HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0445 =".. .. -- - - -~ :c . : I , I ! ., ~ ," T(r~-----;----'~--' '; '[ !.. It ,. J, " ~" ~.,'-"'''' ~l _ i '4": . i" . '314~ ~,~--"i I. , .'". . " , .l~, ---=--~, I , , .. ' .. '. -~:~-.#- ~ ; , ' ". . '," ' I -~f1-----::-7 .', " i- -, , , ... I 1 . '~ . I J 1 , .1 r ., " I' .1 .. . i -. -..,' 1[ , I ; ,. , 'i'-,! ,( , :., .r t' . , I,i , ,,-- -', .~, .'.: -~'7I7Y~'::-'''-'"''7'':~ .~-:~i'~ -,~",:, '7':-:~~-:':r":"f'~'--:r='::':-:-::( I' ,\ : ,J~!WIT1,n~C3:~,~1HBR'i(\}'. the'l~n1d parti~~ 'of 'l;ha :.."1rf3t -1J~r.t hoyJ hel'qlin.to' c'o.t t~~llr..h.~mdB':' y'. \ ,I . ,',' ,....,', ' ',: \ " . 'I'" " , ' .. , . '_: . \ \ I.. , 1 I: J'"". . .! ',: .. , I " lond s6,aif3t~~ jd!ly,~ml} year ObOT~ wr~ttel1. '. ".' i ." I \, I'll", '\ \ , I' ' :1' " Sig\led, a'el.Jleu and del1vetQd ,1nl 9lJr:',pi'0#3o'no,~\,' ,Ii \ \ " 'I .', \<, ,': .' \, '\ ",' 'P. V.E!l~on\' ,\. \!t'o'~. B~unst/)tte:r......".'..'lsealf ,\ \ \.' \, '.\. \h "" .' ,i\ . \"'\ :1,',' '\ ,,',:' ,',I"'" ,.' L.. J,.. 'Thomos. '. ", ...'1)G'I".tha W~, Bronstll, tter.,... .( RQ.al)\~ '\ " ~ . ". \ ;' \~' \' . ". \'. \ " '\ .1. \ ,\ I " ~. -... . ~. ,. I. \ , :' ~!I] ':' , " I. I ";r ' '\. " \ ". \: " I ~ . \. S"'~'"'~~ t)F 'tr ~~''''mi . _._~,._.._~~_.~.~_____.l,,~~_~~~,_. ..~~-'.__~. fl." _. _,,_.,:. \-\ , .\ ---:;r ,:___~~_,-:-:-_'n.---:- ~:.:-I"'-"--~;,~\ -:---'-~'_::-" 'COU!i';'~{. OP "ACK~OH \ \ ,'. ~, \ . ': '" _', . ..' .. ....\ \. - .'~;. '. _. ~ \' " .. ,..0 " _' >" , . \ " I ''!':HE'T{ ~~;:TTF'{ . Th-'lt on th1:S I)th d%,' of Jal1uer,y A. .)). i92.5. be'f'oro' 1'10 ~ers()!irtlly. ~ - -\ . . '. .-' '- '. . . '..: ,~,. . \ .' '. . " . " ':": . , ',' \ . Iln'uaf.l;'req 'Ie p, 3?ranBt~tter to :rue, blown .to, be ~tl\'o .p~r,Bon dosa.r:i. bodi,n . (tnt1, rlllo exeonte<l'tho f.Jra.l.:"'- . -, .: ....~.._~..:. "'\--', ~.', ,..... "'. .... ,. . -...... . ." -... .::-'. ". ~ '.~' : \~. gOl'ng ..o.~'nveyance and sev~r81~:;". aokrlow16d~ed> the. e:x;~o~l.ti-.on thereof."to_,b.o";}11s"froo' act' 00(1 :deed ~ . '. ~. . ' . " ~ . . .. ~ .' .' . . . .' ".", . J.' ' - . ~or' tp.e'~ uses 8nJ'~U:rpw e.s :tho.re i n .monM Oiled ~:,.3ortha,.'w~,nrOtjs tot t~r" th'o":':':Iif'e "of tho' e !ll'Cl .t~" 'b'.