , , . t L ~, f' , t # . ! i', , i 73i-x<~~I~~'p.o..: '. # . " , -. -.~':',r:~ -......... -. -. ~". ~...:-'.... -';'7' '':~ -.~':~,:" ~...;... .'-:--.:-.. .;.."- ~~.:--':~ ~. -.. -.:..~"~. -~. .;.._~ ~".. -. :'-.,:-.. -."-\ -:-'. -. -". -::--.,~.!' - '.'~. ""., .;..-. ~ .-,- 3A~~: C'A.S'l' CA':''!'I;:; p6~\)Ajrx " TO :<T(rm ~!. ~AlrPLE' ~ .. '0 f t ' :71. ~l..," 1;1' y m: sn ;, \ , . t , r .. t 1: ! ' CAr~TL:~ c 0; ~:)A;!Y ':!!IS1:l!~~;r:'':'R;{, )~!ldo t':1i'll lOtJ1'dllJ of IrOV'o'r.1ber A.,D,;'"l'021-;''3E1.':';n:;n :::';'0";' 'j'~'(!T u con>or!)tiono:du~ii1g u::<101' tLo J,':l'!ia Q'f tho :-lttIto of ?lOl'lJ()', 11!1':inr.1 h!';r~:nS)lpfJl .. / '.., ',' , n'''vhoCbtinty o,;t,.r.~icree!1r!~ta+il Of :'lofida ynr';J, o'f'~:-;'J Ylr~ :!Toc 0 0 " . , " , , ' JO:;Dr i{~ BAJ.t?LE (' th~ County 9il sL J,uoio on1 Sta tc:, Qf ?lorldo po rt;r of ~ ',}socond ::urt. W,ITUES;SETH , ii" ' < th!1t tho paid:)!nt:r ,? 1 tho n rat purt, for. !llHl'in c ,':-ns'ldoroti Oil of the ant", o,f'T::l! :tOlO.OOnnd oti:er.. ....uluab1ol -consl doration) DoHors, to it inhardpuid, tho rocoi~)t whe:-ooi' 1a .1:prebyac~:- ~ t.n r i ~. I , , nowlodr-ed, h~f.l rronte-d, l>ai'f!l.l1nod ~U()] a. a1 ion~d,,"rllr:iGod. ,l'oloUE:od,' Cc)i,voyed 9nrl .co!1fi n'Qd.,' snd hl" tJioc!,j )r6eentli 'Joti,' grunt. hu:';-;uin, u, 1f. oJ.io,'" ~hl) nBId :)()l"t,;; of tha 'ao'cond ~)llrt 'tll'.a 'h1B hoj:~n;f.l!ld l'Ij~,i[,;(). ,ro1ou{;o, c_:'}r~Yt.;~' 'u(sd (}.',,,"ti 1") ~ . I ~ I t' unto . 08. fo11o~';s:- " 013[,;1 gt,B fOT')Vor. (111 t)lut cert,ain ~)a,r;oel of , I ' i' ' " Sta t{;,of .b'lOri.d.a .--llOrJI-+p.r.~ilt~lal.'l ~l (1 e f "'l"Lh,fl.lL..-_ " ~ ! '. I ~ '( , , , hU'l'ly tn~~ awl' 'bel nv. }n~ho, Count;,: of Ht'..' l~~J1q .~,---------_..- . ~,--- -~-