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' . . ".'w~ tne'BS iq .e1gnetu~'8na o.fUol81 ''':.81 a~ llew Yor~,' in the -'Co\mti ~t New Y~rk,,::aD1l state'" \'. ,. . ".' ' .- '., ,., .", . _ " ".,,-.' . J'. .' ". ,,_, . ~'. . \.~ .....-{ \ . .': I. 'ot)Je" ,Y~rk.' 'the d~1 ~ndy"~r~~B~'afo:r'8.,i4.. .' .. " , ~ \ . '. . .' '.' . - - .-,:-~.' " . '. -' \' i 'c , '.. " . :se~t..l I. Gor40n ':,~. ~ i3~~~iV~<w~ '~,', .' ~.{l~ ce:Jf;,'J 1";'~'lf/4~;; ;f1'" ',., . -.. ,. ',. ~,C;'~,'h- P ~ ce~~tJt./ : Ch~." ',' {'Lf...0.u. ',<.'.J,,,:1!L. /, IfJ~/ , . > 'S'fATB OF NEW. YORr. )\ " --err'.... r COUNTY OF nEw YORK') Ss:. .~ Bo. ~1,6~~' ~:erl'e8 ll.:, OITY 'OF NEW YORK) :p. . ..., ' . · ',,' . .,,.' ,I, 'J~.mS.A,)X)NtG~B~:'cn~k\t tM,C(mnt.y ofH..w Yb.~~8nci818o Clerk of the, 8up~em.. Uourt , .1~"a~d.t~r.8:;'1d ~oun~.'OO'HBRE'~YC~'iPY, ~hst 8aid c~urt. ls" ,Court'of Re09r.d',ha~1ng:~t;iaw .' ~. 8ea1.~,th8t : Betty , I ~ GO,r~'o~.. ~~h~8e'name; 1B~ BUbBori,be.d:- t'o,t~e ,oertitio.a te~i- ,j)TO?t : Qf aoltno.ledg-~ - e'. . , - ,...' ,-' ,- , " .. '~JUUi', of' 1;h,.~~exed ~n8,tt;~en', ,~al.?,.t' :tl1e }lmeofhkingthe8am,;e :C01lU,Ig,SIO~tE~, O~',DEEnS 'in' "-: .and .for .Bald'Qi ty~clG:)tirity ~ulYO~mml!Bloned 'and' 8..~rn, ,~nd . qualified: ~080t '8.s'~81,1bh;:,that a~ .'''''. .' "',.~r. ,.' . '".... .', ':.' . _ ...-.... "." ;::. ~uoh Comm1881o'ner of J)eed8.. h~1' "88 dU11, author'hed by, the 1.ws, of ..the ,s+;at8 of N.. Yolrk' to,' . .: . . " . . . ' "... . - . . , ~4mlni8~e f"l?8~~eend, ~,fftrmatlons, t~, ,talc,e" ~ff1~aV1 ~8 8n~ oe,rt;1fY ~he '~O~~Wle.d~ent ,end P:',oM' ot 'deed8an~,~therwri t~.ninstrument.8 to be. react ,~ne"'ldeh~eorr,ioor4ed in 'th11J stat~; and: .' 'I, . ' . " - . . '---- --",~ --:---------'--~-.,----.-.. + " ---,-- ,'- . ". , .-".. '.'..' -.' . ~ .' ':;>.' further that. I am.'ll. 8oqua1nt.d with thehandw,rltlng of 8u,Ch COmiD18810ner..' of' Deedq endverlly .' . ... ". ' , ." .- '.' . . , '.' . . - , .. . .: '- .~. -', .. . :', , ' '. ~e~ieye ,tha~ h188~f!'natu.e t9 :suOh proof,. o~' aCknpw18dgment 18~nuln'. ". . , " , '.' -.. .. . '. .' ' . ;' In TESTlnONY wHtRmr,I 'h8:n,h.r.un~o, set .dI1' b8n~ and a~f1xedthe ~eal: of8a1d' Court8t , ,,' ,'.' ". 4'." . . .'. .'" ", '. ...... , Y'C?rk', ,lothe ~oun~1 of Jie. '10rkl t,hi&6d.a1 o.fU8Y 192~. ., ~. '. ~ :JAltES A.DOnEGAN' C,letrk.' ' ,1 .~ "'Ii' '" 1',' ., '''::~--t--,~:-, -'; -"-7t~'.-:"~':' I ' __! I l-='--:..J~~_ , , I I' '..1 , 1455- . . .,1 '.,-, I , .~ I. I I I '1, I .1 I,' ,~ " I ,I, ' I , '.' 11\' I , ; ., '. . ;. ,I r' I.....; .' ~ I' ~I .~.- ""-, .~~ '.~ --.. . . . 1 .~. ,\. I ,., , . ., ' '~ ' - ..-~, - - I" 'nr-f . .. . '. "~"l'~:' I '. 'I ~;---=- --"'~---'~.'; ~..-~. I , .' . I !! , I :' ~ ~ . .~ i. .'., f. ' ~. ~ . t: ~ '. .' .;1- ,. I' I ~. ~ t. 11 rli I f .. ~ .'1: .... '. ..... I ~. i \ .- ~ " , . .,j11.d and re.oord~d -on ifii.8.:.the 16th:ds1 of 1l~~~926~'at2:.32 P.lt. ~ . f :.: , ! ~ ~. , I' ~. . ~ ' ~ . ~:. l rf f:, I I i'. LI ., . ( :.ff I ' g " .;). . ,~ 'g -~ ~'. . ~ , "'\ . ') ." ~. C. Eldred, Cle,rkp;r:Quit Court~ ,: -- . . . ByJ~'~~/,D..~: ", I . I, ,..e _.-. _..... - ._.._._._...., ~. - .--. -: ~ - .-..... .".--,-.-. ~ ~ -.-';' ~--. -.--. .".. '_.. -. - e'.... .', ~.. -.~.... -.: --..~. -.-.'-,- '.~_~ .... ~.~- ~- , ' . I '. I ./ 13 - ,--,~------,--,-,~----,---::-,-' " I , I '/. ... , f