< -,;..-1 " . - '".. . -\. ," '. ...' . . .' ,_ .' . > . 4 ....,. Brane.tettor on 'a' soptfrate'-.!;l'nd priva1l'e 'o:xam1.ne1iln' ta):on !lOd made by 'and before, me, eM aopa.rete11 . .--... '. ~ ~ ~'~., :; ': .~:~..:.':.:". ..,~':'.' ..' :... :"'. ... .... ': '~-~-_.,\ .", .'.:'~ anaal'a rtfrom ~~r" S8 iei 'i'niBbanlf, r, dl,d ~ o;,(!:cw1:edre,; that: ~h~ '!!lado' heraa.1f ~'!,ai't.y' to ,~he ,seidDe~d.: . ,-,." , . .' ,,:.' ~."""'. _ .... ".~-- ~.. .',' " '... "., '....-. -. ~ .'::.-.,.', '-~:...'.-' '- " , of CO'nveyanco,' for t1::o' P\p\;'J'\)r,r,r: of ':l'e[lo\llloing, 'ri31.1n(nis1:tnp:,.an<~convo:r1n-i:'n11' ,hor .'rllfht, ~ti,t1:e, .' '_, ,", ,'.., , .. '. " )". ". _ " I.-. ,',". . . ,'. .'~ ::" .-'. '. __-.--'. " :". "__.' ',.' ,'. . . .....' :~...; -,' .. "8ndintel"l3st,~whothoI" of. iowa!' .or- o':crie!)Dra topl:.d?~, rty . ',sta t11t6r;,: ())'ocputUb1e, ~il 'fl~Hltot;11,O' " . ~'.., '.'_. ,,' ],ands,-:therein ,dlfucl'l';Od" ~n~l 'th~t ,oha axaout',ec1 G8ia ~'iHi~ont. atly., ;',d' I' . i " \ ~ , .. . , . I, \ . ....i \; 11, . . L .~: ~ .~i , : i .~: .!: - '.. . '. \ cons tra1.'.nt ;foa:r, a~ ~,:rehonB:l on 'o~ 0 cripulsi.onof . . . ': . . . _, : _ ...: ~ . .' ' ' i \i e,Qd', fro el:/~rKL "'0 lun taril~:: 'und :'. , " " t. '. ..', ", .:, , . of, l'rQmhar.t:laid)n18band~' . .;,..;-- --...J ' :'lITlr;-.;ss 'r:'\Y' 31 gno,tur~ .und offie 101 .solli, at Ka.ria~a .eft,y 'inth~. C:O~~nt~. 'of'-ja~4s'on '~!.1-~ ,~ta t~'" . " .!l..o~esai~~ of !tissOflrl tho '. ~ ~ " . . J. R~,:y .s~.'!ith ~ ... .. . . ,: . f Q,u'sIY It! ~O!1.' ,b:<pt:rt.)~, H~v. 6; :1926.,.. .: .... .; " , . ..' .~ ~." . ~. ':: " ~,l,}., ,,--",' ">I " 'Fiied anl'racor(lod thifj,:thq 14t.h,{\a;,' 'yr, ~;9~';192['1' !lt~1:25 , ...' .. ,<0 '.". ". """. ".. , . '" ",~'" rJ ~, . ~q" l)r .' ~. '8- ~. " A ~I:' . . (:t.so.t, ;\' ' -~~:. .... . . , . "P., C",'Bldroo~, Clerl:Circltiit 'Court. "'BY.~~ IJiJi,d): '," n.c~ , i-. .....; .' .." , . :'--... <)' --.-'" ---- --- '~--'.... ~"!""-. -::- ';.~-.--'-_.- ~~ -- - ~~. -- "":'.....;.... _.~'.... - - -.""':.... - -:0-:'" - - - -. -~."