HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0432 f' I" r--' - .- t..:. .- , JL. ~~ I,. 'I i -', - -~:-- ,I -, , , - -.- __~~~ __L ;'421' " -,I; '. -j.- .;' , ,. 'I ~ . I, " \,.' , 'I ,_ ~:';~~'1:~:;~,-:7;~F,~~~~":;~;~~2F::="":';" ::x:~~~6:. ~,.:. '.,:~;:' .~ ,.'l})ltgil'm~nlt,attlie 'lIolrthW8ot ol>tn'ol,': of thO' SOlltheo.~t,Q;Jartar ~ -~. , \! .....,...,' \. . \. .. t ~ '.~' . I , , . . .' t l r. \ ,!, " · .(}) of the no,rthwest~;la~.tar:(*, of ~6atd.Qn T.h1 rteen, J.13} f I ~. ." \' \ l . . ~ . .. "" . . : ,;,"" I' 'Town8\h~p' Thj\1'ty':'tll1~e,~ (33,) ,South o't nal1BEl\Thlr~y~rt1'rW/3~)'. :': ' ,~ ~ , . .'.' \, .' l \ ,l ..' '\\ _' .,\' .\ \ ~ '. .' \ .\.. E~st'. thenol(r~tnn1r:i go East '1.320. feat, or' to t\i~' northeast ':', ' . . " ~ \. -. " . \ - \ -' ~- ' . . . \. . - -. \ -. '. . . . . . . '" . corner ,of aaio Qua rto1"; thene e '~(:mthili~Lfee't i' thence,Wes t' . . \ , \ . -'. \ - ..,\'..- : ". \;-. . . - ,'"" . \ '" ". .., .' \ .' 1320 fqet;' thl}noe Itor~pl~O ,f~6t'to"t!ie ~Qlll't\'Of,b~151nlling,'\" " " , , oontaIning ~".64 aor,os,'r.1Ol,"e, 'O'r 1 eo's,.' \ . \ '. ". '. \ ~ - " . ."\ ". \ . -' ., " .' . 'ct~o~OO I,R.:S~8[l1pa ooncol1o'(H' . ',: . ~. \ , I' .' . ' , , .. :, .' . ;,' I . t. t . ~; 1 . " ,'~,~"~~~..~,,~,:t;-:::;;:~ J It. I .\. '. \ - ~ t.' ., ,\ " \' , " ': d, I ' "~;,'l , .'I,~., , , I, ..' , ' '\., , \ . t- ~_: ~, \ \ ,', ; , .':' , , \ \~: ", ~. r ~ . .\. "\ . \ \ " , ,\,. " ,\ " ',' " ,- '" . .. \' \ . , ,\ \"', . ", ", '\, .\ " \', , {. \ ~ . . : , Togetherwl th ~,ll, ~he\t.el1emont,B~ hered1to.meot~ ,and ap'P~l;'tena.l~es,. w'1thever/ P~lv.11~ie.,: ri'gh,t" \ '. . .. .. . ,"'.' ot. ,tit~1d, int ere.r;t'~ and~sta te, 'dowe~ aMrlgh-t,o.f' do*/ot. r~verej.on, rems indet'andc " easemellt:the ret,o . "- - ~ '..' '. , - -..... . - ~,.' . .'. . ' -'. ,'~. ,,- .' ",. . -.-. " .. . ....: >-'. :. ~.." . . 'b'el~rlf,~hg o~ in onyvi1$8 '8P!Jf;lrt'sfnLng: : To,Have and TO~~ld :,the: '88m&:~in f~e~~ipp.1e.'''for"er.: ,':-' , ," . ' . , ,." ' ,,'" " ' ,'" ' ,:' \' ' . , And' ,t~e 'parties p fthe. fi rst 'part. dooovepant Vii tho the 'S!l~~ pa rt~ of 'tho 8GOOn~ port, tha1(. . . '\h'a~t~j~ i~~fU~lY tie~zed ~f-t'he. Bai.~ I)remi'B'e'a,'t'}~t t~~; a~e'.i1"~~ :~~~'oci',~il. inou6branoe~, ,o-xoePt\" . -#.. '. . . . . . ~4' ". '." . . " ~"_ " . . . '" . - .' .~. ,-i""~' .~~... ,-". .' . a,le~so', on'.-t~o ii rat ~h~~ollth .of' th " . , I /. , , " .. ' ", ,."..~~L , ; 'ino,eforede8orii:>ed' 'tra~{Of'la!'i~'~ whioJi~xpl:reBon 06.t'ober'15~: +9,25;' a leaBI3.'~n:t11e ~pOllSC !forth of the Rioharda. residenoe ,00 said 'he'reinbefore deso-ribed traot of la~d'~' YI11!'ch' exnir6e ' .:. .... '.- . - . ' . ":'" ..,.,,' .~.~. ",. .... .~..' ..':.,., ."...... .. ,~~""'. _.- - ":, Ootober'l.1925j a-n'~ s'lQo'U9fl'tbe "f;09Ad"heua, trOY",- nfot,no1'1,ehaid:s},'1I81dAnOR 'nneaiE1:here-:-' < .... '.. '. . , . . . .,' .:' ." . ..' . '. ," .