HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0434 /, I '1 i ' " / ," I' j ',,- J. , (' \ . ,. . I J; ; ". "- _-------'-----.. _---""-""'# 7, 1 . , .I; I ,', i" ," ' : II I ' ' I I,. 1 . I, " , , " . , , ,I . ,I' i ,',..' . I .1.' ;', .', [I,",' , ,',"', "'" ,i"" ',. , '" ,.!.:,I '" ."......,' ,.\',." '\ '., ,I,", ,1',1 1, ',1'1', ~~~~~,~,~~~~.~--""""'''''-~'~~~...I ~_ I~...~~t~..,~~-~~ ~~~-",,"""L t.,. . u..i".. , f'~ ::_'''<'0_,' ~. ~rf'~-:*''':'''' ~-.tJI ".b ..~, ';~~", ..; 'f"''''''''''':'~-- ",' ..'.l "''';'~". ',' 'j,?f __,,~:_ ...4.--.....:..-"'C",---, I'~. >v:. ,~ ,',:'" ,;:,=:-",.::r~:i,?L: : ,I I ."" '. t a,h)f:ll'{~l>'iit.o ~\r~'O ,\Clap),',' dlteohn~~ad',' fli~d 'lhl honmb~rj'd O~'!?t1d ~~o\1"a'11 ,:'Or!~1X Hl\d' oth~'r 't'iiYl~8. 1,. ,'11,,\ :~q,loude' and 'ltldumb;8n,o~8'~f,;/h'tlt, ~otn~e \h~d"klnd.~~ov~i,'; that thel'~,a'idn~r~l\~S'Of\t~hf'~ret,par~1 , i,,~, ,. ;,' :i~!1 ;h~\r.:...~~u to;. ," ~a: .~ml ~i .t,..to~.!,~~ "~~~d ~'.'r ,." .';011. ,:"1<~I.j!O~~~.;.np: ~c~n\':'~~~g;, \'.. ',' .' t,'~' ;euolt fUl't~or'~n~I,o\ the,J' ~oe,l1:s,and' aS~lH'8nOe'1,J ~n ~Y' q6unsel le,a~I?~(11~ t~\1 ~n,w\ n)llY. be ~~n'81del'ed !' ' , ..' ;'x:e,aiaon~blY pl'opor to' t)ffoClt,tiet'b' the, f!\ll, intent ~.~~ 'ra&ani,llg:'.ot" .th!u 'l'hs~rnment. . \ " ,~ . ,\ ,I' '( ,'.... Anll tho,'Se1d ~a:r~;ros of,t'h~' i't'rsfport JO'rthOI!\ find \thoi:~ 'hoirl$\ the iabove'\des('rf~,od i, I"rem,le~~, ali1d ~ove1)' , po ~t~u;id ,lr~~o'eltl1~'r~o,f,.~m~~ ,t'hO\~1d' ~a rt.. '.'~Of t~e, S~~C)lill' !?lil~t: . .. . h~it,s," . \ ' '. .-' '.. .' - ",' - \ . '- " .' .'. -"',.- :', -. ,,' ',' ..,. -' -'.. .. -',' \' ahd ~8Sign8~ agolrMt:'th~, 8a'!ti'J>artlell'Of 'the' t-irat port and their h<,1rfJ~ 'and' agel_ne.t fill,andevf1't':(:, ," ,,'. ". ... . .,' .' .'. \", - ",.. - ..".... . . , . '. . . . -' " ~ . ~., . '. . - ". . - . ~ ~erso'n'or, i>er8on8~OmS9~yer.lawfullY. olQ1.min~o'r,t(). (;lo~rn\:th(j"eaml! ...,6hal1,at~,d' wl1:\warran't and' '. ,I. 'It" ;, " ;' .,' - . , ': ", , " ',,'," "", ',,' , " 'U>y:-thoee, pr:4sents forevox:. \lef~nd. . .',\. "."' .. . . ," .' .. ". ' . - -' . - .. ','. ',', 'rrhl~,allel1a'tioh18 w1th 'th:~ ~oint con9ont:o:f"~uab~~d Q~~r w~-10.'w}.,ere,,'th~t'r01atlon 'b:dsts~ ;. .' '.. -.'.-'. .,' .'. .. -','f '.' "..' . ,".-'- ~ ..' . .~. ,-' . '. . '. ". ". '..,~ .' ". -. "-" -'~ ... .', ." ~ t.,. . .:.... " ,)jr"lI~NESS ',\~r;;REqF, 't'he:BQid part1'oB of'tho':firet "piirt' 1~a.Vll' hereunto B!lt' tl\ei'r, h8~ciB",:, ',' 'i -.,:-\~ . J . ... 1;1 '42.3 , , " . t' :' '. .. . '"., _ ._"'" ,_. . i an( seals e~oh-1n ,th,lJ' p.rosenoeo,t 1;wo ,Subsc.rlblnp,'~~1t,n086{is. . 