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"l"'~'."' ~'"'t A;l tote, in' bloC~.6~. 81 n~l.: i'uld~.ol $2,~p6;' or.: duplex,; fl,a.toi'4o~b1..e,'hoUse~5.000; ,or-apertnent:s "$8.000~,~. - :' .....,-.', i , )' o jo ":- r , -, ! 0 . ~ t : .~ .' , .'. :, Lo't.,.l~O ,~ 7': lnolu.si:,,~~, 9.t~lO~k"io.slngle . ~"814~n.~.. o.n~t~.600.' _ . tote l~ ,to ~3" ~l)lU~l.e,~, ot bl~Ok 10.. ~~P~l~ ~eel.~.nO',',~~~~3.000. '. .1.11. L;Ot8, ~il ,~ioolt 11" '~i~g~',re.ld..nol :~Dl~, e2,.690.', , . . 'l1.1"lots"lnbi'o'ok i2.'Sl,~'1.,:r..r4"not: oni1l1.000. .' Al1~O~~' In,'ibloOk''3''-'81ngle:re81':;~~~.,-~11 "'t~500. '.l'ro';ld~'d.~180~~" .. ". " .(,i' ., . " o ~~. ....1":].,','. ~ . , ; ,l' '. . , that L.ots 2'.' ~ ~nd 4 may', t ". . bt u,sedfot:. a ,8~1:tlI!iing. .poOl., . .', .; Dw'.nlD~ h0118es';f1:ate ~Ii<f,' apa~tmep~hous~~ 8hall ~.useQ torr.e,l~entlal, purposes, only:~ . . ' . . 0 110 ,mon thai'f onepr1 .at.garage fl.r ,?-U of, oooupants' Bhall b', ereoted OIl-:8n1 cUl.10.t.' .- ~ ':'"'1.. ;. .,' o. ," ."i' .'. "H9te;t pUrp08t1i" ,p~al.l ,inolude gi.n. shOt)" i"d'rug,. store ;bai'}r.r: anc1'b.auty' 8hoPS'. a,nd.' 8n~. bUBln.ss .'. "inOldfoiai.to .el1tqulpptd hoteie. ' 5., ,lfhl Ixter-1oroon~t'rliot1ono-f, a1; b~ll~inge ,In S~ldRo~alP8rk eha1l,:~ ,c)t,~t:one"'brlok., ",. J '. - '. ,.',.. ." .' ' atuooo, or ,oonoret... but n,Clt o~ ,~o~o~..t-, blooke .'.uri~'8'~; .em~ 18 'B~r;t8o'4~1 t,h,$tu~oo. 'a,ncf'~ll .bU1l41ngs)h.&li b~, 'ot, Span,i8~h~ JlOOri8~': .',ttal18n., 'P1or~cU~nor:' '81nill,8~t,p"8' ot :arc'hl t~ot\ir.~. . ~~, ': . 6"pen0t8 in ~tont o(thi b~11ditiL~I~..,8h81~ b,~~l'naiD.'~t;a~'~nd, nO,t'n~,"4, tbl~~y ~,D~~t8 . '.in,height. F.no\<. in, the rear~Qr ....of~h.buUd~l'1g 11ne' ~f all, lot8~ Bh8~l ,be ,oranmental, and no't ',monthao,t1v.' teet hlg~;' .' , , A 11 ~ ot'Uon' 0 t lots rotured ~ 0 1 n tho.o, r"~;l ~;;on#- i n~ tn: t"".te oUi,Ll>~n a 1 ~g 11 no .8 bere1Iibef'or...t. f6rt!,.>8hall bt us.d ~nl:1 tor or8'~~nt"1 PU~O;I8. ' , . . , :, 7 .lIo.1gns or or'matnta1n.d 'o~ \ IUOO.Beorl 1>lltboardB ot. alQ' 'kln~" or oharaottrBhal1 b. '.xh1bl tt4 ~ d,~(jplayed, oon~truc~e4' .aldsub,d1'V1810ri.HJlottt the ~rit't.n oone',nt 0.1881<1 R01al:Park Compimy.,ih '. ~ , . .'. " ,Q Qi' aseigns. . (' ' 8. Each lot'?f the abovedeBorlb,ci premlae8 8ha118t~heOrt10n, Ot,'sald R01al Pa* Company subjeot to 8SBt8Sl!1,entb1 .a1dC9mpeQ1 tor' an amountn,ot ,to exo,eed ~l()..OO p!'r year for" ~h~ IJ'., ! 1 J 'be perlod ~egln~'lng at the '4ate, .ot thi8. de.'d. end.nding January 1'. 1930', p8yabl~ In s~ml-~nnual In8tallmen,t8 ot Q5.00 eaoh on .April 1 and Ootober Gl .Of eaoh year after, date of thie deed. whioh, , I money. ehall be used fort,he malntenanoe and upkeep ot: ..1d aubdlvlsion. 8uoh a, the olearl9-@- 1.' .' of lots. 'oare of treee, 8h~ubber1 and vlnn thllreon (,.i1.n, negl'eote4). 80 for as t~e a~ourlt, 't' '. " I' ; ',' , oolleoted will, permlt, and ~hloh the 8ald vendee aprees to pay a8 one'of,the oonslderatloD8,of . '" the.. preu'nte; the lien of suoh aBS18,eT:lSQt8 to be "p'iaded '8n~ o~l1eoted, ln t~el' /0,8 18' provld.'i~forl1e~' tor '~.bor and IIl8ter'1a18 under the laws ~~ the ~t.te of'Plorlda. - to' ' _...,...-'_.....~....._____.. ..'..._...._..~_._.. ~'.__' .',_' '_o"'_~__ _._,;.._--,-