HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0477 ,46(:>,-1, 1~;1; iL__'<,', in j I;,'-l;';;!";~';';~~'~:"" 1'1 ,,; , "f' . . I i ,/0..' ' . I I' , I, . I >' I 1'.1 I II ,I, ' ' . '.: I I ..i ".,11 If '''1':.' ,"; ,.;.,' ' ': .'1 " '~,.",' I . .'0" I": , " .,...1,.. I " ',I . . I ,". ., .1 ". J " I I ' Ii" \.' I;. 'I. . ,1 ;', " [ , . I. . ~,~'!>."A~;~ ,..,>~iL" ~',r~'~: r,;(\':~7~:'~'~\c.,:",~. '~:;~,-ii~:~~:.~w':"':~~'~'''~~;: ',I' "I \' ,:,.\ . .1, '\," ~;;', \.-.1 'I .',\ :,..' :\ ":..1:' I '\ '\1. ' \ . ~AR~NT-YDEE~ ,'H--;-.L\ . \ \ , \ ,',j' .;,t. ,ny, ' , '...:.L__", , , . .', I ,\ " ' ;, ',T~!l lJin~~~ /lI'd~: t~l~IZO~~ ,dn',cir~.r~~\ ~: ~ r'1,~~~~R>!irEBJlVI4~l':$;~R~HB11S, ~ I ~.~'f ia ti ~~ 'e; "I !IJ-'~ , ,el\1~t1~~'~nae~~t~~ le1iS\~t ~he'M~~~, ~~~,~~~r1dO'~'~a~~rig ~t8 ,prl~~i~~i".p~!lOleb~ ~Ut!l\ne~S 7,n\\th~: \\"',i'.." ,,'~ . ,O,oWltf ~f st. Luol,e ~~(L St~~~ of :'Fi'OJ'1d"a~. pe JI1?1 0' t~" first Ipert '\ and 9KBY, BUnt> o,f the Oo:unty .,' . ~ '. . . I' ...'. . '. "'.\' '. I., . ' I , '. "., I, I .','. . \', of,: ~8rd.~on;8rl~ ~t8tt 'o.~\f,e~~:'Yir~1'n18~, ~e ~.Y;ot.t'heee~opd:p~rt; .1fI~88ETH.,,'.t~t,.~~e\ P:81d,'p.ar~~, , ,\,,1 of'.the1'lret'pai-t, .'for' ~~d' In ao~Slderati.o'n b~ the SUlD of TEN J>OLLARS 'AlplOTHER ,VAtu,ABtE. oon~: 'I ,":\. -. _' _' . \.. i " . _'.' ~ . -' . \ . . "t, .' ,_'.,', \ . , _ ,. \ :." . . - :. . . '.-..,. . t- . '-~: SlDERlT-10NS, to 1t i~ band p.ld, ,'the ~o.1pi,.hereo:t >1's h.r~'bY'8okno'Yil~dgGd'" has ,@-ran~ed~ b8~@&iried," -', .'." . '-., _ . ,-., ." '.. . ,'.,'_ .... ..' .... " ,,-\, 'c. "~'.'~" " , .'.", ..... '~.'.. ~ :,","" - ,. . ,eo~d.al1ened.reln,~eed,: reie..se~. oon:ve:Y'~d'8~ci,oon#med.,8.nd' J>,rthe~. pre.serite :d,othltr.nt. . .' . . b8r.~ln. 'S~l],~' ~l1en~: "~eml,e'~', ~~leas~'.: ~O'nV~Y8'u~~ '~.o'nflrm'uD~_ t~e'~ai~: _part; ot: the B$'OO,n~' pan' . . '., ", ~ ". ' . '. \ ,.,. " ' . ,': , . ' ' \ ." , ':end.Ms. helre.8,n~8.B1gns .!o'r,e've.r:. ~jJi1 .1rhat_'o"J't8in,'P!lro~i' of la~4 ',1fl~g a'n~ being .in the' Courity , : ,,:ot,:,~.t:~"Luoh and S'tateof'Pl,orlda, Illore part1oularly'4eaorlbed a,sfQllo,!,e':, . i' < ", ,~~.' ".......'~.' ',' . ...' :.. "..' ,', " '. ...' '. .. ':Beg1~,ll)g ~t.,a:.p~st on;th~ No:th:,B88t,;11i:l. Of:.th~:p~e~lng~ren~,~t:ke~,,~~~o!1S~:reet, ," . . - , - ' . ," '~.', . ., - . . . ,....' - . . ~ " '1'11I1'ln a)~,sterly dlreot~.on ~n the. grant l!pe:f1v.e'htlndrQd andnl1:l,l.509).,teet ,~~. ':, ", ,'," . "', ... ' .',. ,,' ,,:,... '. .... ,.,'. ,c., ,....,...:, '. ...' \, . .oounty road.'t1ght'6f way then'08 along saldro84right,of,way .1h'e'.hundrdand. 8eysnt1 " ;' '*"' " "" '- 4," ~:"."~" " .-.... "_.". " .e'~" " .'. ._ . .' ",", _.~ . ': ,,'f ::..:.' ,'. " ....,:. .. ,,', , ~e~"'~ ,t~'17~ . t~et'"th~ii08',1~ ~'. we~t'erl1:~l~~')t~on,n~,n~:h\1lidr~d and. fo:~y' f 9,40).