-', . . . -. ", tnbefurneso,P-1b~ traet 9'{i<>nn' \1hi?h~..>.plU8 OQ~98elo1.~i92hand t,het'they,ha.ve t,~d';ri'P:G't . '. . .' '. . . -'." . . '. .' . . aM l(l~~u+',a~ltho:r1ty;,tQ .ael1'the:~nlno; andt.he'aatd pe'nies of';~c :firat-p~rl;doh~~eb/ f~~ 1y'," , . . : . .' . . .' - . .. . '. - .' . ~. ,::' . - . ,.'. . - . ~llr1'8nt .the title :to: Bai'd land,., ana. \..!j,il.-Ji.if-en~L_th(Laame _*f-'ei hst _the_~awfu1,.clair~s.~a1.:...p:i:0pe'rson<: . ' : ~ ~..". :. , whgtnso ever. ."D'.',.." '. '.' .'. . ,. l;.'. f In 'n'I')nS8\i:!}~H~Ot\ thaBa1d 'parties Of"the. fir ~t partho~~ heretlll,to', sst"their:. hands and . ~ ' -' ( - - .'- ~ seslsthe da~ 'a,tlclYear.above written." , ' ' , '.i3. , Signed, ,B6elf:ld and dlJll,ver~d ' 1'0 our"pres'onoer Jame's '1'. ~ VoOelle. '. 1>a ul R. Uiale q8rold-'.~., Hiohl)rdB. ~' " .'.. "" ~ . a . ,Eno,an'~.., nlch~ids;. .:.. ~.(Se~l)' " 1;8 te U. :: Rit3 rerds.'.' ..:. ~. . (Seal) .' .c,' .' .",. J.'.. " . ; :STATS OFFLOMIDI\. j ,:'OUHTY O:"S,T..LYCIB ~ ' ~ <0. .' - "",. _ . '. ,. I, Hqraby'Co'itify ~ that on .t.his27thd ~ o,f ::nr'ch ,..'D~ ~'92 5',.hlt'f:ore:,'T;lG ))erBonoll~.ap!>eoted ~no()h C. Richards . ,to'l:'.O ;:0071n to be tho pcroort, deaor'lbed1il and'who QxeC:~lted' the far ~gOl~g ," , ' , conyey'an,oa toA.ugu~ta Glo.r~811erks'8n'(1 ac;r.no\'Jledgedl:ha 'execut1on thereoftobo 'hie fr.ee act arid , ~ <:ie ed.for thO,U.eGB ,and pu rpos9s there! t}~rneo tlone d., ~'itneas byalgoature" a'nrloffi,clal ,aQol'st Vero, 1n'i;he ,GQtln:t~1 ,of A,t. Luoie and, gt~t,eof . :t.. F~'or1 do , last' oforesaid... " , ",Paul H,. rri819....../..(~eoi), .- !Jota1'yPubHo St.ll to of Plo1'1.do at 1a rgs~, !~y Oo.-:'.:.1188i6~ ~xpire~ Doc:.. 5,.1928. ' - " ~ . \ , ,9 f--' ~.-m?E ,OF HAIUE ~'.'O" h: : t.,. COUHTY O~-G1J! f3E RLAUD I ' ' ...,.. .' ~, I}!urebi,' Certify, 'that on,1;ho 15th day oi"AprilA., D.',1925,bofore me personally qJ[le~'rerl 'K~te J. H1charde. 'v/lfo of.Enoeh c~ Riohards, to me kOI)Wri to "be tne person dosoribed'1n and who J;" I , ' 'exeouted the foregoln8, cOl}voyan"ce t_OAtlg1lsta Gloria !larks. and, aOkn,,\'iled ed'the oX"CU tioo 'til(ire-r~ - " I _ o'fto bo her freo oct end d,e,ed oi}'l for tho ue'~B ond pp.rpo.es ther,in !)1entionod; '1nd tho sdd I ano 111' iva te ex l;lMinatiJ~ r andepa r1;; i'ror.1 her ss1<1 husbond, did acknoVlledre , ; that, she ~'.a~eh')rs"lf 0 po rty to tho Baidj 1)08<1 of Conveyonce for tho PUT!1Ci se 0:' renc'li:,Oinr, relinq11is!:tnf; and c,:livey1r1f 011 hor r~f"ht.titlo 0lH1 in':oreet, who tllltr of do',;or oro.~: s~,pln-ato . : prOPQZ't;r,.8tat~toryor 8(1uitable.'1n !nd to the lunds t1;oruln'dellcr1Qed, and thotsha e~eo.uted, ~ ~,'.i__~:"-':-'<.;~ '_:~:" ,- ,<< ':~.,;:.>::h-{~: ,:.:..;i~~. ::. _ ,'< '}~ate' M. Rtbhards~ the tel:ell and r:~ade by and b.')f(jre me, and J wp:eof"thlJ .Baid 311ooh'C. Boihards. ona'Beparate , . , , , aepor') tely Jt ~-~~ I