HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0448 f l' i ,. , II ~-'J .': t.,: -t---~~~--.,.-----:----J----,-----o-"'7'J.-- .,,: I I t.p" . f . I. i,' . l' . 'j \_, . . j I " . : I " ,': ... ',' , , ' ' I ' . ,I , " ".. '~-'.';,:<TI~~' ~~:= '~'~~-.;~2r~~;"<';.'::',,~~:,",. :"y~,;,;::;,~",:,,~:. ;'-;" ;'J ~;/"~~' ~- : I .'. \. '. . I.,., ) 8~. I. 1 . ., "", " I ,"~'tC,~ '....'- .. 1 . 1"'. . I '( , . j 'CvUp~y ot, OUYA;{o~A ),.,. " " ",I")'!, \ . .\. '., \ . \ ' \,'.. , \ 1 t I \ \ '. \, ' . \ . 'II; , :\ ,,:r.I'an I,O~f1.oer Oil\ly. a'.lthor~z~d t'o,ts;;". a(}k~owledpm.on\ta' to,'d~ed~, 40 horeby, q'erti;(f ,th,~t 'Oh~ . this' day: peraonallY~'~!1riea-l'6I1. b.o'fore no ~n,H~ ,ilurni~tori' and Cor;L S. \~ O'hb~rfel<,. to T10 wolf k'no~~{ .' \ '.' ' . ., '. , ;. ~\., .,' (' " '- \ \ ,'..', . 81' ,tHe'; V1~B~"pr.e8~derlt'\~d(1 So(},ro;ta'rylros!1acti~olY,' 9f ~ho ,P.AS'''.' m}~~" G " " "-, , .' .' ~ \ . . - '. . ~ ' .' - \.. ~ " . - \' \, ,:\ . i'dosc,ribed 1n tho fo.re~lnf, deed, and' tl:ey' [Jckn\lwledge~ befor{J me thut th~~'.VHj}:e dll,1?'nuthori ,zed " . '~\, .'. \ :' '.' \ ", >, ' '. \ ,,'" . \ >. . . .,', bY5at~'\oor\!J<\l'lition'to~e\x~aute th? f'oref!otng, 1i~~(l"O!1.\.itEl bOM1f\!r,,\'I~o aif<n ~'tB n?nt('nn:'!a~nX", . , "',' f 1 ~~ ".~ ~ t;" ~~~; tkt; tn" S '0 L. ~ii 'iJ1d' 't h.i rot 0 I, ~ th.,',"o r 'or8....,~.i ..0 f\~BidO'. roo r't,; 0", ~rtd', : \,,' .~\t1)!lt eaid':deol, WilSOXO,C'lltOd by said' co~ori1t~()n for tho !)u:r!'>O$e.!l th,eroin ;e'xpressod:; alid':they '( . > \' ".' '. ~ -, . . . ~. . ' . - , ,.l sever~nY,"8,Qi:~1.'Wl~dgIHi ,t11e - axoot1tlon t:horo01 to be thdr' '1~ee O,ot 'on~ 'ieoa au SUC1; of'fi'c'ers: :;.'in;, th.o uaea~n(l 'pur poiie s ~'ther~it1' T,li~ntiPno~~. filld 'thil~' the, aUi'~ i~struf;ieht )S:;th~:'act and de~d <ot' ". ,,.; ".. . .', \ 1 s~rd'C9rporat1()lj. . , _1: j .~. -~T '-," , I, --.;;~',:.":;,, _"_._._ a. {. II ,I If ~,;. 43!1 I . . --\ 'I,~ . , . , .: " :.1 . I, ~' .:1 .1. lIT, , 1. J' \ \ .., , ' ~~ \ , ! ~ ' I' .', . " ~. . . . APt11,.192?, ri.t ,.theei t)'-.-ofeleve~8~d~;"., 'Dr. 'ti'fln:::~~ W'~~E';OF ,'1 'l~:Vo :herOl\nt~. aJ,'.l'ixQd n..y 'l~ne an(;,o:ffioiai s~~i; th!S :27th de'y:of , " ,', '~, . . \ ' . ' , C. !:,,-;:.~'Ol;-OH-~.t.., . ...~ : \} , ' 1iotur;,' ?nbJ,lo' in .!.lqd i'Ol' t!:e:Cou~t~' aforesaid.. ',n.r OOr~r:'It.~sioneX9~rOoe .Oot.. ~1~, 1925.' ,.... (.