~~et.. , ".to the, Ra'llraadright'of war. thenoe In:a:,UortherlY' (l1re.ot1on .along :8a14 ,r81],.road . ...',' ..' ,'".. """,': " . , :.. ',' .,'.' '" ,.',.. ',... " .':":, ..'. . , '.': :,... . ',r~ght1!.l ~r,,:aye1ght hun.~r..cL ~nd'thh'~:, 81gh~' (83~8) fe~.t .tQ l8Illonstre,et, ,thGn,oe ~aster~. along Lbon Street iwei..e",h~dr~d ,and s'e~e~te'enl'ilSl~r feet to the ,point of beSlnnln~ . .~ ~ " . .., ~ . . . . '. _', .;__.1 : ..,.' _ ,"'" . ~ .'. . '.' , ," '._ -' . " ',..~".. befn"g p8~tof the 'purohas8'made by .~ P. $198nf.rom the ;Sebaet1aJ'l'J;(lvel' Lend &: Impi'ov'ement . , 'o'~.' "on':J~~ "t~e 'Slst' '1~i'4: 'aDd. {l'n.orlbe~~aB'.~OlIOW", .:Sit~18t~d'~'qblnt 'Lu~~e:oou'n~1" . . . " .._.' ,"_ . . ",.. . . . ~'t _ ~ .'''" . , . .' . .' . "',. ~_:~." ':. ~ S'tateotFlo1"id.a-'ln' T~shlpa,Th1r.ty' (3~));. ~n9-thirt'y..one ~outl)., Range'rbl;rt1-8even~ . . .' .:". . ~..'.' ~ , ...-.... . 'l., ,. >' ,'.'-;". ....... ... .~_ ......'. ."~:" _.' ~ .... .'"...' ,,",.- .... th1r tY-,e1ght 'end t.h~rt1-nlne' East t )Cn:o!in: 8~d desor1:bed~8s"8'.P8rt of'8~ot~onthlttl .' " '. .,' . . , . '. . J, . . .' . ;0~,the"Plem1ng Gra,nt". end'JIlore~U~l1 .de~rfbett. ,lns, ~el'teln'map ,of "Wau:rigQ~ 'Plat" . 1n sdd Pl,emlng';Oritnt made'~y s.. B~ "Certet" a,Dd fUed 'in the' Land Reoords of Brevard' . ,I' :. ... .. Oo'~i1tY~j'ezoept One'80X"e In the lioi'theast Cor1i~r"deededto ~. 'n. 'Vlokers,on' the 22nd , " . dat otOo.to,ber.: ~9l7~ QOnialn1l1g' Tweriti":~hree, acre.s'. , . . ~ . > '-~ . '. TOGRTHxR 'with a11 the ~t.~nement8~per,edl teinfJntB" and apptirten8~oes,>ri th .'ever1 prlYUee:e;:r1ght, '. _ _ ,..;:f.. o. -. " \.... ;__~,utlf,. 1nter~'Bt. andes..tate/rnerelon. 'rel,ll8.ilid.8i.-:..a:nd eaBe,lJ!8ritth~hto belong1'ng or ioanyw1se app'ert~inlng;To HAVE AND ~O HOLD,.th8 Bel!18,'1n'~e,e's~iDP:le, for8v~r~'... . ,a' A,.i1d the $81(1 party ,~f, th~ ,first paTt'do.th~O~eila~t~!.~tht~!e8i~ptrtYOf the seoof,ldJlart.. .. ' .' .' ,{ . ." .' . . .', . ,. , that".l t 1s l!lWf~lli selsed. ~f the tJ81d' p.emis8s;. th8't .theyare ',free ,from, ell 1ncumbr'8hoes, and, .. that l,~: hae goo'd:rl'ghtaf,ld18~fui authort~t ,to S:81l"tl1~' ea~e; and" the 'sald P8T,tY'Of the flt~t '. . . . .. . . . d088 hereby' fully'w8rraot'.the"t1 t18 to :8$ 14 lend., end will <t~t'ndthe &lame, a~~n8t "the .lawful o+a1mu 9f, all;'peraons'.wb>lIisoever,. . I.'.. " - ' " - ~. . .' IN WITNESS WRE~OP, ,the said 'P8rty'~f the fire.t part ha'a. 08t1ae~ .thes's presents .to be B1'gneti , ,iri t he day , ' . Preetdent, "and It~ oorporate, seal to beaffind,' atteet,d 1>Y'1ts Seoretar)'; \ . " , : By ,,"#-10KERS BROTHERS . . . .. ~ ~,.. - ~ Georg.' F.'V1ck.re f'reelt1ent, ~ "~. Attewt: :'1. W. Vlokerll .lts, S,o,l'''~_~!'.ln. 81snfld" .B,eal!.d_ an~ del1Ytrtd '. I, In our preseno,: ~----------.----- _._ .____'._. .._. ____,,' 0 . , .-', O. ~,. S,sBions AugUsta K. ~.ll ,f ,_ .{ , I t ' . t . , I [ , ,. , I I" ~ f r :L' " . " \ \ . " \ , , " " I " . " ' ". .' ,cf" ., '. . ~ -:. " ~. " , .. " ,/ .f