..;:-;-~.:... ~:.. - -'~ -'-.:'--,-:-.--.- - - ':-.-~.-: _:- - - - - ~--:- -...;;'" ,* tA.~T VIE'Y C'O: ~;..) J~~;;"..: .}.'o tE''lI ~ :'. '~A:~lE~, (' . ';'1/;, :\:!.A 1:~ \" 'm:ED ~ T,'!TCl r1)'SnrURE..~ ):udo this Z7thdo~:of April. .", D..1'J;~t',p~'''l.lndbe'tweenthe '~.A~?"!i;;;'1 ,I . .'. , . . CO)~A!tl"ocor"oTation:' or[/:miz~d ~li1oxicttn", under, tho low8o;~' the ~taie 'or ?,lrT:1'ldo .,..pSl'ty. of', '. . . \' " '. " ' . . .'. " . ' , . . ',,~, the first p!)rt. to r,::'TI~?.. '?A?:D'::~,,"6f ,p"hnl~ont;:'rro\'I' :~O~!:'I;u~'ty 'of. th()"~aoo!ld.!,!lrt,' ,',. , . . >.. . '. '.' fl " ," _ ~'. ~,.. . . " ~ , . I . ~'I I ~ 11 'E ~1 SZ?:I"that tho.'6!lid ~)a~tyof.tl;'o. f.irst ]Ja-rt-, .for and ill cor:i,1do'ration . of 'tho SUD' 01' -TO)),: Donars. .f~lq.OO>."l~\'iPll, inoryOYf~ thoUiil ~d' Sttit,Q-~, ondo th~r' v.dnob'i~', ~ "~0n81d.erati,ol!e to. it in'hBnd pili-;:l by t,he said' !107t:,' of tilt"! d~'ooildT)art.'~t i;'rberoi-e,tho em3aol1n"~, 1 '... " . '. .' .,' . :.. .. . .' , ..~ . . tho"oe,}rosents;, tho reaoipt, whereof' is' horobi acr.n0wlod[:ed, .ho'llf'r,jnCfJd ~ b~l'f'a,ined', . , '.j and(\ eliyol'y,of . --' . . . sold.N'loBsod, COrlvey:u,nd c,)n~ir:1, un~o said :JaY';j:o~tho':saO,)nd ;nu.t, ilis 1:0,11'8 .on:1 cs!i€:.'!:s, !li~'~ll'C 118,!1'1 in' ;;it. 'LuClio Coun"t~r. :?lori~I;l' docor'ibodoc follows: -.' co nve;,/o d (lndC6'nrln'.od'~:!lhd by the8e. !,ro8o .t13 do.(jBI"rant'. ',o:rgf}i iJ .so11~ relooso, . ~l Ii P ARC'Zt ~~r f1~!1 1: , 1:,;Al1 of Governmont lots one;(~), tvio'(2), ,;hree (3),f.o\lr (4), f1vQ'(5), , , anti 81:< (G),' Se,ot16n 'f1vo (5), TC;)\'f(ShiP'tl;lrt;/.t".ree (3:3), qoti.th, !lanee . ,,' r.- f), I ! . i' .-:\ 40, tor-ether wi tl11 81101: r,ipart un rir~ts as 'cay be a!'tHll~tonant thereto, o:'CIJ!Jt-inr thoi:efroJ'. the t!olloWingdeaorlbed ;p1'OOO1't;;.: I (n) Lots 1,2,3,4,5: 6, '7 ,10, 11,12,24 ~ 25, 26,34 ,40',42,43~44 ,4'7 ,4f! ,49 ,50,51 ~ { : 52, hna' tho, '::o:$ter1;i' i:UlV01', of anillotu 20~;::;' and 3::3, . f, " . 26 nor th ./f roeil':m;( unrl b?i!if 1 ceo t l]P ll~ urA 011 +:h!l t lnqrl , Yl8Bt of lot tho nor':h'./08t' C9inor "- to "7inohester :"itoh, in tho SRO+, Viwo'i