~?oO'~oo >.~.$taM'p~"~osncoll~~J, ' ',; Fll,od sl1urecorded :thist.h1t'.'i4th d!.i,y of !!ay. :1~25, :at 1l:25.A~'1!.. c ;. f' " 'b" "-~":'" ,,~~, ' .~' "e. . .JJ!I, " ~ ." :.' .' ",,' . III :. ,', ~k'".,,'l .f f :" ('.- .~ '. l . . . ~ . . ~l(l!ed'~ ,Clo rlt" Oi rcn'lt, C9\U't.. ~. ,... _. '.;,I. . :~- . TJ/tJ~.~.IfJ.~, ;.C., , , J. . ~. UcCIJr'':'0CK - ---'- ;-'--::- - - -,-.-'-.~_:".,. - -: ~_:.. -;::-., - - -,-;- _..:.. -,'" - -.:.., -- - - --,- - --:.., -,-"',-" - - -';" -:-,. - -.,. -;.. -,-,- - - - - - -.,..,.. -.- -,:-'- - "'-,;.- - -:-:--:. -:.. .... '.:'0' .. ; . "::':[:~ /-~\":r::l C ';'~~~''''!rJA..tI? State. of t'lor1da ,-', County of ~t. L11cie. ?erSOl~mll/ bo:'?'re t,i'io ntldQr,8i~,ned oifien 1l11~;',~l"i~od 1);1 tho 10\';13 o!.~'sulr1' u';~tet6 ~d;:' !:1inif'tor C>ot,hs,cor~l)sj.~.' J~CCiilltoC~:, , , ~'i h()", . :'::'11 : on t~: ".13 ~lE3 }:'. .' '\. ~;/ltll,~i1}loil H., Atwater, t~lQ'..frantoo in.~ ce!.taill.dOQd fro':,: 311:C'.'.7alJ..:,ol' nnd::.-/L'() "'}tnt 1,0;8 ~lor, B<)!1!\ l,.1;",UCql1!i ijlt.fld , , . 't'o-' ~'!il_~_'1 uf::. ~. ro?~rr1s ,w)1ich ,.,d~6d. conv'O;lOr! t1;c f,:l: .:<iUw 'dI)G01'~he.d~t:!nda Jr: ::;t. IHcllJCbUL t;r, :'}CTi<l?~;', !;(j-,','In: 1 ! i ,I i , I ! i I I I. ~ha";ofthe~\711_D~ruon'!11 knov;lorifO '0;[ o,op !lont t1:1J 8'110 '::P1f..,i(H. .\twater is 'eleo.rJd-erTiJd ,I,'. ,.,4 ~'1, . T.>,t~~ At',mtor,"ord that t11O' i?illl!.il.: :r.,At..!.ltlJ'r'l:'pfor'rod, to' in sriU hO:r"!l);r:Cl"OYQ )'3d::rihod i I ! ! 9-, n nd . , . ~ tho. ~otlthoost Quarter of ;:ortl;ount' ~ua'rter (rj .~ectio!~nilQ, anll . "':'hl:i~outh ~'rol f O:f,1~p rth~os t ":'\Ii.n-t-or 'of ';ol-1;hoa ztQuo rter of:Jooti en. !lpntl; 'r~i' o:i.'!;orth~i~st ~~l!irto~-of d0:d;;,w?st;uurter"of SoctioiliO, . , a rirl H9.1IH:.....est ~i~ rte, r o'f :r p rtr:wA,at...."l!li. te,r of' 1'< oct 101:1 ~ ,:;d:"l j::-:-:l~'ltE, hip' .. ::2 '80~\th, :!olwe 39.East. "0 ~.~,J: ' . \ :t"o UP ,-doo.l !..lid ~,1. H. Atwotor uro in foot Nl9 . I)' J.U ,'j:O . t - ~~~l~ ~I!~ . ,,'~' j I ~/ j~ .~. Hce-1-i-n~o a}: . . f3'11)1;01'11)011 u:1'1 ::,':mrr,' ~to brJ:;.'o:ca :",0 ,1; ili 0 :A yh, duy ,)If :,,!)ril, 1 nf~. '187.01 ~. 3i'//Ht':louti ' Ho'tory .!ublio Stu ';;.eq.i' :'loridn at HI co::hF:ion e'x'il'e',o;~/~;iJ/1927. . ! .", ~ f " I! ~ " t'i 1 G ~1 t ::0 14th ~lUj l)f .. ...l!l~/ , 1<1''1; .. .....,.... ~t D:;:;1 A.!!. ~l). C.. :-;ldred,