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I P~~\tllo'~ t~.l ~,eo.?~d part ~h,81f to'~.i~".IIl~p..~~ntB':riIa.4., ~':him ~~n' thi,. o'ont~8o~~.,~~~ \, ~ .' l1: \;',: .' ' \,'BU~h~ ,plyment8 "Sh~li, b, e"Z:8~, al'ipe"d, b~, tho lJ8~~d. p,ar~i, f!~\ of the~ tl. ~It P, ~~t ~n., .tti1~" 8. a, ,t1ifaot, 1~',n Jsn. d' \ 'U. ,. ., . " \.'. . 'II"'" \ .' \ ." \ ,. I . . ~I . ,'.\ \ '; ,~. \\::~~~u~48tlon of ~~i 'bm~,8'I' ,~1 .t,h'bH.u~t~lned:\,fl\n4ea,~~;al'.~ie8of~hr' n~8t. part' Blidl'~8,T~, ~~I ~.~ , , .,. \ \',. ;.1\:' '~ight\. tc? '~,~ ~en\~e~ .~nd\ tak:? ~08se88."0~ o~' ;,tb8,. ~~~\i8es :8f~r~,~~,i~~W~~bO~~~f!,i~~,: l~B.b\l~ . t~a~\.i_ '., , 1.1 ". .aotion, there~or"" '. \, ~'. ' ,\ , .. . -\. . ' .,. \,.' ,.-\" . . ,. ,~\' \".. '-, I., \ ..,<, ....,.'i, , '. \ ';,.:-' .'., ...','.', .; .' .,_\ '., ' ,IT' IS WTUAT,LY A01lEED.bys'nc'1 betwtt~h th~ part1eB\h6rfto.~h8t .the tice:ot"p.1tB8nt a.hall,' ,: ,L, ",." .. ': .' ,:., , " '. ". . . .., , ,\, ',. '.. " " ; be' '8n\eB~ent181 pa,rt..o't. thi8 oo'ntraot." ~ncf that" till ' o~\'en8n t8 and 'agr~emtnt8' here 1n 'o,ontafried ' . .. . ., .'\' .,'" . ~', : \. ,I., . . r'".\., ',' \ '.\ : . ' .,.., .>S1t~~l e~teo~' to ~lnr: be' ~~l~R~,tOrY \iPf~ theheira.~ us'outors:' ~ci>>~n~Bt~'8to~\S ~~d 8e81~8o:t:'th$ :re8peot1~e"'p~rt1es..'~ .".\ ,..1 , '. iIN~.ITlfESS wREREO'. 'fhe'psrt1,eBto,tMs~,\pre~,8ent'fiI'~'V'e h,ere;unto Bet th~r:~nd8 and f3e~,:ie , ' ! . ,'\ \ . . "~ . I" \,. " 'U .. '. t.,. . ~ . . . r '"', ~ ~'.. , i. . . L " ~. t - ... ~, ~. i rH_ r~-' ; . I . I the'd~Y8nd 7.,.r .first abovewr.1 tteo.... ,'. 8'1'goed. 8e81ed' ana' delivered '1n:PTeBeno. ,o,f:' ',R. L.' M8rt1n')sB'to Storman . . . ':.' B._H. lUgg1nll)' , , .,: ' u' ",~~.,..,.: ....,.~.~..."; '", .' =.., ~JI. '. .S'to~ri'~... ~ !i ..,~.... (8.'81). '.. Anna Storman.... ."... . ('Seal) ., 'A.' Jl.,Sample. . . . ., ~ .... . (Sea})" "i.... H. Steward' . ae to ',',. ':Yilrgaret C.o:ttee) A. :&I, ,Sample, ."J' . .~ " '. . . ,,\..... , . . , , ,. .' . ~TAT~' O'PtO~I,riA.; . ~~l1E.C oml~f.' . Ozj, ~thi8 ,~a~,p~~80~al'11"a1)'Pea),".~ b~:torem~, ;s~ .o.ffiC'~ ..~ibor lZ~d,t<Ltak'e aO_knO'Rled.~en,t~. 'ot. dtl!d8o.,' eto'.. ,1'. )(. '~to~n andAriDa Stonnanl)i8 wltetom.,~ _ell k~OWr\',8bd~nowil to b~ the, ,. ':'~ertrons 'WhO ~'ncut~4~.he. ~1th1n ~;8"re8m~ot. an~,,~'~,cn~Wl~~'$.ed 'the t~~ey,' ex~u.