'I ' -',' :': " ' " .' " " .. ",' , ," ",' ; , ' ;Signod ~s'e810d' and del1v~redin.' nrosenoe ,Of tIS : ' iT~ Jio.unhoe , , A.'. owar ~, .,' " ' ~ E\ig~ne It. ,Gai,llard ,;18~~1.e 'l~.. Rountr~~ ,.,. .:.,... _: (~:e:a~ 1 ',., " . . ~ ~ .,. ,~TATE()F FLO~!DA, , i. ,': .' ' s~. cotnrry or, ST. . tUO'!E, ~ , ~ ' , !,'~~Y C-S:\TJFY, 'That on :th1'8 7~hday' of !!~~ t., n. '1925~befoie' m~ F61"SOnally ~PQe,8:red .' ~ ' , .' - ." ." . ;'7.'''E. FOlln,tr6o and Uag~1Q ll.Ro\intrea ,h~ie wife, ,to me ~~e~1~110Wn, !1I1~ ~:nownto,rVl to bo'the, 1ndivldu!l1l:!:di3BCrlbodin and- ',w.h6:executo(l tho ,~o.re.going, o~m;oyance to rl:'a~ot8i,~, S~!9,tt()ll 'a.rid s6verailyacknJn'i edged fhC'",6xooiltiotl thoreoft'o be tho1r :r,-rl}e'a~t' f,lnll ,duod. 'for: -tho, uses and '. '. '". . ",.. -.' ". . '. . '. . ~ . . ". .'. .' . . , . '~f ' n' 1'" , ~, ':.\ " t, " - . -'.. '.' '.-' " " ... ',.' '., . pur&osos ,thorein noriti,')ne'n; -andth!J~atd. > ~10['gi.j l:':;RotJntr~e ,ti,o wife of the, said ',1., E'~: Rountree ,'Qn a ,8epc8mte end ?'rl yat ao?<a~irt~'ho~' t;a}ten' and 'madp, by".}~nd bOf,O,:z:e)!10 ",!lndf:lo~,a ~t~lyon,d, ripa~t :', frexn her' Ba'idh~'s~and. did '8cknowl,edg~' t11at "8he~adll hersh:r 0 'pa'-rty to the 'said ,{ie~d of 'con~yanc' ".: . "". ," ',' ....' ~~"".<~.~,.~.-.__.., ,.-. .:". .,':' .....-..' ..... ....: - .' . for the !?urpQs..e~frenounq;nft.' relinqll~~hing and,c cnveylni<' al~ her; ri rht, , tlti~ and ~nt~rest'. \1hiltj1ar,ofd,owor or o:rBer)arateprO';)er::.:~ ,(3t!ltltt:.~;(or 'a~uHable. 1? and. to, t,'ha i!ll~d,~' t;l~reill' de$or1 bed ~ and' the tahe eXO:<lU tedsaid r1 oo'd ' l"l"eoly , ar:d v.oltintarll;r and wit.ho nt a rlY:,C{lns tra ~ nt . ,fear. . . . . . .' . a!l!>rehensi O',IJ 01',0 ~:t'ipul.s iot1,.,'o:f <O'r- from, her.:eaid hU8band.~ . : ~ . " ~,." . ~ .', .' . '. .. '.... . ~71'i'l'~g~,rily; f:i1'f:'na tur~ ana ,off! 01 n1 ' Ma l,ll:t f"JrtPl e'roe 10. th.e Cpun:t~i; o.t, ::St. Tncie and" .~ .. Ill' Statp. ,of J' .Piled:andre,c<)r~e,d this tho-13th d'j~r of !~oy"l~::5~ at :h:5~'"A,. qoy,and y<!ur,lfH3t a~oreeaid. \ ~' '.\ .'~. '~ttr..!(ird..~,..;. ("-'0 all ", liotari.c>u'bHc ~tuw of,l"lor.ida .. -- ,.}~;j oor....':11E;Sibn 13xI?irQG'12 -,1? ." 28 " q, ! r.'~' ,. .' ~. /,...,' .-' ~' a~ .p " '> ?c. ;;1 tl1; oli ,eln r;': C ito~ift C c:urt. -'. ~" , " '~C3/~~(d~-a_' , ~ ~' - , -'--~-'-+ D,~. ' , , - -.---. ~.:- ____----'-J..:.__~__:.._______ -. -. -. -.----.---. =-- .-.-.- .-. -. ~-------.-.~~. -. -. --. -..... -It'-- .-. ~. -. -.--:;.-;--.::.:-~-~-. -. . -. -. _,. _ . ,',!,,, _. _. _ ."_'- . - , ,~ . , , / .. ,/ /, '--',' , / " , I 1/ - ------.----..- I """ -- - - -- - -- ______......."-~~____.._ .ct :1/