~ed 'th~ 8a~e .fO,~: ~he. .',' ~urpoBei{ ~hereln.xpre88ed., J.ndthe s'81dcAl1Da' Storm~n. '.ffe' of the 8al{,F. K;Stor1nan;upon' an . . ~ , . ' -,. , :.. - . ',' ' '. " . > < ' ~ .- . . . .' '.' , '. ~ ~ . '" .' ,'.'" . - . 'exam1ne t'loi1.'1;Bkenb1 me,: Bepar8t~and . 8.. rt trcom her sa1d hu"~and ~ aoknowled(i'ec! .t~tB~e ~xec\ite~ ,J: - .~. i.'. . .'. . : . . .. . ': theeUd 8~re eme rit . free ~: s,ndvo1 Ul1t;l1:i1y . '~lDd ,wfthou,t an~: oO,nQ.tfal ~ t..nompu1810n~ . apP,rehe.~Un ~ ~ . ~. . . ..~ 0'1:' :teu of' or. from her. e.ld husband.. . '. . . .. .i. ..... . .. 'trUnee,s.~ ~~d.'and'Be~1.thls'20thaaYOf. April. .1926.,.. ,: .~. f~ .I ~"'H. L. Uartln-: . ~.'. notari~~ubl1otoT; the' 3tate of Plorl~8 ..' at Larg..: , . ' , ll1oo~BBlon.ellPireJ1 liov. 26,1928. : '. : .. -i . - . .... . ~ '.P11ed aDd reoord,ed th1,8 the 15th ,dBl o:t uq, 1926. at '3:04 .P.M..' " '. '.' '.. ' " ',.. < 'f:' '~ ' , ; . "'!U" ~' , 'b. , L# . 0 - '(J ' ~ . , .' , ,." JJ::.' ,. ", .. ., . ' . , , -------------.------------------------------~--~-------~---------~--~~----~---~----~----~~----~- "f ,; .'. . ., P.. O.~l~~ed. .?ierk"Qlrouft .court~. ....,~,:" '. .. -' ,. .. .. ". " . '- . '. . . - . . . ..- . 'Du ' , ~;I.J~-:~ '. ,.. D.C. . .,VA~VIN. Wr KNItJU,'l' &iTU'E TO. ., ART~ TALBERT .~ ..' ., ,. . , , WARRAllTY, ~DEEi> . ''l'tns ,IND~I'rURE. )lade ~hi8 12th d&-~ oL--D~oember A. D~. 'l924 , BETwEEll}.ts~vin"'~.'1Cn1ght and . ,'. '. ' . ' . ... \.,..,. . Beatrice' ~nlght-'... hi8 .~te 9f 'the County of St. Luoie aDd ~tat. of' Flor1da pS,rties' 'of the first . :p~rt~ and' Arthur 'ralbert ot Ithe ,Colln~yof ~t'.' Luc1~ 8,nd' ~tatJe,' of'l'or1tla P8)'t~< ot.'th,e ~eoond put, ''R1TNESSETH. that the said partiU o't ~he1'ir~t. part., forfand 1n oon81de~ati.oii ot the. Bum ! : t .' . ," ~ r '_' ot.{)~e Hundred dol1a~..B and other l'aluable ~oI,1S1der8ti0I1BtO.themlnhaod pali'41. the reo.ipt where.- .. ,ot 1e herebyackno1V1~dged, haTe granted, bargel-n-ed-, Bold end, tr8r'1Bter'red. and by theee presents I . u 4o~nt. bal'ga'in.ul1 and tra~8:te,r unto th8881d partyo:t 'the 8'.000d part and hii,.he1rB. and . .. I' ' ,. , . , .. .. assigns fonnr. ,all that, oertain paroel ot ~arid 171ng 8!1.! .~~e1nt 1n the County of tit. Luoie. and Statlt otP~da mote partioularly des.oribed aB ,fOl1QWB:, ~ ~ . If' __./-.-J~ . r J . , ~ .. ~